F I N A L O R D E R BY ;,,��.�.n.���t ,���+.,,,..r�Y�'
In the Matter of �����ti� �t�1kM �[t dMr lO11A�i� l�titi+o�u +Mld
all od�rr Mosl�c �o► �►l�et� la�s�wrw+Mt � .
!'iwap�ta"�►l,1� 1�scri�ti+Mt . R.
�! �:��,'�:., .
S;IOSOb VI�tGIMIA ST., bo�h sidss iro� 3�lby Avt. to�Laur�l Av�.
�'�a�� VIR�GII�IA S'T., w�st �ide �ro�s S�lby Ave. to Daytoa Ave.
8=iQ508 GOODHIC.H AVB. both sides frc� q►atsvorth St. to pxford St.
�'1���► SAQGB�1't AYS., •outh •id� frt� �n�lling Ave. ta wt appros. �
45 ft+ sbwtt3ng 1576 Sars�nt Av�.
S1fl51Q Wt� pA�1AY. s�th side #r�a� Arcad• St. to wst 12S ft.
S`�OS11 PAXi�iB A9E•PA�CWAY DRIVB, �sst aid� fscw 80 ft. north af
Moat+iaa to :llsy exit on hrk�ra� Driv�.
S-1OS12 t1�RA�A AVE,,. �s�rth sld� !'som Weids St.� to• ii�ah 3t.
S-1QSi3 IOKA IIRE.. north tid• frc� 6iucy Pl. to i�itt �eu aad both
cors�rs I�E a�d �Jt at Zova i iil�ite S�ar A��,
5-10514 L11[B 5�.� M�it ��de abutting Lots 9.10.11� Elock 3, �ss�x Park,
(?87.793,794, Lak� SL.)
$'�Ag�s DU� AYE., sewkt� �ide �battiAg Lots 13�12.5,1, Bioc�C 2� Watt�
Park (�206�2�'90. Z164,2160 �ub}
5-14516 '�liIRD ST., swth sid� frow �nwrd St. Co 6�s�aia St.
alOS17 B. IVY AVS.� �a�uth eid� abutttiay� Lota 6.3,Z, Elack 4�
Mnrray Laas Add. {20�0, Z072,2tl80, 8. I�ry )
�N Z;p 19i8
COiJNCILMEN Adopted b e Cou cil: Date
Yeas Nay����E�
B�'}� H„�Za ified Pa by C ncil Secret�ry
H `' �t � � �
H� Levine In Favor
�e ine MaddoX Q� �, .IUN 2 � 197A
R edle� Showa�ter, Against
S f�esteR � Mayor
� ,IUL i 19?�
- , � �� �-�1 ?.,?.���
� � III � _ �
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' Saint Pau1, Minnesota �
June 3, 197$ �
Mr. J. �^Tilliam Donovan
Valuation and Assess�ent Engineer
Assessment Division
113 City Hall .
Saint Paul, P-Zinnesota 55102
i�ile SI0512
R�: Order D-2�E5
Dear I��r. Donovan:
It i•r�u1d be my husband�s and r,zy d,rish to attend the meetin� on the
sidew�,lk reconstruction pro ject oiZ Jurie 20, 197$. As vre tivill be
unabl.e ta do so, T trust that we mign�� make ovs point; i.n i avor of
this reconstruction with o�e condition far your consideration.
ihis is, seeing as the �lrn trees on that b?oclz jr,�ere recerit].y re-
moved on several lots, there might be validity zn your �c�iT1j��,"tG
the disposal of roots �hat will at a future date cause problems
in decay on the underside of any new sidewalk const-ructed. ;�igYi-L-
proper steps be taken �o pre��ent cave-ins as nature ta�es its
-'•• .� /�z-�.lG .-�.�
. . P�}��,� "�„__________._
747 East Nebraska Avenue
Saint Paul, I�innesota 55106
U � �j ,� �
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�.+r1 �IGr 1�ate: �3 i�:��?-G--
A;��ilti;;;P.ATIVL' OIZULR,
T'r��t thc Gi r��tor ��f L���� ��p.�r[t^ent o� f',f�l t c :Jor;;s is fie;c•'.�y ��.Lf�pri�ed �zn� di rect�d .
