271190 WHIjE� - CITV CLERK � 1 [�µy���yy� PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl � � ; y� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. BLUE -�MAVOR � Counc 'l Re ol 'on Presented By LICIIJSE CONSMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: Tha,t licenses applied for by the followi.ng persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Capp Towers 77 E. 9th St. Hotel 96 Rooms App. P 16686 Renew George J. Deutsch 1675 Rice St. Gas Sta 6 P " 18266 " Gen Rep Gax La.urie Gas Inc. 675 W. 7th St. Gas Sta 8 P " 18�+�+3 " D & R Corp �+Og N. Washington Hotel 57 Rooms " 191.55 " Service Loan Co., Inc 672 University Ave. Pawnbroker p 1g449 " Firearms l�fyrtle Molene 1539 Grand Ave. Rmg. House " 19453 " Chico J. Torntore 1652 Charles Ave. Veh Peddler 11 19685 �� Sew What Corp. 2040 Ma.rsha.11 Ave. 2nd Hd Dlr Gen 19702 Crai� Geller 1076 S. Cleveland Ave. 2 Tow Trucks �� 19758 �� Claxence Blomquist 8�+0 E. Magnolia �ee Trim & 1 Veh �� 19802 " Richard E. Ti�ners 681 Sims Ave. Tree �im & 1 Veh " 19855 " Richard Klawitter 3211 W. Owasso Blvd. Tree Trim & 1 Veh " 19897 " 1+ Add'1 Veh Bie-Dor Enterprises 742 DeSoto 3 Veh Peddler " 2000�+ " Walden's Tree & 335 15th Av�e. N. Tree T rimmer & 1 Veh " 20023 " Landscaping Service 3 Add'1 Veh Donald V. Phillips & 410 Pleasant Ave. Tree Trimmer & 1 Vi�u " 20034 " Raymond Cook 2 Add'1 Veh Northern States 7.`ree Serv. 7460 Oxford St. Tree Triromer & 1 Veh " 20037 �� 2 Add'1 Veh Gearge Ha,ines 11�+1 E. Cook Tree 2r3mm�q& 1 Veh " 20063 " 3 Add'1 Veh John J. Gillick 5112 Prescott Dr Tree Tri�mer " 20160 " 2$ Add.'1 Veh Maxion Dooley �+73 N. Dale St. Ori� Cont " 20163 " The Coa,chman, Inc. 1192 N. Dale St. Rest C=2 & Cig " 2a226 " Mancini Bax,Inc. �31 W. 7th St. Rest C-2 " 20293 " Tavern . Off Sale Malt Cigaxette COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine - -- Against BY -- Roedler S3T1V�2StP.Y' Form Approved by City Attorney Adoptec`�'�i(��S�cil: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B}� _ Approved by ;Nayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to C=ouncil By _ _ By WHITE � - UTV CLERK f � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council ����'�°� CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAYOR Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CONIMLTTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Continued (Page) 2 Renew Roger Gatz 1�+57 Ash�.and Ave. Tree Trimmer & 1 Veh App. P 20399 Renewal 1 Add'1 Veh Midway Refuse 1301 DeCourcy Drive Solid Waste Transfer Sta. " 20495 �� Systems, Inc. 0'Gara Bar & 16�+ N. Snelling Ave. Rest C-2 & Cig " 20(15 " Cxrill, Inc Walsh 2`ree, Inc. 1080 Norton Tree Trim & 1 Veh " 20901 " 10 Add'1 Veh Raymond C. MacCafferty's 782-88 Grand Rest " 20928 " Tavern C ig Twin City 1953 University Ave. Pest Control " 20930 " Externainating Co. Bert E. Wold 667 Conwa,y 2`ree Trimm & 1 Veh 'f 21164 " 1 Add'1 Veh R.H.S., Inc. 368 Jackson St. Rest C-1 " 21316 `� �rin City Reflise & 318 W, Water St. Solid Waste " 21378 " Recycling Sta., Inc Transfer Station �,rins Motar� I� 1975 University Ave. Hotel - Motel 123 Rms " 21546 " Mary N. Perry 933 Case Pet Shop " 21665 " Margaxet Mary Olson 715 Grand Ave. 2nd Hd D1r Gen " 2171g " Hoerner