01-1301�� , a -, � �, ; � � � s.. : : : y . w. _ ',✓ . i '? ; i Coancil File # p ��3p� Green Sheet # 113558 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Committee:Date: WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Department has received a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant for the period October 11, 2001 through October 10, 2003; and WHEREAS, the City Council accepted tlus grant on September 12, 2001 (Council File number O1-95'n; and WHEREAS, a 2001 financing and spending plan needs to be established for the grant match; and WHEREAS, the Mayor pursuant to Secfion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of $47,297 in excess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; and WIiEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following addirion be made to the 2001 budget: CURRENT BUDGET 436 - Special Projects-Police FINANCING PLAN: 34120 - Special Investigations 9830 - Use of Fund Balance Total Changes to Financing SPENDING PLAN: 34120 - Special Investigations 0799 - Transfer Out-Intrafund Total Changes to Spending 165,024 175,770 CIiANGES 47,297 � 47,297 �, 'T AMENDED BUDGET 212,321 223,067 33 34 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2001 budget. 35 36 Requested by Department of: Services: Adopted by Council:Date: �__ \q a a o� BY� � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: For By: � _ , � � _ By: Approved by Mayor:Date: �j Z/ 2�� Ap� B By: �� 34195LLEBGVIg2ntbudget.cr.07 by City to Council: D PAl"2� TlOFFICEICOUNC�L � ' DATEINITIA7ED Poi���neP�ent tvzvoi GREEN SHEET No. 113558 r, L ONTA TPERSON PH NE INRWUDA7E INmaVDATE �Cfr'1llI1Cy 292-3588 - ' ! DEPARTMfNtO1RECfOR J RYCOUNCIL MUST BE ON COUNCILA6ENDA BY (DA7E) �` P1eaSepioCesSASAP ❑3 cmnnow+ev�� �cmc �FlNFNCW.SEfMCESDIR_ �FINRNCIALSERV/AGGIG �M1NVOR(ORA$$ISTAM�_ �MUMANRIGXfS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7ED Appioval of the attached council resolution establishing a spending and financing plan for the Local Law Enforcement Block Crrant received in 2001. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE GONTRACTS MUST ANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: i. Has Nis persoNfirtn everworked undera contrdc[ for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMIT7EE 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does Uis persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curteM ciry employee� YES NO 4. Is this personlfrm a targeted vendoR YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and atfach to green sheet INITIA7ING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY(WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The U.S. Department of Justice awazded a Local Law Enforcement Block grant to the Saint Paul Police Department for the period October 11, 2001 tluough October 10, 2003. The City Council accepted this grant on September 12, 2001 (Council File Number O1-957). A 2001 spending and financing plan needs to be established for the gant match. (Attached is a copy of the gant awazd and the 2001 Proposal for Collaborarive Use of the 2001 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Budget authority to set up grant xnatch in 2001. q ��� ' ��� ; rl DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED �EG 0 7 2+�01 None DISADVAN7AGESIFNOTAPPROVED Grant match noT budgeted foi m 2001 ��,P� ��� ��� � � ��S�B 70TALAMOUN70FTRANSACTION$ 47,297 COS7/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE U.S. DC�7T3trriCrit Of 7llShC0 ACTNIN NUMBER 436-34120 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) 34195LLEBGVIgrantbudget.gs.01 . �.- a „e.m�,_. G �� �� c L � U� r �p F O 'ZST3�� U.S. DEPART,�N1' OF NSTICE OFFICE OF JGSTICE PROGRAbIS n�-1�o� GRANT ADJUSTMENT NOTICE CHECKAPPROPRIATEBOX � OJP � BSS 1. GRtL'VTEE NA1�.9ND ADDRFSS (Inctuding Zip Code) St Peul Ciry Room 390. City Hall 15 Wes[ Kellogg Blvd. S.unt Paul, .Mi' S5102-1005 FROM lA. GRAN1'EE II2S/VENDOR NO. 5. D2.TE 4160U55?1 10/t0/2001 2. PROSECT TITLE 6. GRANT VL4NAGER FY 2001 Local Law Euforcement Blxk Grants : � � � %�� � ,-�- �- SECTION I. DEOBLIGATIONS & REOBLIGATIONS � � ��� � � % 7. ACCOUNTIlVG CLASSIFICATfON CODES 9. PREVIOUS GRANT FISCAL FUND BUD. DN. AWARD.9ivI0U�T YEAR CODE ACT. OFC. REG. SUB. MBO X B Ll 80 p0 pp 10. REOBLIGATION fublT 8. DOCU�NT CO:V'IROLN[JMBER 12. CHANGE GRANC MANAGER 13. CHANGE GRANT PERIOD FROM I� B7A � b77 � OIIDP � OVC PAGE 1 OF 1 3. GRA:\T NTJ\IBER: 2001-LB-BX-1585 4. ADNST�ff�'I' \'[�l1BER: 1 11. ADNSTED AWARD.9iVtOUhT SECTION 11. CHANGES TO � SECTION III. OTHEp ADJUSTMENTS 81NFORMATION 14. This Cttant Adjusfine¢t Notice (GAD7) establishes the foxxnal 24 mouth combined obligation ssnd expeadi[ure period for your Fisca! Year (FY) 2001 fundmg under the Lxal Law EnForcement Block Crrants (LLEBG) Progrum. The 