271173 WHITE - CITV CLERK `^�j� PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl /�� _ � CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT �PAUL File NO. 'v ��� BLUE - MAVOR � � _ C ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Department of Planning and Economic Development administers, under the direction of the Mayor, functions relating to renewal activities, economic development activities, property rehabilitation programs, Citizen Participation activities, the federal Community Development Block Grant Program, and other activities, and WHEREAS, some of the above mentioned functions are being performed by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority with its � staff, and some of the functions are being performed by City staff with 1978 budget accounts adopted by the City Council on October 25, 1977; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the Agency Agreement between the City and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the implementa.tion of a portion of the City's Community Development Block Grant Year IV Program providing Community Development funcls for both administrative and project expenses as indicated on HUD form Number 7015.5, which is attached to this resolution, provided, however, that the Housing Atzthority shall not encumber nor expend in excess of the sum of $1,506,182 for administration expenses without the prior approval of the City Council expressed by its resolution. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas B�� Nays f �Q� l� (n Favor Hum � �, � Roedla? _ `� __ Against BY ''�eG"„�"" S� Tedesco '�H � �78 Form Approved by y orne Adopted by C oynci� Date , Certified:fi�ass d by o�`cil Seere�ary BY � .� � �� � 99'��. App o by :Vlavor: te _ �u� Appr d y Mayo or Submissi o ouncil . By _ BY �118tISHED �UN � � ���� " CD YEAR IV HRA � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM �'�'� � '�� AGENCY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of , 19 , by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter designated "City", and the HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, a public body corporate and politic created pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 462.411 et seq. , hereinagter designated "Authority". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, in compliance with the Federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, (Public Law 93-383) and Rules and Regulations adopted pursuant thereto, the City has duly made application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Community Development Block Grant Funds; and � WHEREAS, the City has been awarded a grant for Community Development Year� IV for the purpose of carrying on the program approved by the City Council and submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and WHEREAS, the Authority has prepared, approved and submitted for ratification to the City Council , its Redevelopment Plan for Community Development, which Redevelopment Plan was ratified by the City Council and which Redevelopment Plan is contained in and made a part of the City's Federally-approved Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City and Authority desire to enter into this Agreement for the purpose of setting forth their respective responsibilities in carrying out to a successful conclusion the City's approved Community Development Block Grant Program in accordance with all applicable Federal , State and Local laws. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY AND AUTHORITY DO HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1 . Term of Agreement: This Agreement and activities authorized hereunder shall take effect and be in force from and after the lst day of June, 1978, and shall be in force and effect for the term of the City's Community Development Program Year IV, as established and as may be extended by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 2. Scope of Service: The Authority shall perform all those activities set forth in the City's Federally-approved Community Deve]opment Block Grant Program and Authority's City approved Redevelopment Plan which specifically provide for and require development and implementation by the Authority. The Program activities to be undertaken or coordinated by the Authority are set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and shall be undertaken by the Authority in accordance with the provisions contained in the City's Federally-approved Community Development Block Grant Program. In carrying out its activities under this Agreement, the Authority shall report periodically to the City on the status of the programs. 