271280�� � WHITE - CITV CI.ERK � • PINK - RINANCE COIlIICll GAiiARV - qEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � � � �� BLUE -MAVOR dindnce Ordinance N 0. ��-(� 1 � ( � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date } Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 290 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code changing Public Market to City Market and establishing the administration of the City Market under the direction of the Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Saint Paul Legislative Code be- and the same is hereby amended by making the following deletions and additions: 290.01 - Market Established: location. All that triangular-shaped tract of land bounded on the southwest by Jackson Street, on the southeast by Tenth Street, and on the northerly side by Interstate Highways 35E and 94, togethe� with vacated streets and alleys contained within the boundaries of �aid tract and contiguous thereto, and together with such additions and extensions as hereafter be made thereto, is hereby designated and established as the City Market of the City of Saint Paul for the barter and sale of ineat, fruit, vegetables, garden truck, and other products of the farm, gardEn, greenhouse, apiary or of the forest, and other approved products, subject to all the regulations and provisioris of this ordinance, to all othEr iaws and ordinances relative thereto and to such other rules and regulations governing the same whieh may be p�omulgated and posted by the H��eeter e�-�l�e-Begar�rter�t-e€-Ee�tt��t�-�e�etees Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development. (Amended ord. 12940, Mar. 26, 1965; 150M7, Sept. 23, 1974; ord. , 1978) COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary B � ��� 7� By Approved by Mayor: Date Ap o ed by Mayor fo S b is 'on to C�Suncil By B .. .' -2- , � �/� � 290. 02 - Market Business Hours. �ke-market-bt�atnesa-he�rs-fer-the-ettp-Meer3set-are-herebp des�e}aatee�-at-freM-6-96-Ps.-M.--te-��-9A-ATeen-en-Mendap;-�nesde�p; We�nesdeep;-�ht�rse�np-end-Pr�e�ep;-aae�-fram-6-AA-P�.-M.--te-�r99-�':M.--an 9atezre�ap;-atzrrng-tke-per�ee�-freM-�4prt�-�5th-te-6epternber-39th;-�ne�t�s��re; �n-ee�ek-pear;-ane�-frem-6eteber-}at-te-eene�-tn��e�ntng-Aprt�-}4th-e�n��p exeegt-S�c�ap;-st�eh-hat�rs-as-me�-be-€rxee�-aree�-gasted-bp-the-r4ar3eet H�reeter-frem-t�me-te-t��te- Days and hours of the operation of the City Market shall be posted by the Market Director as established by the Department Director; and no person shall sell or display for sale upon said market any meat, vegetables, fruit, garden truck, or other £a�rn products provided herein earlier or later than the hours prese�ibee�-kere�n e� duly �txee�-ead posted by the Market Director, except that the Market Director, with the approval of the B��eeter-a€-the-9ege.rtment-e�-Ee�rnnn�tp 6er��ees Department Director may if he deems it for the best interests of said City Market, allow regularly-approved stall renters to display their products at an earlier hour. A��-bt��*er9-gatren�ztng-9a�d-xter3�et are-gra��b�ted-frem-br�rtg�ae}-�ek�e�es-tkereea-tsnt��-6-99-�.-i�S:--Ne gersen-sl�e��-e��gg�ap-ar-effe�-far-sn�e-enp-e�t�e�e-e�-t3�e-8�t�*-Me�3�et ea-St�r�e�a�r.- All growers occupying stalls on a season, monthly, or daily permit, shall after 7: 00 A.M. daily vacate their regularly-assigned stalls and move the central area as designated by the Market Director. (Amended ord. 12940, Mar. 26, 1965; ord. , , 1978) 290. 03 - Market available to producers. All farmers and market gardeners who raise their own products, upon approval by the market director or their application for a producer' s certificate, and any other vendor of products herein provided shall be admitted to the use of said city market on terms of equality and without discrimination, and subject to the rules and regulations of this market and the provisions of this chapter. #3# (Code 1956, as mended, �290 .03 . ) 290 .04 - Sales permitted. Meat, fruit, vegetables, garden truck, and other products of the farm, garden, greenhouse, apiary or of the forest and other approved products may be sold on the city market. Manufactured goods, wares and merchandise may be sold if approved by the market director. No goods purchased on the market or elsewhere shall be resold or offered for sale on the market. Al1 products offered for sale shall be placed according to regulations by the market director to be unwholesome or unfit to be consumed or used he shall order the owner or owners thereof to remove the same forthwith from the city market. In the event of the failure or refusal of the said owner or owners of such unwholesome or unfit articles to remove same it shall be the duty of �he market directc�r to cause the arrest of such person and hi removal from the city market. #3# (Code 1956, as amended, �290 .04 . ) . . ,' -3- � ( �� V" 290.05 - Traffic. The Market Director �tth-the-epp�a�e�-ef-tl�e-B��eeter-e� Eax�rrttzr��t�-Se��r�cea shall promulgate reasonable rules which shall be approved the Department Director for the regulationof traffic within the boundaries of said market, mep-e�e9te�nete the place of ingress and egress, and gre9er�be the manner of placing and moving vehicles so as to avoid congestion and confusion and to promote the convenience of prospective purchasers .