271294 WHITE - C�TY CLERK �'71294 PINK - FINANCE COUILCII CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL {� � BLUE - MAVOR File N V. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul adopted a motion on Tuesday, May 16, 1978 withdrawing the final order for the grading, paving and sanitary sewer const�uction in GABRIEL ROAD; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it necessary that additional engineering studies be made in order to develop an alternate proposal for the sanitary sewer construction for po�tions of GABRIEL ROAD;now therefo�e be it RESOLVED, that the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized to pro- ceed with the necessary engineertng studies and field surveys in order to: 1 . Determine the right-of-way required fo r a sewer easement from Winthrop Street to Gabriel Road. 2. Design a sanita ry sewer from Winth rop Street through an ease- ment to Gabrtel Road and then North on Gabriel Road approxi- mately 450 feet. 3• Design a storm sewer from Winthrop Street through an easement to Gabriei Road. 4. Determine the right-of-way required for the future extension of Gab rie 1 Road to the South; and be i t further RESOLVED, that the Department of Finance and Management Services is here- by authorized to investigate the method of assessments to the benefitted proper- ties; and be it further RESOLVED, that a moritorium be placed on bullding permits on Gabriel Road until such time that sanitary se�er and water service is available; and be tt further RESOLVED, that upon completion of the studies required for this alternate proposal, the Department of Public Works is instructed to schedule this matter before the City Council for a final order. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas N a}•s � B le B�tier [n Favor P H Hu HO� ���C�x.CJ( �• Lev e "� v Against BY Ro er �eY�� Sy ve ter Maddox T des o Showal �r rp.o��— Form Approved by Ci y At rney Adopted by C il: Date —�z_ Certifie asse y Counci .ecretat�� BY B, �• Approve by :Vlavor: Date � �` �� Appr v y Mayor for m' sio to Council gy /`��r1— BY pUBE1SNED JUL Z 197� ; , OM Ol: 12/�2975 . . . h� . .. . ' . ,, �' Rev. : 9/8/76 i , � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORaERS, ` RESOLUTIQIV5, AND ORDI�iA:.tiCES 2'71294 Date: May 23. 1978 : � E �. E � � E � JUN 1 1978 IIAA�'�'ilNf Q� : TO: MAYOR 6EORGE LATIMER FR: DONALD E. NYGAARD, DlRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS �: S-1622 GABRIEL ROAD - SeMer. Constructio� . AC�ION REQUESTE�: � . Counaii Resolution authorizing Pub11c 4lorks to proc�ad with necsssary angi�eering dasigns ie+ order to determine specific feastbiltty o� an atternate proposal . PURPflS� AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: , The Final Order calling fo� tha improv�ment of GABRIEL ROA� (P.O. 270794) was withdra�m by the City Council on May 16, 1978. Tha City Counctl ln- � ciuded tn the awtta� to wtthdraiw the orders a directive to p�apars a resolution•authorizing Public Works to procesd �vith additlonal engineering studies. . ATTAC�iMENTS: ' Co�ct1 Resolutlon . � • REB:AS:mf