271203 WHITE - CITY CLERK � �
� Council Resolution
Presented By �
Referred To . Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An administrative Resolution approving tlze terms and
conditions of the 1978-1979 Agreements between the City
of St. Pau1, Independent School District No. 625, and th.e
Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees
Union, Local No. 320.
WHEREAS, the Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 12. 09 of the
5t. Paul City Charter and the Public Employees Labor Relations Act of 1971, as
amended, recognizes the Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement
Employees Union, Local No. 320, as exclusive representative for the classes of
positions within the City of 5t. Paul certified by the Bureau of Mediation 5ervices
under Case No. 74-PR-196-A for the purpose of ineeti.ng and negotiating the
terms and conditions of employment for personnel in the classes of positi.ons as
set forth in the Agreements between the City of St. Paul, Independent School Dis-
trict No. 625, and the exclusive representative herei.nabove referenced; and
WHEREAS, tlze City and Independent School District No. 625, through
designated representatives, and the exclusive representatives have met in good
faith and have negotiated the terms and conditions of employment for the period
Jan. 1, 1978, through Dec. 31, 1979, for such personnel as are set fortlz in the
Agreements between the City of St. Paul, Independent School,District No. 625,
and the exclusive representative; now, tlierefore, be it
RESOLVED, that tlze Agreements cited above, dated as of tlie effective
date of this Resolution, between the City of St. Paul, Independent School District
No. 625, and the Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees
Union, Local 320, on file in the office of the City Clerk, are hereby approved,
and the authorized administrative officials of tlie City are hereby authorized and
directed to execute said Agreements on behalf of the City.
• Approved:
Civil Service Commis on
Yeas""�'at}C►r Nays / Requested by Department of:
Hozza � [n Favor �'E O E O F E
Levi ne U By � ���
MdddOX __ Against
Showalter ��� � 997g.
� Form A prove y Cit orney
Adopted by Cbuncil: Date — �
Certi�i€d Pa•se y Coun .il S tar� BY
c.$y �, ' ' N ^�
� ° �° ��� App ved by Mayor bm}�ssion to Council
Appr v d by Mayor. D e —
l�BUSt�EO JUN 171978
Do not detach this memorandurn from th.e , �
_ resolution so that this information-will be �g pL� ��/197�5
" availabte to the City Council, �,: ������s "
�.;c��' s �s ����
4 . - s �
]sldta: April 27, 1978 ,
- R� E � � � ^� � p
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�tiE:s R�o�.c�tiaa �ox �����i.ox� ta Gi�r �i�ai:�, ,
A�T�1'�;�6�8'�: „ ,
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1� . , I ' _ 1� S:ACTT@N�
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This Resolution approvee the 1978-1979 La�bor Agree�rn:�s►ts betw�eri the
Misaesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Emp�oyee� �Tnia�,
' Laca1 No. 320, and the City of Sa,int Paul ar�d:the Indepe�.dent School
R°`,y� District No. 625. The cox�tracts cover the get�i.od �axivar�r 1, 19?8,
,,� through. Decexnber 31, 1979.
�P**r* , -�
xeatnente ca11 for 5. 5 wa. e increase Janua ,�, �9?8, s�nd a
.� 8 �. 1'Y
�` o ge increase Janua.ry , 1979. Emp1ayee�s w�1 rec$ive ad�ioaa.l.
. � insurance equal to a.�x�.ual salary ia the first year of the contract.
The Unian agreed to include laagu.�ge in f�1�ie;`School Di'atri�ct �oatrac� which
allows.�ern.ployees to be sehedvled oxi. min.or holidaya os� which sc�cwl is
� in ae s sion. , . : = f
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` Resoluti.on a.nd copg for the Ci:t�! G1erk. Also, cog� of Labor Agree�nents. ''
` , . ;
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1978 - 1979
- between -
- and -
' . •
I Purpose of Agreement 1
II Recognition 2
III Maintenance of Standards 4
IV Employer Security 5
V Employer Authority 6
VI Union Security 7
VII Employee Rights-Grievance Procedure 9
VIII Savings Clause 13
IX Seniority 14
X Discipline 16
XI Constitutional Protection 17
XII Overtime and Premiums 18
XI II Unif orms 20
XIV Vacation 21
XV Holidays 22
XVI Insurance 23
XVII Severance Pay 25
XVIII Working Out of Classification 26
XIX Wage Schedule 27
XX Term of Agreement 31
- ii -
. , ������
1.1 This AGREEriENT is entered into as of April 25,1978, between the
Independent School District No. 625, hereinafter call.ed the EMPLOYER, and the
Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees Union Local No. 320,
hereinafter called the UNION.
1.11 Assure sound and mutually beneficial working and
economic relationships between the parties hereto;
1.12 Establish procedures for the resolution of disputes
concerning this AGREEMENT`S interpretation and/or
application; and
1.13 Place in written form the parties' agreement upon
terms and conditions of employment for the duration
of this AGREEMENT.
1.2 The EMPLOYER and the UNION through this AGREEMENT, shall continue
their dedication to the highest quality publ.ic service to the residents of the
City of Saint Paul. Both parties recognize this AGREEMENT as a pledge of this
_ 1 _
2.1 The EMPLOYER recognizes the UNIOV as the exclusive representative,
under the Public EMployment Labor P.elations Act of 1971, as amended, �or all
personnel in the followino bargaining unit:
All �anual maintenance supervisors in the classifieat�on of
Assistant Supervisor of Custodian�, Bridge Foreman, Building
Maintenance Superviso�-Fire Department, Building Maintenance
Supervisor-Libraries, Building Maintenance 5upervisor-Parks
and Recreation, Chief Me�er Repairman, Civic Center Foreman,
Dispatcher I, District Foreman, Equipment Maintenance Foreman, �
Field Supervisor, Fireman Mechanic Foreman, Fareman-Water
Department, Forestry Supervisor I, Forestry Supervisor II,
Greenskeeper, Maintenance Foreusan Water Departnent, � .
Mechanic Foreman rZunicipal Garage, Mechanic Foreman Water
Department, Park For�man, Public ��Torks Fo�eman I, Public
Works Foreman II, Publ,ic Works Foreman III, Sanitation
Foreman, Sewer Foreman I, Sewer Forema.n IY, Sewer Foreman
III, Stage Teehnician, Supervising Gardener, Supervisor of
Custodians, Supervisor of Garbage Collection, SupervisQr
of Lime Recovery Plant, Supervisor of Pumping, Supervisor
of School Graund Maintenance, Traffic Maintenanee Foreman I,
Tra�fic rfaintenance Foreman II, LJater Serviceman Foreman,
�Jater-Shed �oreman I, Wa�er-Shed Foreman II and Zoo Foreman
who are employed for nore than fourteen (14) hours per week
and more than one hundred (100) work days per year by the
City of Saint Paul or who are under the control of the Ci.ty
of Saint Paul in the setting o� terms and conditions of
employment, excluding a1Z other employees.
2.2 In the event the EMPLOYER and the WiION are unable tv agree as to the
inclusion of exclusiort of a new or modi�ied job class, the issue shall be submitted
to the Bureau of Mediation Services for determination. It is understood that this
provisian shall refer to the Bureau of Mediation Services only such issues as it
has jurisdiction overy by law.
2.3 The EPIPLOYER shall not enter ir_to any agreements covering terms and
conditions of employment with the employees of the bargaining unit under the
jurisdiction of this AGREEMEr7T either individually or collectively which in any
way conflicts �oith the terms and canditions of this AGREE�IENT, except through the
certified representative.
� •
. ' ARTICI.� II: (con�inued}
2.� IV'eithe.r the UYIOr� nor the Fa`�IPLOI'ER shall discriminate against any
eaploye� because oi U��IOi� m2mbership or nonm?mbership, or because of his rac�,
color, sex religion, national origin, or pol�tical opinion or affiliations.
2.5 A11 existing Civil Servicz Rules shall apply exce�t those supersedec�..
by thi s AGR�''"';�'�.
AR`l'IC.Yw III: �'�I'Vl:�i'�.ZV ,�, �i' .5�.�'t�l�r�.�� .
Tne City agrezs that a11. conditions of e:rrplo ,�ent r�lating to wages, hours
of work, overtime diiferentials, vacations and �eneral working conditions shal7:
be maintained at not less than th� highest r�inimzun stan��rd as set forth in the
Civi� S�rvice Rules of tha City of Saint Paul (Ordinanc� I�o. 3250} and Ordinar_ce
No. 64�tb at the time of the signing of this AGc�'�"ti'T, and the canditions of
employment shall be impzoved wherever spzcific provisions for ira�rovem�nt are
made elsewh�re in this AG r,��1�iT.
- �+ -
_ .
_ . .
_ ,
; ARTICI,y IV: E;��'IA:� S��ITY
Thz U�ZOiY agre�s that during the life of this AG���NT it wil.l not cause,
encourage, participate in or support any strike, slow-ao-+rn or other interruption
of or interference with th� norm�l func�ions of the E?dPiAYER.
- 5 -
_ .
5.1 The �iPLOY�R retains thQ sole ri�'n� to op0rate and m�na�e all
martpower, facilities and e�uipman� in accordance with� applicable laws and
reguZations of appropriate authorities.