24 month combined obligation aud expenditure penod is l0/11Y2001-10/10/2IX)3. Please mvke a note of these dates. No LLEBG FY 2W 1 funds may be either obligated or expended before the begiuni¢g of this 24 mon[h period, or after the ead date of @tis paiod. Theie are no exceptions to this policy. Al! fuuds not obli�ated/expe¢ded by the end of this petiod must be retur¢ed ro Ihe Office of Iusfice Pro�'ams (OJP). Guidance for Completing the Finnncial Stntus Report (SF269a): E¢tei the 24 mon[h combined obliguROn and expeuditure period Gsted above in Field 8, Fundi¢g/Gra¢t Period, on the SF269a. Fi¢ancial reporting be�ius on the quarterly end date following the Award Date. Field 6 on the Awazd Documen[. I5. TYPED NAME AND TiTLE OF APPROVING OIP OFFICIAL Rich�ud A. Ward, SII, Depu[y D'uector Bureau of Justice Assistauce 16. SIGNATURE OF APPRO VING OJP OFFICL4L t �-�., � �%.., � b j�,,...._,�....s�c _. �. �"K _ ,I $6U8,OOS.UO $0.00 S60S,005.00 � OJP FORi�1404N1 (REV. 5-87) I � v � 1 '� 3 U.S. DEPARTh1EhT OF NSTICE y V+�pn� g <r OFFICEOF7U5C[CEPROGRA� ? n � OIP �X BIA � OI7DP � • � �` ❑ BIS � Nq � OVC ° '+cmce` o CftECK APPROPRIAtE BOX l. GRAMEE NAME AND ADDRESS (Induding Zip Cade) StPaulCiq Room 390, Ciry Rall IS Wert Ke(IogS elvd. Saint Paul, MN SS I@-1005 �p,GRANTEE[RSNENDORNO 4�6005521 2. SUBGEUMEE NAME AND ADDRE55 ([ncluding ZiP Code) 2A. SUBG�1dTEE IRS/VENDOR NO. 3. PftOJECT TITLE FY 2001 Local Law Enforccmenc Blak Gmnts AWARD � G124�7 �� COO _2iTM1'EAGR=E� PAGE 1 OF 5 q.AWARD\1liBZ 200LLB-BX-IS"a5 5. PROJECC PE210J c20�i B WGEf P.:AIO? Fti O>f 6.AWAR�D31t u�nr. 8. SUPPLE��"i ]�' 13ER 9. PREVIOUS {0.'.L2D A�fOUNT 10. A�SO�'`� � OF inu^5 Aw'.UtD 11. T0T.�1. AR'.U'-7 1�07^_060 TO 09i3�2U�2 100t�?000 TO 09r0200? 7, pCCIOti � IN��I � Supplcmentil E0.00 2606,005 5603,OOS 12. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (CM1cck, if appl¢abie) ❑ TH EABOVEGRAMPROIECTISAPPROVEDSUBIECT TOSUCRC0 � IL0 � 50AU\UT. � nO\S. � SN2ESETFORTH K ONTHEAI7ACHED 13. STANIOR�' AUTHORITY FOR GRANT ❑ TITLEIOETHEOMNIBUSCRIMECOMROL ANDSAFESTAEE � S. � C?O:Ii43- 42 U.S.C. 3]05, ET. SEQ , AS AMENDED T(TLE 2 OF THE 1�19ENILE lUSTICE ANd DELlNQUENCY PREVE`7��� AR aF I9]4 � 42 O.S.C. 5601, ET. SEQ., AS AMENDED � VICTIMSOFCRI+�'1EAC70F1984,42U.S.C.IOfiOt,ET.SEQ.,PUBGCLAtiC's3—:]3.ASA�1&�'DED OTHER(Specify): FiscalYear2001,DepattmcnaofComme¢e,lusdce,av!S-s:,�ludiciary.a'�dR<IudA�cndcsAppropria[ionsAct(Pub. � L.No.106-553) 14 FUTUREFISCALYEAR(S)SUPPORS: SECOND YEAR'S BODGET PERIOD: N�A Ab10UNT OE FUNDS: N/A ME GF FL�'JS: THIRDYEAB'SBUDGETPERIOD. N/A AMOUNTOFFWDS: N/A TYPEOiFI?II5: I5. ME1'HOD OF PAYMEM � THEGRAMEEWILLAECENECASH`��AALETTEROFCREDI'T � Y � �� h � � qGENCYAPPAOVAL — 16. TYPED NAME AND TITLE �F APPROVING W P OFFICIAL �(icMrd H. Ward, III Acting Dirccmv pumau of lustice Assistance 1]. 5[GNAiURE OE APPROV[NG O1P OFFICfAL �� 20. ACCOUNTI�+'G CLASS[FICATIOY CODES F[SCA7- FUND BUD. D1V. YEAR CODE ACi. OFC. REG. g g LI 80 00 — G[U.\7EE ACCEPT.�`!CE � � . T c�� {,Vp 7[77,E OF AlJ71IORiZED GRA�`�TEE OFF[CIAL Tc� Q4 an �ls.w I 19A. DAiE t9. S:G�ATI'+= OF AL"CHOA7ZED GZiNCEE AGEKCYUSE � I 2L 1131(IS LIOIU:t�3 S�Jg. POYIS 00 o � -�'3 0\ �y,£Ti4Y�� : _ � i a c , ��YM1C�' PftOJECTNUMBER. U S. DEP.VLTNEM �E NST[CE OFFICE OF NSTICE PROGRAMS � Ojp � Bl.{ � Ol]DP � H7S � NIJ � OVC CHECKAPPROPRIATEBOX 200�-LB-BX AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET � G&�M � C007ERA'CNEAGAEE�IF..'C pWARDDATE 0]/132001 PAGE 2 OF 5 SPEC(AL CONDITIONS �, The recipient agees ro comply with the financial and adminisnative requirements set forth in the current edifion of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide. Z. The cecipient agrees to comply with the organizational audit requirements of OMB Circulaz, A-133, Audits of States, Local Govemments and Non-Profit Organizations, as further described in O]P's Financial Cmide, Chapter ] 9. 3. The recipient acknowledges that failure to submit an acceptabie Equal Employment Opportuniry Plan (if recipient is required to submit one pursuant to 28 CFR 42302), that is approved by the Office of Civil Rights, is a violation of its . Ccrtified Assurances and may result in suspension or termination of funding, until such time as the recipient is in compliance. q_ The recipient agrees that federal funds undet this award will be used to supptement but not supplant state or local funds, pursuant ro section I01(g) of H.R. 72&, 104th Cong. (1995). 5. The recipient shall submii one copy of all reports and proposed publications resulting from this agreement twenty (20) days prior to public release. Any publications (written, visual, or sound), whether published at the r newslette s, and government's expense, shall contain the following statement: (NOTE: This excludes press releases, issue analysis.) "Ihis project was supported by Grant No. 2001-LB-BX-1585 awazded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Departmznt of Justice. Points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Depariment of Justice." 