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By � , �x ; �._a.
File No. ����'
In the Matter of !�►'i'o�►� 1�'�'1�R S?. !!+M liwl�11p1� �h• taE► Z,1�1�'�1M��A1!
�w.. si�t-ol-�wp ��t 7a-t�Q64�R. �ani� lro,��at 7�•!-i�bilx, �M
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aoa�es�ac . bt+r�.ita.w �r. �a�m�e.t. a�rti ..a ,pr�tt�r. �lr:v�.
rid+�w2k+r� st�ss wtnr �ir�� ta�tiliti�s, l�a�t bonlwss+�a!
ca�►tzua� an o�ta� li�ti� +�jrat� �! � aIl '�r Mssk s�aats�►
�ri �CCi�wtsl ts sai�i 3�/►r�st
under Administrative Order ��1�� approved ��� ��� ���e
under Preliminary Order ��- �l� � � approved �A� ���J ��
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- '
ment and has fully conSidered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the : Date �N ��� ��
Yeas Nays
� , Butler / Certi Passed ncil Secretar�
H . a Hozza
�- � In Favor
E��� Levine
CeV @ Maddox � N� � JuN 2 � 4���
Showa►ter Against
R � Mayor
Sy! e er �o
�ed sco pUBLISNED .�UL 1 19�a
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!n the cnatter of irnprovi ng �lES7t11 P�STGf: S i^E::T f ro�� hSaryl;r,d �1ve. to Larpenteur Avc. ,
right-of-ti:ay �'roject 7�-�'-�605�'�, Paving ('rojcct 7�-Q-��{�7 and Lic*htinc� Project 7�-
1� L�-G�42 as fol io�•�s: •
Qy takinc� a n3frow strip o� ric;ht-of-ti�a,-�y an the e.:st sid� of �destninster Str�:�t fro;�
t•taryland Avenue to I17� feet north as folloErs:
Those parts af Lot 15� Qloc�: 3, .1���9zrd's Add i tion to the C1 ty o` St. Paul ;
Lots 1 , 2 a�d 3, Cl��rke's Su�:3ivision of Lots !t and 5, J.'�f. E355� /'icre LoL-s;
Lats P, 9, 1�, 11 , 1' and l 3 n� ��c i nand Ad;i i t i on; �r,d Lots � 1 , 1�, I�, 26
and 27, cxcept the 3;orth 7> r�et of s�id Lot 27, •1. !d. Bass �1crc L�ts iying
�•�esterly of a line ;0 fcet ea5tcrly of and ��rallcl to the w�st linc of the
5.1�1. �, Section 20, To��ansliip 29 tdorth, Ran,e 22 Yrest. •
✓ Construct a bitur�inous ro�d�•ray, concrcte curb and gutCcr, drivetlays, sld�r:3�IS:s, storm
. r#S• ti•�ater dr4inage facilities,
la�z�sca�e boulev�rds, ccnstruct an orn�=��ent�l l ighting
�'�%`� systen and do a11 other titi��rk necessary and incid�ntal Lo said iriFrovement.
Also, in the �atter of con�e.mnir.g ar.d fiakir�a an easer::e�t in the Iand necessary for the
slo?es, cuts and fills, incluuing rinht of rerovai ai �atera� suaport fron s�.�:�ject land
or ;�r„ai���r the�eor, occ�sion�u�; by exca�at�or�� t�iereaf �r construcri�n o�� siv;�es in
ti��e process of consiruct i ng nc�•� s i de��r�l l; on ;�c�rt i ons ai' �oth s i des of 4�'cS'�l41„�7'i:R STR�tT
fron Marylanu P�ve. to Lar�ent�ear �ve.