�� i�~�Qu:� ��Cf15 , ObL�111 SufV4•�S , QCC'�„I"@ G5L1C:uL�S dilC� I�V�SCl :uif: tll� f1CC�255iCy
`t^ rcccnstruct �1����ralk :�t t�1�: f�l ta•�in:7 7pC�:tlUtl:a i:7�i GQ c3� � OL'+i::J' YtG�ihS 17i1lGfl IS
rc:ccss�r�� ;�nd incidcntal ta cv,pl��tc J�+IGi i�,.prov�:�c�;t.
, �bsp(o�oC�� si�c ot l�li.,;i„1,1 5't. frora S�t:�y Ftiv�. ta l<iure� r,vc.
�-��a7rlest si:�� of V� i:Gttt{�L ;T. Tror.� Se1lsy F,v4. to u�,yton :�ve.
,, I�50$ coty s 1 des af GOODi�i Cr! ��1'G. f rv:n Ci;�t,�:or;.h 5 t. to Uxfo�J St.
j �oJ� dUU�I S�L�C Of .rii���ri�T i1�J�. fT0:11 SC:::� � 1(1� i1`JE:. t0 t?i35t 1p^fY)X. �j�-i-� „atcCtir,g
v • 1S76 Sarg��nt.
`��� :►�ut'� sid� ot <<11iE�LuC�; P;�trit+:�Y frora t,r.c�de St. Lo wcst 1'S'
fl��� E�sst si4s of �,�Y.�E AVE._P�.Ri�!1r�Y 11fl. fTCiit �J� ii. c` �ic�nt�n.� to alt�y cx(: a;� P3rr,�•r�y Or.
� �aj'lZ l�orth ,i�e os ;�E3ft��S�'.:� ltiVc. fros+� :�it?ic:4 SC. to �,+�isi� St.
✓ ���3North sidc �f tG::A AVc:. f��m Gary t'1�cc �a ',:t;i r.� :.e�zr �n�� :�t�t� c�+s'r.^rs ti.�. .-���+ S.t�
� at Irn•ra � ."iit^ L�a;r. .
✓/�/�/11cst �i::e a; �;�6:� ST. , ab;:tt;nc; I.aCS �, 10,1 i � `.�lE:. 3, c:s�e•r, :'�r:; (i=•i.7�3>7:►3 G�.�� Ss.�
� IQS�� Sutt�+� sids of i,JS1i AVc. , �!�utt9n� La�� 1:3 ,.12,�►] , �1�;.2, 'ri�its �Gri-s (.^.2;1� , 2;)a .
z 1��, 2 l54 �us:�) ►
����(0 South si�e ef i1ttRD S7'. fror:� �c.��n�rc! St. to (;crr.:;ain St. '
+/ ��' � �G:3�!1 51 4� Of �. �VY �i���. ! ,.J[�CC 1 t1�� �.QLS b�j►t� :i�i:.1i� �:[ll'i'y�j �.iIRE.' r�l:t�. ;i�)t'�� �fJ7Z�
au Lo ��. t vy)
�1f.'. �t t'Ctidt (iT �{tluflCf.'' uI)lj I�:IIu�C::1Gt)S' J^i'`I1 CLty i;i ::�t'i'.:iy u; re��;�d �O prco�r� a
prel ir�i�ac-y acc�: a�� scl�e�u2L a �u�1 i c t��a�i�g.
M-L'u l�
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MAY 18 1978 "E `"" -1 , `; ;
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March 28, 1978 ���� � �'Q/US l 'l.l1C / � �/� �
Ptr. Roge� tdattson �)U ���j�sS jy���,/(
� .� /
Di rector of Finance '
and �4anagement Services
Room 113 City Hall
�— �—��`.
