271265 WHITE — CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 ������ PINK — FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA V L ��CANARV — DEPARTMENT �� ��0 d ��LUE —s AYOR File �O. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul , that in accordance with Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, the City Council hereby consents to the issuance of the aforesaid revenue bonds for the purposes described in the aforesaid Port Authority Resolution No. 1350 in the initial principal amount of $1 ,485,000 at a net interest cost of not to exceed 8%, the exact details of which, including, but not limited to, provisions relating to maturities, interest rates, discount, redemption, and for the issuance of additional bonds,are to be determined by the Port Authority, pursuant to resolution adopted by the Port Authority, and the City Council hereby authorizes the issuance of any additional bonds (including refunding bonds) by the Port Authority, found by the Port Authority to be necessary for carrying out the purposes for which the aforesaid bonds are issued. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Hozza [n Favor �t- �' _ � __ Against By — � Maddox � Showalter Tedesco ,��� � �J 19� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b`� Council: Date — Certified � e b}� Council tary�-� BY � �7 B� `'if — - .. by ;Vla��oc D t JUN � g 19�8 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY puB�.►SKEO JUN 2 4197g c� . � �r��...��� Resolution ho. 1354 � RESOLUTION OF � THE PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL WHEREAS, the purpose of Chapter 474, Minnesota Statutes, known as the Minnesota Municipal Industr�al Develop- � ment Act (hereinafter called "Act") as found and determined by the legislature is to� promote the welfare of the state by the active attraction and encouragement and development of economi- cally sound industry and commerce to prevent so far as possible ttle emergence of blighted and margin�al lands and areas af chronic unemployment and to aid in the development of exis�ing areas of blight, marginal land and persistent unemployment; and WHEREAS, factors necessitata,ny the active promotion and development of economically sound industry and cor.tmerce are � the increasing concentration of population in the r�tropo].itan areas an� �ne rapidly rising increase in the amount and cost of gaverr_ne~�«i services required to meet the neeas af the increased population and the need for development of land use which will provide an adequate tax base to finance these increas-� ed costs and access to employment opportunities for �uch popu-- lation; and WHEREAS, The Port Authority of the City of Saa.nt Paul (the "Authority") has received from the Farmers Unzon Grain Terminal Association (hereinafter refer.red to as "Company") a request that the Authority issue its revenue bonds to finance the acquisition, installation and construction oi additional grain terminal facilities at the Project site curren�ly leased by the Autharity to the Company (said addit�onal faci.lities hereinafter called the "Project") in the City of S�. Paul, a11 as more fully described in the staff report on file; and � WFIEREAS, the Authority desires to facili�ate the selective development of the community, to retain and improve its tax base and to help it provide the range of servic�s and employment opportunities required by its populatia�, and said Project will assist the City in achieving that obj�ctive. �aid Project will help to increase the assessed valuatian of the City and help maintain a positive relationship between assessed valua- tion and debt and enhance the image and reputatior. of the City; and WHEREAS, the �rojeGt� to be financed by revenue bonds will result in substantial employm�nt opportunities in the Project; � � � WHEREAS, the Authority has been advised by repre- sentatives of the Company that conventionaZ, commercial financing to pay the capital cost of the Project is available only an a limited basis and at such high costs of borrowinq that the economie feasibility of operating the Project would be significantly reduced, but the Company has also advised this Authority that ��ith the aid of revenue bond financing; . and its resulting low borroEaing cost, the Project is econom- ically more feasible; and WHEREAS, rliller & Schroeder P�lunieipa2s, Ine. . (the "Underwriter") has made a proposal in an agreement (the "Underwriting Agreement") relating to the purchase af the revenue bonds to be issued to finance the Project. NO��T, THEREFORE, BE IT RE50LVED by the Commissioners