6, The recipient agrecs to provide infoanation required for any national evaluation conducted by the U.S. Deparhnent of Justice. 7, The recipient agrees, if the funds ace used for the haing and employing of new, additionat law �)( � ement o�cers and/or support personnel, as described in the applicable purpose area of Subpart A section 101 a 2 of H.R.728, 104th Cong. (t995), that the recipient unit of local govemment wi(1 achieve a net gain in the number of law enforcement officers who perfoan non-administrative public safery service. If the funds are used for the hiring and employing of new, additional law enforcement officers and/or support personnel, the ur.it of local govemment will establish procedures to give members of the A�ned Forces who, on or after Ocrober I, 1990, were or are selecced for invo(untary separation (as described in section ( l41 of Title 10, Unired States Code), approved for separation under section 1174a or 1175 of such title, or retired pursuant to the authority provided under section 4403 of the Defense I923 note), a su t ble preferenee in the of personsas addiHon l�law enforcem or�s pport personnet. O1P FORbt 400011(RE�. 5g�) p���OUS EDITIONS AAE OIISOLEI'E o � -�� �� si ,�v+xor.,,� c` C'`O'l Y"c PROJECTNU�I6ER: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUST[CE OFFICE OE NSiICE PROG!tA�iS ❑ O�p � BIA � ODDP � BIS � NII � �VC CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX 200}-LB-BX-I585 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET z I GZ��7 ❑ Cpp?�Z4714'EAGREE�t'c` pWARDD�T 0�/11200i SPECIAL CONDITIO.\S CONTL\Z'ED 8. 9. 10. 1 I. 12. 13. PAGE 3 OF 5 The recipient agrees this award dowment consti[ures the obli�ation e; federal funds for use by the recipient in execution of the program or project covered by [he an�azd. Such oblintion may bz eeaminated withoui further cause if the recipient fails to affim� its timely utilization of the award by accr�:in� the award and special conditions within 45 calendar days from the date of awazd. The recipient agrees to submit the Request for Drawdo���n via the In?emac system within 90 calendar days from the date of award, or to have all funds deobligated for redistribution duri�g the next funding cycle. The recipient agrees to one 24 month obligation and expenditure per:ad, as established at the approvai of the Request . for Drawdown. All funds must be expended by the end of this 24 mer.th period with no exceptions. The recipient is required to establish a trust fund accounc This fur:d �ay not be used to pay debts incurted by other activities beyond the scope of the Local Law Enforcement Blxk Grantc Program. The rzcipient also agrees to obligate and expend the grant funds in the tmst fund (including any i:.�erest eamed) durin8 the 24 month period. Grant funds (including any interest eamed) not expznded by the end of the 24 month period must be rerumed to the Bureau of Juscice Assistance (BJA) by the end of the 27th month, aleng with the final submission o£ theFinancial Status Report (SF-269A). The recipient agrees to submit one final progress report via the In.zr_zt system at the end of the 24 month obligation and expendimre period. The recipient agrees, if funds are used by the tecipient or subcecipiece for enhancing security, that ihe recipient or subrecipient - - (a) has an adequate process to assess t(e�( j act of any enhancemer.: of a school securiry' measure that is undertaken under subparagraph (B) of section ]01 a 2, on thz incidence of cr,az in the geogaphic area where the enhancement is undertaken; (b) will conduct such an assessment with respect ro each such enhz-cement; and, (c) will submit to the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) an annuai assessment report �ia the Intemet system. FORM 40002 (RE�.58]) PREVIOOS E�ITIONS o�-t'Jv1 t pQ+rq :` - � 1 2`. � t PftOlE�7' NU�iBER: 0.5. DEPARTMEM OP JUS7ICE OFF[CE OE NSTICE PAOGRASIS ❑ O � � BJp � OIJDP � BJS � NIl � OVC CHECKAPPROPRIATEBOX 2001-LB-BX-I535 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET a GR4M � COOPER4T[VEAGREEbtENT pWpRDDATE 07/14200I SPECIAL CONDITlO�'�S CONTINUED PAGE 4 OF 5 �q, The recipient agrees to comply w'�ch 28 CFR Part 23 if federal fimds are ueed to support Criminat Intelligence Systems. I5. The recipient agrees to assist BJA in complying with the National Environmental Policy Aci (NEPA} and othec celare federal environmental impact analyses requirements in the use of these grant funds, either directly by the recipient or by a subrecipient. Accordingly, prior ro obligating grant funds, Ihe recipient agrees to first derermine if any of the following activities will be related to ihe use of the grant funds. The recipient understands that this special condition appties to its following new activities, whether or not they are being specifically funded with these grant funds. That is, as long as the activity is being conducted by the cecipient, a subrecipient, or any third party, and the activiry needs ro be undertaken in order to use these grant funds, this special condition must first be met The activities covetedby this specia] condition are: 16. 