ATTE�JTtON: Paul Desch
- �ear Si r:
Please prepare, the Prel imirrary Order for the construct.ion/reconst�uction of
the side��alks listed on the attached Administrative Order.
The estimated cost for new construction not in main routes
is as Tollaws : �
$4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk A S [i Residental
$6.$i per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk C Res. S Comm.
53. 17 per ft. for 6 ft. wide walk C Res. � Comm.
$2.00 per sq. ft. for integral curb and walk Residential S Commerical .
Attached herewith are the foltowing: �
1 . Approved Administrative Order D-4245 3/22/78
2. Advisability � Uesirability Report. �
3• Copy of pla�s for each order. ��,���2526�1��y�9�
�� � ��
o ��''`A,�f9 '
Yours very truly, � �$ N
/ , E
� D�PT.I�D �
�'/�<�.f '�{�-t'-����� �'
� F�Nq�y �F g
Hartley T onas , � (,'�
Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction y�'I ��
�.1�')���: ^.�5
234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
� %�}1��'��°" '
; �.5. '.'irainia St. - Selby to L�urel Ave. _
- . t >,._ -; :�
� �n i s ar�a r �.�as i n i t i ated by the Di rector of Pub 1 i c 1�orks as pub 1 i c necess i ty on t��e bas i s
'� i coM:plaint frc� tne h�ayor's lnfornation � Cor,�ptaint Office and inspection of the waik.
�7is walk is old tile with tree heaves , broken tile , high joints , tripping hazards, and
� water �ockeLs.
Financed by P. I .A. funds.
Tne :.ngineering recommzndation is for approval of tne order.
(Rec�uc� fro:,� a 5 ft. to a 5 ft. waik.)
� � J v' �
Dist. PJo. 1
'�J.S. Virginia St. - Se1by Ave. tb Dayton Ave. . �
ihis order was initiated by the Director of Public works as public necessity on t�e basis
oF a request of Warren Frast, Rehab. Supervisor, and inspection of the walk.
This watk is poured concrete with tree heaves , cracked concrete panels and tipped panels.
Financed by P. t .A. funds.
The Engineering recorirnendation is for approval of the order.
(Reduce frorn a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk.)
� k:
� . f CF`� .`'� "� !'1
�ISt. �O. �
B.S. Goodricn Ave. - Chatsworth St. to Oxford St.
+his ord�r was initiated by the Director of Public tidorks as public necessity on the basis
of a petition witti l signer representing l0b of the frontage and inspection of the walk.
This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , high joints , tripping hazards , water pockets �
some offg�ade, asphalt patches , cracked concrete paneis , scaled, tipped and settled panels.
Financed by P. l .A. fiunds.
(Construct to width designated on plat)
, ' �� 9
.�.5. Sarger,t :+ve. - Snelling Ave. Lo east aprs°ox. 45+ ft. , abutting 157b Sargent, an�y
Th i s order 4ras i n i t i ate� by the Di rector of Pub 1 i c 4lorks as puo I i c necess i ty on the bas i s
4 of inspection o` t7e walk.
� Tnis walk is otd tile with tree heaves , broken tile , high joints � tripping hazards , water
� pockets , holes in tile, missing tile, high �longitudinal joints , offgrade and disintegrated.
Financed by P. I .A. Funds. ,
The Engineering recommendation is for approvai of the order.
(Reduce fro� a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk)
' Dist. No. 1
S.S. 'rlheelock Parkway - Arcade St. to west 125' � Q �_ � a
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works on the basis of 1 complaint and
a request of City Maintenance clue to extensive damage when placing new CB tead.
This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves , higfi joints , cracked concrete panels,
scaled, tipped and settled panels.
