271201 � �WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G1TY OF SAINT PAUL Council . . � CANARV - DEPARTMENT t � BLUE - MAVOR - Fll@ NO. � �CP, Ordinance N O. Presented By Referred To - Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ,,_} An ordinance amending Cha.pter 427 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code relating trespass on school grounds. � THE COUNCIL O�THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � Section 1. Section 427.0 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as llows: "427.01. Tr ass. (a) It al�e�� be is unlawful for any person to main in ��b�#e e� g�#*ae�e a school building, or pon the school grounds� �ke�ee�; after being- requeste to leave ��e gr �13e se13ee1-g��Ae#gel-er- - sen b erson e���t��� n awful con r �e�#Bee the building or groun un aw ul to return to a school ' buildin or school rounds fter a re uest to leave has been made ursuant to su section a) until that re uest is revoked or r cinded b the school rinci al, or other erson in awful control of the building and grounds." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect d be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and pu ication. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Roedler Against BY � Sylvester � � °j Tedesco Form Approved by`;City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK COII[IC11 ������ PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA 11 L CANARY - DEPARTMENT � ,� BIUE - MAVOR File NO• ; � C ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolu�ion establishing a new title and class specification in the Civil Service Ru1es. WHEREAS, it is appropriate and desirable to establish a new class title of Health Administration Manager and a class specification for said title; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by adding to Section 6, in Grade 24 under the heading "Professional-Administrative" Group, the title Health Administration Manager; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by inserting in Section 49, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class speci.fication for tlze new title of Health Administration Manager. Approved: LG��:-u��s f " �L Chai�man Civil Service Co issi n COUNCILMEN Yeas Na}�s Requested by Department of: -B� � PE 50NNEL OF ICE Hozza [n Favor Hunt (� _ Against ��Z`�� Levine By -�ved�e�Sho�=G--��'� -�y�resiea.l^nC'�-c�G�6� � ��N � �$ Form App ove by i Attorney Adopted b � ouncil: Date — Cert ed P� • by Co ci echetary BY � � �. Appr by Mayor: D te — ��� � � ��f v App v d by Mayor for ub ' si to Council By BY �eust� JUN i ? 1978 ; HEALTH ADMINISTRATIO�I MANAGER � (�f.��l� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs managerial work in directing the administrative services of the Division of Public Health; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a division head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the Division's Administrative Services unit general supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over professional, technical and cl�erical staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Organizes, plans, delegates and directs the work of providing personnel, budgeting, accounting, statistical, health education, facility main- tenance and related administrative services to the Division of Public Health. Supervises the preparation of the operational and capital improvement budgets of the Division; approves procurement of supplies, equipment, and services; reviews and authorizes. payment and reimbursement requests at the division level; plans and administers budget controls; performs surveys of future budgetary needs. Coordinates the preparation and management of various federal and state- funded programs, including the preparation and submissian of budgets, expenditure reports, and progress reports. Administers personnel functions within the division, including the evalu- ation of applicants; makes employment and disciplinary recommendations; and directs the adherence of personnel rules and regulations. Plans and dixects special studies and surveys regarding organizational structure, administrative methods, systems, and procedures. Prepares various city, state, and federal financial, operational, and informational reports. Receives and responds to inquiries concerning public health administration or related support services. Represents the Division of Public Health at various health agencies and community meetings. Acts for the Public Health Services Manager in his absence. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of the facilities, functions and programs of the Division. Considerable knowledge of public health principles, practices and programs. Considerable ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the public and staff personnel. Considerable knowledge of budgeting and accounting principles and practices. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and three years' experience as a Sanitarian III, Public Health Nurse III, or in a position at an equivalent level in the field of public health; or a master's degree in public health or public administration and two years' experience as a Sanitarian III, Public Health Nurse III, or in a position at an equivalent level. (No substi- tution for education.) Do not detach �his memorandum frvrt't the resofution so that this informatio�n Will b� Q!�' 41: �2lI.97� , - avaifable to the City Council. �v, ; 9f.8l75 : IA�t. QF 3 c� SO I�:.. °,G��� Dutea April. 25, 1978 T4 a MAYQ$ ti�A+G� T„�TIMRIt R s� zua�►1 � £�.aa �� � � � � � Q �; s,�v � MAY 1 � 4�7� : : RE: R.,�a��.���.pb ia.r $u��+�,ou �4 ���� cQuaa�:1 : .�A'1GO_I�`� A4'�.'x4�t ���E��8 I�: We rscaa�+�d Yo+�� 4'PP�aual aaad aubmi�s��� of. �h�s R�al�tt�n ta -tl� ��.� C�u�il.` ` P S , 1� � ��T• i- Z'his R:esolution establishes the title of and class epecific�.tion for Health ' � Admi,n,istration Yvia,nager, which supexsedes the present t�i.tle and c�,a.ss speci�.cation of Direator of Administration - I�ea1f3�. _ It wi11 esta.blish the title ia Grade 24 of the Professional-Adm�:str��ive - Group. This wilt repres�nt a four-grade increase which is ju�tifi.�d by ,; _� an increase in the duties and responsibil,ities of�he poai�ion as determi�.ed by a �ob study. ;. ' ` The bi-weekly salaries'ixx�volved are as fo}.lo�rs: ' , }.- Grade 20 �+:r A B C D E F G 10-yr. I5-yr. 76?.50 7g8. 50 830.50 872.00 915.fl0 9b1.5Q - 1009.t}0 i039.50 1070.50 �24,024.00 Arin:uall,y $•27,929.�0 � G rade 24 863.50 898. 50 934.00 981.50 1030.�00 1082. 5(� •1�,37.00 1I.74.00 �,203.00 $22,528:OO An�va]Iy $31, 385.UO , A,��£.�.�►����.:. : Resolution and capy for �he C3ty Clerk.