- anc� patrons. 290.06. - Rentals. Stalls upon said market may be rented for one year or any less period, singly or in groups . Any farmer or market gardener or association thereof who has a Producer' s Certificate shall make application for stall space to the market director, specifying the number and location thereof. The market director, upon receipt of payment for stall rental, shall forthwith deliver to each applicant a receipt which shall entitle the holder to the use of the staff or stalls therein described for the period specified. The market director shall also grant ' application for stall or stalls or other services at the market for any other period desired in accordance with the schedule herein set forth. Market Season. The market season shall be deemed to extend from May 1 to October 31, both dates inclusive , of each year. Rental of stall space and scale weight charges shall be posted as set by the Department Director.es-fa��orv9.- Rental shall in all cases be payable in advance according to the above schedule. No credit shall be extended. Default in payment of rent shall immediately terminate all rights of the lessee to the stall or stalls rented witho�t other or further notice. #3# (Code 1956, as amended, s290 .06 . ) 290 .07 - Parking Facilities. , The public market or any part thereof may be used for off- street automobile parking facilities and charges made for the use of said property for such purpose, and the use of said market or any part thereof for such parking facilities shall be taken at such times and in such places under the control of the ���eeter-ef-��e-Hepa��t�er�t-ef 8emmt�r����-&e��r�ces Department Director so that said use will not in any manner interfere with or become an obstacle to the use of said City Market property for city market purposes described in 290 .01. Pi}}-a�e�l�t-ga�3��ne�-e�-et�tetnebt�ea-a�e�-�rt�e3�s-�9-prel����ted exeegt-tl�et-trt�eks-�e�-be-ge�at�ttee�-te-gerl�-a��-r��gkt-�n-eles�gaatee� epea-et�ee-�gen-ge�tent-ef-sgee�f�ee�-fee: . . � ��� -4- � �he-2e�zae��-b�*-resa�t�tten-gka��-set-and-�ran�-t�me-te-t�me reset The daily, weekly, nnd monthly, and other charges to be made for the privilege of using the said market property for automobile parking purposes apen-t�e-wrttten-ae�v�ee-eeae�-the-ep�n�en-ef-t�e ���eeter-ef-the-BegartMeat-ef-2en�nnan�t�-Ser*a�ee� .- shall be set by the Department Director. (Amended ord. , 1978) 290. 08. - Weights and measures. The weights and measures used on the city market shall be posted and be in conformity with the standard weights and measures as #3# (Code 1956, as amended, �290 .08. ) 290.09. - Full weight required. The market director shall prohibit the sale of all articles which are displayed or offered for sale on the market that are of less weight than represented by �he container or by the seller. #3# (Code 1956, as amended s290.09. ) 290 .10. - Refuse. All refuse or standard garden truck from the normal market � ' operation such as vegetables, fruit, berries, melons or similar products `. must be disposed of in such manner as the market director may order before the person discarding such material leaves the market place. If, however, any vegetable, fruit or any other unwholesome, unfit or unusual refuse not from normal market operation shall be found on or about the market, the market director shall order the owner or producer to remove same at once at the sole expense of the owner thereof. #3# (Code 1956, as amended, �290.11 . ) � 290.11. - Wilfully deface. No per5on shall wilfully deface or damage the buildings, pavement or other physical equipment �f the city market. #3# (Code 1956, as amended, s290 .12 . ) 290.12 . - Inspection. Al1 products sold or bought on the city market of the City of Saint Paul shall be open to the inspection of duly authorized municipal or state health officials, end-tke officials of the city market:, or any other duly authorized official of the City of Saint Paul. . . . 5 �r �� � 290 .13 . - Nuisances. No person shall distribute; without the approval of the market director, scatter about or post on the city market any advertising pamphlet, card, handbill or other printed matter; nor shall any person except as may otherwise be provided by this or other city ordinances beg, loiter, solicit patronage for any business, or sell or attempt to sell , display or demonstrate any goods, merchandise, real estate, animals, vehicles or other materials or things whatsoever on the city market. #3# (Code 1956, as amended. �290 .14 . ) 290 .14 . - Liquor. Ne-gersea-sl�a��-he�e-�a-h�s-gessess�er�;-�se;-se��-e�-g��e-a�ra� �n-tke-e�t�-�+a�ket The rules covering the use of any wines, spiritous, intoxicating mixed or fermented liquors or beer:shall be the same as those overnin use in cit arks . #3# (Code 1956, as amended, 290 .151 . ) 290 . 15. - Chapter application. The provisions of this chapter shall extend to embrace all spaces, streets and commons on or about the market where fa.�M product as provided herein are offered for sale. #3# (Code 1956 , as amended, �290 .16 . ) 290. 16. - Resistance to market director. Every person who shall resist said market director in the lawful discharge of the several duties imposed upon him by the rules and regulations of said market and by this chapter, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. #3# (Code 1956, as amended, �290 .17. ) 290.17. - Bond of director. Before entering upon the duties of his office, said market director shall execute and deliver to the City of Saint Paul a surety � company bond in the sum of $1,000 , conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties as such officer. #3# (Code 1956, as amended, �5290 .18 . ) 290.18 . - Christmas trees. The market director shall require all Christmas tree dealers doing business at the city market to make a deposit to said market director to insure proper cleanup of the premises and to cover an,y WHITE - CITV CLERK .�� J � PINK ., -"FINANGE COl1IIC11 �y CA1JAtiV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � ' 1 BL'C1E• -+AIAVOR • /,��j/^ I Or in�nce Ordinance N 0. I\(J 1 V� I Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -6- damages that might happen to the property as a result of renting said property to the Christmas tree dealers . The amount of this deposit shall be determined by the market director raith the approvai of the 9��ee�e�-e�-tke-Hegertmeat-e€-Ce�tt�att�-&er�rtees:Department Director. Said deposit shall be returned to the Christmas tree dealers if there is no damage to the property and if the property is cleaned up to the satisfaction of the market director. #3# (Code 1956, as amended, �290 .19. ) Section 2 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler �a In Favor Hunt Levine � Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco A�� � $ �]� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified d b Coun ' cr ��� �p By � Ap ed by Mayor: Da AU6 3 1 �9�8 Appr d by Mayor for Su iss on to�ouncil By By 1 I _ 4 9 J ' � �� ' ` � 4 . � � . � . � � �� . � . . , . . .� _ � � � �, �..�. �j.�. �`'�i"�. � , � ; ;'r . '� �..� � � , �;, . . .fi . .S _I`' . �. . � �. e�.*r fF�N�., . � . �� f! ``F A � 1 �� , :�( ' �Y _ � � r� y � \ � 5 \ @: f . r� i � 1 . � . . . .ji ',.. . . �.� . : ." ' , � f� 1, �� .. � �x{ r lf' ; I . I . t if.f�� �� 'i_. Y \ � . 4'S�F , . . . .. . .. ' . �� . �� . � y J S �� � i� / ' �_ .,I , '•��Kk lq�. , � � I ( . . . . ��� . . 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' ' � � l a �}f ^ x ��,. c �, . f . !, { �� / :?� l�� d � � , . . . .t { � ?'k , .. . . . ' i . � \ � �: `I � .sa ' ',a �j- (F S1 � :'. r � . . I , ��' '�a.,� , g, . � � � � .�� \ . $ , d ,t'i J ��'� � " � � ',�� F ; fi � A : > . : � � , , , . �� �; � ;� �.> �0�4 � i , , � s . ' , , _ �r . , .- .'. �. r . . � � �•. .. ': ,. ' . , 1 >. , . .. .. , . _ . . ... .. . . , ...� . . . y� Pj ��' I l��l� � ��TY o�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ���� '- DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 4 . � � .....:..:.; .� � �•:��i� ,� ,�� ^� 55 East Fifth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55101 ... 612-298-5775 George Latimer Mayor June 21, 1978 St. Paul City Council Seventh Floor - City Hall St. Paul, NIlV 55102 ATTENTION: A1 Olson Dear Council Members: It is my understanding that the Council has raised the question of r+hether or not the Parking Commission is aware of the ordinance to transfer the administration of the City Market to the Parking Administrator from the Department of Community Sexwices. Yes, we are very much aware of this ordinance and encourage your prompt action. This action is one step in an overall program to assemble the fragmented administration of man�y City parking facilities under one head. As you may recall, this is one of the pri.me reasons that the Parking Commission was formulated. We feel that the administration of the City Market facility must take into account the market relationship and effect on other parking facilities in the downtown area. Again, we encourage your positive consideration of this ordinance. 'ncerely, � Gary T enoff, Chai.rman � St. Paul Parking Commission GJM:vl cc: Gary Stout :1 � � Cou�c i 1 Gl.�/ aq c=� F�ie N 0. �" �� -�'"r �� � - ' S��'3S1ITU'I'.E DR-�LFT Ordinance N O_ Date =,°:�. __..�:._ Da te 290 oi the ianging Public ��blishing the .:ket under of the �nomic �ec�cion .t. That the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended by making the following de�etions and additionsc 290 .01 - Market Established: location. All that triangular-shaped tract of land bounded on the southwest by Jackson Street, on the southeast by Tenth Street, and on the northerly side by Interstate Highways 35E and 94, together with vacated streets and alleys contained within the boundaries. af said tract and contiguous thereto, and together with such additions and extensions as hereafter be made thereto, is hereby designated and established as the City Market of the City of Saint Paul" for the barter and sale of ineat, fruit, vegetables, garden truck, and other products of the farm, garden, greenhouse, apiary or of the forest, and other approved products, subject to all the regulations and provisions of this ordinance, to all other laws and ordinances relative thereto and to such other rules and regulations governin� the same which may be_ promulgated and posted by the H��eeter e�-�ke-Bepa���e�t�-e�-Eex3.�t�rc�t�-Se���rees Director oi the Department of Planning and Economic Development. (Amended ord. 12940, Mar. 26, 1965; 1507, Sept. 23, 1974; ord. , 19?8) COUIVCIL4tElV �-�s Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor flunt Levine Against BY �iaddox � Sho�valter redeSCO Form Approved by City Attorney `` ti �,ted by Council: Date • �,,,,.