5.2 .Any terms and conditio�s of e�loynent not specifically established
or modified by this AGR�"�P� shall remain solely within thQ discretion of the
EP.�PT.,pYER to modity, establish, or eliminate,
_ � _
ARTICI,� VI: L"VIG'i 5;��u�iTY
6.1 The ��I,O�� shall ded�act fro� the wag�s of the e:nplo�ees who author.i.ze
such a deductaon in writing an a�ount necessary to cover r.:onthly LTriIO�T dues.
Such monies shall be r�.mittpd as_ dir�cted by the U-NIQ�,
6.2 The U?`TION may designate empZoy2es fram the bar�aining unit to act as
ste7rsrds and alterna�tes and sha21 in�orm th� Ei�ipLOY�R in writin� of such r.hoices
�nd of changes in the positions of ste;��rds and�or �lternates. It is fltrthar
understood that the number and locstions of stewards shall. be limited and confined
to numbers �nd lo�ations as ara necess�ry and reasor_ab2e to administer the
provisions of this AGRE��Ei�T.
6.3 The EMPLOY�R shall make space available on the enployee bulletin
board for the posting of U�IOP� notice(s} and an�-�ounce�ent(s�.
6.4 The iJtsION agrees to indemnify anc� hold the Et�iPI+UY.�R haz-rnless against
any and all clai.r,is, suits, arders, or jud�rnents brou�ht or issuec� against thp
El'�IFLOYER as a result of any action taken or not taken by the E2�pL0i'�;R under the
provision.s of this Article.
6.5 The E.�APIAYi'R agrees that on th� E1�iPL0Y�R'S premises �nd without loss af
pay the Ui�'IOi� stewards shal2 be allowed to p�st official UiYI(3N notices of the
desi�nated representativzs; transmit coznmunications authoriz�d by the UPtIO�T or i�Cs
o#'ficers under the te�s o�' this contract; cor.sult with the k�loyer, his
represent�tive, U:�^TION offi��ers or the U?`iION represen-tative concerni.ng the enforce-
ment of any provisions of this AGR�.;��3'i', so long as such action do�s not in�e.rfere
with regula.r Employee duties �and is r�asor_able an3 necessary,
_ 7 _
: A.stTIG'T'.� v.L: (co�tinuea)
- 6.6 Stewards are au�harized to per�orra and discharge the duties and
responsibilities w;zich are �tssi�ne3 to them under the terms of this AGt�.'��iT and
any su�ple�entary AG "Rr�.�,`�.�.1�. The E�'LQYEt� agrees tha� thQre shall be no restraint,
interferencz, coercion or dz.scriz�.i.natzon against a steward bec�use of the perfor�ance
of �uch duties,
6.7 Any pr�s2nt or f1,�ture e�Zoye� who is not a ITP�IOi� rlember sha11 be
required to contribut� a fair share fe� for services reMaered by the UPlION. t3pan
notification by the U1�I0�1, the �PIAYEFt shall check ofi said t'ee frorn the earnings
of the e�rployee and transmit th� same to the UNIOIY. In no instance shall th�
requir�d contribution exceed a p�ro-xata sh�re of the spscific exp�nses incurred
for services rendered by the repr�sentative in rel�tionship to negotiations and
administration of griev�nce proceduras. This provision shall remain op�flrative
only so Iong as specifically provided by rLinnesota laT.�, and as oth�xwis� legal.
It is also understoo� that the UIVION a�re�s to indemnify and hold the EP�'IA`�R
harr,zl.Pss ag�inst �ny and �I.1 claims, suits, orders or judgra�nts brought or
issued against th� City as a resui� of eny action takzn or not taken by�the
City under the prov�.sions of this section.
.. g _
7,1 Def�ni�ion o;: a Grievance - A grievance is definsd as a dispute ox dis-
agreement as to the inte�retation or �pplication of the sp�cific ter�s and corrlitions
of this AGR�i�Nfi.
7.2 Union Rebreser�tatives - The EMPLOYEr� will recognize Representatives
designated by the U21IOPi as the grievanc� represent�ta.ves of tha b�r;aining u��it
having the duties and re�ponsibilitiss established by this ArLicle. The UPJ�Q�!
sha7.l notify the EP�IPFA'YER in w'riting of the names of such UP�IOi+T r�presentatives and
of their successors when so designat�d as provided by 6.2 of this AsREEi`�EE�. -
7.3 Processin; of a Grie�rance - It is reco�nized and accepted by the UNZOi'� and
the EP�PLO`1ER that the processzon of grievanc�s as hereinaft�r provided is limited
by the �ob duties and r�sponsibilities of the �nploye�s and shz�ll thersfore by
acco�plished during normal workin� rours only wh�n consistent with such �pZoyee
duties and responsibilities, The aggrieved k�Zoyee and a U2�IOY Repr�sentata.ve
sh�ll be allowsd a reasonable amount of tim2 w�thout los� of pay when a grievance
is investigated and presented to the Et�IPIAYc'R durir_g noraial working hQUrs provid�d
that the Employe� and the UPiI01� RQpr�sen�ativ� hav� notified and recei�r�d the
approv�l of the design�ted sup�rvisor who has determin�d that such absence is
reasonabl� a�d wauld not be de�rim�ntal to th� work pro�ra�s of th� E;�PLC)Y�R,
7.�+ Procedure - Grievances, as defined �y Section 7,I., sha7.l be resolv�d
in confo?�anc� with the folloTrring procedure:
StEP 1. An Idnplo;��e clairaing a violatian eonc2rnir,g the inter-
pretation or applict�tion of this AG��Lf�1T shalZ, within t�;�nty on�
(21� calendax day� after such aI.leged vio.lation has occurred, pr���nt
such �rievan�� to the �ployee's supervisar as desi�nated �y the Ei�FP�YiR.
_ c� _
� ARTICL�' VII: (co:tinupd) �����`�
_ Tne �'�JOr�?2-desi�nated repres�n+ative will discuss and give an
anss�er to such Step l �rievance rri�hin ten (10) c�len3ar days after
receipt. A greiv�nce not x�solved in Step 1 and appz�lecl to St�p 2
shall be placed in �rri-ting s��-tino foa-th th� natur� af the g�ievance,
the fac�s on �.�hich it is b�sed, the provisia:� ar provi.sians of th�
AG��E:','��dT alle�edly violated, th� r�medy ret�uested, and shs�11 be
app�eled to Step 2 within ten (10) calendar days after the Ei�E'I,OYER-
designated repres�ntativ�'s final answer in Stzp 1. Any grievance
not app��Ied in �iriting to Step 2 by the U�IIOY within ten (10)
calendar days shall be considered w�ived,
St�2. If appealed, the written grievance shall be pr�:sented by the
UNTOY And discussed with the II'�'LOYE�-clesignated Step 2 represent�tive.
The EPfiPIAYE�t-dasign.ated rep:res�nt�tive shall. give the UriION the
E2fiFL0YER.'s Step 2 ans�aer in writing within ten (10� calendar d�ys
after receigt of such Step 2 griev�nce. A grievance nat xesolved
in Step 2 may be appealed to StPp 3 within ten (10) calendar c3ays
follawing the �IPIA`�R-desi�n�ted representative's final Step 2
answer. Any griev�nce not app�aled in writing to Step 3 by the UPIION
within ten (10) calendar days sh�ll be cansider�d w�ived.
St� 3. If app�aled, the writt�n grieva:�ce shall be presented by the
UPiION rand discussed with the EP-QI,OYc�R-d�si.gnated Step 3 representativ�.
The Et+iPLOYER-desi�gzated repres�ntative shall give the LTa�IOiV t�Za
Ea�f,PLU'�EFt's answ�r in ��ritino within ten (10� c�lend�r d�ys after
receipt of such Step 3 griev�nce. A greivance not resolved in Step 3
may be ap�ealed to Step 4 withir. ten (�.Q) calendar d�ys follvwing the
Ex'�LpLO`�t-d�signated r�pr�s�;�t�tive's fin�l answQr in S�ep 3. Any
- 10 -
,_ ARTICLE VII: (continued) -
: grievance r.ot eppzaled in writing to St�p �+ by the tTNIOiV within ten
(10� calendar days sh�ll be considered taaived.
Step 4. A grievance unresolvzd in: Step 3 and appeal�d to Step �+ by
the UlYION sh�1L be submitted to arbitratior� su'�ject to the provisions
of the Public �nploy�nEnt ?�bor Relations Act of 1gZl as emended, The
selection of an arbitrator sha�l be made in accordance with the "Rnles
Governing the Arbitration of Grievances" as establish?d by the Public
�nplo;�ment Relations Board.
7•5 Arbitrator's Authority - �
A. The arbitrator shalZ have no right to amend, modify, nullify,
ignor�, add tti, or subtract from the terms and conditions of this
AGRF'fc�IE1GT. Th� arbitrator sh�ll consider and dPcide only th�
� sp�cific issue{s) submitted in writin� by th� E4pLpyER �nd the
UYION, and shall have no authority to mak� a decision on any
other issue not so submitted.