Also, in the n�tter of constructis�g �eti•jer �rojects S-Ib12 and S-1572 as foliat:s:
To constrisct storn se�•rer tn 4l�:STtSitlSTER Si;t�E� fran Lar;�enteur Ave. to tiy�cinth
Ave. , ��nd [Hr� storm +•rater �onding areas, on� beFng b�.:nded by I�rl ington P.ve. ,
CoLta�e Avc. , l�rt:tilri,tit St. , and � ] in� 4E0' ltest of f�r�:wrigl�t St. , Lhe ott�er
being bou�ded by +�estni nster St. , !nterstate 3�� r19l��-Qf-�•ray, !iyacir.th Ave. , and
3 line 3��' sautti of tiyacinti� +�ve. Said �onding sites ap�roved for acquisitia:�
by ti�e C i ty Co�.tnci 1 under Fi nal Orders Cr �10. 2G�5�i . 4�provcd August 16, 13"17
ar,d C.F. "�o. 27����, a�{'roveci Decenber 1�, i}77. �
The re�ort of tt�e Departrrent or' Publ tc ���orks is .':pprove�, and the L'ep:rtr:ient af Finance
a�d t4an�gecn�nt Services is instructed to sci�c�ule a publie heariR; bci�or� tt�e City
Council . ' .
� Uilg cc OtSR, cc: � .
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Assistant C'ity Attc,� ��•yr•5 Jf� �
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_y�t� t��-� CITY OF SAfNT PAUL
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+ ••� Daniei J. Dunford, Director
234 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
George Latimer
Mayor 612-298-4241
March 2, 197$
Mr. Bernard Carison
Di rector of Fi nance
Room 109, City Hall
Attention: Paul Desch
Maryland Ave. to Larpenteur Ave.
Dear Sirs:
Attached is a copy of Administrative Order No. D-41;2 and a Summary of
Engineering Recomrnendations for the aboved referenced project.
Please proceed with the public hearing for this project.
Yours very truly,
� � 7`
� : �- � �..��
Daniel J. Dunford `
Y '��= ��
Str�et Design Engineer , �-., - '
ET/gh -�,'�
Attachments �, � '� �.
� i � •
cc: J. Willian Donovan � , ;f
Roy Bredahl , �' � l . � .
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_ _ � ' Summary of Engineering Recomn;endations
February 13, 197$
Improve IJESTMItJSTER STREET from Maryland Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue; ROW Project
78-P-GGQSR, Paving f'roject 78-P-0605 and Lighting Project 78-V-0642 as follakls:
Construct a bituminous road�•ray, concrete curb and. gutter, drive�lays, side►•�alks,
storT 1•��ter drainage facilities, landscape boule��ards, construct an orn�nental
lighting system and do all other H�ork necessary and incident�l to said improvement.
Alsc, condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts
and filts, including right of removal of lateral support from the subject land or
remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction qf slopes in
the process of constructing new side�ti�alk on portions of both sides of WESTt11N$TER
STP,EET fro��i Maryland Avenue to Larpenteur �Avenue.
' Also, condemning and taking a permanent easement on the east side of Westminster
Street fron Arlington Avenue to 1 , 178 feet north as follows:
Those parts of Lot 15, Block 3, Jaggard's Addition to the City of St. Paul ; � -
Lots l , 2 and 3, Clarke' s Subdivision of Lots 4 and 5, J. W. Bass' Acre
Lots; 8, 9, 10, 11 , 12 and 13 of 4leinand Addition; and Lots 11 , 18, i9, 26
and 27, except the North 75 feet of said Lot 27, J. W. Bass' Acre Lots
lying westerly of a line 30 feet easterly of and parallel to the west line
of the S.�d. �, Section 20, Township 29 ptorth, Range 22 West. ,
Also, to canstruct storm sewer in WESTMtP�STER STR�ET from Larpenteur Avenue to
Nyacinth Avenue, and two storm water ponding areas, one being bounded by Ariington
Avenue, Cottage Avenue, Arkwright Street, and a line 48Q' tJest of Arkwright Street,
the other being bounded by Westminster Street, Interstate 35E right-of-way,
Nyacinth Avenue, and a line 380' South of Hyacinth Avenue, Sewer Projects 5-1612
and S-1572.
Public Wor;cs has evaluated and prioritized ali County Aid road�yays within St. Paul
on the basis of their needs for reconstruction. In 1g73, t�'estminster 4ld5 priori-
tized and programmed for reconstruction in 1977. A subsequent reclassification
moved it to 1978. It is now the opinion of Public 4lorks that b/estminster ranks
number one in reconstruction needs of all road��ays eligible for County Aid funding.
