271233 �1 ('� CITY OF ST.PAUL COLTNCIL_FILE NO. � FI NAL ORDER By ;, r �.., ^.�.A_.w+. In the Matter of �p;����f�ti�y�t� ����,� �� ��� �� +�wR wrlk asd sll oEht�r wfs'k to aa�rpl�tt l��ext - h1449'd ml��itlT N11S., bod+! �1d+�as itR+e� 1/i�t�u'i#t !E• to lttx i�t �t• a•1t�493 �11YY*R#�'� AY�6.� both •i.�t�s laa� ��oa liar�r. to t!�lo� it. under Administrative Order � approved �� '��� �'�� - �.��.� �� �� �,3 1�� under Preliminary Order = �� approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it �" RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. ,�� 13 1978 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Nays Certifie asse by ounc' ec ry gutle� HozZB In Favor y Hunt JUN 1 6 1978 Levine Against �.�v�t�C.�d� Mayor -„�.�oS+� ����.Q-�'� ��ciesco +4 197� ,�uB�is��o JUN Z '�;ite - l:itY Clcrk � Y �Z�J� U�'� ►�7t� �! 1�fi ���1 �1 li 'I .-� Y" , .s�--�^��'ina�cs Dept. _ nnary- DoPx. • U1�PICi1; 02�' TfI l: bIA�'012 � ` � � r � '� ��� No: �_ . AD�SINIS'I'RATIVE ORDER , '� ' '_�°�' . �i �w� � Datc: -=�=���� . ���� ADAIINISTRATIVL ORllER, 7hat . ine Ji rector of ttie Uepart�:x:nt of Publ i c :lorks i s lic;reby authori zed and di rected Lo prepare plans � obtain surve;�s , �r�n�r•c esticr:4tes �nd investigat� the n�c�:ssity to eonstruct/reconstruc* :•:i ,�: i:�::�;r�i s:urb and tralk tti� sic�eti�alEsat the folla.Ving loca[ions an� c!o all oCher k1o�k which is nccessary and inci�iental to coR,piete said i nproven�:n t. r/�� tfGl � tioth side of U,�IVER5ITY AVL. i`rcm Victoria St. t� tii lton St. /�crl/3 t�ath s i dEA nf U'11 Vr RS i 7Y AVE. f ror:� Lexi nyton Pkwy. to Oxford St. The Director of Finance and tiana�er.i�nt �ervices is het•eby Cirected to prepare thc preiir.iinAry �rucr and sc;i�eduie this matter for �uolic hearin�. M-062� o�ig. cc: on8. «: ... � • oso :v, a�� RLW WAN GKS JFK � . . - HGV UEE JFS CLT �}�� AJO TJE V}ip UEN � . " V.S.D. —� R,N.R. APPROVED AS TO rORM • i `�`--.�- - �'/ �;`f ,::i:,. �(! ',-.�./, ,., Assis�ant City Attorney Department Eiead Publ i c lJorF;s �� • SiJewalks r.... . /fi. . / , natC — Administr•rtivc Assistant to Mayor . , , � • D i s t. ��o. 2 �•'r.-�.i�6i�� '� B.S. L'niversity Ave. - Victoria St. to t1ilton St. / � y �.� Th i s orde r �tias i n i t i ated by the Di rector of Pu�1 i c .Jorks as pub 1 i c necess i ty on tne bas i s of 3 cor�plaints and inspection of the �ralk. This walk is old ti le and poured concrete wi tn broken ti le , higf� joints , trippiny iiazards , disintegrated, cracked concrete panF:Is , scaled , tipped and settled panels. Remarks : Construct with integral curb. Also construct across qrass blvds . at commercial --- -- - Pro erties -y � —P----___ -- - - - __ ___ __ .- -- --._._ _ ___.__._____________ Financed by P. l .H. Funds . There is sor>>e new construction , but it is an aid street , ; / so it is not assessed. r/ The tngineerin9 recor,.mendation is for approval o� the order. (Construct to widtii designated on olat. ) Ku DD RZ JO Dist. Ido. 2 B.S. U�iversity ;;ve. - Lexington Pkwy. to Uxford St. 1 � y y�`j This order was initiated by the Director of Public 4lorks as public necessity on the basis of 5 co:nplaints , a petitio� with 1 signer, a 1 ci�in; against tne City af St. Paul . This walk is old tile and poured concrete witf� broken tile , high joints , tripping hazards , asphalt patches , cracked concrete panels , and scaied panels . ftemarks : keconstruct urith __._.�__�_.._____.__.--- � inte�ral curb. Some construction across grass blvci. at conmercial p.roperties. Financed by P. I .A. Funds. There is some new construction , but it is an aid street , so it is not assessed. The Engineering reconmendation is for approval of the order. (Construct to widt� designated on plat.) . RB DD RR JO ! 1 ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DANIEL ). DUNFORD DIRECTOR —_--,--�_�._.