B. The aribtrator shall be without pow�r to make decisions contr�ry
to, or inconsistent with, or modifying or v�ryiz�g in any way the
application of` la�s, rules, or regulations having the force �nd
effect of la�r. '1^he arbitrator's dzcision shall ba submitted in
wxiting �ri.t�in thirty {34) days foll,o-darino close of the hearing
or tre sub_nission of briefs by the p�rties, whichever b� lm�er,
unless the parties agr�e to an extension. The decision sh�ll b�
binding on both th� �.�'I��Tt and the UT�4:� ancl shall b� based
, solely on th? arbi-tratar's int2rpretatio� or nppl.icata.on of the
expres� te�s of �thi.s ��GF�''..�i��ifi and to the facts of the griev�tnce
- 11 -
� ' �TICI.E VII: (continued)
C, The fe?s and exp�nsQs for the arbitrator's services and proceed-
ings shall b� borne equally by the II�3PLC? rY� and the tTPdION provided
that each party shall be responsible for co�pensatin� its o�riz
representa�ives And witn�sses. If either pa�cty desires a verbati.�
record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made,
providing it pays for the record, If both parties desire a
verba�im record of the proceedings the cost sha]:l be shared equally.
7.6 �taiver - If a griev�ncz is not pr�sen�ed wi.thin thA tirue limits set forth
above, it shall be considered "iraived". If a �rievanee i� nat appealed to the next
step within th� specifi�d tir.ie limit or aay agrzed extension ther�of, it sh�ll t�e
consid�red settled o:� th� basis of -�he �LOYER's 1€tst $ns�er. If' -the EThPLOI�:t does.
no� answer a grievance or �n appsal thereof •�thin thz specified tiriz limits, the
tTNIOt� may elect to treat the grievance as c�er�ied at that step end i�ediately app�al
the grievanc� to the next s��p. The ti�ie lir�i� in e�ch s4ep may be ext�nded by
mutual written agre�ment of `the Et�PLU"�R and the UNIQN in each step.
7.7 It is und�rstood by the iJ1YI0id and th� �IPLQYER that, if an issue is
determin�d by this grievanc� th�L issu� shall not again be submitted for.
arbitration under the provision of the Rules and Regulations of Civil Service.
It is further understood that if an issue is, submitted and d�termined by the
grievance procedure under the Civil Servic� Rules and Re�ulatz.ons, it shs�ll not
ag�in be sub�itted for arbi-tration under the proeec�ur�s set forth in this Article.
- 12 -
� rLT�TICLE VIII: S��?`:.� CL�AL�E
8.1 T'ni s AG „M'y'��T is sub ject to the lews af t:�e United States, the
SL��ce of Zdinnesota, In the event anf provision of this AGR�E�1'IT sh�ll be
held to b e contrery to law by a court of conrpetent jurisdic�ion frazn whos�
final judgnent or decre� no. appeal has be�n taken within the tixne provided,
such px�ovisians shall bz void�d, All other provisions srall continua in full
farce and effect, lne voided pravision may be renegotiated at the written
requ�st of either party. A11 ather provisio�s of this AG � � �1`TF shall continue
in flill �orce and effect.
- 13 -
9.1 Se:.iority, for the purpose of this AG�+CN�T, shall b� defined as
A. "City Seniority" - The I�n�th of coatinuous, regu].ar and
probation�.ry servic� with the E�IPLOYE:�. from �he last date of
employtnent in eny and aIl class titles.
B. "Class Senioxity" - ihe Ien�h of con�inuous, regul�r �nd
prQbationary s�rvice with thz e�rployer frosn the date an eaiployes
was first certified and appointed to a cl.ass title cov�r�d by this
AG�2�1�T, it being f'ur�her understood that class seniority is
confined to the curr�nt class assign�►2nt held by an emplaye�.
9,2 $eniority shall terrainate when an e�rployAe r�tires, resigrzs, or is
9,� Ssni.ority sh�ll not accu,.,.�late durin� an unpaid leave�of abs�nce,
except when such 2eave is graated for a period of l�ss th�n thirty (30) calendar
days; is grs�nted because of illn�ss or injury; is �ranted to al.low an employe� to
accept an appointment to the unclassified ser_vice o� the �L'�IAYER; or is granted to
teke an electec3 or appainted full-ti�np position with the Uf�ION,
9.� p. In the event it is deterrainzd by the e�plo5*er �hat it is necessary
to reduce the work force, e�iploy��s will be laid off by class title
within each division based on inverse length of "Class Seniorityn.
Recall fro� layoff sh�ll be i,n inverse order of layoff, except tha:t
recall rights shall elcpire .after on� y�ar of layoff.
B, In c�ses where there sre pxo�otiona], series, such as Foreman I,
Forema^ II, Forzraan ITI, etc, , when the nu:.w►b�r of e�rploy�es in these
hioher titles is to be r�duced, erpl.oyses who have held Iowzr titles
- l�t -
• ARTICI,� IX: (con��.nued�
" which a„� in this b�rgaining unit will be offered reductions
to the highest of these titles to which class seniority would
keep the�n from being laid off, before 2ayoffs are mad� by any
class title in an�r d�paxtment.
C. It is flxrth�r understood tYz�� ai laid ofr empluyee shall have the
right to placement in any lower-paid elass title, prov3.ded said
employee has b�en prevzously cer�ified and appointed in said
Iower-paid class title. In such cases, the employer shall
first be pla�ced on a reinstatem�nt register and shall have
`rClass S�niority" based on the date ori�inally certi#'ied and
appointed to said class. �nploye�s m�y also apply far positions
in a low�er class but m�y, n�vertheless, r�zturn to original class
as pravided in para�raph (A) above.
9•5 To the ext�nt posszbl�, vscation p�riods shal.l be assignzd on the basis
of "City Seniority", within each class, by division. It is, ho�r�ver, undexs�ood
that vacation assignmants sh�l.l be subject to t'he ability of the employer to
maintain operations.
9.6 Promotions sh�ll b� han3led. in aceord�nce wirt.h curr�n� Civil SQrvice
Rules and practices.
9.7 The E�fP'LUYER shal]. post a seniority list at leas�t once ev�ry six (6)
- 1.� -
: 10,1 The E;�?��t� will disc:iplins employees fox just cause only.
Discipline will be in th� form of:
a) Oral reprimand;
b) Writ�er� repri�and;
- c) Susp�nsion;
d� Reduction;
e) Discharge.
1Q.2 Susp2nsions, reductions and dischargea will b� in written form.
10.3 �aploye�s and the UiI24i`J wil� recaive copies of written reprir�ands and
notices of susp�nsion and discharge.
10.� �ngloy�ES m�y exsr�ine all infoxznatior� in their Et+pLp�ER perso�nel
files that concerns work eva�uations, cor�mendations and�or disciplinary actions. .
Files may be ex�mined at r�asonable tim�s under the direct suparvision of the
20,5 Discharges will b2 greceded by a five (5� day preliminary susp�nsion
without pay. During said p�riod, the e;t►ploye� and�or UiQTO�Y may requ�st, and sh�ll
be entitled to a meeting with the E�dPLpirE.,R repres�entative who ini.tiated the
susp�nsion with intent to discharge. Tluring said fiv� (5) day period, the �iPIAYER
may affirm the suspension and discharge in accordance with Civil Service Rules or
may bodify, or withdraw same.
10.6 An employee to,be questioned cancerning an investigation of disciplin$ry
action sha3.1 h�ve th� right to request th�t a tJ�tlO�i r2pres�ntative be present,
10,7 Grievances relating to this Article sh�ll be pr�cessed in accordance
witn existing Civil Service pro��edur�es, except that oral and written r�primands shall
be ta�cen up in Step 3 of tne grievance procedur� undRr �lrticle VII.
- 16 -
11,I �:ploy?es sha11 have ths ri�h�s grAnted to alI ca.tizens by the
United States and Minne�ota Sta�e Constitu�ions,
- 17 �-
. , � . �µ��l,.tl�
" L'L��l./_l.i� 1111: �1'7�;�;-,..^�r_i r_'.7'_J .C1�1Li�'�1.U:�� .
: 12.1 E�lo;�'ee.� (:aith �}ae exception of �those covez��d i�i Sectio� 12.2 h2reof�
shall b� paid one an1 one-l�a2f (�?} tin��s the r���-ular rr��? of p�y for �4ork per-
foxzn�d in excess of t:�e re�Iar wo���t d�y �ticl�os- tYi� forty (�+0� hour �or'_c w�L�:.
12.2_ S��t�.o�i 12,1 'ner�;oi sh�ll not bL a�plicab].e to e�nployezs holdin� th�
f'01.1.O�T7.Tlj c`3CiI;11T11^�•T�t'l�i� �051��0'lS: B'•.�.'=I�C�J_Y1.� r��l?1"t�.nri�?7.C:° r.5'.,1.T�°Y';r1SOS'^Til�Jic�.31�.°�j
Buildin� ?-{�z.nte:��nc�> Sup�xva_sor-P�r.cs an� Rec-re�ti.on; �'i.e�ci Sup�r�risor; Puolic
t�torks I'or.Gman II2; S�c�rQr For;;��� TTI;Sup�xviNor of Custo�a�n:; Sup�xvisor of
Floricultur�; Su��_visor o� Garba�;e Collection; Sup�rviso.r of F.zt,-�zn�; Stx;o�xvzso�
of Litn� Recovery Pl.an�, r,�� 1oyz�s ir_ �hz ��o;�� classif:icataons shall be paid
strai.�ht tir.e fo.r wor'_� p=rforcied in excess of ths regulz�r war� day znd/or th�
forty (1�0� h�jir work we�k.