��.�'J�–�-�. �__�--- itied Passed by Council Secretary a�� � : - _ .�,;.:� - � �� �> � ---- ' fat `'�+"."� "xa�'� - {�p o cd by �i�yw -�.=i.,�. '' ,r- � 4 ' T � [ ,z, :oved by Glayor: Bate — �,� � � a� ,' " �� ��t �;`°� ,.' Y"' �'' ,, �f -- � � � � . :.��-��.-"'"'`��"� �= � �' �-, -�,*a-,�,+�'a�.�..�r-� �?�' t Y� �� � : F.. �� T 2. `�'�irlSi'�i�_°."/n'. t . �'��iT�1.2 .-.'y' a! `�� .. _ . '. . . ...... "' ' ... > __. .�. __aLSr__ �..-_� 5.�.._._. !f'-`:,. _2_ r `l� ���U � ?�p.p? - :�rke t Business Hours. '��i . . ^_ �:��-t�..4rk��-bu��ne��-kr�tzrs--�c�r-t:�e-e�tu-M��:c��-���-I°�e�e�� �es�rrr�+���-cz�-Qra::z-6:�8-�.-�:.--ta-��:-9�-Pdearc-en-�:e�:�ec1,--�'��sc�a�: W�cn--j�:=1.--4��r�c�p-�nci-P��c�az;-a��-��e�-�:Fi9-M.-t�i:-ta-�-98-P .-�:-er. Sc�����',--��rz�g-�he-pe��e�-�ram-Fz����-�5t�-�a-S��tQ..�' er-38t:�;-}r.e�ti���P.- i;�-�.�c?i-y�ar;-cnc�-fror;�-6e�d}�e�-��st-�a-�ne�-�rce����r�,-r�����-�%�h-��z��� ex�:°pt-��nc�a�,--sne�-�C�t���-as-��p-}��-���e�-�zn�-�aste�-b�-tne-Aia�ke� �;y..r.���--fr�m-��me-te-t�rr�e; Days and hours of the operation of tne City :•S�rket shall be posted by the Nlarket Director as established by the � L�p3rt�ent Director; and no person shall sell or display for sale upon �aid market any meat, vegetables, fruit, garden truck, or other �a�� �ro�ucts provid�d herein earlier o- later than the hours �resey�bee�-���e;r� ��- duly ��x°�-arse� postz� by the Ma=ket Director, except that the �Zarket Di�rector, with the approval of the 3��°eeta�-e=-tlae-Be�sa���e�it-e�-Ee�c�ri�t� Se�d�ce� Department Director may if he deems it for the best interests of �aid City Market, allow regularly-approved stall rente rs to dzsplay their products at an earlier hour. ���-btt,�e�s-�a���n���r�g-s3��-�e�i�et e��-��-ai��bite�-�re�-b������;-�el��e�es-�i�e�ear�-r�n���-{-:68-�.-P4.---A�e pe�sar�-she��-e��s��ap-e�-e€�e�-�e�-sr��e-a�x�-a���e�e-ax-t�e-E���-:wia��e�c eri-St�rz���- All growers occupying stalls on a season, inonthly, or dai.ly permit, shall after 7: 00 A.M. daily vacate their regularly-assigned stalls and move the central area as designated by the Mar3tet Director_ (Amended ord. 12940, Mar. 26, 1965; ord. , , 1978) 290. 03 - Market� available to producers_ Al1 farmers and market gardeners who raise their own products, upon approval by the market director or their applicati�n for a producer' s certificate, and any �other vendor of products herein provided shall be admitted to the use of said city market on terms of equaiity and without discrimination, and subject to the rules and regulations af this market and the provisions of this chapter_ 43x (Code 1956, as mended, �290 .03.} 290.04 - Sales permitted. . Meat, fruit, vegetables, garden truck, and other products of the farm, garden, greenhouse, apiary or of the forest and othzr approved products may be sold on the city market_ rianufactured go�ds, wares and merchandise may be sold if approved by tn.e market director . No goods purchased on the market or elsewhere shall be resald or o�fered for sale on the market. All products offered for sale shali be placed according to regulation� by the market director to be un�+rholesome or unfit to be consumed or used he shall order the owner or owners thereof to renove the same forthwith from the city market. In the e�ent of the failure or ref�.:�a� �_` the said o�•mer or o4mers of such unwholesorne or unfit articles to rP-:o 1? sai-1e it shall be tne duty of the mar}cet director to cause the arres� o� such person and hi renoval from the city m�rket. t3� (Code 1956 , as amended, �290 .04 . ) i, •t � � -3- �� /l /r"! • 290 . 05 - Traffic. The P�iarke� Director ��th-th�-e���a�a�-a�-t�e-H��ee�er-a� Ee_��;.:��-��-Se���e�s shall promulgate reasonable rules which shall be appro�red� the Depart,-r.en� Director for the reguiationof traffic within the --��landaries of said market, �sy-�essc�r:ate the place of ingress ancl �c�i-ess, and �reser��� the manner of placing and moving vehicles so as to avoid congestion and confusion and to promote the convenience of prospective purchasers .- and patrons . 290 .06 . - Rentals. Sta11s upon said market may be rented for one year or any less period, singly or in groups . Any farmer or market gardener or association thereof who has a Producer' s Certificate shall make applicat�on for stall space to the market direetor, speczfying the number and location thereof. The market director, upon receipt of payment for stall rentai, shall forthwith deliver to each applicant a recei.pt which shall entitle the holder to the use of the staff or stalls therein described for the period specified. The market director shall also grant application for stall or stalls or other services at the market for any other period desired in accordance with the schedule he�ein set forth . riarket Season. The market season shalZ be deemed to extend from L4ay 1 to October 31, both dates inclusive, of each year. Rental of stall. space and scale �veight charges shalZ be posted as set by the Department Director.es-�a��a�as .