01-1306c `� ; s ; s� � , '�. . _ . , _ . . a, �' � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �U RESOLVED, that the licensee, Savoy Inn, Inc. d/b/a Savoy Inn (License ID No. 16118), located at 421 East 7`� Street in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $400.00 for the violation of the sale of tobacco or tobacco products to a minor. Said fine shall be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within thirty (30) days of the adoption of this resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the November 7, 2001 Notice of Violatidn letter to the licensee. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary , ' \ . . . - . _ . ■ _ - Li �✓� �� i ,. ,r/ � , �i fiii' ,� iiii/ Council File # O\� 1� � b GreenSheet# .�OQ �3� By: \ � � �"!� Form Approved by City Att By: ' / �-,�e� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date [� 9 .�„ lq 2�Oa � � DEPARTMEN'LOFF'ICE/COUNCIL: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 200239 Q, �' LIEP Dec 3, 2001 1pf CONTACT YERSON & PHONE: INI'1'7nlenaiE IN1T1AI✓DATE Virginia Palmer (266-8710) � DEP�rn�Errr nm. ci� couNCn. NNST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �IGN _ CIIY ATTOKNEY _ CTTY CLERK NUMBER ��CIAL SERV DIlL FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG December19 �COIISellt� FOR MAYOR(ORASST.) _CIVII,SERVICECOMMISSION ROI7TING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncrioN �QUES�n: Adverse action against the Cigarette/Tobacco license held b ' /a Sauoy Inn, located at 421 East 7�' Street SA.�'a`f' i f1N �( I�tL. RECOMMENDATfONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTiONS: PLANNPIG COMMISSION 1. Has [his person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COMMI'I'IEE Yes No CNSL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a criy empioyee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/ficm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any current ciTy employee? Yes No Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INTTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'I'ONITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � d/b/a Savoy Inn, failed October 24, 2001 cigarette compliance check. SAV�7^ f t�ra� ir�tC,. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Council action necessary to impose presumptive penalty for license violarion. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: �—"'? No penalty will be imposed for license violation. pa ����� �,�n� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: �'�y°�' tt E � FUNDIlVG SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) [ \USERS�PANGBORMgreenshett-cigarette rpmpl B wpd - OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M Robinson, Jr., Ciry Auorney � � ���� — CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civtl Division Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Hnll Telephorse: 651166-87l0 ISWuiKe[IoggBlvd. Facsinile:65129&56l9 Sain[ Pau(, Minnesota SSIO2 i December 3, 2001 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Owner/Manager Savoy Inn 421 7` Street East Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 RE: Cigarette/Tobacco License held by Savoy Inn, Inc. d/b/a Savoy Inn for the premises located at 421 E. 7` Street in Saint Paul License II7 #: 16118 Dear Sir/Madam: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, December 19, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter in that the facts contained in the Notice of Violation conceming the uniawful sale of cigazettes have not been disputed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$400.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, `! / . � C� (��i� �.-.�. Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Dayton's Bluff Dirstrict 4 Community Council, 798 E. 7th St., St. Paul, MN 55106-6625 l�t-l�e� UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name Address: Counci{ Date: Savoy Inn, Inc. d/b/a Savoy Inn 421 East 7�' Street Wednesday, December 19, 2001 Violation: Sale of Cigarettes to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 609.685 St. Paul Legislative Code § 324.07 Date of Violation: Place: Presumptive Penalty: $400.00 Fine (2" Violation) Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalfi of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $400.00 fine (second offense) Attachments: 1, Proposed resolution 2.Notice of Violation 3. Tobacco Compliance Check Purchase Form October 24, 2001 Licensed Premises 4. License information CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnn, �L1rs}'or November 7, 2001 OFFICF � 'I'F;E CITY ATTORi�1EY Clnyton M...r,binson, Jc, Ciry bt -1306 Ci�•il Divirion 40Q Ciry Hnf! Tetephone: 651 266-8710 ISiVestKelloggBh�d. Fncsimile:651298-5619 Snint Pnuf, bfinnesotrs 5510? NOTICE OF VIOLATION Owner/Manager Savoy Tnn 421 7` Street East Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55101 RE: Cigarette/Tobacco License held by Savoy Inn, Inc. d/b/a Savoy Inn for the premises located at 421 East 7`" Street in Saint Paul License ID #: 16118 Dear Sir/Madam: The Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the cigarette/tobacco license held by Savoy Inn, Inc, dlbfa Savoy Inn for the premises located at 421 E. 7` Street in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On October 24, 2001, a tobacco compliance check was conducted at the premises of the Savoy Inn located at 421 E. 7` Street. A 15-year old female asked to purchase cigarettes. The employee in the bar asked for identification and the fifteen year old showed identification which properly listed her date of birth and showed her to be underage. Nevertheless, the clerk sold her a package of Kool cigarettes. Sale of tobacco to an underage person is a violation of Minn. Stat. §609.685 and Saint Paul Legislative Code §324.07. Since this is a second violation, the licensing office will recommend a 5400.00 fine. Page 2 SavoyInn November 7, 2001 At this time you have three options on how to proceed: O 1 -l'JO` If you do not dispute the above facts and do not wish to have a public hearing, you will need to pay the recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment directly to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, Room 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The letter should be directed to Ms. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine will be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you are entitled. A self- addressed envelope is enclosed if this is your choice. 2. Altematively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearin� before the Saint Paul City Council, you will need to send me a letter with a statement admitting the violation and requesting a public hearing. We �vill need to receive your letter by Monday, November 19, 2001. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. 3• If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At that hearing both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. If this is your choice, please advise my legal assistant, Peter Pangborn, and we will take the necessary steps to schedule the administrative hearing. He can be reached at 266-8710. If we have not heard from you by Monday, November 19, 2001, we �vill assume that you do not contest the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. Please be advised that the clerk who was identified as having made the sale on this date is also being charged an administrative penalty pursuant to Minn. Stat. §461.12, subd. 3. This is a sepazate action from this license matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (651) 266-8710. Sincerely, �� a�ccC•��� �� Virginia D: Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP John Vaughn, Community Organizer, Dayton's Bluff Dirstrict 4 Community Council, 798 E. 7th St., St. Paul, MN 55106-6625 bl-t'�o6 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) Ss. ) AEFIDAVIT OF STRVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on November 8, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLA'TION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Savoy Inn 421 7 °fi Street E. St. Paul, MN. 55101 (which is the last known same, with postage prepaid Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of November, 2001. Notary Publ address of said person) depositing the , in the United States mails at St. Paul, PETER P. PAidGbORN 110fARY FIiBIJC -1���NeSOTA p,�y �,OMAAtSSION Ex�sr�,ES JAN 3'! � 20W` OFF[CE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIOSdS ANB ENVQ20NMENTAL PROTECTfON Roger Curtis, Director O1 �„�` Case # Affix Label Here CITY OF SAINT PAUL Na,m Coleman, M¢yor LOWRYPROFESSIONAL BUILDING Telephone: 657d669090 350 Sk Peter Stree{ Suue 300 Frscsimile: 651-266-9724 SainlPaul,Minnuota55102-ISIO Web: www.ci.sfpaul.mn.us/liep Tobacco Compliance Check Purchase Form ��- ���� ltiE � �a% �2-z''�= �� - �: j� �a� 5�51�s-- a �3 3 Business Type: � Convenience � Convenience / Gas � Gas � Drug Store / Pham�acy � Tobacco / Smoke Shop � Supermuket / Grocery � General Merchant �T:iquor Store / tauran � Othei (private dub bowting, etc.) l Date: �� / " / � � Time: � . � a.m � M M D D Y Y Was purchase attempted? If NO, check reason: �Yes �No �Doesnotselltobacco �Unsatisfactory/unsa£econdirions � Out of business � Other � After business hours � Not applicable Suyer �� Age Sea Adult ��� Did adult or officer transaction? Use 3 initials ��; Use 3 initials Yes or �o 16 Male 17 3ale made2 Was age ask� � Yes �or No Yes or /I3o) l./ Type of purchase: Service Clerk assisted �� Vending machine - Unlocked Location of machine _V ending machine - Locked Location of machine ClerkTnformation: �Female �Male Approximate Age: �Ilnder 18 Civil Eenaity $ � bicensee: CiviTPenalry,$ - ' "_ FocO(ticeFTseOnfy - ' � Crixmnai Peaatry $ Susprnsion:_l6 days oe less 32 days td L Actual age if known I' and �� ver tI to 3 i dayg = 0ver 1 yea`r,,.:' . W requested? R'a ID shown? Yes or No ese or No Type�ef product . Amount spent: $ ��. � � `�igazettes � T 1� _Smokeless _Other (cigazette papers, lighter, etc.) _` 1 a � , �ao�. Name of Address: , � z,'�' � ��=' . Date ofBirth �-���- �%c�: Driver's License # or State I. ,��. ��-i�. <-- �i ��/ � �G�--yti/—�f�� Cr� /'��'�'` � /v!/""—� �� . License G�oup Comments 7ext Licensee: SAVOY lNN INC �BA� SAVOY INN License #: 00161'IS ��1Y� ���-�� i ���`� 11/OS/2007 0 `.��Q` 11/5/2001 To CAO for adverse action. CAR 11/05f2001 Sent congratulations letter for passing alcohol compliace check. SS � 70/24l2001 Failed tobacco wmpliance check. Clerk was Kathleen Bauer. Second failure, $400 matrix penalty. CAR 70/162001 Passed DPS alcohol compliance check conducted by SPPD. SS 70l312007 $50.00 rcvd from clerk Valorie Johnson for cig sales violation.ES 10/092001 ALJ report received from Valorie Johnson Hearing. $50 fine for sale of to6auA products in upheld, although the judge indicated that imposing costs of the hearing would not be appropriate. CAR 09/07R007 $200 rcvtl for cig sale violation. caa 08/302001 Sent fine letter (5200 due 921/01). LAB 08/22/2001 CFOt-877 resolved that the licensee is hereby ordered to pay a Fine of $200 for violation of sale of tobacco. caa 08/07/2001 Notice of Hearing from CAO for Clerk, Valorie Jean Johnson. ALJ hearing scheduled for 09/13/2001, 9:30 AM, Room 41. CAR 07l122601 Notice of violation from CAO for sale of tobacco produds to a minor. Give to 07/23/2001 to respond. JL 07/O6l2001 To CAO for adverse action. CAR 07/02/2001 Failed tobacco compliance check. Cierk was Valorie Jean Johnson, 401 Sibley St #728, 55101. First sale, $200 matra penatry. CAR 07/24/2007 Notice of Council Hearing from CAO for a 08/22/2007 public hearing for sale of tobacco products to a minor. JL 07/12/2001 Notice of violation from CAO for sale of tobacco products to a minor. Give to 07123/2001 to respond. JL 07/06/2001 7o CAO for adverse adion. CAR 07/02/2001 