12.� M emp2oye� who is c_=..1?ed bac?c to �;ork folZo,aino th� co:�pletia:� of his
r�gul�r worl: da� shall b� gu�r�n�eed fot�r (�E) hours p;�y �;t his x��,ult�r st:r�ight
time r�tte.
12.� r�;ajar halidays, for �h� gurpose of this Section, sh�ll includ� the
foZlocaing: 2d��r Year's D�y; i.i�morial D�y; Inraep�nd�nce Daf; Labor Day; Thanksgiving
D�y; Christmas D�,y. L•finor holid�ys, for th� purpose of this ,Section, sha11 incluc�e
the followino: j�Iashznoton's and Lincoln's Birzhday, Chra.stoph?r Colu..�bus Day,
Veter�ns' B�y. An e,��ployee w�.rkin� a r.��jor holi:lay �s d�fined h2rein shall
rzceiv� tir�= ar.d on?-t:a�f (1�) his re�ular r:�t;e o° pay for n11 work p�rfor�:ed on
such h�Iiday, anc� an e.�:gloye� wo-r:tiz:o a r�in�z h�lid�y a.� d�fined he�•e-�n shall
rec�ive straight ti�:e for suLh kiolid�;� work, it b�in�; t;n�3er5to�d that all pay��-r.ni;s
for holida;� �;ork �±�a11 b� in additioti t� r�::;,;ti1�r nol.id�;,r p�;;,
- 1� -
�.-� A.RTZCLr XTI: (con�inued� -
. 12.5 A:� e��oloyee shall have the option of either t�king compensatory
time off or overtime payment in cash, It is,ho•�rever, further undzrstood that
this Section shall nat be applicable to those employees cover�d by t.ze overti�e
provisions of ths Fair Labor S4anclards Ac�.
12.6 A night differential of five percent (5N� sh�Zl b� provided to
emptoyees wt!o aork night shifts as defined herein, A night shift will b�
considered to be a regularly assigned shiit beoinnir_� earlier �han 6 a,r�., or
ending later than 6 p.m., provided that at least five (5) hours of said shift
are worked between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. It is further understao� that
in case of regularly assign2d shif�s beginnin� earlier than 6 a.m, or ending ].��er
than 6 p,m, which involve less than five (5� hours of work, an employee shall be
eli�ible for the night differential an].y for the hours actually worked dezring
night shift hours.
_ ,�� .. -
ARTICI,E XZII: U`���G�:�� .
13.1 The Ei�LO'� agrees tY:at if any e�ployee is requirpd to wear any
kind of unifor,a or ssfety equipr�ent as a condition of continu�d emp].oyct�nt,
such uniform and�or eguipm�nt shall be furnished and raaintained by the �QLC7YER.
It i.s, hvwever, f�arther understood that the EM°IAY�`S obl.igation to provide
uniforias and�Qr safety eguipm�nt shall be conPined to pr�esent praetices and�or _
requirements of la�a.
].3.2 Any uniform or safety equip��nt provid�d pursuant to this Article,
damaged in the line of duty, sh�l1 be replacec3 by thQ E�•ipIAYY.�..R, provided that
said da;n�ge is not attributable to the n�gligenc� or other impropar act of the
- ?_0 -
14.1 In each calendar year, e�ch f4i11-timz er.tployee shall be granted
vs�cation according to t;�e following sch�dul.e:
Years of Service Vscation Granted
0 - 5 y�ars 10 days
6 years thru 15 ye�rs 15 days
16 ye�rs thru 25 years 21 days
25 ye$rs or more 22 days
1/��,2 IIr.ploy��s who work less th�n fu11-timQ sh�ll be granted vacation
on a pro rata basis.
14.3 2'lie head of th� d�partmsn� may perrait an employe� to carry over
into the fvllo�aing year up to ten d�ys' vacation.
T4,l� The above provisions af vacata.on shall be subject to Ordinace Na.
6�+46, Section I, Sub. F.
- 21 -
. ,
15 .1 Holidays recognized and o�served. The iollo-,�ring days shall be recognized
ancl obser�•�d as paid. holidays:
New Years Day Colu:ubus Day
Presidertts' Day Veter�ns' D�y
rIemoriaZ Day Thanksgivino Bay
Indep�ndence Day Christra�s Day
Iabor D�y T•�ro floating holia�ys
Eligible �mployees sh�ll receive pay for each of the holidays listed abav�, on
which they perform no 1,rork. Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall fall
on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as the holiday. When�ver any
of th� holidays listed above shall fall on y�a�yr the suece�:ding Mon,day sha1:1 be
observed as the holiday.
15,2 The floating hol.idays set forth in Section 16.01 above ra�i;r be t�ken -
at any tir�fl during the contract year, subject to the approval of the As�ar�ment
H�ad of any e;�loyeL,
1'5,3 Eli�ibility R��uirer��nts. In ord�r to be eligible for a hoZiday with
pay, an employee's name must app�ar on the pa;�roll on any six working days of th�
nine working days preceding the holiday and on three oth�r working days of the nine
working d�ys preczlin� the holidsy. In neither case sh�Il the holzday b� counted
as � workin� day for the purpose of this section. It is f'�rthsr u.nr�axstood that
neither temporary, ez��rg�acy nor other e�ploye2s not h�retofore eligible shall �
rzceiv� hoiid�y p�y.
15.4 In the case of Board of Education employees, if President�s Day, Columbus
Day, or Veterans' Day fall on a day when school is in session, the emgloyee shall
work that day at straight time and another day shall be designated as the holiday.
This designated holiday shall be determined by agreement between the employee and
the supervisor.
- 22 -
16. 1 The E.�'LOY�I: will contir.ue for the perzad �f this �1CREE�SENT to provide
for employees such healtt� and life insurance benefi`ts as provzd�d b}* E�•iI?LOYEP, at
the time of execution of thi.s AGP1;E��NT.
lfi.2 The E?�1�'LOYER will for the period of this AGREE�iENT pravide for employees
who retire after the time of execution of this AGREEMENT and until such eu���loyeas
reach sixty-five (65) years of age such health insurance benefits and life insur-
ance benefits as are provided by the E:�'LOI'ER for such employee.
16.3 The City agrees to contribute the cost of hospitalization and medical
caverage or $36.55 per nonth, whiche�er amount is Iess, for.. each emplo}*ee who is
el.igible for such coverage. In addition, for each employee who selects Dependents
Coverage, the City �aill cdntribute one-half (z) the cost of such Dependents
Coverage or $42.43 per month, �,�hichever amount is less. These contributions shall
be paid to tne City`s Group Health and Welfare Plan. Any increases in these costs
shall be paid by the ermp]_oyee.
16.4 The City agrees to contribute the cost for $5,000 0£ Life Insurance
- Coverage for each employee who is eligible for such coverage or $2.95 per month,
whichever a�ount is less. This contributions shall ba pai.d to the City's Group
Health and ���elfare P1an. Any increase in this cost shall be paid by the employee.
16.5 In addition to the $5,000 Life Insurance Coverage in 16..4 above, tr�e
City agrees to contribute the cost of additioral life insurance coverage or $ ,5g
per thuLSand dollars of covera.�e per month, whichever amount is less. 1I�e tota]_
amount of life insurar.ce cover.age provicled under this section, and sectian 16.4
above, £or eacli e:�ployee shall be eqLal to the employee's annual salary rounded
doT,m to th� nearest ful]_ thousand dollars. ��br the purpose of this section, the
employE�e's annual sa]_ary s�.al]_ be ba�ed on the sa_lar5 as of the bevinning of a
-� �_
. .... .. . . . . i . . .. _ .. . . .. . .... . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . ..... ... ... . ...... , .:....... .
ARTICLE XVI - INSliRA:�iCE (continued) '
contract period. This contribution shall be paid to the City's Group Aealth
and Welfare Plan. Sectian 16.5 shall not be retroactive; it will take effect
on the date on whicYe the Resolution approving the contract becomes effective.
- 24 -
/. . . . . ... . . . .
i e
II�rployees sha11 be eZigible for severanee p�y in accordance with the
Severance Pay Ordinance No. 11�90. The a�nount of Severance P�y allo•��d sh�ll
be that amount permitted by State Statiztes subject to the provision that the
maximum amownt allowed shall b� ��+,000.
- 25 -
18=.1 In the event it is deteru:in�d b� the em�loyer tha�t it is necessary
to re�uce the work force, em�loyees will be laid off by cl,ass title
within each departm�nt based on inverse l�ngth of senior��y as defined
above. I� cases wherz there are promotional saries, such as Forezaatt I,
II, III, etc., when the ntz.mter of enployees in these high�r titles is
to be reduced, employees who hav� held lower titles which are in this
bargaining unit will be offered rzductions to the highest of these
titles to which class seniority wculd keep the;� fro:3 being laid off,
before la;�affs are �ade by any class title in any department.
'18j.2 A.ny employee working an out-o�-class assi�n��nt for a pericd in excess
of fifteen (i5) working days during any fiscal year of employer, shall
receivz the ra�n of p�y for the o;�t-of-class assignmant in a higher
cla�sification no� later than the sixteentY: day of such assignmant.
