271302 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council �+"j t�� s CANAP� - DEPARTMENT / BLUE �'�' - MA�oR . File NO.�'� •- ���� � � Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution combining and replacing certain titles and class specifications in the Civi.l Service Rules. WHEREAS, it is appropriate and desirable to combine and replace � certain titles and class specifications in the Civil Service Rules; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, t,hat the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 6 thereof, under the heading "Manual and Maintenance" Group, by striking out tlie titles of Car and Truck Serviceman in Grade 22; Heavy Equipment Serviceman in Grade 27; and Mechanic Foreman--Water Department, Fireman Mechanic Foreman, and Mechanic Foreman-Municipal Garage in Grade 38; and by substituting in lieu tliereof, respecti±trely, the titles of Vehicle Maintenance Worker (Light) in Grade 22, Vehicle Maintenance Worker (Heavy) in Grade 27, and Ve�iicle Mechanic Supervisor i.n Grade 38; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be furt,her amended in Section 4g thereof, by striking out the class specifications for the titles of , - 1 - COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays [n Favor _ __ Against - BY -- Adopted by Council: Date For Approve by C' ttorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By _ Approved by 1�layor: Date _ Ap r ved by Mayor for ' sion to Council BY - — B WH17E - CiTV CLERK " - PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L COUIICII CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ���r��`� BLUE / - MAYOR ��- � � Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 2 - Car and Truck Serviceman, Heavy Equipment Serviceman, Mechanic Foreman--Water Department, Fireman Mechanic Foreman, and Mechanic Foreman-Municipal Garage, and by substituting in lieu thereof, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specifications for the titles of Vehicle Maintenance Worker (Light), Vehicle Maintenance Worker (Heavy), and Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor. Approved: . � Chairman Civil Service Coxnmission COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler PERSONNEL OFFICE Houa [n Favor � /+� Levine _ V __ Against BY Maddox Showalter j�""° -- JUN ��2 1978 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted bv��ouncil: Date Ce,xCified Y• se � Council Secretary ` BY �'� G - LY� Approved b vor. Date • � %' �� Approved by Mayor for Subm ss pn to Council By � � � _� ��� gY �UStISHED JU� 1 197$ �����j Title of class: VEHFCLE MAINTENANCE WORKER (LIGHT) DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs semi-skilled work in servicing, washing and making minor adjustments and repairs of city vehicles; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of a vehicle maintenance supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. - TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Greases automobiles, trucks and motorcycles; changes oil and oil filters; resupplies vehicles wfth gasoline in the field. Services, charges, removes and replaces batteries and tires in the shop and the field. Performs minor repairs or replaces belts, radiator hoses, thermos�ats, windshield wiper equipment, sparkplugs, lights, fuses and flashers. Washes and cleans vehicles and their engines. Cleans and maintains shop, shop equipment and fire exhaust fans. Operates tow truck to tow in disabled vehicles. Operates shop service equipment including lifts, jacks and hoists. Refuels fire equipment in emergency situations. Makes and replaces main and gutter brooms on sweepers. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Workircg knowledge of vehicle servicing procedures. Working knowledge of tools and equipment used in servicing vehicles. Considerable skill in the safe use of hand and power tools and equipment used in the repair and overhauling of liglit vehicles. MINIbiUM QUALIFICATIONS One years' experience as a light vehicle maintenance worker. Must possess a Class B Minnesota Driver's License. Title of class: �ry�r��� r VEHICLE MAINTENANCE tiVORKER (HEAVY) DESCRIPTIQN OF {VORK General Statement of Duties: Performs semi-skilled work in servicing, washing and making minor adjustments and repairs of city vehicles and heavy equipment; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of a vehicle maintenance supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class.; Greases automobiles, trucks, motorcycles and heavy equipment including graders, sweepers and tractor dozers; changes oil and oil filters; resupplies vehicles with gasoline in the field. Services, charges, removes and replaces batteries and tires in the shop and the field. Performs minor adjustments or replaces belts, radiator hoses, thermostats, windshield wiper equipment, lights, fuses and flashers. Washes and cleans vehicles and their engines. Cleans and maintains shop, shop equipment and fire exhaust fans. Operates tow truck ta tow in disabled vehicles. Operates shop service equipment including lifts, jacks and hoists. Refuels fire equipment in emergency situations. Makes and replaces main and gu�ter brooms on sweepers. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of vehicle servicing procedures. Considerable knowledge of toQls and equipment used in servicing vehicles. Considerable skill in the safe use of hand and power tools and equipment used in the repair of light vehicles. Working ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions and technical manuals. MINIMUM QUALIFICATTOI3S Two years' experience as a Vehicle Maintenance Worker (Light), Heavy Equipment Operator or equivalent. Must possess a Class B Minnesota Driver's License. Title of class: ' VEHICLE MECHANIC SUPERVISOR �'"�'���� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory work directing the repair, maintenance and servicing of cars, trucks and specialized equipment; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the division supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises general supervision over skilled an.d semi- skilled workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs and inspects the work of inechanics and helpers in thP r��air, maintenance and servicing of City vehicles and equipment such as trucks, automobiles, construction equipment, fire apparatus, grounds maintenance and forestry equipment and related equipment and accessories. Purchases or renuests the purchase of parts, tools and supplies; partici- pates in estimating supply and equipment needs. Coordinates the work of skilled and semi-skilied vehicle maintenance employees. Plans, directs and participates in the development and modification of vehicles and equipment to effect improvements or to meet new requirements. Performs skilled mechanical work when necessary to alleviate work load or to provide special expertise to a job. Directs the fabrication of parts and tools. Demonstrates the use of new materials and equipment. Directs and participates in the inspection of new vehicles and equipment for compliance with contract specifications. Completes operating and work reports and maintains service records. Asswnes the duties of the facility supervisor as required. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of the tools, material and equipment used in vehicle servicing, repair and maintenance. . Considerable knowledge of procedures and techniques of servicing, repa�ring and maintaining municipal vehicles. Considerable skill in the safe use of hand and power tools used in the repair and overhauling of vehicles. Working ability to demonstrate work practices. Considerable ability to supervise and set work priorities. Considerable ability to communicate effectively with supervisors and subordinates. Considerable ability to understand and follow complex oral and written instructions, technical manuals and parts catalogues. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Three years' experience as a Vehicle Mechanic or equivalent. hiust possess a Class B Minnesota Driver's License. _ � _. _ _ , - - • Do not detach this memorandum fr�n the ..:..�_ . :� �g�� resolution so t ha t t his in fo c�n s t i o n w i i! b e � p�s �,�/�q�g: � : avaiiabte to the City Coun�it. ' Rsv.: 9���17.6 _ . �� � �►�� �'�.��2 �saLtr�c�c��,. , D�Atat May 31, 1978 � �o= �ag� a��� ��� . �t E +� � ���� � D FR; pa�ee�aaal; o�Eti.ce JllN � ���8 lI11i4vQ� � RE: R�solu�i.on fpr eub�sa�i�r te� C�I��r C,vu�te�:]. � '��'�.��I�ST r . i�a xsc� 9�w� a�rov�a;i. and su�1�►m�s��.,�ti a�, thie ��a7.u�i:�a �p �� G�.tY �►ancii. PE1�!48� ��t�AL� FOR TgIS ACTTt1N: � This Resolution will esta.blieh in fihe Graded Divisian under the Heading of "Maaual a.nd Maintenan.ce" Group tl�.e titles and cla.ss specificatians for �ehicle Main�tenance Worker (Light), Vehicle Mainter�ance �t�`orker (Heavy), and Yehicle Mechanic Su.pervisor. The new titles wilt combine and replace ti.tlee as follows: New Tit1e s Old Tit1e s Ve�iicle Maintenance Worker (Light) -- Car a�d Traa,ck Serviceman Vehicle Maintenance Worker (Heavy) -- Heav�y Equipment Servicema.n ( Mechanic Forema.n--Water Departme� Vehicle Mecha.nic Supervisor -- --- ( Fireman-Mechau�ic ForemaA ( Mechanic Foreman--Muaicipal Garage There are some changes in �he minimum qualifications section of t1�e.class \ specifi.cations. There are no changes ir� Grade. � _ A...:�.