of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota as follows: � •• l. On the basis of information available to the Authority it appears, and the Authority h�reby finds, that . said Project constitutes properties, used or useful in - connection with one or more revenue producing enterprises - engaged in any business within the meaning of Subdivision �. of Section 474.02 of the Act; that the availability of the financing under the Act and willingness af the z�.uthority ta furnish such financing wi11 be a substantial inducement ta the Company to undertake the Project, and that the effect of the Project, if undertaken, will be to increase the port' s vol.ume of comme�ce, provide adequate �terminal facilities functionally related and subordinate to dock facilities open to. all upon reasonable and equal terms, encourage the development of economica.11y sound industry and cominerce and assist in the prEVention of the emergence of blighted and marginal land, and will help to prevent chronic unemploy- ment, and will help the City to retain and improve its tax. base and provide the range of services and employment opportunities required by its population, and will help to prevent the movement of talented and educated .persons out af the state and to areas within the s�ate �ahere their services may not be as effectively used and wi11 result in more intensive development and use o£ land within the City and will eventually result in an increase in the City' s tax base. 2. Subject to the mutual agreement of the Authority, the Gompany and the purchaser of: the revenue bonds as ta the details of the amendment to lease between the Authority and the Company and other documents necessary to evidence and effeet the financing of the Project an ��� � 't�� the issuance of the revenue bonds, the Qroject is hereby approved and authorized and the issuance of revenue bonds of the Authority in an amount not .onal}�zevenuepbondsately - $.l,485�, 000 (other than such additi as are needed to complete the Project) is authorized to finance the costs of the Project. � 3. There has heretofore been filed with the Authority a form of Preliminary Agreer:i�nt between ihe Authority and Company, relating to the proposed cQnstruction and financing of the Project and a form oi' the Unden�riting Agreement. The form of said Agreements have been exanined by the Commissioners. It is the purpos� of said Agreements to evidence the commitr.lent. of the parties and their inten�tions with respect to the proposed Project in order that the Company may proceed without delay with the comm°nr.ement of the acquisition, installation and construction of the Project with the assurance that there has been �ufficient "official action" under Section 103 (b) of the Inter_nal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, to allow for the issuance of industrial revenue bond�s (including, if deemed appropriate, any interim note or nates to provide temporary financing thereof) to finance the entire cost of the Project upon agreement k�eing reached as to the ultimate details of the Project 'nd its financing. Said Agreem�nts ar.e hereby apprcved, an� the President and Secretary of the Authority are �ereby authorized and directed to execute said Aqree- ments. 9. Upon execu�ion of the Preliminary Agreement by the Company, the staff of the Authorit�y are authorized and directed to continue nego�iations with the Com�any so as to resolve the remaining issues necessary to the preparatian of the amendment to lease and other documents necessary to the adoption by the Authority of its final bond resolution and the issuance and delivery of the revenue bonds; prov�ded that the President (or Vice-President if the President is absent) and the Secretary (or Assistant Secretary if the Secretary is absent) of the Authority, or i.f either of such officers (and his alternative). are absent, the Treasurer of the Authority in lieu of such absent offiCers, are h�reby authorized in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 475. 60, Subdivision 1, to accept a final ofter of the Underwriters to purchase the revenue bonds at such time as such offer is made by the Underwriters to purchase said bonds and to eaecute an underwriting agree- ment setti�ancershallcbinditheoUnderwriterstsaidUOffertbut Such acce� . • , shall be subject to approval and ratification by the Port � Authority in a formal supplemental bond resolution to be � adopted prior to the delivery of said reveriue bonds. • 5. T�ie revenue bonds (including any interim note � or notes) and interest thereon shall not constitute an indebtedness of the Authority or the City of Saint Paul � within the meaning of any constitutional ar statutory limitation and shall not constitute or give rise to a � pecuniary liability of the Authority or the City or a charge against their gen�ral credit or taxing powers and neither the full faith and credit nor the taxing powers of the Authority or the City is pledged for the payment of the bonds (and interim note or notes) or interest thereon. 