17. L New constmction; 2. Minor renovation or remodeling of a property either (a) lisied on or eligibie for listing on the National Register o Hisroric Places or (b) located within a 100-year flood piain; 3. A renovation, lease, or any proposed use of a building or facility that will either (a) result in a change in its basic prior use or (b) significantly change its size; and, 4. Implementation of a new program involving the use of chemicals other than chemicals that are (a) purchased as an incidental component of a funded activiry and (b) traditionally used, for example, in office, household, recreational, or educational environments. � Application of This Special Condition to RecipienPs Existing Programs or Activities: For any of the recipienPs or its subrecipienPs existing programs or activities that will be funded with these grant funds, the recipient, upon specific request from BJA, agrees ro cooperate with BJA in any preparation by BJA of a national or program environmentai assessment of that funded program or activity. The recipient agrees to ensure that the Scate Infonnation Technology Point of Contact reeeives written notification regarding any information technology project funded by this grant during the obligation and expenditure period. This is ro facilitate communication among local and state govemmental entities regarding various infonnation technology pmjects being conducred with these grant funds. In addition, the recipient agrees to maintain an adminishative file doeumenting the meeting of this requiremenc For a list of State Information Technology Points of Contact, go to http://www.oj p.usdoj.govlecistates.htm The recipient agrees to provide and expend a IO percent cash match (calculated as 1/9 of the federal award amount) before the end of the 24 month obtigation and expenditure period. The recipient is reminded that the matching funds are auditable under Special Condition n2 and will be binding ro the recipient. OJP F02N 4000R (AEV 38�) PAE��OUS EDI'ROYS ARE o�-t�o� z �r rov�. �'° _ `� � �, e, PROJECT NU]4HE2: PAGE 5 OF 5 U.S. DEP.VtThtEM OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF NSTICE PROGRAMS � O1P � BJA � 011DP � ais � hu � ovc CHECKAPPROPRIATEBOX j00i-LB-BX-1585 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET � GRa.\i u C002=z.�� e AG�`cV=�T TW.aN)D�Tc G'.l ?Wl SPEClAL CO.NDITIO.VS CO.VT7NL'ED � g.. The recipient a�rees that prior to the obligation oc expzndimre of any LLEBG funds, x: lzast one (I) public hearing will be held regarding the proposed use(s) of the grant funds. The rzcipizcc mwt ako procide verification to BJA,via the Intemet system, of the public hearing. At the hearing, persons shzl be Sicen an opponinity to provide written and oral views to the recipient on the proposed use(s) of the grant funv. 'ihe recipient �iill hold the public hearing at a time and place that aliows and encoumges public attendance and par�dF�tion. The recipiznt may not request a drawdown of funds until these requirements aze mzt and the formal bcdgec allocatio;is are adopted by the recipient. 19. The recipient agrees that priot to the obligation or expenditure of any LLEBG funds, x previously designated or newly established advisory board witl meet to discuss the proposed use(s) o: d:z grant fiu:ds. The recipient will designate the advisory board to make nonbinding recommendations on the use(s) of fu^ds under thz LLEBG Proe am. Membership on the advisory board must include a representative from the follo�vi: g, u`ough it ma} be broader: a) the local police depaament or sherifFs depammznr, b) the local prosecutor's office; c) the local court system; 20. 21. d) the locat school sysrem; and, e) a loeal nonprofit, educational, religious, or communiry gTOUp acci� i:. crime Qrzczntion or dmg use prevention or treatment. The recipient may not request a drawdown of funds until these requ;ctrz.nu are mz: and the foecna! budget allocations are adopted by the recipienc. The tecipient has certified it is in compliance with the Public Safen Of:icers Hezhh Ber.zfits Provision of the Fiscal Year 2001, Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judici and Rela:zd Agencies Appropriations Act (Pub. L. No. 106-SS3) and agrees to remain in compliance durin� tte li;e of the �nr,t 'Ihis Provision requires that the unit of local govemment which employs a public safety officer (s �zfir.zd by section 1204 of Tifle I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended) :u z.