271128 WH17E - CITV GLERK COl1RC11 ;Q PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I�NT PAU L ���_���p CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul enter into an agreement with the Chicago, Miiwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company and the Commissioner of Transportation, State of Minnesota, for the instal- lation and maintenance of railroad crossing signals at the intersection of Randolph Avenue and Drake Street with the tracks of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company in St. Paul and appointing the Com- missioner of Transpartation agent for the City to supervise said proJect and administer available federal funds in accordance with Minnesota Statute, Section 161.36 (1976). The City's share of the cost shatl be 10 percertt of the total cost; and be it further RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and - directed to execute said agreeme�t on behalf of the City of St. Paul ; and be it further RESOLVED, That the City's estimated costs are $3,990.00 to be charged to PIR Fund Code 60000 and this fund to be temporarily reimbursed from ' 1978 PIA Fu�d until such time as 1979 C.A. Funds are available. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING ��s � D rector, F nance � Man ement e�.v .!=�!'�� � mkb COUNCILMEN Yeas Na}�s Requested by Department of: � � Public Works Hozza In Favor ,n,G������.C/�, Hunt v Levine _�_ Against BY Roedler ponaid E. Nygaard, ector (TJE/� S ylvester Tedesco � �,/J� �� �L�� �� Form Approved by C' y A orney �� Adopted by Co Date — Cer�ye'd Pas e y� Cou cil S�cret y BY � � Ap ov by :Vlavoc D te �� `� 0 Appr d by Mayor for Su iss' n to Council By BY pUBLiSHED 9UH 3 �� � OM OI : 12�1975 Rev. : 9/8j76 � � EXPLANA�'Z��;f �a." ��Di�1�N?STRAT�VE OPBERS f . . - .-----.-t-------- - . R�:MG�,;��IGiJ�,�N� C):U:i't���CES . „ , `_° _ _ . R � � � � �`� � D MAl' 1 6 ?97� ���,.�..�� MAY01t'� � Da.t:e: May 9, 1978 TO: r1AY0R GE�`?RCE LAZ'I�fi,R F�2: Pub11c Works, Office Engineering � RE: Railroad crossing sTgr�ats o� Ra�doiph Ave. and Drake St. afi inters�+ctic� with . Chicago, Miiwankee and P�cTfic Railway tracks. ACT�ON REQUESTED: Authorize the state to act as the City�s agent te� obtaining � federal funds. Total coat of the proJect is eat��ted at $3g,�00 to be financed 90% federal funds ($35,910) and 10;� City funds ($3.990) with funding. temporarT ly froin 1978 Pl/t unti 1 1979 C.A. funds ere ava�t labte. PURP4SE �NP RP.TI�NALE F�R T�IIS AfiTI�N: In accorda�ce Nith an agreeaoer�t ^� etween the City an Mn. Dept. o�Tranaportation, Agency Contract 19�8, the State ahait act as tha City�s ag�snt in accepting federal funds for tmprove- � ments of City streets. Each proJect to be authorized by resolution of the Counc 11. ATTACHMENTS: Copy of agreeiaent Resoluti� L F ' • . . • . • . - � � � . • ' • . . . ���:��i�� . . . � . AGREEtn�r No. 54132 DAATID: S.P. 62-00118 . 14ian. Proj. RRP oOOS(4) � Ba3lroad Cros�ia� Si�n�ls Randolph �ver_�ae zt D*_�ake Street ' :St. Paul, T�Tinn�sota - �I�AG4, I•�L;•l� "�'�, ST. P�UL � - AND PACII'IC :�AIIu�011D C0i•�A;s`I BAMS�Y' COJ:v'I'Y � Agency r�.inds � �. THIS AGREIi•TF�d'I',,made and entered into by and between CSTY OF ST. PAUI,, herein— after called the "City", ST11�TLy"Y E. G. HILI�iAtT, as Trustee of the vroner�y of � `L'HICAGO, MILWAUI.rE, ST. PAtTL AND PACI�'IC R�.II.izO� C�•2PA�7Y, D�3TOR, hereinaf�er �alled the "Co�pa.�y", and the COTi��IISSIGi.T�? Or TRII:SPORTATIQld, S?'ATE OF ?•TIirT�C?�'�., hereinafter called the "State", �TIT2�'S�'H: WF�REAS, the Federal Hig'_nt•�� Ad�ninistration, �rhen actino in coopera�ion �•ri�h #he Transportation Dep2xt�ent of the State of 2•Tinneso�a, is authorizec3 b;� �c+. of Congress to make Federal Aid avzil�.ble for the p�Tnose of eli_min�tir_;,; hzz2?"ds 2.'•: �`� , -railroad grade crossin�s within tre State oi 1'•iinnesota; and -WSII3EAS, the State, pursuant to Piinnesota Sta�ute, Section 161.35 (1976), is -authorized to cooperate �rith the United States Government in supervisin� i.*��rovenents of p�ablic hi�ways within the State of 1'�iinnesota not incl�ded in the trunk hi;;'r_:�rav -system, and to act i.n disbur�ing and accounting for Federa.Z funds in connection � therewith; and WHE�EI�S, Raridolph �ivenue, as now established, crosses the track of the Co;�na.ny ' at �rade at Du:{e Street in St. Paul, c'?amsey County, Ninnesota, the location of sa.id cross'in� and rail��ay track bein� shown on the print hereto attached, �arked Exhibit "B", and herein referred to and raade a part of this �reement; and _l.. �. . . . . • . . ' . , . Agreement Pio. 591.32 i�ISEREAS, the City and the Compar�y de�ire that this �cade crossing be pro- tected by ra.ilroad crossin� si�nwls, c2ntileveT tyoe on Ranclolph Avenue and standard fla,shing li�ts on Drake Street, and the Co�pany is :•rillin� to i.nstall, r�?intwin and ogerate such signals upon the terms and cc�nditions hereinafter stated. NCRI, THEN, IT IS AGREED: _ 1. The State of T�Iir.nesota, De��twent of Tra,.�sportation, "Standa..�'d �laus�s �or Ea3lway Highway �igreements", da�ed Sep�eu�ber 22, 1977, is attache3 hereto as �chibit � "A", and hereinafter referred to as "Stand`d Clauses". Except as hereinaf+er ex- pressly modified, `ll of the terms a.nd canditions set forth in the "St�nd�d Clauses" are hereby i.ncornorated by refer2nce ard ma,de a pa.�'"t of this a.�reexen� ��ith the s�.^�e � force a.nd effect as thou�h fully set forth rerein. Standard Clauses :Ios. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 s i 0 a.ud 11 are deleted fror� this a�reemcr_.. 2. The Company shall furnish all �aterial for and with its re�ularl� enp�o�ed forces install a complete railroad czossir_� signa�. sfstem on Randolph ��•ernze a� Drake Street, as indicated on attached �ibit '�3". Said plar_s,�s�)@C1f1C?.�J.O:?S and the work to be done shall be subject to the apgroval of the Depaxtmer.t of •?ra.nsporta- tion of the State Of rI'L*+�?esot�3,. . Wc�k of installi*�� this si�al system shall be prosecuted so as to be co�pleted xithin 12 months after the da.te the Comgar.y is authorized to be�in taor'__. If the Co�pany shall deternine it i�possible to complete the w�ork 4rithin the � period herein s�ecified, it shall make a written req�aest to the State for an extension of tine for completion, settin� forth therein the reason for sucr extension. . � -2- ,' - . , , , . Agreement No. 59132 3. The actual costs of �the project herein contemplated, including en�ineering costs, are to be financed with 9C�;� Federal F�uids and 1� City of St. Paul funds. _ - The State and City will reimburse the Company as provided herein for only such items of work and expense as are proper and eli�ible for payment tirith �ederal Funds. The State's 9C�;� portion (reimbursable with r^ederal I'unds� wili be paid to ;he Company in accorda.x?ce with Article 9 of the Standaxd Clauses, �`xhibit "A". The City'� 1��; portion will be paid to the Company when the project has teen , completed and the Final Bill has been approved by the State. It is understood tha,t the following estimate is for informational purposes only. The estimated cost of the work to be done by the Company hereunder is as follows and ir_ further accordance witr detailed estinate a�tached hereto ar�d r�rked �chibit "C"� Material 5�18,6�2.00 Labor (Includin; Additives) �17,b��..00 Contin�encies � j,614.00 TOTAL FSTIT•IATID COST $39,900.00 � • Portion of costs allocated to . City of St. Paul (1Q;o of actual . cost) � 3�990.00 � Reimbursable with Federal Punds �35,9i0.00 . • —3— � _� �.._.......... . , � . . , . Agreement No. 59132 4. In the event it is determined that a change from the fore�oin� statement of work to be performed bS� the Compas�y is required, it shall be authorized only by a written chan„e or extra work order issued by the State prior to the gerformance of the work involved in the chan�e. 5e The said {,*rade crossing si�nal system shal.l be maintained and oper�ted by the Company upon completion of its installation, but this said obli�.tion to maintain said si�nal system shall cor.tinue in accordance with the laVr of tfie Sla�e as it shall be from tirie to time in the future. • 6. The si�,mal syster� shall r_ot be renoved unless there has been a deter^�i���-:�ior. . that said signals are no lont;er required at this location. In the event that either railway or hirhi,ray i�provements will r.ecess�ta+.e a 2-earran�ement o£ the signals at said crossin�, the party tahose improve�er�l� CC^S.LZJ�J :isa,id changes will bear the entire cos+ of the same without ooli�a.tion �o the- ot?