271297 City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE N0. 2�1�9� � Resolution Approving Assessment By - and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon and Fixing Time of Hearing on the Award File No. 17934 of Damages In the matter of acquiring the following described easements ia connectiot� with , _.. r�RE�Y ST_. S1�I2M SEWBR �ro�ec t: __,._....._ _ _ ___ _ ___. ..__ . ---— �---- - --- - . �-_._�.,. A 20' wide �ermanent sewer easement over and. across that part of vaca�ed Berry Street lying between the northeasterly right-of-way line of Pearl Street and the southerly right-of-�ray line of the Burlington Northern Railroad formerly the Northern Pacific RailroadJ and Lots l and 2, Block 1, �.istis Addition to St. Anthony Paxk� and part oi the southwest quarter of the northi,�est quaxter Section 29, Township 29 North, Ran�e 23 � West lying North of the sautherly right-of-way line o� the Burlington Northern Railroad formerly the llorthe�n Pacific Railroad. . '� The center line of the easement= is described as follows: , Begiuning at the intersection of th� northeasterly right-of-way � line of Pearl Street and a line 7 feet West of and parallel to ` - �, the center J.�,ne of vacated Berry Street; thence North 00 � " degrees, 19 minutes, 17 secands West (assumed bearing), a . � distanc� aP 273 feet rsore or less to a point on s�id para,23,e1 line 350.00 feet North of the South line of the northwest ~�-"' quar�ter of Section 29, Township 29 North, Range 23 t�est as measured. a.long said parallel line; thence North �+3 degrees, u" 33 minutes, 08 seconds Ea.st, a distance of 117.06 feet; theace � — North 69 degrees, 53 miriutes, �+3 sec�nds East, a. distance of '� Pr' 176.q2 feet; thence Idorth 70 degrees, 20 minutes, 25 seconds — East, a distance of 515.02 feet; thence North 60 degrees, 1�.6 Fi: �nutes, �+3 seconds East, a distance of 161.94 feet; thence — South 61 degrees, 07 minutes, 03 seconds East, a distance of 29.78 feet more or less to a point of intersection with the sautherly ri�ht-of-wa.y line of the $urlington Northern Railroad ;ed fo� formerly the Plorthern Pacific Railroad, said point of intersection nd �S _ ;being 9�+.00 feet West of and measured. at.ri�ht angles_ to the_F•ast �__,._,,., it 13ne of the sautliwest quarter of �he nortYn�est quarter Section 29, T�anship 29 North, Range 23 West and there texminating. on of �he si3e linzs of swid easems�t�1 .are �ralonged or shortened. to termir_ate ,cil Ch on the nor�theasterly ri�ht=�f-way line of'Pearl Street and the southerly of — right-of-way line oY the Burlingtan Northern. Railroad formerly the _ nd he �orthern Pacific Railraa.d. - � Also a temporary construction easement to the extent shown in the Department of Public Works Drawing No. 2358, Dratiaer No. 2, dated Februaxy 2�F, 19'�'j. Said temporary easement to expire Dece�.nbsr 31, 1978 or upon completian of — Ye public �+lorks Setaer Project 5-0�60G2. . �:,.. ."; ' �.er� a rass , by Council Secretary o � Butlef - u t " fiOZZa �In Favor �e ine � � f� l/ JUN 2 1 1978 Ro ef �-euitlA _ Against �u � �4'i �. , M33/OI s� e er ad`��� PUBtISHED �UL 1 1978 '._�: ?sco " S;;r;vw��t�C T�t