Faited tobacco compliance check. Clerk was Vaiorie Jean Johnson, 401 Sibley St #728, 55101. First sale, $200 matrix penalty. CAR 03/08/2001 Passed tobacco compliance check. SS OS/03/2000 Passed tobacco compliance check. SS OS/25/2000 sent congratulations letter for passing alcohol compliance check. SS 05/06/2000 Passed U of M alcohoi compliance check conducted by Vice RamstadlReilly. SS OS/72/99 passed cig compliance check, 09/09/99 letter sent SS 4l15l99 passed aicohol compliance check; no "unofficial" waming-DL 10/02/98 Congratulations letter sent. PJW 09l14l98 Passed cigarette compliance check. P,lW 10117 730 Seats 5-5-87 9/25/90 Name Of Licensee Changed From James M. Morelli To The Savoy Inn Inc Dba The Savoy I�n With The Addition Of Mary Elizabeth Moreili As An Additional Stockholder At The Same Address Per Resolution Signed By Robert Kessler 7176f96 Cig Code Added Fd Id# 16119--Lap-Lic �o������ G��F 6 � _ �'�04. A.ddress I Licensee � CoMaG 1 License � CerdhoNa' Type' t' Property �` Licensee C� Unotficiel C•� qp �leeet Y: 21 StreH Neme' TH StreN Type: <AO> �, Direction� <Alb ;�,L'; UnM1 # �— Gdy eAlb INN ��_._ � ��:�� �g�� ;m2,-� � �fi . –Hek�.-" � JAMES FLAHERN JAMES fLN1ERTY Food Marreg� _ Cenceletl License Defimtion Cenceled 03717t1999 �03J172007 421 7TH ST E _' ' _' ,.._ _ _ _'"__'_'__._' ' ' .. _ __."'. __.. '_'_. _.' _'____ "_'.. .'_ "' '_ SAVOY INN MC SAVOV INN Liquar On Sele-Ov.4ctive License Pnnted 02716f1997 04f30R002A27 7TM ST E _`_�__`�__' �_'_'_-'_"`___'__'""_"_" ____ Liquor On Sale - Su Active License PriMed _ 02tl Bd997:04f30tH#R427 7TH ST E . MeR O(f Sale Active License PriMed _02118JI997,04f30R002427 7TH ST E . . " ' _ .... . _ EARI SCHOENHEIDER SAVOY INN Restaurard (6) _ ttwACtive PerApproechinq Rerie'wal Dffie i t 22d 996 0'I A2P002421 7TH ST E 7 � 4:02 6 � -�'So�. T �� E ��5�'��� .. ., ... Y�°� Licwsee AVOYWMWC ��`P'� OBA AVOY WN �� Stre _ �cense � �icensee � Lic. Types l Insurance � Band I Requ>emefRs l Sire, � G pmperty �' Licensee � Unoffici� Pro�ectFac�rtetor: ASUNCION,CORINNE � Dve ' Street #� 27 Adverse Adion CommeMs Und StreetName: TH � Crtg �reet Type' ST Direchon � Unrt Ind: r Und #. r �qy. T pqu� Ucense Group CommeMS: State. 1N Zi0. 55107 ���'�� To CAO for ativer5e achoa CAR � 1 rt152001 SeM congratuietions letter tw passirg � ;Br�yNSC,',` fi Icohol comWiace check SS Dist Council �a —-- � OR4R001 FaOetl tobecco compliance check. perk was " _'_"'""___" """"___"" _'_""_ ffiMeenBauer.S¢COntlfaAure � Licensee. AVOV INN INC Licensee . DBA. AYOY INN CommerRx wa�.'-�'_. Sales Tax Itl 568226 Bus Phone. 6511f� 227-1437 • '�� MettOitSale � 02l16t1997 ; 04f,i02002 - N $89 �'+. LiquorOnSale-SUntley ;C 02l78l1997 `, 04730R002 N _$200 " " _."__'._.. __. .-.— �..._ E!fl CigacettelCobacco . _.___,.'__ ____..�? _ _ 02Y1811987 4 M�2�2_ N _"' ._ $3t7A6 License # E 7TH ST E 7TH ST E 7TH ST E 7TH ST E 7TN 5T E � '1'. :..nli'.. {h�'4` ^`.`+..rv3.s� ' ✓ kems Found � � O� _��Ote Sire � Stre SYre Dne� Und CQy Licensee VOY WN TIC DBA VOY WN License Licensee � �c. Types l Insurence 1 Bond ' Requrcemerrts, Licensee Name: AVOY WN MC �„� "�'�� e :�*=�'��.:..� OBA AVOV WN Ssies Tac Itl 69226 Npn-Profil: (— 'NOrker's Com�x ONOA000 ��...M��?-�"°,4S AA CoMrad Rec'd ONON000 AA Training Rec'd 0/00100�0 AA Fee Co�ectetl 100N000 Discrourrt Rec'tl � Olher A enc Licenses Financial Holtl Reasons Cri�erUCens�rig y ?9e�.._ .GY,,,.,�s?S.� � � `�:�x-,..:v". ::���= _ ,.�.,-_ _ _�.,�p � ��i ��" _ ' SAVC' Background Lheck Requiretl � 3 ' 'License # '16N8 ' EARL'. _+1�� i°Y - .'.'Z��'€i.'" ..:?,°`,�: 7 ttems Faund � . ,. _ ' _._._._ ' �Stait �Group4Y'ae-Mai[ ��� ..,,,� - Mal Ucense To: — �'�te�g,. E Phone '�t10 �� f•� Mat io cordaci _ (657 J 227-1437 ,� C' License Adtlress J.AMES"_ DIRECTOR ; _ ( j _ �(651 �-------' FARL MANAGER O x651 Mal invaice To. — M0.RY ANtECTOR _'_ ( j ,(65t G Mal To Cantact sMG,'k�' s = ° no,:��" r,r�h.n'�^n" .�.< .�,',,;�f ��' �icense Aatlress 7TH 5T E 7TH ST E 7TH ST E 7TH ST E 7TH ST E 4.d2