6. In order to facilitate completion of the revenue bond financing herein contemplated, the City Council is nereby .requested to consent, pursuant to Laws of Minnesota, 1976, Chapter 234, to the issuance of the revenue bonds (including any interim note or notes) herein contem�lated and any additional bonds �ahich the Authority may prior to issuance or from time to time thereafter deem necessary to complete the Project or to refund such revenue bonds; and for such purpose the Executive Vice President of the Authority � is hereb1T �uthorized and directed to forward to the City __ Councii ca���es of this resolution and said Preliminary Agree.�.��r.t �r�� any additional available information the City Council may request. � , � . Adopted May 30, 1978 � , � Attest ��- � � - Presi � t The Port uthority of the City of aint Paul Secretary and tenor customary with res�ect to in- dustrial reveriue bond financing in the State of Minnesota and to finance the . acquisition, installation and construction of the Project through the issuance by the Port Authority of Tndustrial DeveZop- ment Revenue Bonds (hereinafter called Bonds) and, if appropriate, a interim note or notes payable from the praceeds of the Bonds pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 458 and 474. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: 1. The Company and the Port Authority agree to nego- tiate the Amendment to Lease in a form and tenor custamary with respect to industrial revenue bond financing in the State of Minnesota, including without limitation the provision for the following: (a) The term of the Amendment to Lease shall commence on the nominal date of the Bonds and shall extend through the final maturity date of the Bonds. (b) The Company shall agree under the Amendment to Lease to make monthly payments in the amounts and at such times as are set out in said negotiated Amendment to Lease, but in any event sufficient to pay when due debt service on the Bonds. � � 1. �----� _ fd�� ��.5'�7 PRELIMINARY AGREENIENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this . ______�--- day of , 1978, by and between the PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a public �corporation organized and existing under the provisions of Minnesata Statutes, Chapter 458, and a redevelopment agency within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474, hereinafter call.ed "Part Authority" , and Farmers Union Grain Terminal Association, a cooperative corporation organized under the laws of Minnesota, hereinafter called "Compariy" ; WITNE5SETH: WHEREAS: A. The Company and Port Autharity in•tend that additional grain terminal storage facilities (the "Additional Facilities") be acquired and installed on the Project site currently leased by the Port Authority to the Company pursuant to a lease, dated February 22, 1977, as amended (the "Lease") , said addita.onal facilities being here�nafter called "Project" ; B. The parties hereto intend, subject to the terms, covenants and conditions herein con- tained, to enter into an amend:aent to the Lease (the "Amendment to Lease" to include the Additional Facilities} , in the form . �'`1� ���5 (c) Interest on earnings derived from the investment of the monthly payments and other monies in the Bond Fund and the Reserve established for � the Bonds shall inure to the benefit of the Port Authority. (d) The Company shall be entitled to credit against its last installments of payments due during the term of the Amendment to Lease and the pra.ncipal amount of any surplus construction funds transferred to the Bond Fund and the Reserve established for the Bonds. (f) The New Facilities shall become part of the "Project" as defined in the Lease arid shall be subject to the same terms and conditions with respect thereto, except as modi.fied to take into account the issuance of the Bonds. (g) The Company agrees that prior to the � commencement of the installation of the Additional. Facilities the Company will cause to be fil�d with the Port Authority and approved by its duly authorized agent the Plans and Specifications far the Additional Facilities certified by an engineer rega.stered in the State of Minnesota