271202 WHITE - CITV CLERK ����� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S�AINT PAITL 1 � CANARV - DEPARTMENT COUIICIl � .r� Bl_UE - MAVOR � Flle NO. C uncil Resolution� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Oot of Committee By Date �� administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan � �ad Rates of Compensation Resolution by adjusting the compensation rates for the c].asses of Groundcrewman, • Groundskeeper, and Parking Lot Attendant I. WHEREAS, it is appropriate and desirable to adjust the compensation . rates for the classes of Groundcrewman, Groundskeeper, and Parking Lot Attendant I; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Salary P1an and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section II B thereof, by striking out where they appear under the heading "Special Employments", the foa.lowing: "Groundcrewinan 2. 20 per hour or 5. 00 per si.ngle game event-- 7. 50 per doubleheader " "Groundskeeper 2. 50 per hour or 12. 00 per si.ngle game event-- 17. 50 per doubleheader " "Parking Lot Attendant I 2. 25 an hour " and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Groundcrewman 2. 50 per hour " "Groundskeeper 2. 75 per hour " "Parking Lot Attendant I 2. 50 per hour " . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas `�'�� Nays �..- , Hozza PE .SO NE OF ICE Hunt � [n Favor Levine {� By �u�-��� �� MaddOx - __ Against Showalter Adopted b��il: Date _ ��� 8 ��� Form pprov d by it Attorney Certifie ass oun Secret�ry BY , B� � c�V� � � ���� ,� � . App�oare by ;Nayor: D t — �- ° Appro ed b ayor for Subm' sio to Council By - — BY ���s��� �uN i � �9� DO not detech this memorandum from the � ` I"ltc�lutlOn So th8t th(s information will be c�t pi: i2/1975 �Veil�ble t0 the City Council� Rev.; 9/8176 �E' �t�N- 4F �T� '�'fi � 8 ���� � R884LO�x S Q�8 4"E ' Datot May I2, 1978 . : � g � "" " P,� � p . �. xo= ��Qx �r�E ���: MAY 1 � ��7� i�R: �er�aaaa� 4�f�cei _ �A1�4�� � ; R8: Rsaolu�l,e►n- �ax subu���p� �� ��,�p �a��, ACT�Q,��t �QU&$, .�A: : Wa xs�c�mss�d y�otar aFDaco��� aud eub�aies��zti o'�� th�.e Re+�a1��� ta �#+a ��.��± �u��il;. � 4S . � F Tff[3 AC'��G'3�Ts This Resoltiti�on 2►djusts the wage rates for the titles`used at the lviuni.�ipa1 S�adium. The Parks and Recreation-Division has requested this adjustrt�:ent. T'hese rates were last adjusted ia 1976. ' Tit�1e Preaent Rate Proposed Ra.te ' Groun.dcrev�man $2,20 per ho�r : $2. 5Q pex hour Groundskeeper 2.5U per"houx :�. 75 per hov.r Par�ing Lot Attendant T 2.25 per hour 2. 50 per hour AT'�AC.�..r.,., �S: , . Resolution and copy for the City Clerk.