- Rental shall in all cases be payable in advance according to the above schedule_ No credit shall be extended_ Default in payment of rent shall immediately terminate all rights of the lessee to the stal� or staZls rented wi"tho�t other or further notice. r3� (Code 1956, as amended, s290 .06 . ) 290 .07 - Parking Facilities_ The public market or any part thereof may be used for off- street automobile parking facilities and charges made for the use of said property for such purpose, and the use of said market or any part th�x-eof for such parking facilities shall be ta�cen at such times and in such places under the control of the Hzr�ctor-a�-t�c-H�part�»�r.t-o� E���rr�t�►-Ser�ices Department Director so that said use will not in any manner i.nterfere with or become an obstacle to the use of sazd City Market property for city market purposes described in 290 .01. �k��-��g�t-ga���r��-e�-at�tanebi�es-ar3�-t�t�eks-3�-��ek3���eed �xee�t-�kat-�rt�e3�s-�e�-�e-�e�����ee�-�e-���}�-a��-ri���Ct-�s�-e��s�gr�a�ee� og�er�-a�ea-t�ger-�a��nt-a�-��ee�f�ec�-�ee.- . � ,� � `�J:� . -;- 4he-2ot�r.c±z-��-res���}ion-s4a�?--se�--�='��-��CjY:Y—��C�iA—��'�' "�'�a�Y �-�sey The daily, wee:cl,�, �.�� r'AntnZy, and other charges to be ;�ade for the privilege or u�i:�q ti�� s�id market oroperty for autonobile park�.,ng purposes ap�-�-�:��-':+='�-�=��:z-��v.�c�-rznc�-tne-a���ya�-e�-t�:� H��c�ar-a�-t�e-H�-p���°�en�'�_b�-�a:r��n���-Ser��c�e� .- sha11 l�e set bv the Depa'��ment Direc�or_ (�nended ord. , 19�8� 290. 08 . - Weights and measures . The weights and measures used on the ci�y rtark�t shall be nosted and be in conformity �oith the standard weights and measures as =3A (Code 19�6, as amended, �290 . 08 _ ) 290 . 09 . - Ful.l weight r2q>>ired. The market director shall prohibit the sale of all articl es which are displayed or offered for saie on the market that are of less weight than represented by �he container ar by the selle�-. Y3� (Code 1956, as amended s290 .09. } 3�^ _�0 . - Refuse. Al1 refuse or standard garden truck from the nc�rmal market operation such as vegetables, fruit, berries, melans or similar products must be disposed of in such manner as the market d.irector may order before the person discarding such material leaves the rnarket place _ If, however, any vegetable, fruit or any other unwholesor:i� , unfit or unusual refuse not from normal market operation shall be found on or about ths market, the mar-ket director shall arder the own�r or producer to remove same at once at the sole expense of the owner t�ereof. �3r (Code 1956, as amended, �290 .11 . ) 290_11. - Wilfully deface. . No person shall wilfully deface or damage the buildings, pavement or other physical equipment �f the city market. Y3� (Code 1955, as amended, s290 .12.) 290_12. - In�pection. � All praducts sold or bought on the city market o� the City of Saint PauZ shall be open to the inspection of duly authorized mu.ni�ipal or state health officials, en�-tke officials of the city market.-, or any other duZy authoriz�d official of the City of Saint Paul. - , . . ' �, ��� �� . -S- 290 . 13 _ - Nuisances . _ No person sha11 distribute; without the approval of the marke;w�director, scatter about or post on the city market any advertising p��h�x-�-c, card, handbill or other printed matter; nor shali any person except as rnay otherwise be provided by this or other city ordinances beg, loiter, solicit patronage for any business, or sell or attempt to sell , display or demonstrate any goods, merchandise, real estate, anim.als, vehicles or other materials or things whatsoever on the city market. rr3� (Code 1956, as amended. �290 .14 . ) 290 .14 . - Liquor. 2;a-�e�sar�-s�:a��-ka�e-��-��s-ees sess�ari,--�se,--se��-e�-���e-a�aa� ��-��e-e���-���Le� The rules covering the use of any wines, spiritous, intoxicating mixed or fermented liquors or beer.-shall be the same as those governing use in cit arks . #3;� (Code 1956, as amended, 290 .151 . ) 290 . 15 . - Chapter application. The provisions of this chapter shall extend to embrace all spaces, streets and commons on or about the market where �a�rn product as provided herein are offered for sale. #3# (Codz 1956 , as amended, �290 .16 . ) - 290.16 . - Resistance to market director. Every person whq. shall resist said market director in the lawful discharge of the several duties imposed upon h.im by the rules and regulations of said market and by this chapter, sha11 be guilty of a misdemeanor_ r3� (Code 1956, as amended, �290 .17. ) � 290.17_ - Bond of director. . Before entering upon the duties of his off ice, said market director shall execute and deliver to the City of Saint Paui a suret�r company bond in the sum of $1,00O,.,conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties as such officer. v3� (Code 1956, as amended, 5�290.18 . ) • 290.18. - Christmas trees. The market director shall require all Christmas tree dealers doing business at the city market to make a deposit to said market director to insure proper cleanup of the premises and to cover any v1 z +��� ..��� 1yti i �. �.. ui� Fiie N0_ � ,I �(�.c� ��. - �....roa ' w s ___7'-�' . . � � �����3i,i.y,��� Ordinance N 0_ � ��entecl �iy — _ Referred To Committee_ Date Out of, Comrnittee By Date _ -----_ _�; -6- damages that might happen to the property as a result of renting said property to the Christmas tree dealers . The amount of this d�posit shall be determined by the market director with the apgroval o� the H��ee�e�-e�-t�e-He�ar�x�e�t-e�-Ee�t�n���-Se���ee�:Department Director. Said deposit shall be returned to the Christmas tree dealers if there is no damage to the property and if the property is cleaned up to the satisfac�ion of the market director. ';3;� (Code 1956, as amen3ed, �290 .19 . ) � _ Section 2 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval ar�d publication_ COUi�ICILI�IEN Requested by Department of.. , �as Nays . . Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt ' Levine Aaainst By P.Iac3uox Snowalter Ted°sco Form A pproved by City Atforney :�pted by Council: Date ' �-'r f��.� rti:ied Passed by Council Secretary ��; _ Appr d by i,tayoc for Su iss on to �ouaci! �.roved by 3layor: Date .i,y BY - � - WHITE •� CITV CLERK �y���^0 PINK -..FINANCE COl1IIC11 � � � �� � CANdRV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF � SAINT PAZTL �� v � BLUE •:MAYOR• � Fll@ NO. ' � . a � �I�GLZIZGIIZCP. Ordinance N O. Presented By Referred To Committee: D e Out of Committee Date n Ordinance amending Chapter 29 of the int Paul Legislative Code ch ging Public Ma et to City Market and est lishing the adm istrntion of the City rket under the d ection of the Prtrki Administrator. THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY F SA INT PAUL 3 �R17�A T,1�T i Sectian � That the Saint Paul Legi ative Code be and the same is hereby nmendeci by making the f 11 ing deletions and additions: 290.01 - 1�Iarket Estab hed: locntion. All that triangnlar hape tract of land bounded on the southwest by Jackson Street, n the utheast by Tenth Street, and on the northerly side by In rstate H hways 35E and 94, together ' with vacated streets and a eys contain d within the boundaries of said tract and contiguous hereto, and t ether with such additions and extensions as herenf r be made there , is hereby designated and established as the ty Market of the ty of Saint Paul for ` the ba�rter and sale of eat, fruit, vegetabl s, garden truck, and other products of the arm, garden, greenhous apisry or of the forest, and other ro ucts a rovecl b the Par n Administrstor subject to all the r gulations and provisions o this ordinance, to all other laws and rdinances relative thereto an to such other ruies and regulati s governing the same which ma be promulg�ted and pasted by the #�ee�e�-e�-�l�e-Bep����e�x�-e�-Ge ��#+��-8e��4ess Parkin Adminis tor. � (Amended ord. 12 40, N1ar. 26, 1965; 1507, Sept. 23, 19 s ord. , 1978) COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date " Certified Passed by Council Secretary B 6'2"78 . By � Approved by Mayor: Date Ap r e by Mayor for Sub ss n to Council By By WHI7E - CITV CLERK COl1IIC11 �r�l�`��r . P4NK -FINANCE CITY� � OF SAINT PAUL � �r���� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE s MAVOFt � . Fll@ NO. � � � Ordindnce ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 2 - 0.02 - Mn�ket Business Hours. 'Pke-m ket-��ts#�teea-�ret��rr-fe�-l�e�2 -M���et-�e-�re�el9�► elerr�gr�steel-e�-f� 6*89�z�I��-�e-��s88-r�ee�-e �a��-��tes�a��T Wee�aeee�e��-+��t�se�e�� ��-g�����T-e�e7-��e�t-6�r� �4�f:-�e-�s�6A-�rM:-e� Ba��t����=-�����-��e- �e�-��Pr�4�-�5� �e-6ep��e�-38���-��t- e�t�s��asT-#�-e��=�e���- ��-��e�-Ae�ebe�-� -�e-a�-�ne��t���g �g�#�-�4��-da�#��-e�eeg�- �e7a��-e��te�-�re e-ae-��-�e-€�xe�-e��e7 ges�e�-��-��e M��l�e�-B#�ee �-€�e�t-�#� �e-�#�e* Days and hours of o erntion of the Cit Marke ahal.l be osted b the Market Director as established b the Barkin dmini rator1 and no person shall sall or display for sale upon said �m rke any meat, vegetables, fruit, � garden truck, or other €e�ea.;.prod provided herein earlier or later than the hours g�ese�#�ed-#�e�e4�- duly €�eel-a�� posted by the Market Director, except that the et Director, with the approval of the �ee�e�-e€-�k�e-Hepa��e �-e�- �►�t�#��-6e�#eee Parking Administrator may if he deems t for t best intarests of eaid City Market, a,�.low regularly pprov�d st 11 renters to diaplay their - products at an earlier hour�;: . A������e� -g���e�#$��g-aa#��►���e� . s�e-g�e#�#b#�e�-��e�rt-����g�� -�*e��e�es-��e� �-t����-6:AA-14�:--N'e pe�se�-�#�a��-el�a��r��-e�-e e�-�e�-ea��e-a��-� ��e�e-er�-��re-8���r4ar�}fe� e�-6�tr��e�*: AI.1 g�3wers cupying stalls on a seas , monthly, or � daily permit, shall a er 7:00 A.�d. daily va�cate t �ir regul�rly assigned stalls nnd ve to the central mrea as des nated by the Market Director, (Amended ord. I294 , Mar. 26, 1965; ord. , , 978) COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary fO�'��7� By Approved by Mayor: Date Ap ov d by Mayor for Su i ioir to Council By BY WHI7E �- CITV CLERK . �INK - �FINANCE � o CItNARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF� SAINT PALTL F le ci1N0. � �+�v� BLUE �-MAVOFt � . , • . 0 rdindnce Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 3 - 290.03 - Market available to producers. Al1 farmers and market gardenexs who raiae thei� own product, upon approval by the mnrket director or their xpplicstion for �. producer's certificate, and any other v�:ndor of products her�in pro- vided shall be admitted to the use of said city market on te�.*tns of equality and without discrimination., �nd subject to the rules and regulations of this markat and the provisions of this chapter. �#3�(Code I956, as amended, �290.03.) 