The storm sewer construction is being proposed at this time so it can be coordin-
ated �,rith tne street improvement.
� The storm ti��ater ponding areas provide an outle� for part of the storm se���er con-
struction, anu fol lo��� the guidel ines set forth in the Publ ic lJorks Storm IJater
Ponding Policy adopted by the Council on September 5, 1975, under Resolution �.F.
ho. 267£333.
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t•lestminster Street functions as a neighborhood coliector type street and has an
average ciai ly traffic count of approxi���ately 1 ,700 from Plaryland Avenue to
Arlington Avenue and 1 ,Q00 north of Arlington. tt is not a truck route and he�vy
cammercial traffic is negligible.
Westminster from Maryland rorth to Hyacinth (approximately $00 feet) �•ras paved in
1969. This section consists of a bituminous road�•�ay �•lith concrete curb and gut.ter
to a width of 32 feet.
The remaining portion consists of an oiled road��lay ��rith a rough and uneven drivino
surface. No curbing exists with the exception of one small segment of approximately
400 feet. �+Oi of the area has good and sufficient walk. The remainder has no u�ralk.
Many drive�.ays are dirt or asphalt in need of repair. Street lighting is insufficient,
consisting basically of wood poles at intersections. Boulevards are in need of sod
and trees. -
The sewers in this area carry both rainfal ) runoff an� sanitary sewage in the same
pi.pe. During periods of precipitation, the Troutbrook Sewer, which is the main
line serving this area, becomes overloaded with flow most of which is storm water
runoff. Draining this flow to the sewage treatment plant is not only costly, but
at times exceeds the plant' s capacity, thus creating combined sewer overflows to
the river. Relief sewers have �een constructed under the Marytand-Brainard Relief
Systen in the streets shown in green on the attached map, but the absence of a
storm water outlet requires them to co�nect directly to the Troutbrook Sewer.
Portions of Edgerton-Hoyt Storr,i System shotvn in blue have also been constructed,
but they are tied back into the existing combined system. The detention pond �on
ti•lheelock Parkway, 4rhich is sho�vn in brown, has also been constructed and is operating
with a restricted outlet to the Westminster Street Sewer.
The ponding _sites shown in red are natural lo�,� lying areas that are undeveloped at
this time. The Council has approved acquisition of these sites under final orders
C. F. No. 2695u1 , approved August 16, 1977 and C. F. ��o. 27020£i, approved December 15f
�� 1977•
A n��r bituminous ro�d�•lay arith concrete curb and c�ut;:er is proposed. Roadvray width,
curb to curb� 4�i11 be 36 feet. From Maryland to Hyacinth, the existing roadway
. �•�il ! be widened from 32 feet to 36 feet and a new bituminous surface constructed.
+4c�•: side���alks will be constructed where no sidea�aik presently exists. A slope ease—
ment �•�ill be acquired where new walk is built. A11 driveways will be constructed
where existing drives exist, or where requested by property oa�ners. All existing
house outwalks �ti�ill be reconstructed. Boulevards 4ri11 be regraded and sodded f rom
curb to sidewalk. An energy efficient sodium vapor lighting system will be installed.
Along with the paving project, to avoid disruption of the street in the near future,
we propose to construct a storm sewer in Westminster Street from Maryland Aven�e to
Larpenteur Avenue, .and t�•ro storm ��rater detention ponds at locations sho�•rn in red on
the attached map. The Westminster Street sewer is another phase of the Edgerton-
Hoyt Relief System area. �
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The Arl ington-Arkwright Pond, r:hi le providin� outlet for the !Jesti^inster Street
Sewer, �•rould also have the stara5e capacity to accept floti�� from the rorth and
east when tf�e Edgerton-Hoyt System is tota] ly constructed. The Hyacinth-West-
r�inster pond �,�ould provide an outlet for tt�e inplace Maryl�-�nd-Qrainar•c P,el ief
System. During periods of rainfall ; both of these ponds would ternporarily store
the �•rater, eventually draining it into the Troutbrook, sewer at a much lo�•rer rate.
