271247 WHI7E - CITV CLERK � �����a� J PINK - FINANCE � TT i CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA �} L COUIICIl BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � Counc ' es lution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee�By Date An administrative Resolution revising the minimum � qualifications in certain Class Specifications in the � Civil Service Rules. WHEREAS, it is appropriate and desirable to change the Class Specifica- tions for tlie titles of Water Serviceman I, Water 5erviceman II (Connections), and Water Serviceman II (Mains); now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by striking from Section 49 the Class Specifications for the titles of Water Serviceman I, Water 5ervicema.n II (Connections), and Water Serviceman II (Mains), and substituting in lieu thereof, respecti�el.y, the attached Class Specifications for the titles of WATER SERVICEMAN I, WATER SERVICEMAN II (CONNECTIONS), and WATER SERVICEMAN II (MAINS). Approved: � Chai rman Civil Service Com ission COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas_—s -.•-�c,. Neys � Hozza PERSONNEL OF ICE ��t [n Favor Levine � Maddox -_ Against BY — Showalter � ��,j� '� S ���� Form pprov d by C' ttorney Adopted by Council: Date \ �. I Certified s: by C ncil retar BY B� _ App 'Vlavoc Date JUN 1 6 1978 APP�o� d y Mayor for Submiss' n to guncil By BY ����s��o �uN � 4 » , , � "' � : � � , . Do not d etech ti�l: rnemorandum from th• � resalutlon �so that thls 1nformatlan wll� b� � ��: �z/x97s avallable to the Clty COUncll� �v.: �lsl�e : �' �ga��� a� � � 2`���'� . Dat�: April 13, 19Z$ . � � � � �: � �'�� � � -�o: rs�YOa c8��� ��� . MaY -4 197� FRc Pe�cs�tal 4ffice ��� � RBs B�eseluti.qa for: sub����t �a G�.t� Cvwn+�f.�, ` A�`��..�,�..,�i,QU��� : _ W� recsmmsad you� �t�►pra�a7; �md subm�.sa�s� o�- ttiis ltae�v�.�t�a ta� '�h�e Ci�y �wptc�.1.. F�A9l�,��'�bl�l,,�/1�I,�.��!8�,�g�� ��TB�S'ACxxON s� This Resolution will ch.ange the mi.nimuxn. qua].i.ficatioas for the ciassificatio�s of Vf�ater Serviceman I, Water 5erviceman II (Connections), aad Water � Serv�i.ceman IT (Maina). Changes approved by the Minimum Q�.alifications Coinmittee in.clude t11e deleting vf educ�tional requiremex�ts, makin� D�etch Diggers and Water Laborers eligible for Water�Servicerraan II (Coanecia.ons}, r�ucing;the length of e�perience necessary to qualify for Water Serviceman I and specifying that laboring experi�nce sha11 be as a Water Laborer. ` The W ater Servicexn.an II classifications aow have �e sarne minim�.xn qualifica- tions. There are no o1�er cha.n.ges on �h.�e specific�.tions. ' A�.,.4�.,..�.��� . R.esoluti.on a.nd copy for the City Clerk. �<�?��� � �, Title of class: �,��'� WATER SERVICEMA.N I Duties and responsibilities: � r tTnder supervision, to locate and operate the valve on a water distribution system; to assist in the detection leaks; to make shop repairs on hydrants and valves; and to rform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To turn on and off service connections. To turn on and off water mains in the d" tribution system when emergencies exist. � TQ assi�t in the detection of leaks. , To locate valves on water mains. �' To assemble service connections a'nd air vents. To make shop repairs on hydrant� and valves of all sizes. To operate srnall pumps and png�umatic machines. To work on night emergency c�ew. , i Minimum qualifications: �' i Eighth-grade education a d two years' exp.erience as a Ditch Digger � or Unskilled Laborer in the Water Department. , / Related titles: Unskilled Laborer Ditch Digg e r Water Serviceman I Water Serviceman II (Connections) Water Serviceman II (Mains) � Water Service Foreman Foreman--Water Department Effective 3une g0, 3963 - , �• • � Title of class: WATER SERVICEMAN II (CONNECT NS) � Dutie s and re sponsibilitie s: Under supervision, to make water pipe and alve connections under 3" diameter in the installation and rep r of water distribution systems; and to p�rform related wor as assigned. � Examples of work performed: �r`� � To install and repair service conneg�ions and air vents, To operate small pumps, pneumati,c machines, tapping machines, etc. To install sheeting in ditch work �hen necessary. To inspect and test service conn�ctions installed by contractors. To