3. Funding: All funds required for these programs undertaken by the Authority shall be provided by the City with funds derived from its Federally approved Year IV Corronunity Development Block Grant. The Authority shall be entitled to receive advance of funds upon submission of a request therefor. The request for payment of advances shall be in such form as may be required by the City to comply with all Federal , State and Local requirements. All requests for funds shall conform to the items contained in the Budget (HUD Form 7015.5) attached to this Agreement and the provisions of this Agreement. The City shall make such advance payments to the Authority within three working days from the receipt of the Authority's request. All requests for funds shall conform to the items contained in the Budget attached to this Agreement, marked Exhibit A, and any increases or transfers of � -2- � funds contained in the Budget and Program items set forth therein shall first require the approval of the City Council expressed by its resolution; provided, however, that the Authority Board, with the prior written approval of the Mayor, may increase any line sub-category by a total amount not to exceed $10,000 without the Council 's consent. Funds may not be transferred between the operating portion .of the budget and the program portion of the budget without the City Council 's approval . Any change in total budget amount shall require the prior approval of the City Council expressed by its resolution, provided that of the total approved figure of $2,468,542 Administration and other operating expense, /the Authority shall not expend in excess of the amount of $1 ,506,182 without further approval of the City Council expressed by its resolution. In addition to the quarterly report required under paragraph 6, of this Agreement, the Authority shall report to the City on a monthly basis respecting all transfers of funds authorized hereunder. 4. Independent Contractor. For the purpose of this Agreement, the Authority shall be deemed to be an independent contractor, and not an employee of the City. Any and all employees of the Authority or other persons, other than City employees, while engaged in the performance of any work or services required by the Authority under this Agreement, shall not be considered employees of the City; and any and all claims that may or might arise under the Workmen's Compensation Act of Minnesota on behalf of said employees or other persons while so engaged, hospitalization insurance coverages, Social Security and pension payments and benefits, other employee obligations and benefits, shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the City. The Authority shall pay as they become due all just claims for work, tools, machinery, skill , materials, insurance premiums, equipment and supplies, personnel and all other contractual obligations entered into pursuant to and in the performance of this Agreement. � -3- . 5. Non-Discrimination: The Authority shall be deemed a contractor for the application of all provisions hereof and ordinances and other laws against unlawful discrimination on account of race, creed, sex, age, disability, sexual preference, or color. This Agreement is subject to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Public Law 88-352) and the rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto, and the Authority shall comply with Executive Order No. 11246, entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity", as supplemented in Department of Labor Regulations (4 CFR, Part 60). The Authority agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions set forth in Chapter 238, Laws of Minnesota for ]941 . The Authority further agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions of Chapter 74 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to non-discrimination, and specifically, Section 74.03A thereof pertaining to affirmative action, the provisions of Chapter 74 are hereby incorporated herein by reference. 6. Regular Reporting: The Authority shall submit to the City on a quarterly basis a full account of the status of the work outlined in the work program. This status report shall record the activities of the previous quarter, as well as the cumulative work and activities performed, and shall be submitted using such format as the Co�nunity Development Coordinator may prescribe. 7. Other Requirements: The Authority shall comply with all requirements imposed upon the City pursuant to the "Housing and Community Development Act of 1974" (Public Law 93-383) and Rules and Regulations adopted, and as may be amended from time to time, pursuant to said Act by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (a copy of which Rules and Regulations, dated July, 1976, and as further amended, is hereto attached, marked Exhibit B, and incorporated herein by reference). The following Regulations shall specifically govern the activities � -4- of the Authority as the same may be applicable: (a) Section 570.200 - "Eligible Activities." (b) Section 570.201 - "Ineligible Activities." (c) Section 570.506 - "Program Income." All program income earned by the Authority shall not be retained by the Authority, but shall be remitted to the City. The City reserves the option of adding such Program Income to Community Development Programs in accordance with the authority contained in Section 570.506. (d) Section 570.509 - "Audit." (e) Section 570.510 - "Retention of Records." (f) Section 570.601 - "Nondiscrimination." (g) Section 570.602 - "Relocation and Acquisition." (h) Section 570.604 - "Historic Preservation." (i) Section 570.605 - "Labor Standards" which makes applicable the Davis-Bacon Act to all Laborers and mechanics employed by contractors or subcontractors on construction work assisted with funds received from the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. (j) Section 570.608 - "Hatch Act." 8. Termination or Reduction of Payments: The Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is empowered by Section 111 , Title I, Public Law 93-383, to terminate or reduce payments to the City, or to limit availability of payments to the City should the Secretary find, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing, that the City has failed to comply substantially with any provision of Title I of the Act. The City agrees not to do anything which will cause the Secretary to take such action, and the Authority shall be notified of any proposed action by the Secretary, and the Authority shall be given opportunity to be represented at all such hearings. The City's obligations to provide funds � -5- . . to the Authority is deemed dependent upon the City's receiving funding from the Secretary, and all obligations of the City hereunder shall either terminate or be reduced or limited in the event the Secretary should take such action as authorized by said Section 111 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. APPROV AS TO FORM: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Assist t City e Mayor Director, Department of Finance and Management Services HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA By Its - By Its -6- � Housing and Redevelopment Authority Summary Budget U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND UHBAN DEVELOPMENT A� ❑ ORI(31NA1 B. APPLICATION NO. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUDGET ❑ AMENOMEN C. NAME �F APPLICANT D. PROGRAM VEAR FROM: June 1, 1978 Ta: May 31, 1979 LINE E. PROGRAM ACT�VITY AMOUNT FOR HUO NO. USE ONLY 1. ACGUISITION OF REAI PROPERTY 1 O$6 9OO 2, PUBLIC WOBKS,FACILITIES,SITE IMPROVEMENTS ]2�OOO 3. CODE ENFORCEMENT 4. CLEARANCE,DEMOLITION,REHABiLITATION ZSZ.00O 6. RENABILITATION LOANS AND GRANTS � � 6. SPECIAL PROJECTS FOR ELDERLY AND HANOICAPPED 7, PAVMENTS FOR LOSS OF RENTAL INCOME 8. OISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY 415�OOO p, PROVISION OF PUBLIC SERVICES 10. PAYMENT OF NON-FEOERAL SHARES� 11, COMPLETION OF URBAN RENEWAUNDP PROJECTS • 7�FO OOO 72. RELOCATION hAYMENT3•AND ASSISTANCE 1 O9H.LOO 73. PLANNING AND MANAGEMEN.T DEVELOPMENT 14. AOMINISTRATION 2��F68.545 16. CONTINUATION OF MODEL CITIES ACTIVITIES �s. SU BTOTA L(Sum o/Linet 1 Mrv 151 H,701.545 CONT�NGENCIES AND/OR UNSPECIFIED LOCAL OPTION ACTIVITIES ��' fNot te excesd f0%of 1lns 161 18. TOTAL PROGRAM ACTIVITY COSTS(Sum o/Llnss 16snd 171 $,��1.545 LINE F.RESOURCES FGR PROGRAM ACTIVITY COSTS NO. -s � ,� ` <� , 1. ENTITLEMENT OR OISCRETIONARY AMOUNT �,��o � �.�a; � r;���.�� �,s>.��.�x. '�,�y r a ��"�., 2. LESS OEDUCTIONS �k����� :a .��° � ���?d���2. I`:� . �s`i °^'�'��' 2'�E. '�'l`�k a a !`�fL�*•,,�. %ekx"�`Y'wi,.