� Financed by P. I .A. Funds. •
The Engineering recommendation is for app roval of the order. -
(Construct to width designated on plat� _
Dist. tJo. 1 � ���"� /
E.S. Payne-Parkway Or. f rom 80' N. of Montana to alley exit on Parkway Dr.
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis
a petition with 1 signer representing 100� of the fro�tage and inspection of the walk.
This walk is poured concrete with high joints , tripping hazards, asphalt patches , cracked
� concrete panels and settled panels.
Financed by P. f .A. Funds.
The Engineering recor►mendation is for approval of the order.
{Contruct to width designated on plat)
. Dist. kdo,l� �
' ta.S. ?iebraska i+ve. - '�'eide St. to '.falsh St. � �
. `� tl f�
Th i s order was i n i ti �Led by the Di rector of Pub 1 i c 4lorks as pub i i c necess i ty on the bas i s.
f af a peti [ion w+ th 2 signers representing 25i of the frontage and inspection of the ��alk.
� This walk is �ourad concrete with tree heaves , high joints , tripping hazards , water pockets.
� hign longitudinal joints , offgrade, asphalt patches , cracked, scaled, tipped and settled paneis
� Financed by P. l .A. Funds.
� The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Reduce from a o ft. to a 5 ft. waik)
R8 OD RR .�0
Dist. Tdo. 1 f O �l 3
N.S. lowa Ave. - �ary P1ace to :�Jhite Bear Ave. and both corners N.E. and S.E. at lowa
, � 4,'h i te Bear �
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis
of a petition with i signer representing 100`6 of the frontage and inspection of the walk.
ihis walk is poure� concrete with high joints , tripping hazards, water pockets, asphalt
patches, cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped and settled panels.
�Financed by P.I .A. Funds.
�he Engineering recomrnendation is for approval of the arder.
{Construct to width destgnated on plat.)
�ist. No. t ) c� s � �
W.S. Lake St. , abutting Lois 9,iQ,11 , 81k. 3, Essex Park (787, 793,799 LaSce St.)
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of inspecLia� of the walk.
7his walk is poured concrete with high joints , tripp3ng hazards , water pockets , cracked
concrete panels , scafed, tipped and settled paneis. Remarks : 3ad Scaled wa1k. Would require
extraordinay mainter�ance.
Financed by P. t .A. Funds.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designated on plat.)
R3 00 RR JO
' - `�'��� '�� �,St. �;o. � �Q���
�r � , . . .. '�.�
�.5. 3ush 'Ave. , a'�uit+ng Lots 13 , 12, S, i , cik. 2, 4�'atts Parks (220b , 21g��16��6� Bush)
This order was iritiated by the Directar of Public 1�lor�s as oublic nec�ssity on the basis
of a petitior, wiLn 1 signer representing 45% of the frontage and inspection of the walk.
This walk is poured concrete witn tree heaves , cracked concrete panels , tipped and settled
�' Financed by P. f .A. Funds .
7he Engineering recommendation is for ap�roval of the order.
(Construct to width designated on p)at.)
� Dist. No. 1
S.S. inird St. - Kennard St. to Germain St. �QS� /
This order was init+ated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity vn the basis
of a petition with 3 signers representing S0� of the frontage and inspection of the watk.
This walk is poured concrete with Lree heaves , high joints , tripping hazards,. aspF�a}t patches,
disintegrated, cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped and settled panels.
� Financed by P. � .A. funds.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designated on plat)
. Dist. No. l J o S� 7
S.S. E. Ivy Ave. , abutting Lots 6, 3, and 2 of Blk 4, Murray Lane Add. (2050, 2072, 208� Ivy}
This order was iniLiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis
of a petition wEth 1 signer �representing 33� of the frontage and inspection of the watk.
This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, high joints tripping hazards , water pockets ,
cracked concrete panels , tipped and settled �3anels.
�i Financed by P. I .A. Funds.
The Enginzering recommendation is for approval of t�e order.
(Construct ta width designated on plat.)
Rr3 t?� RR JO
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