�., March 31 , 1978 -�— _, Mo Assessment because i t i s �� ; Director of Finance an aid street. % and Flanagement Servi ces Room 113 City liall ATTENTIOPJ : Paul Desch Dear Si r: Please prepare the Preliminary Urder for the construction/reconstruction of tl�e sidewalks listed on the attached Administrative Order. The estimated cost for new construction not in main routes is as follows : $4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk A � B Residental $6.81 per ft. for S ft. wide walk C Res. � Comm. $8. 17 per ft. for 6 ft. wide walk C Res. b Comm. $2.00 per sq. ft. for integral curb and walk Residential b Commerical . Attached herewith are the following: l . Approved Administrative Order D-4246 3/27/78 2. Advisability � Uesirability Report. 3• Copy of plans for each order. - RECEIVED Yours very truly , -- -' � ' MAR 31 1978 ��' ` � OFFlCE OF T Na r t 1 ey Tl�as �EPARr HE DIREC70R `Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction qNp M MEN� OFFINANCE ANAGEMENT SERVICES HT/gh 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �- , . �.-� � I � 1 ������� c°"4:�y*3��° <�Cz�;:� ��. ���".� ���. r $�,$`;�� .�iX '�t +�; . � �. 'F,���� �,�,i y y�, `s'r.!9 '� 111 Y I 1a . +, �� _ R fi��,� �l ,�1 ' �� ' �, . ���I. ;�� � � � � � �� I� �I q. _ N' � �� �i1 � . t �� � �I '� <<�, . ;�� ;; : �� f '��� y �I ! fi l�} �L't�:`3 ��ilC1dt��.�.�,�,� '�• , ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCI� FILE N0. �- : r .:� �!� _� Reaolution Ratifying and Confirming By �`� 1 Condemnation and.Awards of Damages File No.—���'�"'r and Assessment Therefor In the matter a��� � � �; � � :� j� � � d� sl�, w� aMi li�ts, lS+e3ar�lar� �� r►t s� r! � �t ��MD s�►�i!'� ��ii� i'�' ��i�! t'�l�y l�9���I� � +�IIM�l�i � � �i��M �� �� �i i� �q #� ��t� i�f !� � drt Mn� ii+� it 1t'a.fAM �. tr� � it. 14i 1MN��e �. under Preliminary Order�l __, approved Mar�h � lf7'e , ���'�y�rder •'��` , approved � �. ��� ► Final Order _� �7�� , approv� �'il y„ I!?i . A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemna�'ion of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the award of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commis;sioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said takinb and condernnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in a11 respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified� Rxlf}'�! � aora� +n hn en m1ttP(� t0 11 Dictrir+ f'nnr+ f.»• rnnfir�m��ie��� Be it further Aesolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in � equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Su±ler Ho:za Adopted by the Council— ��N 1� �97A Nunt . — �.evine d�x Approved -��'��O��f� In Favor JUN 1 6 1978 �e���� Mayor A�ainst F°''°' x-3 �� pUBLISHED JUN Z 4 19�� �''`� ' � ' �� � 11 (p �:'��`��4'� .� _ �y �-.-��� -��, *i y� ' �¢;�wi�'"a ;�*�j; F r.F wr l` R' d : .E� �' � .x � * < �. ( t ; � ���� �y r.�,€�� 4 _ � I I� , i i! � � �I F''if;1 � I ,II �` �� r ��,;. �� "�V �.' AI � I 'e: � " � � .. , • ��a: . „ `I f� t I�l �. �i �� ' i � , � �4, . ,�.<:� `. '� �,��, �� i � ,s a ;� v - S4oz ;ia�,: i� ,a. �k ayv ' l �, � � $ �'� .,. M� . ' w r 1 i�: � �������-1� . YY� fi �t � 'JM "`�' ��'�.�+1`,f .- . _ _ _ ___ _ _ :_T— _ CITY OF ST. PAUL Report of Commissioner of Finance on Condemnation of I.ands File No. l�i�� In the matter �� � �� � � � � �� �,�� � !� �* l�I� �M !1'�l�i� !�� � !� ��# � � �uy�'� �r �,� 1�MM Me �r �, a�� � �+irir�rrl�wr �w! ; rrt +r�r1��l�r r� �t� �t t'Y� �as� i! a�� �r�rr a��ik �s tlr� �III�`ri �!� a+�' � �i. l�rwir �#► �t. �r �urrNr it. under Preliminary Order ���� , approved �� � ��� � ��i���rder r""�� , approvec� � �• ��"'� , ' Final Order � , approved �'!�� �r� �'�� . TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein ta.ken and ap- propriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the own- ers thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance