271145-1 .7L - CITV CLERK � ��1� ���_r� . .NK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PALTL Council ,:ANARV� DEAARTMENT � 'BL'UE �MAX�O�� � - FII@ N O. � • � � � � .�'�� �rd�n�nC�, � Ordinance N 0. � 1�O� �� � Presented By ' •r� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ord i nance amend i ng Ord i nance No. 13539, approved Janua ry 31 , 1g67, pertaining to Parking Meter Zones. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES OROIAIN: Section l : That Ordinance No. 13539, approved. January 31 , 1967, is hereby amended by adding the followi�g to Section 5, fifteen-minute - one nickel area, thereof: LOCATION SIDE OF STREET Fourth Street 90 feet east of Wacouta Street North Wabasha Street 90 feet north of Fourth Street West Wabasha Street 33 feet north of Fourth Street West Wabasha Street 53 feet north of Fourth Street West Section 2. That Ordinance No. 13539, approved January 31 , 1967, is � hereby amended by deleting the following from Section 5, fifteen-mtnute - one nickel area� thereof: LOCAT I ON � • S I DE OF STt�fET Wabasha Street 130 feet north of Fourth Street West Wabasha Street 150 feet north of Fourth Street West Wabasha Street 170 feet north of Fourth Street West Section 3, That Ordinance No. �539, approved Jan ry 31 , 19 , is her y amended by eleting the follow g from $ection 2, ne-hour - our nicke area, thereo : STREET FR DE OF ST ET r " Minnesota St Sixth t. Seve h St. E t COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler • Hozza In Favor Hunt Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV -DEPARTMEN; _ File NO. ����"��/ � BLUE �MltYOF� • 0/ inance Ordinance N 0. 1 C.� �I y�_ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pa9e 2 3 Section �t�, This ordinance shall not be printed as part of the Saint Paul �egislative Code but shall be incorporated therein by refere�ce. Section� This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty �30) days from and after its passage, approval , and publication. COUNCILMEN �L��/� Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: ��� utler � � Publ ic Works, Traff ic En ineerin (RHR) zza N� In Favor H t d�isn� /J�/Z�� , Lev e �W^� � Against BY �� Roe r MaddoX Sylves r ShowalteE Tedesc �o ,��N 2.0 19�8 Adopted ouncil: Date Form Approved by C' y A orney C ified Pas y Co cil Secr�tary BY By Approved by or: Date Z App v by Mayor for Sub sio � Council � By _ � BY RUSL►SHED J�SL 1 �97a . � OM O1: I2/1g75 ` ` � ����v. . 9/ �76 ti EXPLAN:�►2ION OF ADt�fINISTRATZVE OFtDE�� � • ' RESULiJTIONS, AND CRDINANCES 1(Q�(l� �.- Date z May 11, 1978 � E � �" � � E � . MAY 1 ?�97P MA1LO�$ i�tCE T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER �: FR: Robert H. Roettger� City Traffic EngTneer, Public Works Dept., Traffic Ertgineering �: Several parking meter changes in the Downtown area: . 1. Add the following to the 15-Minute Parking Meter Zone: One meter on 'the north side of Fourth Street 90 feet east of Wacouts Street; one meter on the west si�e of Wabasha Street�90 feet north of Fourth Street; aRd two meters on the west side of Wabasha Street 33 and 53 feet north of fourth Street respecttvely. . ' 2. Delete the foilowing from the 15-Minute Parking Meter Zone: three meters on the • west side of Wabasha Street t30, 15Q, and 170 feet north of Fourth St. respectiveiy. ' 3. Delete the foliowing from the 4ne-Hour Par.king Meter Zone: The east sida of r,� �---���-� �,�t�nrres�te ,Street from Sixth Street to Seve�th Street. � �_� � ACT I ON REQtJESTE D: . Submit attached�Ordinance to City Counc;il for approval. PURPOSE �ND RATI(}NALE FOR THIS ACTIQN: � 1. The additio� of .o�e meter on the north side of Fourth Street was requested' by _ Stuarts Beauty Supply, 253 E. Fourth St. � > T'he addition of three meters on the west side of Wabasha Street, 33 feet, 53 � feet, and 90 feet no�th of Fourth Stree.t were requested by Wabesha Enterprises; I�c. 2. The deletion of three meters on the west side of Wabasha Street 130, 150, and 170 feet narth of Fourth Street was requested by Wabasha Enterprists, lnc. . 3. ,�The deletTon of one hour parkTng meters on the -east side of Mtnnesota St�eet fran Sixth 3treet to Seventh Street was requested by Twin City Federal and the � Ame��ican National Bank, to improve traffic flaw S-access during the c�structiori on the west side of Min�esota Street. ATTACHMENTS: � Ordinance RHR:ced , ` , . � � lst ��j `) 2nd �< � 3rd y� " �'3 Adopted '' r � Yeas Nays BtrTLER � ���1��_� HUNT IlC% y��� � LEVINE i ,�,�o�o� �� � �`�}pW R�7F2 TEDESCO PRESIDENT (�L�3'sS��R) I J-�oz 2_.(1 ;