Walforf Corp 2250 Wabash Rest C-2 Q 233 " City Caxpet Serv. Inc. 1036 Front Caxpet Dealer Q 301 " Iynn J. Tracy 1732 Grand Av�e. Launclry & Dry Cleaning " 3pg " St Bernard's Rec. 197 w. Geranium Bowling lst Alley. " 336 +' Bowling 7 Add'1 Alleys On Sale Malt Cig pt 5 by Window Cleaning " 3g6 " Norman Hau 4 �+ Sel Ave. Signet International 767 S. Cleveland On Sale Malt " 43�+ " C orp � Bauer Brothers, Inc 17�+ E. Arlington V.M. Loc " 501 " COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor _ __ Against BY -- Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By —_ Approved by Mayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — By WHITE , - CITV CLERK . [����� C NARV - DEPARCTMENT COURCII �ri BIUE - MAVOR G�ITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. � � Council Resolution Presented By LICE�TSE CONIl�ZITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date C ontinued (Pa.ge 3) Renew Chelsea Height s S chool 1557 Huron St. Fd Estb L App. Q 799 Renewal Murray High S chool 1450 Grantham Fd Estb L " 832 " Southland Corp 1766 E. Minnehaha Rest C-1 " 884 " Flor/Nurs Larry Siedow 1673 Grand Ave,� G ro A-2 & Fro. Fds ° 926 " Off Sale Malt Larry Siedow 1673 Grand Ave. Cig " g27 '� Gaxy & Steven Donatelle 1437 N. Cleveland On Sale Ma.lt ��983 " Mickey's Inc. 193 S. Robert Rest C-2 �� 1030 " Powers Store 2110 Ford Pkwy Caxpet Dealer �� 1054 " Robert W. Peaxson 2040 St. Clair Haxdwaxe +` 1083 " Bicycle Dealer M'liss M. Switzer 1777 Sherida.n Pet Shop " 1086 " Donald Bullard 1610 Randolph La,undry & D.C. " 1091 " Wm J. Dunnigan 717 S. Cleveland Gen Rep Gar " 1096 " • Gas Sta 4 P Butwin's Sportswear 251 E. 5th St. Ci� " 1134 " Maxvin Edelstein 178 Concord St C�rroc A-2 & Butcher �� 1196 " Off Sale Malt The Schneider Co., Inc. 1112 W 7th St. Caxpet Dealer " 1202 " David K. Young 385 St. Peter St. Rest C-2 '� 1237 '� On Sale Malt Cig Loc Danr�y's Rubbish Service, Inc. 359 s. Robert St. Auto Body Rep Gas.. " 1266 �� Liquor Village, Inc 2289 Ford Pkwy Orig Cont �� 1270 '� Jean 0'�rien 771 Raymond Ave. Caxpet Dealer " 1372 " Ben Mintz 187 Concord La.undry D.C. Pickup " 1274 " Northwestern Tire Co Inc 414 W. 7th St. V.M. Loc +`1278 " Lan-O-Sheen 1. W Water St. V.M. Loc " 1280 " Twin City Meat 236 Chester St. Cig " 1334 " South Central oil Co 2395 W. 7th S�. Cig . " 1374 " Fd V.M. Loc COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor __ Against BY Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by ;Vlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - - — BY WHITE ,- CITV CLERK ������ PINK � - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICII - CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By LICIIVSE CONIMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Continued (Page 4) Renew South Central Oil Co. 2395 W. 7th St. Fd V.M. Loc App. Q 137�+ Renewal Wm D. Hawn 506 Robert St. Rest C--2 " 1397-'r Associated Dry Goods Corp 2110 Ford Pkwy Groc A-1 " 1�+03 +' Conf B & Rest C-1 `� Lester T�ernlund Post 451 2350 Territorial Rd On Sale Nla.lt " 1404 `� Orig Cont & Cig Phillip Ha.fvenstein 2175 Ford Pkwy Rest C-2 " 1�+�3 " St Paul's (RAP� 21�j W. C�orge Fd Estab M " 1433 " Donald B. Trent 304 Wheelock Pkwy E. Cig " 14�+2 " Fd V.M. Loc ,U-Haul Co of