290:04 - S�les permitted, . Meat, fruit, vegetabI.ec�, garden truck� and other proelucts of the farm, garden, greenhouae� apiary or of the forest and other products ns approved by the Parking Administrator may be sold on the city m�rket. Man�ifactured goods, wares and merchandise may be sold if approved by . the market director. No goods purchn�sed on the ma�ket or elsewhere shall be resold or offered for sale on the market. All products� offered for sale shall be placed according to segulations by the market dfrector, and if any of said articl�s shall be deemed by the ma.rket director to be unwholesome or unfit to be conaumea or uaed he ehall order the owner or owners thereof to remove the same forthwith from the city market. In the event of the failure or refusal of the said owner or owner� of such unwholesome or unfit articl.es ta.�.remove same it shall be the duty of the market director to cnuse the arrest of such person and hi� removal from the city market. �#3$k(Code I956 f as amended, �290.04.) COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco . Adopted by Council: Date - Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary � . 6���78 By � Approved by Mayor: Date Appr by Mayor for sion to Council By BY WH17E •- CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 /rl��[l� . PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAiTL � N CANARY - DEPARTMENT - � BLUE -MAVOR � � File N 0. � � � Ordindnce o�d�nan�e No. Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 4 - �s Z90,05 - Traffic. � T e Market Director w��l�-�1��-���e���-e�-�l�e-B� e�e�-a� F��+�t����-Be �ees shall promulg�t� reasonable rules wh sha�ll be a roved b th Parkin Administrator for the regulati of trnffic within the boun ries of saic� market, �a�*-de��g���e e place of ingrnss and eg�es , and ��ese��be the manner of pl.a ng and moving vehicle� so as to oid congestion and confusion d to promote the convenience of prosp ctive purchasers«�and atron y 290.06. - Re t�.ls. Stalls upon sai market may be r ted for one year ar any lesa period. singly or in oup�. Any fa er or market gnrdener ' or association thereof who s a Produce s Certificate shall make application for stal.l space t the mark director, specifying the nuYnbe� and Iocation thereof. e mark director, upon receipt of payment for stall rentalr shall orth ith deliver to each applicant a receipt which shall entitle the o der to the use of tha sta�ll or stn1l� therein described for the g iod specifi�d. The market director �hall also grant applicnt o for sta.Il or stalls or other s�rvices at the mnrket for any ot er eriod ae���a in accoYdance with the schedule herein set. for h.� MBrket Season, The arket seas n shall be desmed to ex- tend from May 1 to �ctober 3 both dat�s clusive, of each year. Renta�l of stall space and s le weight char s shall be posted by the Market Directar as set the Parkin Ad nistrator a�-�e��ews: COUNCILMEN Requested by Depart ent of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine A gains t BY Roedler . Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary .�s6�'�� 6'Z'�8 By J Approved by Mayor: Date A r e by Mayor for Su iss n to Co ncil By � BY . ♦ �NHITE � GTY CLERK C�UnCll 2'71�80 . PINK, - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAZTL � CANARV -OEPARTMENT BLUE �=MAVOR� Flle NO. . � • . Orf�liZn�nCc, Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 5 - RentaZ s I1 in all cases be payable in advance accord- ing to the above sch ule. No credit shall be extended. Def �zlt in payment of rent shall ediately terminate alI rights of e lessee to the sta11 or stalls ented without other or further ice. #3#(Code 1956, as amende @290.i�6.) 290.07 - Parking cilities. � � The public market or ny part there� may be used fo� off- street automobile parking facili es and ch ges m�de for the use of said property for such purpose, and th use of said market or any part thereof for such parking facil. ties, shall be taken at such times and in such places under the control the B��ee�s�-e€-�k�e-He����e�� e€-2e��tr����-6e���ee� Parkin Admini atesr so that said use will not in any manner interfere with or be me obatacle to the. use of said City Market property for city mar et purp ses described in 290.01. ���-�}gl��-�a�l���g-e� tt�e�eb��es-� �-���tel�e-4s-g�ek�b��ee� exeeg�-�l�r��-���te�s-���-��-•pe ���ed-�e-ga�l�-� -��#g��-�r�-elee�gr�a�eel epe�-a�ea-ttgex-ga�e��-s�-e e#€#e�-�ee: �'he 2et�e#�-��*- e�e����e� Parkin Admini ator shnll s�t and from time to tima r,e et the daily, weekly, ��� m nthly, .and other charges to be ma for the privilege of using t e said markat property for automobi parking purposes t�pe�-�l�e-w�#� �-ed$#ee ar��-�#�e-eg�r��er�-e�-� -B�ee�e�E-e�-�l�e-Bega�#�te�t�-e�-2e �tr���� 8��ii�@�6. (Amanded ord. , 1978) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by. City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY` �, ��r° �' '��78 BY . Approved by Mayor: Date Appr y Mayor for Sub ' si n to Eouncil By BY WH17E - CI TV CLERK COUI1C11 /��/�� - PINK� - FINANCE � � BLUERV- MqypRTMENT GITY OF SAIN�T PAUL File NO. � t��� . . • � Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date — 6 — f- 290.0 . — Weights and measures. The weig s and measuxes used on the city ket shall be pasted and be in con rmity with the standard weig s and measures as regulated by the laws tha state. #�3#(Code 1956, as amende , �290;.08,.) 