`'ford mch public safery officer who retires or is separated from service due ro injury suffered as a direct and proxi., result of a pzrsonal injury sustained in the line of duty while responding to an emergency situation or hot purs�t (� such tzrms aze defined by State law) with the same or better level of health insnrance benzfits at the time of rz3reme.^,t or s:paratien as the officer received while on dury. If the recipient demonstrates noncompiiance durine rz iifz of the �st, 10 percent o£the award amount must be retumed to BJA. The recipient aa ees that funds provided under this a�card may not Y�ed to op:ra:= a"pay-to-stay" program in any local jail. The recipient further agrees not to subaward funds to loc_Ij=iis «�hich operat= "pay-to-stay" programs. OJP FOR.�f 4000�2 (RE�� 58�) PREVIOUS EDIT10\S ARE OBSOLETE o�-l'bo � 2001 PROPOSAL FOR COLLABORATTVE USE OF THE 2001 LOCAL LA`V ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT (LLEBG) Amount awarded: Match amount: Distribution of Funds Ramsey County Sheriff Ramsey County Attomey Ramsey County Corrections Saint Paul Police Department Saint Paul City Attorney Total expenditures with match Summary of proposed spending: RamseV County Sheriff $608,005 $ 67,556 Grant Award $ 69,313 $ 43,716 $ 69,313 $396,722 $ 28,941 $675,561 Match Amount $ 7,702 $ 4,855 $ 7,702 $ 44,080 $ 3,217 Total Exp.enditures $ 77,015 $ 48,571 $ 77,015 $440,802 $ 32,158 The Ramsey County Sheriff's office proposes utilizing its LLEBG allocation to fund overtime. The initiatives undertaken with these fixnds will include gang identification efforts, warrant sweeps that target the most violent offenders, and concentrated enforcement and surveillance activities aimed at repeat offenders. Proposed expenditures of funds - Overtime $77,015. Ramsev Countv Corrections Once an offender is arrested, prosecuted and sentenced, the corrections system usually assumes a long-teim responsibility for supervision. Whether an offender is sentenced to prison or the conectional facility, the offender will return to the community under some type of supervision. A probation officer and a community corrections aide have been added to work closely with the Minnesota Gang Strike Force. The primary responsibility is to provide intensive supervision for selected public risk gang members. These probation officers have a smaller caseload of both adult and juvenile offenders on mtensive surveillance. Probation staff have partnered with Saint Paul Police Officers and Ramsey County Sheriff's deputies in working selected evening and weekend shifts and responding O\-t'J�` to "hot spots" in the community. Strict and immediate enforcement of probation conditions includes random drug tests, unannounced visits, curfews, electronic monitoring and the requirement to obtain legitimate employment. A violation of the conditions would result in a return or commitment to prison. Probation staff also coordinates interagency and gang information and provides it to the gang unit and courts. Proposed expenditure of funds - Salaries �77,015. Ramse� Countv Attornev's Office The Ramsey County Attoiney's Office in cooperation the Ramsey County Courts has initiated ongoing meetings with criminal justice representatives to deal �vith the issues surrounding cases involving guns, gangs and violent crimes. One of the key issues "identified was the need for the court to have more complete information on defendants prior to decisions on bail and sentencing. Law enforcement officers, and particularly those who work with the Minnesota Gang Strike Force, are in possession of necessary and useful information but aze not usually present at court hearings. An investigator has been hired to work closely with Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies to insure full access to essential information from those agencies to special gang prosecutors and all other adult and juvenile prosecutors. Proposed expenditure of funds - Salaries $48,571. Saint Paul Police The Saint Paul Police Department will use of portion of the Local Law Enforcement grant to support the following activities as needed on an overtime basis: Special Events Operations and Community/Volunteer Services Unit: Large-scale special events such as the Grand Old Day Celebration, Cinco de Mayo, Winter Carnival Cn�and Day and Torchlight Parades, Taste of Minnesota, and the Twin Cities Marathon contribute to the overall vitality of the city. Previous year's experience demonstrates a need for trouble shooting and problem resolution strategies on event days. There is a need for the Saint Paul