Minn. 1600 w, 7th St. Z`railer Rental Q 14g7 " Pr iv (3as P Cheap Chaxlie's, Inc 866 University Av�e. Rest C-1 " 1502 " Off Sale Malt St. Peter Clav�r School 1060 W. Central Fd Estab C1 L " 1508 " Russell A. Miller �+71 St. Peter On Sale Malt " 1522 " � Off Sale Malt Rest C--2 & Cig Ray's T"om 'z�,umb # 505, Inc 1541 E. Maxyland Groc A_2 & Froz Fds " 1533 `� Off Sale Malt J.C. Penney Co., Inc 1441 E. Ma,gnolia Ave Orig Cont " 1538 " Firearms Abdul Kayoum 2Q46 Pinehurst Ave. Rest C-2 " 1y52 " Arthur Heutmaker 1208 Arcade St. Cig V.M. Oper �� 1557 " Southland Corp 641 S. Snelling Av+e� Crroc A-2 & Froz Fds " 1572 " Off Sale Malt Highland Nursery, Inc. 697 S. Cleveland Flor/Nurs " 1575 �� David Penshorn 6�+5 Parkway Drive T.V. Master " 1598 '� 1 Serviceman Finny Critters, Inc. 232 S. Snellin� Av�e. Flor�Nurs " 160� " Phillip Skarda 786 Randolph Ave. Rest C-2 " 1608 " Barton Enterprises 1359 Red Rock Rd. Bulk Oil Stora.ge " 1626 t� Liq Fuel D1r COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor __ Against BY Form Approved by City AtCorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY �NHITE .- CITV CLERK ' ����� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L COUflC1I CANARV - DEPARTMENT Q.LUE - MAYOR Flle NO• Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CONIMITTEE � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Continued (Page 5) Renew Red Owl Stores, Inc. 2117 Hudson Rd Groc A_2 & Butcher App. Q1632 Renwal Flor/Nurs Haxdwa,�e Ba.kery Off Sale Malt Larry K. Kosmicki 6�+g s. Snelling Ave Mercantile Broker "1659 " Southland Corp 970 University Ave. Groc A-2 & �oz Fds "166�+ " Off Sale Malt glor/Nurs Gerald Dettinger 1810 W. 7th St. Hotel ( 13 Units) ' "1666 " Robert E. 0'Donnell 223�+ Carter Ave. La.undry & D.C. Pick up ��1688 " Thomas R. Kaiser 14122 Old Marine Tree Trimm�r "1689 " . Trail� N. Norbert J. Ba,ehr 1092 Rice St. Barber "i695 �� Wm J. Borchert 1672 Haml.ine Av�. La,un,dry & D.C. Plant "1704 " Budget Power 14�+1 University Ave. Iiardwaxe "1707 " Montgomery Ward & Co. 2089 Hudson Rd Gren Rep Gar "1711" Richard Bell & 259 Como Av�►. Gen Rep Gar "1714 " Richard Schneider Oakland Cemetery Assn. 75 E. Sycainore St. Priv Gas Pump "1716 " Craig Olson 869 Grand Av�e. Flor/Nurs "1717 T� Tota1 Asphalt Constr. Co. 475 w. Minnehaha V.M. Loc "1719 " People, Inc. 565 Dayton Ave, Cig. "1720 " ' R. Laska Drug Co. 173 N. Western Cig "1721 " Clark's Subma,rine Sandwich 6�+7 University Av�e. Cig. "1722 " Harry Watchma.n 1336 Thomas Cig. "1723 " Ron Saxon Ford, Inc 225 University Ave. Cig. "1724 " Harold Berget 1960 University Ave. Cig & Cig Oper "1726 " J.W. N1a,ker 660 N. Snelling Ave. Gas Sta 6 P "1728 '� Gen Rep Gax Robert Chapdelaine 1938 4and Ave. Caxpet Dealer "1733 `t Chaxles J. Nosie, C.O. 228 Br�mer Bldg. Optician "i73�+ " COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays [n Favor __ Against BY Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY Bv -- Approved by Mayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY WHITE e— CITV CLERK CQU[�CIl ���19� PINK —�FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL _ CANARV — DEPARTMENT B,LUE — MAYOR File NO• Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CONIMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Continued (Page 6) Renew Thomas Robert Ryan 461 University Ave. Cig App. Q1737 Renewal Ralph &�ausen 1785 Subur'ba.n Ave. Cig V.M. Oper Q1738 " Fd V.M. Loc 1 Add'1 Fd V.M. Helen F. Schoenecker 569 Arundel Cig. "1739 �� Ja.mes K. Philippy 2180 Maxshall Av�e. Cig. "17�+1 " Beverly K. Oien 767 Raymond Ave. Cig. "1742 " Q Petroleum Corp 2057 Marshall Ave. Cig. "1743 " Dairy Home Kwik Shop, Inc. 922 Thomas Ave, Cig. "1744 " Donald H. Kermeen 326 N. Snellin� Ave. Gas Sta 8 P "1746 " Gen Rep Gar Donald I�. Kermeen 326 N. Snelling Ave. Cig. "1747 " William B. Wonders 916 Arcade St. C,�xoc A-2 & Froz Fds "17�1 " David Huisenga 2232 Caxter Ave. G roc A-1 +'1753 " Darl Schossow 56 E. Plato Blvd.. Cig "1757 " Lester A. Morgan 736 S. Robert ci� "17g8 „ Southland Corp, 1125 W. 7th St. Groc A_2 & Froz Fds. "1761 " � Off Sale Malt Amherst H. Wilder 696 Dellwood. Pl B�auty Shop "1762 " Amherst H. Wilder 514 Humboldt Beauty Shop "1763 " Superamerica 1580 Ford Pkwy. Cig. "1764 " Wm. E. LaBarre 2005 Ford Pkwy, Cig. "1765 " Manuel R. Rravo 194 Concord Cig. "1766 " Richaxd L. Slind 2278 Como Av�e. Cig & Orig Cont `�1768 " Speec'�y Markets, Ine 1112 Rice St. Grroc A2 & Froz Fds "1769 " Penr�y's Super Maxket 1645 Kasota Cig. "1771 " George Baksitzes 1666 R ice St. Cig. "1776 " Road Rescue, Inc. 2161 University Ave, New Mtr Veh Dlr "1778 �� Norm's Auto Paxts 208 E. Arlington Cig. "1780 " n r� n �i1781 n Charles Olson & Sons 677 Transfer Rd. Cig, "1792 " Local 120 Drivers Union 320 University Ave. Cig. "1793 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: In Favor _ __ Against BY Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY sy _ Approved by 17ayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY _ � WHI7E �- CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA ll L COUIIC11 `�r'6-� CAfJ�ARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ,c �� 19� � B�LUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By LICF�VSE CONR�LCTTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Continued (Pa�e 7) Renew Minn-Wisc. Truck Line 96S �.istis St. Cig App. Q1799 Renew William Tschida 2067 Grand Ave. Gas Sta 6 P "1800 " Gen Rep Gar Cig V.M. Oper SG+&.].•S� RO@bUCk & CO� 425 x�ce St� Cig. "180rj " Rice St. " " International Harvester Co 77� Cig. 1808 Rausch Nifg. Co., Inc. 750 Pelham Blvd. Cig. "1810 " Midway College of Hair Design Inc. 1549 Univ Ave. Cig. "1817 " Donald Jansen 1512 Univ�ersity Ave. T.V. Master "1821 " 1 Serviceman LaTaxa Hair Fashions 10�+ Payne Ave. Beauty Shop "1827 " Amherst Ii. Wilder 512 H�umboldt Beauty Shop "1830 " Sanford Atlas 2132 Ford Pkwy Optician '+1838 " Nathan Lerman 726 S. Cleveland Ave. Cig V.M, Oper ��1850 " Dale Vancleave 30�+8 lOth Av S. Mpls. Foot Peddler "18�3 " Rax�dall Zahradka 1820 St. Clair Ave. Cig. "1854 " Delores Gan�l 335 Cimarron Masseuse "1870 " COUNCILMEN Yeas �� Nays / Requested by Department of: Ho� ��� H� [n Favor .-4evi�, RoedleY � __ Against BY — Syivester Tedesco � ��J Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted�t�-eo ncil:� Date — �� C tified Y� :- y C u eil cretary BY � 'r ��p 6 ���8 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Ap r v by Mayoc D e — By — BY ��,��� �aa��C ,�U�! � q 1978