� . �� ��� 3 ENTITLEMENT/DISCRETIONARY AMOUNT FOfi PROGRAM ACTIVITIES fLine 1 minus 21 324.500 4. PfiOGRAM INCOME 6. SURPIUS FROM URBAN RENEWAUNDP SETTLEMENT S. LOAN PROCEEOS 7. REPROQRAMMED UNOBLIGATED FUNDS FROM PRIOR�ROGRAM YEAR , 8. TOTAL RESOUiiCES FOR PROORAM ACTIVITY COSTS/SLin ofLln�+3•1) 8,701.545 1 O Cheek Dox tjeara lnelude indlrrct cosa whlch rrqu/n approvd oja cart altocaeion p/an os roQntred Dy Federol Msnagenrert GY�eW�7��• EOITtON OF 10-7415 OBSO�ETE • HUD-7016.6(11-76) iF GP0:1916-650-506/ 8� . HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA COMMUNITY DEVETAPMENT BLOCK GRANT YEAR N CONTRACT BY HUD LINE ITEM (Attactunent to HUD Form 7015.5) LINE 1 - AOQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY Year IV ITA's $ 108,000 Rice/Marion Phase II 340,000 South of Front Housing Redevelopment 309,400 East of Rice ITA 39,500 Urban Homesteading 50,000 Completion of North St. Stanislaus Development Area 185,000 Country Club Market 55,000 $1,086,900 LINE 2 - PUBLIC WORKS, FACILITIES, SITE IMP'ROVEMENTS South of Front Housin g Redevelopment $ 72,000 LINE 4 - CLEARANCE. DEMOLITION, REHABILITATION Year IV ITA's $ 12,000 Rice-Marion Phase II 60,000 East of Rice ITA 4,000 Completion of North St. Stanislaus Development Area 23,000 , Country Club Market 10,000 South of Front Housing Redevelopment 42,000 $ 151,000 LINE 5 - REHABILITATION LOANS � GRANTS Rehab Loan Program $1,170 000 , Aehab Grant Program 1,000,000 Com�ercial Rehab 500,000 $2,670,000 LINE 8 - DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY Disposition of Property (Contract Services) $ 125,000 Property Management 150,000 Property Maintenance Labor 140,000 $ 415,000 LINE 11 - COMPLETION OF URBAN RENEWAL PROJECTS Union Gospel Mission $ 740,000 CDBG YEAR IV CONTRACT BY LINE ITEM PAGE 2 LINE 12 - RELOCATION PAYMENTS AND ASSISTANCE Year IV ITA's $ 90,000 South of Front Housing Redevelopment 206,600 Rice/Marion Phase II 300,000 East of Rice ITA 46,500 Completion of North St. Stanislaus Development Area 155,000 Selective Clearance 300,000 $1,098,100 LINE 14 - AIIYIINISTRATION (See Attached Detail) Department of Planning and Economic Development Director's Office $ 53,505 Fiscal Management 123 831 . Renewal 2,018,048 Economic Development 88 542 � CD Attorney 184,619 $2,468,545 TOTAL HRA CONTRACT BUDGET $8,701,545 . CO1�Ail7NITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM CDIV HRA AIkiINISTRATION BUDGET June 1, 1978 - May 31, 1978 APPROVED TITLE BUDGET 6alaries Director's Office $ 53,505 Fiscal Management 123,831 Renewal Administrators Office -p- Management � Programming 115,000 Project Services - Relocation 133,200 Project Services - Real Estate 76,700 Pro3ect Servicea - Adm. � Clerical 92,800 Rehabilitation 526,700 Planning 90,800 Design 179,600 Engineers 34 300 , Admin. & Technical Services 104,900 Legal 184,619 Economic Development 88,542 Total Salaries $1,804,497 Employee Benefit Contributions $ 391,500 Sundry Overhead Postage $ 10,848 Telephone 38 300 , Mileage 28,300 Printing 12,100 Duplicating - Xerox 12,100 Advertising 1,200 Memberships 500 Travel 7,000 Insurance 6,000 Equipment Maintenance Contracts 1,500 Rental of Office Space 113,000 Rental of Duplicating Equipment (Non=Xerox) 5,400 Rental of Equipment (Non-Duplicating) 12,100 Data Processing Service -0- Miscellaneous Services & Supplies 3,000 Duplicating Paper 2,000 Office �pplies 14,000 Publications 4,000 Photo Supplies 1,200 Total Sundry Overhead $ 272 548 � TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $2,468,545 5 a N � � � � � o � � � m � N N. N � a � � � w � � c� M M � � r � � m � � o 0 0 � � � � � � � ao �,' aicvw � mr-, .-i or; �r, rn � �o �-, m � ..� .� o � � E-' � t71 N C N Ul l0 O� (� .� r-1 ri c'1 fV N r-� N G� G� N �—i H r-i r-i N M O � � .-� .—i � C f'J C:.] W cV I t� - U7 M � a c� � o � m oa ,� � rn � � a w , � a ` - � . , � � � � ►-i � �r � t� � O c� .-r .-i cv i ro r rn rn tr C7 rl C' tr1 ul \O ul U CO (D q O O O N C N Z3 tL' Z , G1 O ul N tD O q u'1 .-i .-i �O � �0 .-i [� S-1 � r� H � . � . . � � � � . � � . Lp W O ` ch �O ' � v� m c0 � �t1 �n � � c ' G� � y .7+ � M'� CO r-� ( f'1 �O CD r--1 .-� N tll N 'V C7 Ga � . l� � m �1 R7 Z •O U J � � � w � � � _ � � •.,� �] G �7' U H 7r t/� 41 U �7 •� . 'C3 i� nW. x � n � � J � � � � Ul U U �T � � n CJ r-i •,� O H tft c�') CD V" CO f� N t� .--1 C' [� N l'7 c'1 I� i� 'a' 6� O� t[) 1.1 rl � GQ �1 lfl H � C7 N rl N �f'1 111 r-1 N Ol tll N [� 'V' cl' N rl �i' �'1 c'1 N -.i Q� CJ C U' .-i ifl t�7 00 CD l�,N tD r-1 l� c''! N m CD [i' .i u1 C!' 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WILLIAM Q. PATTON '-�/, � g�; HRA YEAR IV AGREEMENT AND BUDGET ACTION REQUE3TED: approve Agreement and Budget for HRA for CD Year IV PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTTON: HRA is a separate legal entity and the City must contract for the services t�hat they are to provide for CD Year IV. The calendar year budget for administratian was approved on October 25, 1977, Council Resolution No. 269964. The CD Year IV Budget was approved by Council Resolution No. 270331 , dated January 5, 1978. ATTACHMENTS: Agreement and Budget