Police Department to plan and prepare for the task of managing and coordinating personnel, traffic, and crowds. At events of these size, situations often arise which both frustrates residents and jeopazdizes the success of the events themselves including the increased amount of foot traffic, auto traffic, window peepers and thefts. Having an officer available to respond on scene rather than "next year" assures residents that the police department cares and is willing to insure that level of "quality of life" they expect in their neighborhoods. AnticiDUtecl Goals/O�itcome: To police events without draining city�vide police resources. Solicit input from promoters as to the needs and requirements for the special event or detail. Assignment of officers to police the detail area for issues sucTOUnding the safe and 2 o� -l3� � efficient movement of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and crezting a feeling of safety and comfort for those in attendance. Focusing Our Resources On Community Empowerment (F.O.R.C.E.) Unit: The Saint Paul Police Department recognizes the negative and pen influence that drugs and narcotics have on the quality of life in our community- The department also recognizes that drug use and related activities are a social phenomenon that requires a coordinated response beriveen police officers, residents, and the combined resources of the City of Saint Paul. The FORCE Unit is designed to combine resources in an effort to attack the scourge of drug use through a variety of strategies. F.O.R.C.E. Uait has found through unit investigations that suspects in street level narcotics in� are very mobile, involved in other criminal activity and often create problem properties where they conduct their illegal activities. There is a strong need to address problem properties and behavior through the use of ` jump-ouY' details, agent buy operations, knock and talk details and search warrants. Additional emphasis needs to be directed toward block club meetings, administrative follow-up, cooperating agency meetings and educational presentations. High crime areas will be defined by F.O.R.C.E. based on numbers of resident complaints, concentration of problem property cases, computerized mapping and intelligence infoimation generated by patrol officers and informants. AnticiDated Goals/Oectcome: Address crime "hot spots" city tivide, to reduce street level narcotics activity, associated crimes, and problem properties in the target areas. Overtime funding will strengthen the F.O.R.C.E. Unit's specialized approach to intervening "hot spots" by pernutting more time for coordination with neighborhood service area supervisors, district council neighborhood crime prevention coordinator and relevant city services such as code enforcement, fire mspections, and licensing. Canine Unit: The primary purpose of the canine unit is to serve as a bac;up for the patrol officer and as a support unit to the patrol function. Also, the unit is vital m stemming the flow of illegal narcotics via use of the canine uniYs detector dog program Officers and their canine partners trained in narcotics interdiction tactics would avail themselves on an overtime basis to those locations where illegal narcotics enter Saint Paul. Potential locations include the train, bus depots, and airports, Federal Express officers, UPS distribution centers, and the U.S. Postal Service branches. Anticipated Goals/Oactcome: Canine unit detector dogs and their handlers will seize drugs and proceeds from drug sales. Not only will the presence of a canine team increase drug interventions but also will increase officer safety. 3 .r • •r � 1—��O \ Gun Issues - Possession and Discharge of Firearms: In 1998, there were 627 calls for police service for dischazge of a firearm within city limit. Trained officers retrieve illegal guns as well as document guns that have been confiscated by utilizing gun suppression techniques. Antici�atecl Goals/Outcome: Reduce the level of intentional discharge of firearms by intervening with violent offenders �vith a documented history of gun violence. Gathering and sharing of intelligence data, training on gun interdiction techniques and use of technology to improve communications beriveen department resources, and law enforcement agencies, to accomplish outcome. Liquor Compliance/Liquor Violations/Disorderly Houses: A great deal of public attention has recently been directed at the ease with which minors aze able to acquire alcoholic beverages. This attention has lead the legislature to enhance penalties associated with providing alcohol to minors. In addition, one residence being used as a disorderly house can effectively destroy the peace and tranquility of a neighborhood and bring in other related crime. Frequently, party houses, after