and that with respect to at least that part of said Project the Company then wishes to undertake the Company wi11 first cause to be filed with the Por� Authority and approvec� by its duly designated agent, (i) all payment and performance bonds for the �ork to. be undertakeri, (ii) all construction contracts, including any installation contract, (iii) such builders risk, installation floater, and liabil- ity insurance as will fully protect the Company, contractor and Port Authority (who shall be named as an additional insured or loss payees) as their interests shall appear, against risk of loss or damage to the Project and Project prem�ses and against claims which may arise from the construction, acquisition and installation of the Project, and (iv) waivers from the: general contractor and all subcon- tractors and suppliers of a11 rights against the Port Authority for damages to property except such - rights as they may have to proceeds of such insurance. All construction contracts entered into for construc- ting the Project described herein shall include provisions that the wages paid to skilled and un- skilled labor shall not be less than the prevailing wage rates currently in effect in the City of ' Saint Paul. 2. Upon negotiation of the details of said Amend- ment to Lease and final determination of the terms of the Bonds, the Qort Authority shall thereatter issue said Bonds in accor- dance with the terms and conditions set forth in an underwriting agreement and the Ameridment to Lease; provided that: • � ���._��� (a) Details of the sale and issuance of the Bonds to be issued by the Port Authority shall be subject to final approval by the Company and the Port Authority. (b) Issuance of said Bonds shall be subject to the issuance of the approving opinion of Briggs and Morgan, Professional Association, Bond Counsel for the Port Authority and for the City of Saint Paul, and the furnishing of all documents, resalutions, agree- ments, financial information, certifications, and representations necessary to the sale and delivery of the Bonds, including those which are customarily used and those which are customary and necessary to comply with all state and federal laws, regulations, rulings . and decisions. 3. Regardless of whether or not for any reason the Bonds are issued, the Company shall upon demand nevertheless promptly pay or reimburse the Port Authority for the payment of all out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Port Authority in � connection with the Project including without limitation all Bond Counsel and other legal fees incurred in the preparation of this Preliminary Agreement, the negotiated A,mendment to Lease, the underwriting agreement, other related documents, and all costs incident to any environmental studies required to be hereafter made in connection with the Project. i. . , � . 4. This Agreeinent is subject to the approval of the Bonds by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul as provided by Chapter 234 of the Laws of Minnesota for 1976. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed as of the day and year fir.st above written. In the Presence of: PORT AUTHORI, Y OF THE CITY OF SAI PAUL i � . � . By . c ,��,� � Its By Its (Corporate Seal) In the Presence of: FARMERS UNION GRAIN TERMINAL ASSOCZATION By Its BY Its (Corporate Seal) . �\��z�� , � � ���YY o,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL °` "� . ';� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT o ,� � i �-� y a�, ,�e' � 55 East Fifth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55701 �,. 612-298-5775 Gearge latimer . �� "' X ' � Mayor -__.__� z�.__ . _ June 1, 1978 The Honorable George Latimer Room 347 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mayor Latimert . The following documents have been reviewed by the undersigned for the City's approval: Farmers Union Grain Terminal Association Expansion and Improvement ---$770,000 ' Chestnut Street and Shepard Road Elevator Farmers Union Grain Terminal Association Expansion $1,485,000 (Barge Te�minal No. 1) Interior �v'ood Products, Inc. Expansion--$410,000 � Midway Industrfal Park _ boerfler Construction, Inc. (Lowry Hotel) ` - Additional Revenue Bonds for Project Completioa--$620,000 �� Thank you. Sincerely, � . / � , ; .;' �,��G,� :.�.1� Gerald Tsaacs Administrator enclosuxes �`�� � � , PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1130 MINNESOTA BUILOING, 4TH AND CEOAR, SAINT PAUL, MINN. 55101, PHONE (612) 224-5686 : � Ma�31 , 1978 —v Mr. Gerald Isaacs Chief of Economic Development � � City of St. Paul . 