perform the duties specified��for Water Sex°viceman I on occasiony as required. , i" Minimum qualifications: �r Eighth-grade education ar�l one year's experience as a Water Serviceman I, I f �� � %��� �,, l� l � Related titles: Water Serviceman T Water Serviceman II (Cannections) � Water Serviceman II (Mains) Effective May 139 1963 WATER 5ERVICEMAN II (CONNECTIONS) +.... ,- e ^ � ' r r �� Title of class: WATER SERVICEMAN II (MAINS) Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to make water pipe and valve connections 3" diameter and over in the installation and repair of water distribution systems; and to perform related �vork as assigned. Example s of work performed: ,' To install and repair cast iron, concrete, ,�ind steel water mains and appurtenanc e s. � To install and make field repairs on hydrants, gate valves, and blowoff valves. �' To operate small pumps, pneumatic machines, tapping machines, etc. To install sheeting in ditch work when necessary. Minimum qualifications: Eighth-grade education and one year's experience as a Ditch Digger or Water Serviceman I, or two years' experience as a laborer on crews doing similar work. � ;' �, i �' J; , , � . �� �, � Effective October 11, 1971 F� �` CITY OF SAINT PAUL � , . �'� � ��(� , OF'FICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL ����~�� ..R ���-..i li 4]]? I . � ," ,4�_, . Date : June 6, 1978 COMMITTEE � E PORT TO : Saint Paui City Councit F R O M � C o m m i tt e e O ti FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL ROSALIE BUTLER , choirman, makes the following . report on C. F. � Ordinance �] Resolution : � O#her T �T L E : Resol uti on amendi ng Secti on 49 of the Ci vi 1 Servi ce rul es by : striking the specifications for the title Water Serviceman I � and II (connections) and Water Serviceman II (Mains) and sub- stituting in lieu thereof new specifications At its .meeting of June 5, the Committee moved to refer the matter back to the Council for approvaT. CITY HAI.L SEVENTH FLOOR SAINf' PAUi., MIN1riESOTA SSIOZ . . . �°y�:>±j . . . . � 2�:��'�`� Title of class: • WATER SERVIC�MAN II (MAINS) Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to make water pipe and valve connections 3" diameter and over in the installation and repair of water distribution systems; and to perfarm related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To install and repair cast iron, concrete, and steel water mains and appurtenances. To install and make field repairs on hydrants, gate valves, and blowoff valves. To operate small pumps, pneur.iatic machines, tapping machines, etc. To install sheeting in ditch work when necessary. Minimum qualifications: One year's experience as a Water Serviceman I or Ditch Digger or two years' experience as a Water Laborer. , �"���?��'� Title of class: WATER SERVICEMAN II (CONNECTIONS) Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to make water pipe and valve connections under 3" diameter in the installation and repair of water distribution systems; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To install and repair service connections and air vents. To operate small pumps, pneumatic machines, tapping machines, etc. To install sheeting in ditch work when necessary. To inspect and test service connections installed by contxactors. To perform the duties specified for Water Serviceman I on occasion, as required. Minimum qualifications: One year's experience as a Water Serviceman I or Ditch Digger or two years' experience as a Water Laborer. � l ��`� ` Title of class: WATER SERVICE;KAN I Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to locate and operate the valves on a water distribution system; to assist in the detection of leaks; to make shop repairs on hydrants and valves; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To turn on and off service connections. To turn on and off water mains in the distribution system when emergencies exist. To assist in the detection of leaks. To locata valves on water mains. To assemble service connections and air vents. To make shop repairs on hydrants and valves of all sizes. To operate small pumps and pneumatic machines. To work on night emergency crew. Minimum qualifications: One year's experience as a �Vater Laborer or Ditch Digger.