hour's residences, or homes being used to "bootleg" alcoholic beverages are identified. Antici�atecl Gonls/Outcome: Use of an overtime police officer to assist in an increased number of investigations of licensed beverage establishments to determine compliance with state statutes, and other investigations which involve the use of alcohol by minors or disorderly houses. Narcotics/Special Investigation Unit (S.I.U): Saint Paul and its adjoining suburban communities contained within Ramsey and Dakota Counties has experienced large impact from the burgeoning methamphetarnine problem. Prior to 1998, St. Paul drug seizures were comprised largely of cocaine and marijuana with a representation of other illegal drugs including methamphetamine. Beginning in 1998, methamphetamine seizures quickly outpaced other drug seizures by a margin of almost 2 to 1. Saint PauPs west side community is becoming known as"source city" for methamphetamine. Highly financed criminal organizations importing from Mexico, using mostly methamphetamine distributors locally, blend into the illegal activities and avoiding prosecution. The majority of the methamphetamine coming into Saint Paul and the Saint Paul suburban community originates from labs in California and Mexico. Afitici�ated Goals/Outcome: Overtime availability will allow officers to more thoroughly pursue investigations related to the west side methamphetamine market resulting in an increase in drug seizures and arrest. � . . � Y �\����\ Neighborhood Service Area (NSA): Neighborhood policing identifies with geographic azeas within each district, which are referred to as Neighborhood Service Areas(NSA). NSA's incorporate well-defined neighborhoods within Saint Paul into police service azeas. Neighborhood policing brings residents, business owners, and the police officers closer together to work on common issues that affect the quality of life and the public safety in that neighborhood. Officers identify problems and take proactive measures to solve public safety related assues �vith community support and assistance. Antici�ated Goals/Outcome: The program will focus overtime hours on a proactive approach to solving problems identified by ofFicers working in collaboration with district - councils, and both the business and community groups. Issues to address include drug dealing, disorderly people, drunks, pickpockets and problem properties that impact quality of life issues. In addition, those problems identified will be assigned to an officer who will be responsible for the action and outcome. Further attention will be focused on multi- housing areas. Park and Recreation Center Details: Saint Paul recreation centers provide residents with a place in their neighborhood to learn and have fun, and also serve as the community's gathering spot - the focus of Saint Paul's famously strong neighborhoods. The over 1.5 million visits made annually attest to their effectiveness in meeting those needs. Both Saint Paul police officers and police park rangers are involved in maintaining a safe environment for the parks. Antici�ated Goals/Outcome: To provide a safe environment in the City of Saint Paul's parks to allow children to play and learn. Police officers can work in the parks as mentors and youth workers allowing children to have the opportunity to enjoy activities and to see police officers in roles outside that of the traditional "police officer". Officers will also develop longer standing relationships with youth and park staff preventing problems from occurring, or reoccuiring at the recreation centers. Police Presence in Retail and Commercial Areas: One of the hallmarks of the retail attraction in Minnesota is the ocerall safety of the area. Unfortunately, commercial azeas are often the most dense areas of crime in a neighborhood. Commercial strips currently identified include Hillcrest Shopping Center, Sunray Center, and Midway Center. AnticiQated Goals/Otitcome: Officers will engage in patrol of area retail centers addressing, but not limiting themselves to, the issues of loitering, purse snatching, robberies, burglaries, frauds, panhandling, and .� . '.� O� -t�o� public drunkenness. Prostitution Suppression: Key factors in the perceived quality of a neighborhood, from a resident vie�v as well as from the outside, is the amount of street level cruninal activity that is observed. One crime that can drastically affect this view is street prostitution. The presence of street p:ostitutes in a given neighborhood can send the message that this type of crime is tolerated or minimized in the view of the neighborhood and law enforcement. This atmosphere can encourage other street level crimes to grauitate to the area. Once this type of reputation is established patrons of the prostitutes make this neighborhood their area of choice when looking to establish contact with a prostitute. It is estimated that 40% of patrons do not live within the city limit of Saint Paul. The patron may approach female residents of the area believing them to be prostitutes, and children may be exposed to street level sex acts between the patron and prostitute. The times when acts of prostitution occur have no identifiable pattern. This element inhibits even the most effective police agency from being able to plan suppression techniques or to increase activity without the benefit of funding over and above what cuirently is present. An effective suppression program also has to allow for the use of a variety of undercover officers. These undercover officers, in the role of patron and/or prostitute, have to be drawn from other organizational units within the police department. This can hamper the other units' from fulfilling their mandates in crime suppression or assigned goals and objectives. Anticipated Goals/Ozatcome: Vice Unit will strategically schedule police officers from within the department to participate in enhanced prostitution suppression activities without deleting their ability to contribute to meeting the goals of their own organization unit as well as make neighborhood of Saint Paul free of street level criminal activity. Traffic Enforcement Details: One of the largest sources of complaints the police department receives is traffic related quality of life issues. Pedestrian safety, speed, and general safety concems are all a part of Saint Paul's resident's perception of a safe city. Anticipatecl Goals/Outcome: Overtime funding will be used to deploy special traffic enforcement details to "hot spots" identified by residents' input and computerized mappmg. Truancy/Curfew: To find solutions for increased truancy and curfew violations in Saint Paul and its 3 "-.. :� . � . .� o�-l1c\ surrounding suburbs, the Ramsey County and Curfew Center(RCTCC) was established in 1994. A representative from Saint Paul Police Department sits on the executive committee that oversees and coordinates the collaborative �vork of RCTCC. During the 1997-98 school yeaz, the truancy center serviced approximately 2, 000 students. Truants apprehended by law enforcement officers comprised 71 % of the students invol��ed. Between June 12, 1996 and Apri15, 1997, the curfe�vi center served 1,382 youth ranging in age from 8 to 17 with three-fourths between 15 and 17 yeazs old. Anticioated Goals/Oa�tcome: Truancy officers will be assigned during peak school hours. Curfew s�veeps will be performed several times per month. Curfe�v/Truancy violators will be stopped and tagged so there is a decrease in school age youth present during school times and times after curfe�v. Proposed use of funds - Overtime $125,166 The Saint Paul Police Department has been awarded four technology COPS grants valued at 2.4 million dollars. They were awarded to develop a computerized nerivork with Intranet and Internet access, an automated Records Management System (RMS) with extensive search capabilities, and a CDPD Wireless communications platfonn that will place the network and RMS in the squad car for the patrol officer. The net�vork project and RMS program development are nearly comgleted and work is beginning on the CDPD project. These are critical programs that need to be supported around the clock. The Local Law Enforcement Block Crrant funds will be used to hire three systems support personnel for these technology grants. Proposed expenditure of funds - Salaries $124,574. The Saint Paul Police Department will hire an individual to assist the city attomey's office and the police department in complying with the Minnesota Victim's Right Act. This individual will design and implement a Victim-Witness Liaison Program that will assist victims in navigating through the criminal justice system, ensuring the opportunity to participate in the process and be heard at sentencing hearings. Proposed expenditure of funds - Salaries $60,138. The Saint Paul Police Department will purchase equipment with these funds to enhance the department's use of technology in law enforcement. Purchases will include but are not limited to protective gear for police officer entry teams, purchase of firearn�s, and enhancements to the departmenYs crime mapping equipment, etc. Proposed use of funds - Equipment $130,924. '��•. . '. O� -\'Jo� Saint Paul Citv Attornev The Saint Paul City Attomey's Office proposes to use its portion of the LLEBG grant funds to�vard the cost of the creation and implementation of a data import system from the Total Court Information System (TCIS) to LegalEdge American Prosecutor for updating events, appearances, sentencing, and dispositions. Proposed use of funds - Equipment $32,158.