For purp�ses of this article, an out-of-clas:� assignment is defined
as the fulL-ti�� perf'orr.�ance of a11 of the significant duties and
responsibilities of a classificatio� by an individual in another classi-
fication. For the purpase of this article, �ine rate of pay for an
out-of-class assignnznt shall be the same rate the employee wa�ald
receive if he was pr�n�ted to thz higher classification.
- 26 -
The �:a�e sche�ule for purpose_s of this contract shall be as follows :
Effective January 1, 1978
Assistant Supervisor o.f Custodi��ns $8.96
DispaCch�r I (paid out oi gzade) $8.91
0-6 r�os. af ter 6 nos
Civic Center Forem�n $7.46 $7.79
Custodian-Engineer (Public Safety Bldg.) 8.75 9.08
Sanitation Foreman
lst 6 nos. after 6 mos.
$704.50 � $72�+.50
Chief P1�ter Fepairr:an
kDi.strict Foreman
Forestry Supervisor I
Park Foreman
Pub]_zc S3orks Foreman I
Sewer Foreman I
Supervising Gardener
Traf f ic �Iaintenance Foreman I
Water Service Fore�an
Water Shed Fore�an t
' Zoo Foreman
lst 6 nos. after 6 mos.
$747.00 $767.50
Bridge Foreman
Buildi.ng 2-laintenance Supervisor--Libraries
Equipment rlaintenance Foreman
Fireman-:�1ech2nic Foreman
Foreman-Ttiater Depax'tment
Forestry Superv:isor II
Mainten2nce Foreman-?Ja._ter Depar t<«�nt
Mechanic Forema.n--,�`unicipal Garage
t�fechanic Foren.an-�•�ater Departr::ent
Public t�:orks ForeTnan II
Se�aer Foreman II
Supervisor of Carbage Co].lection
Supervisor of Scnool Ground i4aintenance
jdater Shed Fore;aan II
lst 6 mos. after 6 r:os.
c�Q� �n a 7 S8I1.50
ARTICLE XIX- (con$inued)
Effective January 1 , 1978
Supervisor of Lime Recovery
Traffic Maintenance Fore�uan II
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$835.00 $8b0.50
Public ��Jorks Forettran III
Sewer Foreman IIT
Supervisor of Custodians
Supervisor af Pumping
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$860.50 $885.00
$uilding riaintenance Supervisor--Fire
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$909.00 $935.SQ
Field Supervisor
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$937.00 � $964.50 ,
Building Maintenance Supervisar--Parks and Rec.
Ist 6 mos. a€ter 6 mos.
$965.00 $994.00
- 28 - .
. _
ARTICLE XI�-- (continued)
Effecti�*e January 1, 1979
� TJ�v GR!1DEB � �
Assist�nt Supervisor of Custodians $9.50
Disp�.tcher I (paid out oi grade) $9.44
0-6 mos. af ter 6 r.:os,
Civic Center Foreman $7.91 $8.26
Custodian-F.ngineer (Public Safety Bldg) 9.28 9.62
Sanitation Forenan .
lst 6 rtos. after 6 ruos.
$747.00 $768.00
Chief rieter Repairrsan
�District Foreman
Forestry Supervisor I
Park Forezr.an
Public Works Foreman I
Sewer Forerlan I
Supervisin� Gardener
Traffic �Saintenancz Foreman I
Water Service Fore�an
Water Stied Forea�an I
Zoo Forer�an
lst 6 rios. • after 6 r,:os.
$792.00 $813.50
Bridge Foreman
Building �iaintenance Supervisor--Libraries
Equipnenr 2�iaintenance Foreman
Fireman-Mecl:anic Forer�an
' Fareman-Water De�artment
Forestry 5upervisor II
Maintenance Foreman-T;a�er Departmer_t
Mechanic I�'oreman-tTunicipal Gzrage
riechanic Foreman-Water Department
Public Works Foreman II
Se�aer 1 oreman II
Supervisor of Garbage Coll.ection
Supervisor of School Ground Maintenance
Water Shed Foreman II
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$�36.00 $860.00
, ARTICLE X�X(cor.tin�ed)
Effective January 1, 1979
Supervisar of Lime Recovery
Traffic Maintenance Forenan II
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$885.OQ $912.00
Public Wroks Foreman III
Sewer Foreman III
Supervisor of Custodians
Supervisor of Pumping
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$912.00 $938.00
Building Maintenance Supervisor--Fire
lst 6 mos. - after 6 mos.
$963.50 $991.50
Field Supervisar
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$993.00 $1Q22.50
Building Maintenance Supervisor- Parks and Rec.
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$1023.Q0 � $1053.5�
_ 3p _
.. . . ... . . . /� . . . . . . . . . . _. . ... . . ..... . . . .
. 20.1 This agxeement shall be in full force and effect from January 1, 1978
thru December 31, 1979, and shall automatically be renewed from year to year
thereafter unless either party shall notify the other in writing by June 1,
prior to the anniversary date that it desires to modify or terminate this
20.2 It is understood that this settlement shall be recommended by the
School Board Negotiator, but is subject to approval by the School Board.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed this
25th day of April, 1978.
��\ ,
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�-�:% ,� _V, � ,, /�' � ;',,/ / :,h'' ,'_�-,.''�""?-'.�
,; � , _._._--
Scho 1 Board Negotiato Business ��epreseiitative'�
�' -' � z��„� �`��
�..� ,t�-� ,�
Superintendent, I.S.D. N0. 625 , '�
�� ���
%��� ;
����' �`'�
- 31 -
+ ,
1978 - 1979
- between -
- and -
,� .
I Purpose of Agreement 1
II Recognition 2
III Maintenance of Standards 4
IV Employer Security 5
V Employer Authority 6
VI Union Security 7
VII Employee Rights-Grievance Procedure 9
VIII Savings Clause 13
IX Seniority 14
X Discipline 16
XI Constitutional Proteetion 17
XII Uvertime and Premiums 18
XZII Uniforms 20
XIV Vacation 21
XV Aolidays 22
XVI Insurance 23
XVII Mileage 25
XVIII Severance Pay 26
XIX Working Out of Classification 27
XX Wage Schedule 28
XXI Term of Agreement 33
- ii -
�, , t
1.1 This AGREEMENT is entered into as of April 25 , 1978, bettaeen the
City of Saint Paul, hereinaf�er called the EMPLOYER, and the Minnesota Teamsters
Public and Law Enforcement Employees Union Local No. 320, hereinafter called
the UNION.
1.11 Assure sound and mutually beneficial working and
economic relationships between the parties hereto;
1.12 Establish procedures for the resolution of disputes
concerning this AGREEMENT'S interpretation and/or
application; and
1.13 Place in written form the parties' agreement upon
terms and conditions of employment for the duration
of this AGREEMENT.
1.2 The EMPLOYER and the UNION through this AGR.EEMENT, shall continue
their dedication to the highest quality public service to the residenCs af the
City of Saint Paul. Both parties recognize this AGREEMENT as a pledge of this
- 1 - •
2.1 The EMPLOYER recognizes the UNION as the exclusive representative,
under the Public Employment Labor Relations Act 'of 197I, as amended, for all
personnel in the following bargaining unit:
All manual maintenance supervisors in the classification of
Assistant Supervisor of Custodians, Bridga Foreman, Building
Maintenance Supervisor-Fire Department, Building Maint�nance
Supervisor-Libraries, Building Maintenance Supervisor-Parks
and Recreation, Chief Meter Repairman, Civic Center Foreman,.
Dispatcher I, District Foreman, Equipment Maintenance Foreman,
Field Supervisar, Fireman-Mechanic Foreman, Foreman-Water
Department, Forestry Supervisar Z, Forestry Supervisor II,
Greenskeeper, Maintenance Foreman Water Department, ° .
Mechanic Foreman-Municipal Garage, Mechanic Foreman Water
Department, Park Foreman, Public Works Foreman I, Fublic
4lorks Foreman II, Public Works Foreman III, Sanitation
Foreman, Sewer Foreman I, Sewer Forernan II, Sewer Foreman
III, Stage Technician, Supervising Gardener, Supervisor of
Custodians, Supervisor of Garbage Collection, Supervisor
of Lime Recovery Plant, Supervisor of Pumping, Supervisor
of School Ground Maintenance, Traffic Maintenance Foreman I,
Traffic Maintenance Foreman II, Water Serviceman Foreman,
Water-Shed �oreman I, Water-Shed Foreman II and Zoo Foreman
who are employed for mo�e than fourteen (14) hours per week
and more than one hundred (100) work days per year by the
City of Saint Paul or who are under the control of the City
of Saint Paul in the setting of terms and conditions of
employment, excluding all other employees.
2.2 In the event the EMPLOYER and the UNION are unable to agree as to the
inclusion of exclusion of a new or modified job class, the issue shall be submitted
to the Bureau of Mediation Services for determination. It is understood that this
provision shall refer to the Bureau of Mediation Services only such issues as it
has jurisdiction overy by law.
2.3 The EMPLOYER shall not enter into any agreements covering terms and
conditions of emplayment with the employees of the bargaining unit under the
jurisdiction of this AGREEMENT either individually or collectively which in any
way conflicts with the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT, except through the
certified representative. ,
- 2 - ,
` + - • _"
�� ARTICLE II: (continued�
2.4 Neither the tJNION nor the IIKPLOYER shall discriminate against any
employee because of U1�ION membership or nonm�mb�rship, or because of his race,
color, sex religion, national origin, or political, opinion or affiliations.