�er. 7. This a�eement is binding on Stanley E. G. Hillman, not as an ir_divi�ul, bu. �solely in his capacity as Trustee. � . • _4_ . � Agreement Na. 59132 lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be duly executed. Attest: CITY Of ST. PAUI By: • �ector, Public Wor s yor - Approved as to form: � By: ss stant City At orn tector, Finance � Management �'. ti `' In Presence of: STANLEY E. G. HILLMAPI AS TRUSTEE OF THE PROPERTY OF CHtCAGO, MILIJAUKEE, ST. PAUL - " AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, DEBTOR By- . Recommended for Approval : e , Rai road Operations In Presence of: Ass stant Commissioner, Pubiic Transportation Dated: , 19 Approved as to Form and Execution: APPROVED: DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRAT ON By: Assistant Attorney Genera Aut o� zed Signature _S_ - . . i � STATE OF MINNESOTA OEPAR7t�1ENT DF TRANSP�RTATION STANDARD CLAUSES FOR � _ RAILWAY-HIGHWAY AGREEtJ1ENTS SEPTEMBER 22, 1977 � 1. The State will review plans and specifications for the con- struction of the grade separation structure and a�pP�ve the separation of grades of the tracks of the Company and of the trunk highway, as shown in the plans and specifications referred to in this agreement. . 2. The State agrees to let a contract pursuant to law for the con- struction of the highway project referred to in this agreement, in accordance with said plans and specifications referred to in tt�is agreement. 3. The State agrees that all work provided to be done by the State on the right of way of the Cor�pany shall be perfor�nzd and con�leted in accordance with said plans and sp�cificatians in a �anner satisfactory t❑ the Chief Engineer of the Company, or his authoriz�d representative. The State agrees that any contract let by it, for the �erfornancz of any c�n�truc- tian work contemplated by this agreement, will requ�re the contractor t❑ comply with all of the provisions relating to work a� railroad right of way contained in "Minnesota, Department of Highways, St. Paul, Standard Specifi- .cations for Highway Construction", dated January lf 1972, as amended by "Supplemental Specif ications" , dated april l, 1476� to furnish to the Company a Railroad Protective Lia�ili+y Insurance Policy arrd to carry regular Con- tractor's Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance, b�th as specified in the Federal-Aid Highmay Program t�1anual, Uolume �, Chapter 6, Section 2, Subsection 2, and having limits of liability, as sp�cif ied in the s�ecifica- tions and special provisions referred to in this a�rezment. Said Railroad Protective Liebility Policy and evidence of said �ntractor's Public Liahility and property Damage Insurance, executed by an insurer qualified to write such po�icies in the State of Ntin�esota, shall be �eliv2red to the Cor�pany � prior to the entry upon or use of the Company's pr�erty by the Contractor. 4. The State reserves the right to make s�r�h changes in the plans ' or character of the work, as the work u�der the cnrt�ract progresses, as shall, in the Comrnissioner of Tran�portation's judgment, be reason�bly necessary to cause the agreed highway project to he in all thinc�s cnnstructed and cor�pleted in a satisfactory manner, and to that end, and as supplemental to any contract let for the construction of said project, to ent�r into any supplemental agreement with the contractor for the performance af any extra work or work occasioned by any necessary, advantageous or desira�le change in the plans. Any such ch�anges in plan or the character of work, �nvol�ing the Company's fecilities or property, will be subject to the approval of the Company. EXHI�IT "A" - Page 1 � /�.�-�� ' , • . 5. The State agrees ta pay the ec�tir� cast of the �ork to be per- formed under the contract to be 3et by the 5tate, including the State's supervision of the c�ntract work, provi��cf, hauever: . a.) that nothing herein c�ntained sha�.l pr�veret the State from pursuing and enforcing any ai its carnmon law and statutory . � rights, which it may have aeainst any tortfeasor, including - any contractor and the Cnmp�ny; � b.) that when the Company has liability ar at�Iigati.an to t!�e United S�ai:es or the State far any �ortion of the railway- highway project, the Company shall pay its share of ±h� railway-highway project in the nanner and t� the extent set fnrth elsewhere in this agree�ent. � 6. The provisions cnntained in �e�eral-Aid Highw3y Pragram P�fanual, Volume 6, Chapter 6, Section �, Su5s2c�ion 1, anci Uolume 1, �ha�t�r 4, Section 3, shall apply to the railway-higtiway praject, regardless �f the . �method of financing the project. 