01-1300— —�F°'a�'' � � i i ,s .. i\ f ''+.,' i i y �i i�Y ° i Presented By: Referred to: RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA COUNCIL FII.E # ��� t', O O GREENSHEET# 11OOHG �a Committee Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recrearion has been requested by the Department of Public 2 Works - Sewers Division to remove trees and other growth from holding ponds throughout the City; and 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works - Sewers Division has agreed to pay to the Division of Pazks and Recreation the amount of $60,000 for said services; and WIIEREAS, the Saint Paul Division of Pazks and Recreation desires to establish a fmancing and spending plan for dollars associated the aforementioned project; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the CiTy of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation, funds of $60,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 2001 budget: CURRENT AMENDED FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 860 - Pazks and Recreation - Grants/Aid 33196 - Environmental Permits & Planning 5299 - Fees N.O.C. 4,252 60,000 64,252 4,252 60,000 64,252 SPENDING PLAN: 860 - Parks and Recreation - Grants/Aid 33196 - Environmental Permits & Planning Ol l l- Full Time Permanent 0299 - Other Miscellaneous Seroices 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies 0439 - Fringe Benefits 4,500 40,000 44,500 750 4,000 4,750 2,118 4,000 6,118 2,900 12,000 14,900 10,268 60,000 70,268 G:�FM�QTVW3u2esolutions, AOs, Green Sheets�Fund 860 ResoWtion'Ol.wb3 Page: 1 of2 z9 30 TIIEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the changes to the 2001 31 budget. � �� � 7 a a by: of Pazks and Rec io -.�(,�/ � D"uector: Adopted by Council: Date: D� L� � o �� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B �- � �_.;___---- �.� . -. . . . �. - � .�.� � � ����11 I" " � /%// Form Approved by City Attorney � i / �/ BY� ��.1�^�tc'e- U �2-% .-i.._�. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By: �. �a; �� � - �".- z. �. �, G:�FM�QNW3�ResoluGons, AOs, Crzeen Sheeu�F'uud 860 Resotu5on'Ol.wb3 Page: 2 of2 � � (. DEVARiTAENf/OFPICE/COUNpL , DATEINI77ATED GREEN�SHEET NUMBER: 710086 .� PARKS AND-RECR�ATION - 11@8109 - - - . - _,-.. . . .. _ , COMACTPERSONANDPHONE � � INR7ALIDATE INITIlWDATE �cWittgenstein, Zss-�� nssi�e+s 7 DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 5 CRVCOUNCIL F� 3 CITYATTORNEY CfiYCLERK MUSTBEONCOUNQLAGENDABV(DATE): w�m�t� 2 FINANCIALSERVICESOIR 6 O.F.S.-ACCOUNTiNG ASAP 4 MAYOR(ORASSISTANT) _OiHER TOTALNUMBEROFSIGNA7UREPAGES: 'I CLIPALLLOCATIONSWRSIGNATURE ACiION REQUESTE4 Couneil resolution approving addilions to flie financing and spending pians in the 2000 budget for activity 33196 - Environmenpi Permits and Planning in the amouM of 560,000. � RECOMMENDATIONS: (Approve(A)wRejec[(R) . PERSONALSERVICECONiRACiSMUSTANSWER7HEFOLLONANGQUES710NS: PI,ANNINGCOMMISSION CMLSERVICECAMMISSION t. Haztheper�rmeverworkedw�detwntrac[forihistlepartment? CIBCOMMITTEE OTHER: YES NO A STAFF OTHER: 2. Has ttia perSONfrm ever been a tlty employee? DISTR�CTCOUNGL OTHER: YES NO 3. Does the persoMfirm possess a skill rwl nortnaly possessed by arry cu�vrt dty employee? YES N� lain all es answers on se amte sheet and attaeh to reen sheet INITIAi1NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, WhaL ��. �re, Why): SaiM Paul Public Works, Sewers has requested the Division of Parks and Recreation to remove trees and other growth from holding ponds throughout the City. ADVANTA6ES IF APPROVED. C� y� � C�` ! r D ty �l C C �i C More efficient use of Ci resourees. DEG 0 7 2001 C1TY A1 . DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � None. � ��gp�i1^�5 ��p4.�� . � i � � vr ���� DISAWANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEU 7he Division of Parks and Recreation will not be able to remove trees and other growth from holding ponds throughout the City. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION E60.000 COST/REVENUEBUDGEfED(dRCLEON� YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE PuMicWOrks AGTVIiYNUMBER: 33796-EnvironmmfalPe�mitsandPlanning FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) , _ GIFMIQ7VW3V2eso/utions, AOs, Green SheefslFund 860 Geen $heet'O7.wb3 �00 Page: 7 011