2.5 All existing Civil Service Rules shall apply excapt those superseded
by thi s AGREEMENT.
� '
The City agrees that alI conditions of er�ployinen� relating to wages, hours
of work, overtime differentials, vacations and �eneraZ working conditions shall
be maintained at not less than the highest minimu� standard as set forth in the
Civi.l Service Rules af the City of Saint Paul (Ordinance No. 3250) and Ordinance
No. 6�+�6 at the time of the signing of this AGREEMENT, and the conditions of
employment shall be improved wherever specific provisions for improvemsnt are
made elsewhere in this AGRE�"'MENP.
- }� -
_ . , �
The IJNION a�rees that during the life of thiG AGREEMENT it will not cause,
encourage, participate in or support any strike, slow-down or other interruption
of or interference with the norm�Z functions of the EMPLOYER.
_ 5 _
.- � �
5.1 The EMPLOYER retains the sole righ� to operate and manage all
manpower, facilities and equipment in accordance with applicable laws and
regulations of appropriate authorities.
5.2 Any terms and conditions of employment not specifically established
or modified by this AGRE�MENT shall remain solely within the discretion of the
EMPLOYER to modify, estsblish, or eliminate.
_ 6 _
/ � -� - - - � � �� �
� . / . .. . .. . .
6.1 The Et�iPLdYER shall deduct from the wages of the employees who authorize
such a deduction in writing an amount necessary to cover monthly UNION dues.
Such monies shall be remitted as dire•^ted by the Ul�ION:,
6.2 The UDIION may designate employees from the bargaining unit to act as
stewards and alternates and shaZl inform the EMFLOYER in writing of stzch choices
and of changes in the positions o� stewards and/or alternates. It is further
understood that the number and locations of stewards shall be limited and confined
to numbers and locations as are necessary and reasonable to administer the
provisions of this AGREEMENT.
6.3 The EMPIAYER shal.l make space available on the employee.bulletin
board for the posting of UIQION notice(s) and announcement(s},
6.�+ The UNION agrees to indemnify and hold the EMPLt?YER harmless against
s�ny and all claims, suits, orders, or judgments brought or issued against the
EMPLOYER as a result of any action taken or not taken by the EME'LpYER under the
provisions of this Article.
6.5 Z'he EMPI,OYER agrees that on the EMPLOYER'S premises and without loss of
pay the UNTON stewards shall be allowed to post official UDiIQN notices of the
designated representatives; transmit communfcations authorizer3 by the tTNION or its
officers under �he terrns of this contract; consult with the �nployer, his
representative, UNION officers or the t71VI0N representative concerning the enforce-
ment of any provisions of this AGREEMENT, so long as such action does not intert'ere
with regular Emp�oyee duties and is reasonable and necessary,
_ 7 _
; ARTTCLE VI: (continued�
� 6.6 Stewards are authorized to perfarm and discharge the duties and
responsibilities which are assigned to them under the terms of this AGREE.►�ENT and
sny supplementary AG�NTS. The ��PIAYER agrees that there shall be no restraint,
interference, coercion or discrimination a��inst a steward because of the performance
of such duties.
6.7 Any present ar f'uture employee who is not a UI�TION m�mber shall be
required to contribute a fair share fee for services rendered by the UNTON. Upon
notification by the UNION, the EMPLOYER shall check of�' said fee from the earnings
of the employee and transmit the same to the tJNION. In no instance shall the
required contribution exceed a pro-xata share af the specific expenses incurred
for services rendered by the represent�tive in relationshig to negotiations and
admir�istration of grievance pracedures. This provision shall remain operative
only so long as specifically provided by Minnesota law, and as otherwise legal.
It is also understood that the UidION agrees to indemnify and hold the EA�PLOYER
harmless against any and all claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or
issued against the City as a result of any action taken or not taken by the
City under the provisions of this section.
- 8 -
� 7.1 Definition of a Grievance - A grievance is defined as a dispute or dis-
agreem�nt as to the interpretation or application of. the specific terms and cond itions
of this AGREEI�SEN`.�.
7.2 Union Representatives - The EMPLOYER will recognize Representatives
designated by the UNION as the g.rievance representatives of the bargaining unit
having the duties and responsibilities established by this Article. The t3*iIOY�
sha11 notify the EMPIAYER in w'ritin� of the nemes of such UIdION represen�atives and
of their successors when so designated as provided by 6.2 of this AGREEI+�NT.
7,3 Processing of a Grievance - It is recognized and accepted by the i1NI0N and.
the EMPIAYER that the procession of grievances as hereinafter provided is limited
by the jab duties and responsibilities of the Employees snd sha12 therefore by
accomplished during normal working hours only when consistent with such Elnployee
duties and responsibilities. The aggrieved �pZoyee and a ifNION Representative
shall be allowed a reasonable amount of tim� without Ioss of pay when a grievance
is investigated and presented to the F�iPLOYER during normal working hours provided
that the F�nployee and the TJNION R�epresentative have notified and rec�ived the
approval of the designated supervisor who has determined that such absence is
reasonable and would not be detrimental to the work programs of the EMPIAYER.
7.�+ Procedure - Grievances, as defined by 5ection 7.1, shall be resolved
in conformance with the following procedure:
Step 1. An E�nployee claiming a violation concerning the inter-
pretation or application of this AGREEME:VT shell, within twenty-one
(21) calendar days after such alleged violation has occurred, present
such �rievance to the Employee's supervisor as designated by the ENff'IAYE�t.
_ 9 _
' ARTICLE VII: (continued)
The EMP7AYER-designated representative will discuss and give an
answer to such Step 1 griev�nce within ten (10) calendar days after
receipt. A greivance not resolved in Step l and appealed to Step 2
shall be placed in writing setting forth the nature of the �rievance,
the facts on whieh it is based, the provision or provisions of the
AGREEMEI�tT �llegedly violated, the reme3y requested, and sh�ll be
appeeled to Step 2 within ten (10) calendar days after the EM�'LOYER-
designated representative's final answer in Step 1. Any grievance
not appealed in writing to Step 2 by the i)NION within ten (IO)
calend�r days shall be considered waived,
Step 2. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the
UNION and discussed with the EMPLC}YER-designated Step 2 representative.
The EAfPIAYER-designated represent�tive shall give the UATION the
EMPLOYER's Step 2 answer in writing within ten (I0� calendar days
after receipt of such Step 2 grievance. A griev�nce not resolved
in Step 2 may be appealed to Step 3 within ten (10) calendar days
followi.ng the EMPLOYER-designated representative's final Step 2
answer. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 3 by the UNION
within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived.
SteP 3. IP appe�led, the written grie�ance shall be presented by the
UNION end discussed with the Fi�LOYER-designated �tep 3 representative.
The E�IPL4YER-design�ted representative sha21 give the LTNION the
EAfiPLOYER's answer in writing within ten (1�) calendar days after
receipt of such Step 3 grievance. A greivance not resolved in Step 3
may be appealed to Step 4 within ten (10� calendar days following the
EMPLOYER-designated representative's final ans�er in Step 3. Any
- 10 -
� - ARTICLE VII: (continued�
". grievance not appealed in writing to Step 4 by the tTNION within ten
(10) calen8ar days shall be considered waived,
Step 4. A grievance unresolved in_ Step 3 and appesled to S.tep 4 by
the tTNION shall be submitted ta arbitration subject to the provisions
of the Public �nployment Labor Relations Act of 19'jl as amended, The
selection of an arbitrator sha1Z be made in accordance with the "Rules
Governing the Axbitration of Grievances" as established by the Public
E�nployment Relations Board.
7.5 Arbitrato�'s Authority -
A. The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify,
ignore, add to, or subtr�ct from the terms snd conditions of this
AGREEMENT. The arbitrator sha11 consider and decide only the
s.pecific issue(s) submitted in writing �y the F,�+iPLOYER and the
tTNI03�, and shall have no suthority to make a decision on any
other issue not sa submitted.
B. The aribtrator sha1l be without power to make decisions contrary
to, or inconsistent with, or modif�ri.ng or verying in any way the
application of laws, xules, or regulations having the force and
effect of law. The arbitrator's decision shall. be submitted in
writing within thirty (30) dsys following close oP. the heering
or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later,
unless the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be
binding on both the �L�Ft and the UY�ION and shall be based
solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the
express terxns of this AGREEMENT and to the facts of the grievance
- 11 -
' ARTICLE VII: (continued)
. C. The fees and expenses for thp arbitrator's services and proceed-
ings shall be borne equally by the F�+IPIAYER and the UMON provided
that each party shall be responszble for compensatin� its own
representatives and witnesses. If eitY►er party desir�s a verbatim
record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made,
providing it p�ys for the reeard. If both parties desire a
verbatim record of the proceedings the cost shall be shared equally.
7.6 Waiver - If a griev�nce is not presented within the time limits se-� forth
above, it shall be considered '�WBived'�. If a grievance is not appealed to the next
step within the specified time limit or any agreed e�ension thereof, it shall be
considered sett2ed on the basis of the EI�iPLOYER's lsst answer. If the EMPLQYER does
not answer.a grievance or an appeal thereof within the specified time limits, the
UNTON may elect to tr�at the grievance as denied at that step end immediately appeal
the grievance to the next step. The time limit in each step may be extended by
mutual written ag�eement of the EMPLOYER and the LTNION in each step.
7,7 It is understood by the t7IdI0N and the EMPLOYER that, if an issue is
determined by this grievance that issue shall not again be submitted for
arbitra�tion under the provision of the Rules and Regulations of CiviZ Service.
It is ftzrther understood that if an issue is: submitted and deterrained by the
grievance procedure under the Civil Service Rules and Regulations, it shall not
again be submitted for arbitration under the procedures set forth in this Artic2e.
- 12 -
8.1 This AGREEMENT is subject to the laws of the United States, the
State of Minnesota. In the event any provision of this AG�EEP�ENfi sh�ll be
held to be contrary to Zaw by a court of cornpetent jurisdictian fram whose
final judgment or decree no appeal has been taken wi.thin the time provided,
such provisions shall be voided. Al1 other provisions shall continue in full
force and effect, The voided provision may be renegotiated at the written
request of either party. All other provisions af this AGREEMENT shall continue
in flill force and effect.
- 13 -
g.1 Seniority, for the purpose of this AGREEMENT, shall be defined as
A. "City Seniority" - The length of continuous, regul�r and
probationary service wi.th the II�iPiA�ER from the last date of
employment in any and all cl�ss titles.
B. "Class Seniority" - The length of continuous, regular and
probationary sexvice with the earployer from the date en earployee
was first certified anc3 appointed to a class title covered by this
AGREEMEN'P, it being furtheriunderstood that class seniority is
confined to the current class assignment held by an employee.
9,2 Seniority shall terminate when an emplo�ee retires, resigns, or is
g.� Seniority sha21 not sccumulete during an unpaid leave of absence,
except when such leave is granted for a period of less �han thirty (30� calendar
days; is granted because of illness or injury; is granted to allow an employee to
accept an appointment to the unclassified service of the EMPIAYER; or is granted to
take an elected or appointed full-time position with the UiQION,
9,�t A. In the e.vent it is determined by the employer that it is necessary
to reduce the work force, employees will be laid off by class title
within each division based on inverse length of "Class Seniority".
Recall from layoff shall be in inverse order of layoff, except that
recall rights shell expire after one year of layoff.
B, In c�ses where there are promotional series, such as Foreman I,
Foreman II, Foreman III, etc., Khen the number of employees in these
higher titles is to be reduced, employees who have held low�r titles
- 14 -
• ARTICLE IX: (continued)
� which are in this bsrgaining unit will be offered reductions
to the highest of these titles to which class seniority would
keep them frqm being l�id off, before layoffs are made by any
clsss title in any department.
C. It is flzrther understood that a laid off employee shall have the
right to placement in any lower-paid class title, provided said
employee has been previausly certified and appointed in said
lower-paid class title. In such cases, the employer shall
first be placed on a reinstatement register and shall have
"Class Seniority° based on the date ori.ginally certified and
appointed to said CZASS, E�nployees m�y also apply for positions
in a lower class but may, never�heless, return �o original class
as provided in paragraph (A) above.
9•5 To the extent possible, vacation periods shall be assigned on the basis
of "City Seniority", within each class, by division, It is, however, unders�ood
that vacation assignments shall be subject to the ebility of the employer to
maintain operations.
9.6 Promotions shall be handled. in accordance wi�h current Civil Service
Rules and practices.
9.7 The EI�LOYER shall post a seniority list at leas� once every six (6)
_ 15 _
_ 10.1 The EMPLOYER will discipline employees for just cause only.
Discipline will be in the form of:
a} Oral reprimand;
b) Written reprimand;
c) Suspension;
d� Reduction;
e Discharge.
10.2 Suspensions, reductions and discharges wiTl be in written form.
10.3 �nployees and the TJNIQN will reeeive copies of written reprimands and
notices of suspension and discharg�.
10.4 Employees may examine aTl information in their EMPLOYER personnel
files that concerns work evaluations, cor�nendations and�or disciplinary actions.
Files may be examined at reasonable times under the direct supervision of the
10.5 Discharges will be preceded by a five (5) day preliminary susp�nsion
without pay. During said period, the employee and�or LTNION may request, and shell
be entitled to a meeting with th� EMPLOYER representative who initiated the
suspension with intent to discharge. Dur�.ng said five (5) d�y period, the EMPLQYER
may affirm the suspension and disch�rge in accordance with Civil Service Rules or
may modify, or withdraw same.
10.6 An employee to be questioned concerning an investigation of disciplinary
action shall have the right to request that a URIION regresentative be present.
10.7 Grievances relating to this Article shall b� processed in accordance
with existing Civil Service pro�edures, except that oral and written reprimands shall
be taken up in Step 3 of the grievance procedure under Article VII.
- 16 -
ll.l �nployezs shall have the rights grented to all citizens by the
United States and Minnesota State Constitutions.
_ �7 _
12.1 E�ployeas (with the exc�ption oi those r.overed in Section 12.2 here�f)
shall be paid one and one-half (1;) tim�s the regulur rate of p�y for work per-
formed in excess of the regular •�aork day �znd/or the forty (t+0� hour vrork week,
12.2 Section 12,1 h�reof sh�ll not be applzcable to e�tployees holding the
following administrativP positi�ns: BuiZding I�aintenance Supervisor-Libraries;
Building hi�intenance Supervisor-Parks an� Recreation; Field Supervisor; Public
Works Foreman III; Sew�r Foxeman. III�upervisor of Custodians, Sup�rvisor of
Floriculture; St�pervisor of Garbage Collection; Supervisor of Puznping; Supsrvisor
of Lime Recovery Plant. E�ployees in the aboye classifications shall b� pazd
straight tim� for work performed in excess of the regular wark day and�or the
forty (40� hour work week.
12.3 An employee who is cs�Zl�d back to work following the completion of his
regular work day shall be guarante�d four (�+) hours pay at his regular straight
time rate.
12.4 P�tajor hoZidays, for the purpose of this Section, shall include the
following: New Year's Day; Memorial Day; Intlependence Day; Labor D�y; Th�nksgiving
Day; Christmas Day. Mir.or h�lidays, for the purpose of this Section, shall include
� the following: Washington's and Lincoln's Birthday, Christophsr Columbus Day,
Veterans' Day. An employee working a majar ha2idz�y s�s d�tfined herein sh�ll
receive time and one-h�lf (I�) his regular rate of pay for aIl work performed on
such holzday, and an employee workin� a minor hol,iday as d�fined herein sha�ll
receive straight time for such holid�y work, it being understood that all payments
for holiday tirork shall be ir. addition to regular holiday p�y.
- 38 -
.. ARTICLE XII: (continued)
; 12. 5 An employee shall hav� the option of either taking compansatory
time off or overtime payment in cash. It is,hoWever, flzrther understood that
this Section shall not be applicable to those employees covered by the overtime
provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
12.6 A night differential of five percent (5�} shall be provided to
employees who work night shifts as defined herein. A night shift will b e
considered to be a regularly assigned shift beginning earlier than 6 a,m., or
ending later than 6 p.m. , provided that at least five (5� hours of said shift
are worked between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m, It is further understood that
in case of regularly assigned shifts beginning earlier than 6 a.m, or ending later
than 6 p.m. which involve less than five (5} hours of work, an employe� shall be
eligible for the night differential only for the hours actually warked during
night shift hours.
- 19 -
. � 2����.�
13,1 The F.MPIAYER agrees that if any employee is required to wear any
kind of uniform or safety equipmen� as a condition vf continued employment,
such uniform and�or equipment shall be flzrnished and maintained by the EMPLOYER.
It is, however, further understood that the EMFLOYER'S obligation to provide
uniforms and/or safety equipment shall be confined to present pr�ctices and/or
requirements of law.
13,2 Any uniform or safety equipm�nt provided pursuant to this Article,
damaged in the line of duty, shell be replaced by the EMPLOYER, provided thst
said damage is not attributable to the negligence or other improper act of the
- ?_0 -
14.1 In each calendar year, each flill-time employee shall be granted
vacation according to the fqllowing schedule:
Years of Service Vacation Granted
0 - 5 years 10 days
6 yea.rs thru 15 year5 15 days
16 years thru 25 years 21 days
25 years or more 22 days
14.2 F�nployees who work less th�n full-time sh�ll be granted vscation
on a pro rata basis.
14.3 The head of the department may permit an ereployee to carry over
into the following year up to ten days' vacation.
14,4 The above provi.sions of v�cation shall be subject to Ordinace No.
6�c�6, Section I, �a.b. F.
- 21 -
15,� Holidays recognized and observed, The following days shall be recognized
and observed as paid halidays:
New Years Day Columbus Day
Presidents' Day Veterans' Day
Me�orial Day Thanksgivi,ng Day
Independance Day Christmas D�y
I,�bor Day Two floating holidays
Eligible employees shall receive pay for each of the halidays listed above, on
which they perfarm no work. Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall fall
on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as the holiday. Whenever any
of the holidays listed above shall fall on S���y� the succeeding Monday shall be
observed as the holiday.