��: , R=,eso�ution a.nd copy for the Ci�y Clerk � • Title of class: CAR AND TRUCK SERVICEMAN Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to service cars and trucks by greasing, oiling, gassing, etc. ; and to perform related work as assigned. Exa.mples of work performed: To grease, oil and gas trucks and cars. To change grease in transmission and differential. To service, remove, change, and replace batteries. To remove and replace tires, filters, fan belts, headlights, spark plugs, etc. To wash cars and trucks. To act as parts runner when needed. To operate a tow truck. To assist in the repair of tires. To assist mechanics as instructed. To keep the shop area clean. To act as watchman. Minimum qualifications: • One year's experience as a car and truck serviceman. • Effective April 9, 1966 • Title of class: HEAVY EQUIPMENT SERVICEMAN Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to servxce heavy motor equipment; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To grease and oil heavy equipment such as motor patrols, sweepers, and tractor-dozers. To clean and service working parts of sweepers, material sp�eaders, and other construction equipment. To change sweeper brooms and make minor adjustments. To install and remove snow plows. To replace batteries, filters, fan belts, radiator hoses, head lights, spark plugs, etc. To report needed repairs to shop foreman. To help mechanics and welders as assigned. Minimum qualifications: Two years' experience as a Car and Truck Serviceman, Truck • Driver, Motor Equipment Operator, or equivalent. • Effective January 3, 1972 • Title of class: MECHANIC FOREMAN°-WATER DEPARTMENT Duties and responsibilities: Under direction, to be in charge of the maintenance and repair of automotive and accessory equipment at the Water Department garage; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To supervise the repair of motorized equipment. To schedule work and make assignments to mechanica and others working in the garage. To be in charge of the garage. To perform difficult or unusual repair work. To supervise the cost and stock records of the garage. To make reports and recommendations regarding equipment. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and three years' experience as an auto mechanic. • Related titles: • Auto Mechanic Mechanic Foreman-�Water Department Effective June 10, 1963 � Title of class: FIREMANmMECHANIC FOREMAN Duties and responsibilities; Under direction9 to assist in directing the maintenance and repair of police and fire automotive apparatus and accessory equipment; and to perform related work as assigned, Examples of work performedo To direct repairs to automotive equipment in the Public Safety Garage. To assist in supervising and directing the repair and maintenance of ladders, extinguishers, hose, nozzles and other apparatus. To test hose, nozzles, and extinguishers. To perform difficult or unusual repair worka To be in charge in the absence of the General Foreman. Minimum qualifications; Eighth-grade education and three years' experience as an Auto Mechanic or as a Fireman-Mechanic. • Related titles: Fireman-Mechanic • Fireman-Mechanic Foreman Fireman-Mechanic General Foreman Effective March 30, 1959 • Title of class: MECHANIC FOREMAN--MUNICIPAL GARAGE Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to act as shop foreman in directing the maintenance and repair of automotive and accessory equipment at the Municipal Garage; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To lay out, assign and coordinate the work of inechanics and other garage workers. To diagnose trouble and determine the nature of repairs to be made. To write work orders and the description of work accomplished. To assist in more difficult or unusual repair work. To inspect and test finished repairs for adequacy and quality of work. To instruct and guide personnel in methods and techniques. To keep records and as,sist in requisitioning of supplies, tools and mate rial s. To determine work to be done under warranty, and to keep adequate records of same. To read and interpret automobile manufacturers' manuals, diagrams and specifications. • Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and three years' experience as an Auto Mechanic, or equivalent. • Effective May 1, 1964