290.09. - Full wa ht required. The market director all prohib the sale of all articles which �re displayed ar offered r sale o the market that are of less weight, than represented by t can iner or by the seller. #�3#�(Code 1956, as amended @290.09.) 290.10. - Refuse. All refuse or standard rden t ck from the normal market operation such as vege�ablas, fr t,. berrie melons or similar prod- ucts must be disposed of in suc mannar as t market director ma�y order before the person discar ing such materi leaves the market placa. Ifj however, any veg ableE fruit or an other unwholesom�, unfit ar unusual refuse not rom normal market op ation shall be found on or about the mark , the market disecto� s alI arder the owner or producer to remo e same at once at the sole �ense o� the owner thereof. $p3#p(C�de 1956, as amend d,� �290.11.) 290.11. - W lfully deface. COULVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor . Hunt Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By • c�aLGCQ� 6:2-78 By � i Approved by Mayor. Date Appr v d by Ma�or for Sub ssi to Council By BY WH17E .- CITV CLERK CO1111C11 .����/j�o • yINK, --FINANCE CICNARY �OEPAR�.TMENT CITY OF � SAINT PALTL File�� � NO. �� ,`/`�' BLUE� - MAVOR • � 0 rdin�nce Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 7 - No pa on shall wil�ulZy daface or damage the buildings,� pavement or othe hysical equipment of the city market. �f� #k3�(Code 1956, as ended, �290,12,) 290.12. - In ection. All products so or bought on the city mark of the �ity of Saint Pa�ul shall be opan to the inspection of duly authorized munici- pal or state health official a�d-��e officials of he city m�rket:l or an other dul authorized offi ial ot the Cit of aint Pau1.. 290.13. - Nuisances. No person shall distribut withou the a roval af the market director, scatter about or po on e city market any adver- tising pamphlet, card, handbill or oth r inted mattery nor shall any person sxcept as may otherwise be p vided by this or other city ordinances beg, loiter, solicit patron for any business, or sell or attempt to sell, display or demon rate ny goods, merchandise, r�aal estate, animals, vehicles or o er mat ials or things whatsoever on the city market. #3#(c�ode 156, as amended. �290«1 .) 2 90.14: .. - L iquor. r3e-ge�aen-ekr���- �*e-�rr-f���-pea$ea��e�f-�e -�e��-e�-e�#�ae - awa�-�-�k�e-e���-t�t��l�e� T rules coverin the use of ny wines, spiritous, intoxicating xed or fermented liquors or b er:shall b� COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary B, ,��e��� �0 2-7$ By Approved by Mayor: Date App v d y Mayor for Sub i to�ouncil By BY WHI7E - CITV CLERK COU11C11 � ����(o • DINK r �-FINANCE TT � r � � tATIARV -rDEPARtMENT C I TY OF SA I NT �ll L V BLUE = MAVOR � Flle NO. • _ . . 0 rdin�cnce Ordinance N 0. � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date — 8 — �r, r the same as those governing use in city parks. r� #3#� (Coda 1956, as amended, $290.151.) .� �'`" 290.15. - Ch ter application, � �� The provfsions this chapter shall�xtend to embrace all spaces, streets and co ons an or about t e market where ��� product as provided herein offered for s�le, #3�#(�ode 1956, as amended� �2 .16.) f�, 290.16, - Resistanee t mar]�atA�^�irector. F� / Every parsan who shall ra s�� said market director in the lawful discharge of the several duti impoged upon him by the rul.es and regulations of snid aiarket and y is chapter, shall be guil.ty af a misdem�anar. �3#k(Code 1956, as amended, �-290. .) 290.17. - Bond of d actor. Before entering u on the duties of hi office, said market director shall execute and deliver to the city o Saint Paul a surety company bond in the sum o $1,000, conditioned fo� the faithful per- formance of his duties such officer. #k3#k�Gode 1956, as amend d, s290.I8.) 290.18. - C ristmas trees, The market director shall requira all Christmas ea dsnlers COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Roedler A gainst BY Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary B.. � �B "��� By Approved by Mayor: Date Appr Mayor for Submi ion o �ouncil By BY WHI7E ' - CITV CLERK � ����0 � PINKx ,�-•FINANCE � F� ( L°/MARV -�D2PARrMENT CITY O�F -�SAINT PAUL Council , BLUE -MAVOR � - Fiie 1�0. - . Ordin�nce ordinance�10. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date — 9 — di�ector to insu proper cleanup of the prem es and to cover any damages that might appen to the property as result of renting said property to the hristmas tree dealers The amount of this deposit shall be dete ned by the market irector with the approval of the �#�ee�e�-e�-��e- ga��er��-e�-E3e� ���?�-Be���ese: Parking Administrator. Said depo t shall be re urned to the Christmas tree dealers if there is no dam e to the pr perty and if the property is cleaned up to the satisfacti of the arket director. #3#(Coda 1956r as amended, @2 .19,) Sec on 2. This ordinanca shall tak affect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its pass e, approval nnd publication. � COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary B�l�� ��r �i 'z�78 By Approved by Mayor: Date Appr Mayor for Sub ' si n to Council By By � ' . � � . � � lst � 2nd � l ` 3rd�� �� Adopted 7 � � ;�? ;� Yeas Nays BUTLER ���Z AUNT � ?/9 / / r� - �J LEVINE ���pp� G�-� .�:�. ���o �DOx U 2"712�0 � SHOWALTER TEDESCO PRESTDENT (HOZZA) 1