The storm se�•rer on Westminster Street north of Hy�cinih ��rill require a direct
connection to the Troutbrook because the topography makes it impossible to drain
to the Hyacinth pond.
Alternate street widths were considered. Possibilities were:
32 Feet - Complete on street parking ban
36 Feet = Parking allovled on one side
44 Feet - Parking allowed on both sides �
�, Public k'c�rks feels that the traffic counts do not justify a width of 44 feet. The
residential character of Westminster would make� a total parking ban, and therefore,
a 32 foot ►�ridth undesirable. 36 feet is considered to be the best choice and was
generally concurred with by the people attending the two neighborhood meetings.
No major atterations or deviations frorn the St. Paul typical roadwey were considered
feasible or desirable.
The only alternate to the tJestminster Street Storm Se�,�er construction would be to
leave the existing sewer syster� combined, resulting in further overloading .af the
Troutbrook Sewer as land development increases in this area. �
An alternate to the pond construction would be the construction of a large storm
5ewer draining to the river. The cost of this alternate would be extremely hi9h
. and would not follow the storm water ponding policy adopted by the Council .
� Complete improvenent of the public riyht-of-way will greatly enhance and add to
the quality and character of the neighborhood. -
A nu�nber of new apartment buildings are being built in the area. The construction
of the roadway will provide a much improved aesthetics and access to this area.
The storm water detention pond and proposed sea�er construction 4�ould help retain
capacity in the se�rer system for eventual full development of the area as well as
relieve the overloaded condition of the Troutbrook Sewer, thus helping to alleviate
combined sewer overflows to the river.
There will be minor disruption to the area duriny construction accompanied by some
noise and dust.
F�bout 40 trees t��ill be removed for slope construction on the west side from Hawthorne
to Hyacinth. An additional half dozen or so seedlings and a few bushes ��rill be
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SPEC Il1L CO�i51 DERfiTIOt,S: �
T�•ro informal informational meetin�s have been held ��rith concerneci citizens to
discuss preliminary design considerations.: Thcse �-rere on July 27, 1976 and
September 14, ig77.
The proposed storm water connections to the Troutbrook Sewer �rili require a permit
fro� the Metropolitan 4laste Control Commission prior to constructian.
Presently, portions of Westminster have a right-of-way width soma�•fhat less than 60
feet. (tJidtns vary between 5s.4 to 60 feet) . The Valuation Engineer has been
notified or this situation and is proceeding with the necessary actio� to acquire
a consistent 60 feet throughout the project limits. Design is Proceeding under
the assumption this land will be acquired prior to construction.
tt is expected that a contract can be a��iarded during the� Spring of 1978. Con-
struction should commence during the summer of 1978. Comp}etion sMould be in 120 -
r-, calendar days or less. .
Road��ray Construction $360,000 '79 CA Funds $ 7�+ 0,300 -
Crnamental Lights 35,000
Engineering � Inspection 75,300
Totat $ 7T+`0,3`00 $470,300
Sewer � Pond Const. $373,300 CD Yr. 3 S3oo,000
Er.gineering E Inspection 56,000 Assessments �120,000
1975 �dPA 9,300
Totat 29,300 29,300
. ,R01J Acquisition $ 2,000 '7a CA Funds 2,000
Total 2,000 $ 2,000
�� Grand Total $901 ,600 $901 ,600
For additional information, contact Roadway Project Engineer at 298-5311 or Searer
Project Engineer at 298-5421 •
Public 4lorks proposes a complete .improvement of the right-of-way on Westminster
Street fram Maryland to Larpenteur. Also, the construction of storm se�•�er in •
Westminster, from Maryland to Larpenteur and two storm water detention ponds at
rearby locations previously approved by the Council .
Public 4lorks Engineering staff recommends approvai of this order.
Respectfully submitted,
� o�
R i c ha rd L. tv'hee 1 e r ;:' � ,�°` � ;� ;
Act i ng D i rector of Publ i c Works '� ?�� �!� .
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