15,2 The floating holidays set forth in Section 16.01 above may be. taken
at any time during the contract year, subject to the approval of the Department
Head of any employee.
15,3 Eligibility Requirements. In order to be eligible for a holiday with
pay, an employee's name must appear on the payroll on any six working days af the
nine working days preceding the holiday and on three other working days of the nine
working days preceding the holiday. In neither case shall, the holiday be counted
as a working day for the purpose of this section. It is further understood that
neither temporary, emergency nor other employees not heretofore eligible shall
receive holiday pay.
- 22 -
16.1 The EMPLOYER will continue for the period of this AGREEMENT to provide
for employees such health and life insurance benefits as provided by EMPLOYER at
the time of execution of this AGREEriENT.
16.2 The EMPLOYER will for the period of this AGREEMENT provide for emplayees
who retire after the time of execution of this AGREEMENT and until. such empZoyees
reach sixty-five (65) years of age such health insurance benefits and life insur-
ance benefits as are provided by the EMPLOYER for such employee.
1�i.3 The City agrees to contribute the cost of hospitalization and medical
coverage or $36.85 per month, whichever amount �is less, for each employee who is
eligible for such coverage. In addit3.on, for each employee who selects Dependents
Coverage, the City will contribute one-half (%) the cost of such Dependents
Coverage or $42.43 per month, whichever amount is less. These eontributions shall
be paid to the City's Group Health and Welfare Plan. Any increases in these costs
shall be paid by the employee.
16.4 The City agrees to contribute the cost for $5,000 of Life Insuranee
Coverage for each employee who is eligible for such coverage or $2.95 per month,
� whichever amount is less. This contributions shall be paid to the City's Group
Health and Welfare Plan. Any increase in this cost shall be paid by the employee.
16.5 In addition to the $5,000 Life Insurance Coverage in 16..4 above, the
City agrees to contribute the cost of additional life insurance coverage or $ .59
per thousand dollars of coverage per month, whichever amount is less. The total
amount of lif e insurance coverage provided under this section, and section 16.4
above, for each employee shall be equal to the employee's annual salary rounded
down to the nearest full thousand dollars. For the purpose of this section, the
employee's annual salary shall be based on the salary as of the beginni�lg of a
- 23 -
contract period. This contribution shall be paid to the City's Group Health
and Welfare Plan. Section 16.5 shall not be retroactive; it will take effect
on the date on which the Resolution approving the contract becomes effective.
- 24 -
'' 17.�1 City officers and employees may be reimbursed for use of their own
automobiles for official City busin�ss, To be eligible for such reimbursement a1Z
officers and eraployees must rec�.ive written authorizatian from the Mayor, and
reimbursement shall be made in,aecordance with one of the following plans:
Type l. For thos� afficers and e�gloyees who are required to use
their own automobiles occasion�ll:y for official City business,
reimbursement at the rs�te of 13 cents for each mile driven.
Ty�e 2. For those officers and employe�s who are required to use
their own automobile on a regu}.ar basis on City business, reim-
b.ursement at the rate of �2.50 for each da�y of work, and in
addition thersto at the rate nf 6.5 cents for each mile driven.
92A.01 - Rules and Regzilations:
The M�yor shall adopt rules and regulations governing the procedures for
automobile reimbursement, which regulations and rules sha11 contain the
requirement tha�t recipients shall file daily reports indicating place or
origin and destinat�on and appl.icable mile�ge ratings thereat and indicating
total miles driven, and shall file monthly affidavits stating the number
of deys vrorked and the number of miles driven, and flzrther that they maintain
automobile liability insurance in amaunts not less than $100,000�300,Oa0 for
persone2 injury, and $5Q,000 for property damage. These rules snd regulations,
together with any amendments thereto, shall. be �aintained on file with the
City Clerk,
- 25 - �
E�nployees shall be eligible for severance pay in accordance with the
Severance Fay Ordinance No. 11�90. The amount of Severanee Pay allowed shall
be that amount permitted by State Statutes subject to the provision that the
maximum amount aiio�ea shsll be ��+,000.
- 26 -
19.1 In the event it i� determined by the employer that it is necessary
to re3uce the wark force, emplo�rees will be laid off by class title
within each de��rtment based on inverse len�th of seniority as defined
above. I� cases where there are promotional series, �uch as Foremar. I,
II, III, etc. , when the number of employees in these higher titles is
to be reduced, employees who have held lower titles which are in this
bargaining unit will be offered reductions ta the highest of these
titles to which class seniority would keep them from being laid off,
before layoffs are �ade by any class title in any department.
19.2 Any employee working an out-o°-class assignment for a period in excess
of fifteen (15) worYing days during any fiscal year of employer, shall
receive ths rate of pay for the ou�-of-class assignment in a higher
classification not later than the sixteentn day of such assignment.
For purposes of this article, an out-of-class assignment is defined
as the full-time perPormance of all of the significant duties ar.d
responsibilities of a classification by an individual in another classi-
fication. For the purpose of this article, the rate of pay for an
out-of-class assignment shall be the same rate the employee would
receive if he was pramoted to the higher classifieation.
- 27 -
The wage schedule for purposes of this contract shall be as follows:
Effective January 1, 1978
Assistant Supervisor of Custodians $8.96
Dispatcher I (paid out of grade) $8.91
0-6 mos. after 6 mos
Civic Center Foreman $7.46 $7.79
Custodian-Engineer(Public Saf ety Bldg.) 8.75 9.08
Sanitation Foreman
lst 6 mos. after 6 nos.
$704.50 � $724.50
Chief Meter Repairman
*District Foretnan
Forestry Supervisor I
Park Foreman
Public Works Foreman I
Sewer Foreman I
Supervising Gardener
Traffic Maintenance Foreman I
Water Service Foreman
Water Shed Foreman I
Zoo Foreman
" lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
' $747.00 $767.50
Bridge Foreman
Building Maintenance Supervisor--Libraries
Equipment Maintenance Foreman
Fireman-Mechanic Fo.reman
Foreman-Wate� Department
Forestry Supervisor II
Maintenance Foreman-Water Department
Mechanic Foreman-Municipal Garage
rfechanic Foreman-Water Department
Public Works Foreman II
Sewer Foreman II
Supervisor of Garbage Collection
Supervisor of School Ground Maintenance
Water Shed Foreman II
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$788.5Q _ 28 - $811.50
� � ARTICLE XX - (continued)
EffecCive January 1, 1978
Supervisor of Lime Recovery
Traffic Maintenance Foreman II
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$835.00 $860.50
Public Works Fareman III
Sewer Foreman III
Supervisor of Custodians
Supervisor of Pumping
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$860.50 $885.00
Building Maintenance Supervisor--Fire
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$909.00 $935.50
Field Supervisor
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$937.00 $964.50
Building Maintenance Supervisor--Parks and Rec.
lst 6 mos. a€ter 6 mos.
$965.00 $994.00
- 29 -
- ARTICLE XX - (continued)
- Effective January 1, 1979
Assistant Supervisor of Custodians $9.50
Dispatcher I (paid out of grade) $9.44
0-6 mos, after 6 mos.
Civic Center Foreman $7.91 $8.26
Custodian-Engineez(Public Safety Bldg) 9.28 9.62
Sanitation Foreman
Ist 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$747.00 $768.00
Chief Meter Repairman
*District Foreman •
Forestry Supervisor I
Park Foreman
Publ�c Works Fareman I
Sewer Foreman I .
Supervising Gardener
Traffic Maintenance Foreman I �
Water Service Foreman
Water Shed Foreman I
Zoo Foreman
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$792.00 $813.50
Bridge Foreman
Building Maintenance Supervisor--Libraries
Equipment Maintenance Foreman
Fireman-Mechanic Foreman
Forema.n-Water Department
Forestry Supervisor II
Maintenance Foreman-Water Department
� Mechanic Foreman Municipal Garage
Mechanic Foreman Water Department
Public Works Foreman II
Sewer Foreman II
Supervisor of Garbage Collection
Supervisor of School Ground Maintenance
Water Shed Foreman II
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$836.00 $860.00
- 30 -
� ` ` ,
ARTICLE XX (continued)
Effective January 1, 19�9
Supervisor of Lisue Reeovery
Traffic Maintenance Foreman II
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$885.OQ $912.00
Public Wroks Foreman III
Sewer Foreman III
Supervisor of Custodians
Supervisor of Pumping
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$912.00 $938.00
Building Maintenance Supervisor--Fire
lst 6 mos, after 6 mos.
$963.50 $991.50
Field Supervisor
lst 6 mas. after 6 mos.
$993.00 $1022.50
Building Maintenance Supervisor--Parks and Rec.
lst 6 mos. after 6 mos.
$1023.Q0 $1053.50
31 - ,
• : ,
21.1 This agreement shall be in full force and effeet from January 1, 1978
thru December 31, 1979, and shall automatically be renewed from year to year
thereafter unless either party shall notify the other in writing by June 1,
prior to the anniversary date that it desires. to modify or term�nate this
21.2 It is understood that this settlement shall be recommended by the
City Negotiator, but is subject to approval by the City Council and Civil
Service Commission.
IN WITNESS WEiEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed this
2Sth day of Avril, 1978.
. � �i��
.\ , � .
,i �.- .�;%i� � �; �' , ,�
a or Rela ions �iisiness Representa�-��
- 32 _