55 E. 5th Street St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 SUBJECT: DOERFLER CONSTRUCTION, INC. (LOWRY HOTEL) � ADDI7IONAL kE1�'ENUE BONDS FOR PROJEC't' COMFLETION--$ti20,0�JG Dear Jerry: We submit herewith for your review and referral to the office of the Mayor, City Council , and the City Attorney's office details pertaining to the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the project completion of the Lowry Hotel by Ooerfler Construction, Inc. In addition to the staff inemorandum, we are attaching a draft copy of the proposed City Council Resolution, and a copy of the Preliminary Agreement, and a copy of Port Authority Reso]ution No. 1348 which authorized the sale of bonds in the amount of approximately $620,000. �Yours truly, � - � � � i ugene A. Kraut - Assistant Executive Vice President EAK:jmo Encl. . cc: R. Broeker - Roa[wT R. Sr�AIKw Euacn[A. Kwwur,C.1.0. Dor/w�o G. DuMSw[[.C.I.D. Ct��fO�D[. RwMSTto Rosto[C. Owowti � [RECUTIV� V�C[ r1�[61D[NT Af[ISTANT [II[CYTIV[YICC IRt6�D[NT D11�[CT01�. IMDViTR1Al DtV[l0/M[NT CNltr (NGIN[ER� GMIL�ACCOVNTANT GOMMISSIONENS 6[01�Gt W. WINT[R rA7RICK J. AO[Ol[R A117NVA N. 600DMAN G, RICMI�RO SlAO[ RO�AII[L. BYTL[11 IOY�i N, M[Y[I�• WItL1AM J. S[Ii[PT� I11[i�D[N7 VIC'E IIIEf10[NT . f[GA[T114• TAtAfY1�(1� ' ' - C.I.D.Certijied Industrial Dtvtloper �_ ...�- � � _� - POR7 AUTHORITY OP THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1130 MINNESOTA BUILDING, 4TH AND CEDAR, SAINT PAUL. MINN. 55101, PHONE (612� 224-5686 May 31 , 1978 Mr. Gerald Isaacs � Ci�ief of Economic Development City of St. Paul 55 E. 5th Street ' St. Pau; , Minnesota 55101 SUBJECT: INTERIOR WOOD PRODUCTS, INC. EXPANSION--$410,000 MIDWAY INDUSTRIAL PARK Dear Jerry: We submit herewith for your review and referral to the office of the Mayor, City Council , and the City Attorney's office details pertaining to the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the 21 ,000 square foot addition to the present warehouse facility for Interior Wood Products in Plidway Industria] Park. =n addition t� ��he sta►`f inemorandum, ��e are �ttaehi�ig a draft copy of the proposed .City Council Resolution, a copy of the Preliminary Agreem�nt, and a copy of Port Authority Resolution No. 1352 which authorized the sa�e of bonds in the amount of approximately $410,000. � Yours truly, �� � , , ugene A. Kraut � � Assista t Executive . � Vice President EAK:jmo . Encl. R. Broeker . RO�[eT F, S�wwrrw Eua[nE A. I(RAVT. C.I.U. OON�1lD G. DuwsN[[,C.1.0. - Cusiowo E. R��.s�m ROSCO[t. Bwoww .. . [I[[CVTIVC VIC[ M�[i�D[NT •SfISTANI [1[CY71VC VICE�1�[il0[NT OIN[CTOw, �NDVSTRIAL D[V[l0/NCNT CNICI (NGIN![11 CMI[f ACCOVNtANT GOMMISSIONERS G[OwG( W. WINTU •AfRICK J. RO[Ol[I� ANTNYR N. GOODM�IN C�, RICMA110 SLwD[ ROi�1l1[L. OUTL[R LOVIf M, M[Y[1�1 w��.�.�AM J.3[Ift1�T �' - ►11li�D[NT YIC6 r11[f�DLNT f[CI�[TAR♦ TNt�tVl�[II ' , �...,..----� _ _ _ _ J ! PORT AIITHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL . 1130 MtNNESOTA BUILDING, 4TH AND CEDAR, SAINT PAUL, MINN. 55101, PHONE (6f2) 224-5686 � May 31 , 1978 ____._� ��. Mr. Gerald Isaacs Chief of Economic Development • City of St. Paul 55 E. 5th Street St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 ' SUBJECT; FARMERS UNION GRAIN TERMINAL ASSOCIATION EXPANSION �1 ,485,000 (BARGE TERMINAL N0. 1) Dear Jerry: �,te submit herewith for your review and referral to the office of the Mayor, City Council , and the City Attorney's office details pertaining to the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the construction of five additional storage tanks for Farmers Union Grain Terminal Association at Barge Terr�inai No. 1. In addition to the staff inemorandum, we are attaching a draft copy o° tne propose� Ci ty Caunci 1 i2esol ution, a copy of the Prel i►ni nary Agreement, and a copy of Port Authority Resolution No. 1350 which authorized the sale of bonds in the amount of approximately $1 ,485,D00. � urs truly, • � Eugene A. raut ' Assistant Executive Vice President EAK:�mo � �ncl . cc: R. Broeker .NO�[w♦ s. t►ww�Kw � WG[nt A. KewYT,C.I.D. DOr+�lp G. DuwsMtt.C.I.D. Cu►IOND E. R�M��cD Aosco�C. OwOw» [iECYT1V[ VIC< II�[�IO[N♦ •�i1fTANT [�[CYTIVC V1C[I11�f1D[NT OII�[C70A. INOVfl1�1111 O[V[IO/M[NT CNIL/ [NOIN![R CNI[F ACtOVNTANT CO�MM15510NtRS G[0110[ W. W/NTtN rATl��tlt J. RO[O1t11 AwTMVw N. �.dODMAN G. NICNwwO f��ot ROfA41[l. OVTI[A ' LOUIf M. MiY[IIf M'�II�AM J.f[IItR7-�� � . IA[f10�MT VIC[/1�[SID[NT i[CRETAII♦ T11[A{Y11[A C.I.D.Certijied Induatrial Devaloper ..�.,z .. ._ _ _. _ _ .._r._--- _ . . _ . . _ . r � � � � PORT AUTHORITY OF 7HE CITY OF SAINT PAUi. 1130 MINNESOTA BUILDING, 4TH AND CEDAR, SAINT PAUL, MiNN. 55101, PHONE (612) 224-5686 � � May 31 , 1978 Mr. Gerald Isaacs Chief of Economic Development City of St. Paul 55 E. 5th Street St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 SJBJECT: FARMERS UNION GRAIN TERMINAL ASSOCIATION EXPANSTUN AND IMPROV'EMENT--•$;70,000 CHESTNUT STREET AND SHfPARD ROAD ELEVATOR Dear Jerry: We submit herewith for your review and referral to the office of the Mayor, City Council , and the City Attorney's office details pertaining to the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the expansion and improve- ments to Farmers Union Grain Terminal Association's facility at � Chestnut Street and Shepard Road. In addition to the staff inemorandum, we are attaching a draft copy of the proposed City Council Reso]ution, a copy of the Preliminary Ayteerient, and a c�py pf .Port tiutharity Resoj�ation No. 1351 which authorized the sale of bonds in the amount of approximately $770,000. �'1Yours truly, � �ugene A. Krau ssistant Exec.utive Vice President EAK:jmo Encl. � cc: R. Broeker Nos[w♦ F, S►wwrsa EuGCnc A. Kwwui, C.I.D. OOM�IO G. OuNSH[[. C.I.D. G���ro�o E. ReMSrco � Aocco[C.awow» ' [![CU�IV[VIC[ •N[fIDCN} A6i15TI1NT [i[CVTIV[V/C[IR[!IQ[NT 0�11[C70R. IND451NIwl DEVEIOIM[NT CNIEi [NGIN[[I� CMI[F ACCOUNTANT � COMMISSIONERi � G[owo[W. W�nTCw PATRIGK J.FO[OL[q ARTNYI� N. G000MwN G, RI�MARD SIAD[ Nos•u[ l. Bui�[n Lou�s N. Mtrtns Wi���wne J. S[��ew1�� ►w[sio[w� v�cc�wcs�o[Nr f[C'1[TAq♦ � i11[AlUA[A C.I.D.Certi/ied Industrial Dtveloper .+�"`so= ,_.; ,: . . . .u: ,� : : . OM Ol : 12/t975 t . Rev. : _ 9/8/76 . _ ���c�.. . EXPLANATTON OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, ,�, . �'"r� c,��� w�.r. ;' RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES � � � °� � , � . � �.���.�� };�� � . � . ��� Date: May 31 ,' 1978 � � � . _ ._ � _ -, - ,,,. :_ _ =, _ - - _ - . _ . . _. __ ; . . _ _ � .., ..:. ���.,� . . . . . T0: MAYOR GEO G lATIh1ER . � . �- . . :��: . . ; _ � . - , : ,� : �; : . . .. �t, FR: E. A.-.�Kr.au - Paul Port Authori tY - � . _ _ . = .a: :.__ �;� _ __ _ _ =_ _ _ , . .__ - - -- . -� _ . -. ' ..._ _.�_. �.._ .. .._... - .. .:.... ^ .-.:.. �'��' ...:�� .�. .. '... - .�.�..�_.�.."'T RE: FARMERS U ON GRAIN TERMINAL ASSOCIATIQN EXPANSION--$1 ,485,000 � BARGE TERMINAL N0. 1 . RESOLUTION N0. 1350 � r - . . _ . . .n , . ACTION REQUESTED: . - . . In accordance with the Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 234, it is requested that the City. Council , by Resolution, a draft copy of which is attached hereto, approve the issuance of approximately $1 ;485,OOO .in revenue bonds for the purpose of financing five additional storage tanks at their present facility in Barge Terminal No. 1 . • � PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: � The purpose of the bond issue is to finance the cor�struction of five additional storage tanks on the east side of their present storage tanks in Barge Terminal No. 1 . ATTACHMENTS• � � Staff Memorandun Draft City Council Resolution . Port Authority Resolution No. 1350 - Preliminary Agreement � , P ,� RT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL � Memo�ondum TO: Board of Commissioners DATE: May 25, 1978 Meeting May 30, 1978 - FROM: D. G.Dun eJ � � �� SUBJECT: FARMERS UNION GRAIN TERMINAL ASSOCIATION EXPANSION--$1 ,485,000 BARGE TERMINAL N0. 1 RESOLUTION N0. 1350 In May 1975 the Port Authority Corr�nission approved the assignment of the former Walsh Grain Company lease to .Farmers Union Grain Terminal Association. In January 1977 the Commission and the St. Paul City Council approved an industrial development revenue bond issue of $1 ,080,000 to finance additional pollution control equipment for the elevator. The company has asked that the Port Authority consider the financing of five additional storage tanks which would be constructed on the east side of the prespnt storage tanks. Proceeds from the bond issue wouTd be as follows: - Construction $1 ,199,225 Expenses 25,000 Capitalized Interest during Construction - 6 Months 44,550 Debt Service Reserve 179,100 Discount 37,125 TOTAL $1 ,485,000 The company has contacted the City of St. Paul and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and received the necessary permits for expansion of the elevator. This proposed bond issue would be for 13 years terminating on September 13, 1991 , which is the same date as t�te existing lease. . On May 11 staff notified District Council 1 about the proposed project and as of this date there have been no oral or written objections received regarding the project. Staff recorrnnends approval . OGD:jmo