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CITY OF ST.PAUL COLTNCIL FILE NO. �'��.�,S� FINAL ORDER '�`� ' y BY �` -T� R,,:_:,t....,�,� File No. �� In the Matter of a+q�sstricli� • it0l� +�NMr 3�t t 1� taOt *l�taa�l •asa�t �aerar��� Lot lB asd 19. aleak 1�. �t#.a Mi�l�a Ma. �t, �E. i�a�l Miaawsota. #ra� th� t�tb lie� ot Ni�h+r� ��-!4 t�► �a�t Aw. !he caat.eae tia� o# thie 12 tost aa�ot �a d�satt�rd a !'o�l�ra: sqp.areiaR at s pa�iat a� tas ao►�tl�►�rl� tits s� raia �'.ot 1! distau�� ti3O� fat �t�rrlr a! tb� �i aara�tr o� � Let l�s tl►+�w lli�ly ta t� �li �nra�s a! �aid Lat 19► aod thsa�+r t�tsi�afii�. lb�e •Lts l�aa o! s��+1 w�at sb�sll 6►� ps+�loop�rd �►a �r#+�d to t�atar vs tbs �a�t�nti�r and ��xly liea�t o! s+� �.ota� 28 ie 19. wZso, alan� !� t�eat� 1i� �►t � �•94 ri�hE�f� ���tsl� 164 i�Nt �+Mt +�! sai� ��l. t0 iYMNtt. under Administrative Order ��� approved �� S�� 19�8 �4���.e�� hI�14'� � 197� - under Preliminary Order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. MAY 3 0 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Nays Certified ssed by C unci Secret ry 3 � 1�7Q gut�et� � , MA`l �� In Favor hunt ,evine � ��,�dler' Against Sv�veste� Mayor PeC��� PUBLISHED ,JUN 1 0 1978 �r. - C�fV Clerk V 1�I Y� V Z' �i:1, I i\ 1 1,L1 V L � � � _// F na*•tc Ocpt. � • Y-�D p_ � ,y�, ' � �:: � ' �, � e�lr r� �)t''1'I C t; <)I' 1'7 i I. DI A Y O R �y/ 6- � : °wmr�""�. � � / �..� � � —' ���� �� � �r��0: � �. �� � ��� AD11tINI5TP.ATIVE ORDL'R � .,.._._... _ ._.._ . .. .. _. .. . . . ,... .. . _,�.._ _..__ .. _.. ._- Date: a j � � �'�v . �AD,IfIi�ISTRATIVE ORDER, � . itl the natter of const�ucting a storm searer in the follcW�ing described easer.!ent: A 12.0� foot per��etu�l easer.�ent for sto�m seti�rer purposes over, undcr, and acrass the follaving d�scribed property: / Lot 18 and Lot 19, 31c�ck 12, Scenic H� 1Ts Ho. 2, St. PauT, 1linne5ota, accarciing to tfie recorded plat thereof. - ' The centcr l ine of tf�e �i2.00 foot easensent is destribed as fol lows: . ' � 8ec�tnning at a point on the northerly 11ne of said Lot 19 . � distance 17.0� feet easterly of the north:-rest corner of - . s�1d Lot 19; th�nce southt•resterly to the south:•rest corner of said Lot 13 �nd tFiere tarminatin�. The side lines of satd � ' easenent shall be prolon��d or shortened to tercainate on the - southerly and northerly l,ines of said Lots 1S and 1�. Tt!� �ep�rtnent of Ftnance and M.