271182 WH1TE - CITV CLERK " � . •. - �y i�. � ' PINK - FINANCE ' ■��y,�T ' / "� � CANARY -OEPARTMENT � � •'.V•�iTY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICII , . � /� � �.t� � �BLUE - MAYOR ' � ' � Flle NO. D V � - - . . . . . " � ��� � . �� Co�ncil Resolution . . . - Presented By . � � � �. � : .Referred To � ' � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has applied to the Commissioner of � � Transportation f'or a grant from the Minnesota State Transportation Fund for the � reconstruction of the bridge which carxies MISSISSIPPI STREET over the tracks of the Burlington Northern, Inc. to be known as BRIDGE N0. 62536 and; - WHEREAS, The application for the grant has been reviewed by the Metropolitan Council ,. and; WHEREAS, The amount of the grant has been determined to be $495,829•9�+ by reason of the lowest responsible bid. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOI,VED: That the City of Saint Paul does hereby affirm that any cost of the bridge in excess of the grant wi11 be appropriated from funds available to the City of Saint Paul, and that any grant monies appropriated for the bridge but. not required, based on the final estimate, shall be returned .to the Minnesota State Transportation Fund. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler �p Public Works Hozza (n Favor ., H�, U g 4��U��c��• � Roedler -- Against Y ona Nygaax , ir G) Sylvester Tedesco � ��,�� �V� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Counc ': Date Certified Y•.sed b unci ,ecretary f By i� App • y Mayor: Dat J� �� �9 Appr vdd y Mayor for ub sio to Council By B` PUBLISHE� �UN 1 O 1978 , � OM O 1: 1.2/Z g 7�� .� ' � Rev. : 9/8/76 � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, ` .- BESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINAN�ES ���,� [�� _ VtV Date: Ma.Y 19, Z97$ , . . . �ECEIV� p TO: MAYOR CEORGE LAT�iER MAY 2 2 �9�8 FR: R. E. Grieder, Department'oP Public Works �4YQR's O� gE: M�3sI83IPPI 87'REE'� BRIDG� No. 62536 � . . . over Burlingtoa Northern Inc. City Pro�ect B-1071 - . ACTION �RE4UESTED: : Procese 8esolution. , , ' � � • �'`.. PURPOSE �,ND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTTON: The Resolution is required by the Minnesota .Departme�t of Transportation�prior to authorizin� the grant to the City of: 3airrt Faul Por construct3on of the � referenced,bridge. � , � ATTACHME:�iTS: ' _ Proposed Resolution. REG . ��