271138 CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. �����" FINAL ORDER �:1 � By ��' .—.-��' File No. S"10�►'�� In the Matter of =�s�ti� iDt�trtl C�t4� IR�##AAMtIk M� �CtMlt�jli �w th� a�st sl�� Of 1l�+osts at. lr�s !t� it. t� 1Q�th 4t. � � all �th��r �1c fMa�rt�► ari i�eal���st t�o �1�1� �sl�d L�nc�ra��wt. under Administrative Order p��� approved '��� ��� ���� �.: . . under Preliminary Order �' + �r�'-%�� approved �1�� 4 �� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has;conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date � 3 � �� Yeas Nays Butle� � Cert' Passe y uncil Secreta �+e�! � �Y �:� � Hunt �In Favor �evine Against Roedlef Mayor S viveste[ PUBUSHED �ec�esco U N 101978 wn��a — c�tv c�e.k G I T Y O F SA I N T �'A YI'L Pink — Finanu DepL Canary— Qapt. . (JFFICE OF THF' MAYOR � • • �'��,�•�� I�O; --!�=—f�—�-� � �` : ADNiINISTRATIVE ORDER . Date: �� �� � � AD�4IINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the Di rector of t�e Department of Publ i c Works is herzby authorized and di racted to prspare pians, otatain surveys, prepare estimates and investigate the necessi ty to reco�est�uct integra) eurb snd waik and areaways (�stter sent on Apri 1 17, 1973 under Chapte� 207) on tt�e East Side of A41��FiES01'A S7. fram 9th St. to lOth St. and do a11 other work �ehlct� is necessary and incidental to comptete said irr�rovement. --..----°-- The Dire€tvr of Finar►ce and Managemer+t Services is hereby dtrected to prepare the pre�i�sinary order and schedule this mattsr for p���"c: haarirtg. Cos t Es t i raa tes 'Y��-��The sidew�dk portion of Lhe reconstruct�on preject on1Y wi l i be financed by Ci ty funds. _;�°�,,.�Ai t costs exce�di ng the norr►al s i dewalk recons truction work wi i i be assessecl. � '� � � � � 1, .�[.�i� i .-� ��:� ; . � . . ' ..A �y.... .� .. -�:• A�'PROVED AS TO FORM �� �� Assistant City Attorney''- Department Head . � Date � Adminutrative Assistant to Msyor ' �- ' � A �_�.�.-R� � _ �,� ` � CiTY OF SAINT PAUL 1G�t7 �� .. �s T ..� . . 4 �� �l �� "qs: .�,� ;ti �i. ��Od Y--°°' `�.,,,r: �,,;,.. � �� i�•_,;;• � ;� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . � �►� C7: ~E +�.�••r�s Daniel).Dunford,Director 234 City Hali,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor 612-298-4241 Apri1 17, 1978 Mr. Gary Tankenoff Hillcrest Development Metro Square Bui lding ' 7th and Rooert St. Paul , MN 55101 Re: Sidewalk on the East Side of Minnesota St. � . between 9th and lOth ' Dear Mr. Tanksnoff: � Because of the accident that occurred April 16, ' 197�3 on this defective sidewalk and the subsequent inspection of the sidewalk and support structure we have determined that permanent reconstruction of this walk and sub-structure will , have to commence as quickly as possible. . Chapter 207 of the St. Paul Legislative Code req►�ires that all sidewalk su�faces and structural opening (areaways) shall be maintained In a safe condition by the abutting property o�mers. Because thi�s stdewalk is unsafe � anc the pub 1 i c 1 i ab i 1 i ty rtios c pronaunced, I am r�_yues t i ng you to enga�3e the se rvices of a licensed and bonded co�tractor to repair or �econstruc� this defective sidewalk with 30 days of the date of this letter. For your convenience 1 am enclosing a copy of the Leg.islative Code and a list of , 1 i censed and bonded contractors. � . If the defective sidewalk is not repaired or reconstructed by a licensed and bonded contractor with the Department of Public Works within 30 days of the date of this notice, a public hearing shall be held before the City Council of the City of 5t. Raul foi- the purpose of determining why the dangerous or unsafe structure should not be removed, the resulting void filled and the public right-of-way restored at the expense of the City of St. Paul with the totai cast thereof assessed to the abutting property. ',,.,.�.,,�.s, � r � , • „ , 2. i trust your conpliance to this natter will be most expedient and any assistance we can provide will be pror�ptly extended. Yours very truly, �C�C� � Daniel J. Dunford Street Design Engi�eer DJ D/gh cc: Rose Mix� City Clerk ���� , Pau1 Desch , Fi�ance Assessment Div.� � �(�p�' " �,��,, Jerome J.. Segal , Assisstant City Attorney `"�' �j`1� �'� . � , � � � � �-?/ c�o� �r�-e,�� � e�� � � _,��: � � , n�p:,� �� � ���= ��4 '�I:�'�� `�' 4 '� b�k � �� ' ,�> , ,� .� : �� � ,-� i;�'; �� ai �Y; �h t,� �� :�}. 4 �ay; �' t � I I . ..�c4.�«r�... .;..:�'" .