�naqenent Services is hereby aqthorized and directed to acquire the above describeci land as provided by lari. ihe - . esti�:���ted anount of �cquisiticn .aruunting to Sb�`0 to be rin�nce� fram City - Project 5-162C�, Easer:�ent Fund �; �l]3Y0-513-OOQ. Also, tt�e appropriate Ci ty Officials are autl�orized a�d d�rccted to enter into an anreer�ent t�ith t�e ?4i�inesota Departr:ent of 7r�nsportation to canstr�cL thfs stprm sewe�. ThP cost of this sewer �nd case�nt is to b� diviued equaliy �et�reen the City of St. Paul ��r�t the !�irncsota Departr:�nt of Tr��ns�ortaticn. The Ct ty of St. Paul 's s�3are oT tt�e construction cost is estir:,ated to be $7,04� to be fin�nced fron City �'roject S-1520. Charge the constructien cast to the Permw�nent tnprove:rent Revolvinn Fctnd, Code L-OOJG and this fund Lo t�e re- o��a. «: u���_ +� :. ir.:burscd fror� the 197� P�blic ir:pravcr-�nt Atd Fund. o,o �E.; j—! t � � � / � � � RL'X N��H� 'V. n�F�.O�lE`D AS TO�U;�-i��c� . �K, ,,; : � �l'-,V l f , � � �i r � � / � Rf;P CSE � :I.�,i�''� �%"o:�� J�.y `.'�. •�iS.��^""w.�" � . � . . �. �!� � � . JiS � CLT Di rcctor of Finance and tian�cec�ent 5ervices � R ,,,;, —� ! ' � � � - 1. ' f � �^"E TJE � �MP '—� , �.i.• \ '�,`�, JJE --_.�._: U:h ' PPROVED AS TO FOR�•i � � ` v.s.o. .-`�"""-'�� f � � _. - . . . � �1 � �,` i� � / �, j.�! . . ' .���':.�. .`+.fs � `-/ i �•�/i% • '; '� Assistartt City Attorncy � ' U�partme�t Hzad .T �t�'.y�ys� :-' qy-�� yyy R 1 cha rd �. t!tiee 1 e r (Tra f f i c-RtiR} ti ♦ /�V. � `:�rr �' I ' •,':i, �... �:`� • . . . �, , ,- ;� - . .�rl: � � ._�- . •�: . Admini,tracirc Assist�nt to Mnyut �,✓�.' �. :✓� T' • � ,•�:•. .(' . , :. .�' .,�•� �i'�.:.�.5.lL.. L'.. .,�i3\r� r,'�?? _ _ ., ,_-y�;� � �.�..�t ..Jl-�� !:Tl Clif CLLi+`, ,.� ... r. ... .. •._... . . .. . . . ; .. . . __.. COl1l1C1�' . � .... I � � �r, ....p.,�,,, t. :�, � ,�.,,�:�. �) I '�'�' i3 2� �`i.1 I iL' I' ���1 t? I. hIO. ��" ! . . - ".A��y� �)!'�`6�HLML/�T . �S�e . . . .JE � M�A`/J:f �I�` � f�f �g+pp • ��Ir/R_fl N ( �! /A�•rr�l /�y/� 1 . � . � �QY't�IN��tr �'r.�.�L���«��w��'G � � � �� . . � � : .. . � �.: , � w�y., .i%' ��' ,�,i ;, , . .�....-� '�es.•nted E3y -- li�ferrzci 7'o i. =-- Committee: Date Out of Coir.r.�ittec Py _ _ � Date �._._ _--___=_ - — — - _..._._._- li1iC�.rl`,5, narinct tl�e pcib) le 1���rfnn f�r�ccss for so��nd a!��ter�nt strucLures aic,�c� 1--^,�, a,t::;�cu I:uth S�.rce::'t „n:i ,�c�:�lt!;tit �'•��7d ��iaCCitt residrnr.s c:r.pi•esseci co�c�rn a�ic r• d;a i n�oe r rob 1 c�r.s 1 n tl�e i r b�c:.ry.f rds; ��n+3 1�:I�R£1'.::, Aftcr �nveatig�tfn� t�is �srobTera it apF,cars. rnc�re exp�nsive to deter�ni��: �-espunsltsfli�y tha� t� nrov's.r;c .� �.��t�ra�to�y a�d fcasible se{uttUn to prate�ct t"es� 3�ar:s frc�m ta::��,or�ry panciin� ar flcaoJi�ig; and 11'�!Ct'.rAS, Th� l�linnhsa2� Co�zisslanar caf Trsnsporta�Ct�n is in a postti�n to _ pay ft�t' 5Cb of th� totat proj�c� eost if ehis can uc� ca^��i�:t�� c��rin� tho Cortit��ct tir.-�e far tt�c sounrl aba�er:k:nt �eructcsr�s. t:0'�i, Tt1ci EF01;.. C� !T i:��OLV::�, th�tt ctie Gity a�r�:s ta fun:i 5Q2 of tfte ` eost fro� t�t7] �'ui�lic ln�raverr,9nt Airl, CtCy f'raj�et S•i��0. , : ti� 1T �'.lP.Tl:Ett �4:�SCLVL•D; ti�;t i:�c �ro�ar City Orf�ct�ts are hcreby � 3sithor e r.c�cl ,nd d i rcctc�! to en te r i nto 3n a�;r�er.��t ai th tS1�s Mi iincs�ta Q^.pa rtr.�n C af 7r�n:;�a:t.:tion Ca ccr.stru;.t this scc�rra se�r�r. ...» . . a.ig. e'x �a� _ D.l4 rtE:. � . ��� �� ��r _ . . RLW WaM � � � � �r � cr.s �sk � . RGP `. ,cr � � i^ �p�+:� � ^ �FS ', r:r ;" 1�s� � —�--;,;.�-�� ��k� � »� "';:,..-"� . �•. `�. :v '7,i.�'��L( !Jf � CnN i �. �''�' . .� . _, �..�•:L�.� �\�hV � . PS.D. R.H.R. •.�1 '.� . ~.i��� . � • ���� . . - .._�._..�,��_....._ CtlU�fCILJ:('.!� Rrq��ested by Department of: ' Ye.�s �:���s ti.� � �f��C—R6:K� ;::�:: FtSti���; .,nrk.. (Tr� ° '`�"'� n ln ra��or — .i f ii.�Ztu j'� By �/ r�, � lf''.-r��c:''.�%� " t.,��s.,e -- Against �-- � !�o�,,;`r � _ s;tv�;t,� C - }r:��>,�,� t t 1{' � Form Apprevc:d by City Attor�ey [:��'� 4 11 `S�t` � n:�;,,,t�.� t,.� c����,:•ii: D:��� �__� __.— ----- . Crrt►l�rd N:«��d bt ('��uncil tiircc��t:�r)� _,_.._ � :;y __------- _ , , � • .__.._�-. _ liy' ___ -----------------. _ _ � , `• � /',pproved by {14ayac for SubmiSSion to Council Ap�,ru�•i•�1 b; �latur. 1):�'e• _�..__r----_..________...�._.__._...�� i . ._� �i � i. .�' �� _ \ --•--.._......._._ � ---- _ � I �y , �». rzti• - •----�-- - -- - --------------____--.__._..._ . � _�� , /. ► _ - � 2��.��`� ,_`�.t= ors , CITY OF SA1NT PAUL =R4 �ts,`r �� '�= ;� �:.. �s DEPARTMENT Of PUBLfC WORKS J- A�= ti.i• � � . . . '�.rn h.• �~ � 234 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George latimer Mayor 612-248-4241 April 6, 1978 . !�A � ,���✓ Mr. Bernard Carlson DO�i�,, /�?;� � '� Di rector '4i+� `�`' �`"c ' 1' � � �,�. D� ��e�. Depa rtmen t of Fi nance and �i,� '�-...T T,.,,� <�� �._ ManagerF'�ent Services ��I�,�r? � �. Room 109 C i ty Ha 11 ����^Q' .•,.,;��'-, st. �a61� � �'i� 55��2 ,r�'���r:'.TCJ� . . � V�^ '"'/ !;?�;'C� Re: Ci ty Project No. S-1620R ��"'c`'s Scenic Hiils No. 2, Block 12, Lots 17 � 18 Dear Mr. Carlson: 1 am transmitting, for your use, a copy of Administrative Orcfer No. Q-4248 and Council File No. 270725 concerning the acquisition of an easement for a storm sewer at the above referencec! location. During the public hearing process for the construction of noise abatement ' barrier� on the youth side of l-94 between Ruth Street and McKnight Road the adja�ent residents expressed contern over drainage pro6lems they were experiencing in their backyards adjacent to the I-94 right-of-way in the vicinity of Winthrop Street. As a result of this the Minrtesota Department of Transportation prepared the attached preliminary plan. Would you please set up a public hearing and follow through on the acquisition of this easement. Yours very truly, � -�y� - ',� Ke t Schonberger � Assistant City Engineer'� , Division of Design E Engineering �,� ��.� a �,� . . �7c �� •�� F.,.r, .y `":t,� >� . . DDT:ced �:�-�' �3 �""'�' �"� �� Attachments •4:-=�-=ni�: � . ;l�l ., � � �O � i � ' •� � 'd'- . . - � • '�``; .- 1 I � L� � � � OO� '=f .9� 1 .' ' "�� � � � e �f� � '. � � s� 9 - � � � f F��j � -�-224.85 'n�. i .� -7 ' . � ' �4"t_ iis'Z-` � � 1 � � L � , �� � '`� , b ' ul °" . , � � ' ' � �� .s(''za����' R° ,� , t{� y �� taa �b •w �• V ' '_` � /� i ..i � ` � �.f'�y q -`. , ��1'ly��,.`' � 1' �, , � ( .� .�....� Z� �ti :.. _ �t `�. ' -��� � � I. t � '�F�r� �° � � `l �'� :� _ � � � +�i h '9�2i � � �5 - - � °s _•.'' � � W � � � � tO r• . ' �-�' '2-_�. F :j� � � .�` t ' � ��>�' "'�' ' � , � s� p 1 ` � ' � � � �l �� � Qe f r� 6�`6'i� h 9`8'�'� � `` i. � � � h . a� � � N / � ,� .���� �/ e '�.. v`.3 �,� Y � _ . �f N . M / r` � ��.` v i'�i '�—"-9e ssi L� � v �t . � . � � �f l� ��/ � } y �'�'�` `� �'� / ` �� ' l ��-��� b. � -� � . • �,3i��.9s - � � , . y � , r � ` 6jF// �� x �f . ' F6�6/. �° �� � / i" � � � O:. � _ �i . �, _ � �b��.9 . . i� ,i . �� �~ ; `! ... •� ��rt 9 � • 'r, I + ���7`����7� .� � O OQ ,� �a!� F ( . . ' ( /. �p � . !. Nt � . • aa s� `r . j :�'[! �` � ',y� ! ��► Q ��rt �� � �. �y � � .�` f ` . l ..v .n� ��' :r� � �•- C . ! ^ �,: r . �N .. • . � i '� . 9� ..`, . . . � • r� ` _`. � `'�J � { , nj ,• � �h •. ��./ i. +h �o� �hOi. M �•' �� �!. _. tJ '� � �'r r ws 6PYe� �► � - �„'- 1 - ' �0 !r . � ��3�TOGY' � o��:�� �. � q . 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I h Y������1W Y . ��.yS � ��� 7 ?�:'4 .: , � � `U�'t � �,� �� r- 4 i l►'�a .a I I � I �r , �� t . �6 � S . �� ;F�v ,. .1 .,,.H �Rr ����' a� � ��,. '. '��� ,t�' r� ''�' .ra! � h pkt` y� ; !4: t, � " � y ..Xi� .I �#� �',fk?�` r�t 'l� tr I 3 { 'h '��`�. �a ;, � � �:� ;.. �. ,�: �.� ��:- �wt ��: �'..� � - w 1�'s' '.'