7. If the Company entzrs intn a cQntrac� or agree�nent wi�h a cnn- tractor, to perforn a31 or any portion of ttre �ompany's u�rk set i'or�h in this agreer�ent, the C�m�a�y for itsp3f, its assians and ��ccss��=s in interzs�, agrees that it will not discrir�inate in i�s ch�ic2 of c��trac�ors and will � includ2 all of thz nondiscri.:nina�ion pravisions set r"arth in aPP�PJt�IX "a" , attached hereto and made a part hereof, in any such c��tract or agr�em�nt. � 8. The Company agrees that i Ls r2�resentative in cfi�arge nf the w�ric set forth in this agre�:nen� shall fur�ist� �he State'� Engineer in charge of the project: a.) "Farm 2233, Minn�sota D�aartr�zn� Q� Trans�artatinn, Payroll Monthly R�Port", signed in �u�licate, sf�o�ir� the �u:�ber �f inen on payr�ll, classiTic�tien, t�tal hours morked an� starting, st�pping, resumats�n and ca^+�letian dates for each month, nct la�er than th2 week fflll�wing th� month i� � which the work was performed. b.) Upon request, full detailed infa�rmatirm as to progress of work and arnaunt of labor and r�ateria2 used as of ttie time of request. In addition to the foregoing recQrds and acts, the Conaany will� f?�7m � time to time, make such o�;her rennrts, keeo such uther recar�s an�i perfor� � such other work in such manner and time as mat� �e necessary ta enahle Lhe State to collect and �btain available Federal �i�. 9. To the extent set forth in this agreement, the State will re- �mburse the Comoany for actual ex�ense incurred aerf�rming th� work set fi'orth �in this agreement. Payments will be ma�e in accnr�ance with the following; . EXHIBIT "q" - Page 2 � '�22-7� a.) At least 90n of partial bills marked °Pragressive �ill No. 1, . No. 2, etc.", or "First, second, etc.�, signed by an officer of the Company, rendered in se�tuplet. P�rtial bills shall be based on actual costs that �an 5e suC�stantiated by checking the Com�any's records but do not n�ed to b� in detail: or, b.) At least 75;� �of. partial bills narked a�d �igned, as re�uired above, �ased on the Company Engineer's est��at� of the per- centage of completion of th� various �st r�imbursable items, as shown on the d�tailed estimate, which is attached to and made a part of this agreement, subject �a the State Engineer's concurrence and approval of said com�letion percentage. In no event wi11 a combination of partia3 billing based on act�al : cost, and Engineer's estimates, be rei�bursable. � c.) At least 9J3� of final bill marked "Final", signed by an officer of the Company, rendered in septuplet, in accordance with Fe�eral - Aid Highway Pro�ran Manual Uolume 1, �apter 4, 5nction 3. Sai� • final bill shall be a complete, detai�Ed anc+ ite:�ized state�ent of all items of work !�erformed by th� Comaany, �s sho�m in �he � appro�riate exhibit ar exhibits atta�hed t� this agree�i2n�. d.) Final paynent will be made after audi� of �he Final t�ill. The Company shall keev account of its [�ark in such a way that said�accounts rnay be readily au�i�e�. In the eve�ti that any amount previously �aid t� th� �o�:any is in excess of the actual cost deter:nined 5y aue��.t, th� C�m���y, ���n notice of the State, shall nay to the Statz �he �ifference. 10. In the event that the State does not ��er int� a contrac� for construction of the aroject contemplated by this a�reem�nt �n or bnf�re a day twelve (12) months after the date this agreement is ful.ly ex�cuted, then �itheT party may, at any tine thereaft?r, serve notice of cancellation u��n th? other party, by re,istered m�il, and this agrPe�2nt shall inmediately be can�el'ed and terminated; provi�2d, however, that th� Cori�any shail l�e reim�u:sed in full by the 5tate for all rei�bursa�le costs incurred after this ac�reeme�t is �ully executed and prior to said cancellatian. 11. Th� reimbursable maintena�ce costs sh��I. nat extend to the repai: of any damage to the bridge structure resulting fr�a� the operations of the Company for which the Conpany has any comnon law a� statutory liability. The reim�ursable maintenan�e costs shall �e limited tfl the actual cost of la��r and materials used and to rental value af equipmen� used. The actual c�st of labor and materials and the r2ntal value of equi�r�flt referred ta stiall �e ascertained in accordance with the provisions of th� FederaZ-Hid Highway Pro- � gram Manual, Volume 1, L'hapter 4, 5ection 3. Exc�t as hereinafter provided � in the case of emergency re�airs, reimburse.�ent s3�a�I he ma�e �nly if the Company h�s sub�� itted its �ro�osed re�airs to the State, including any estimate of cost of such repairs, and approval -has bee� received from the S�ate in writing in advance of starting work uy the Company. If the Company is unahle t'b obtain the State's a�proval of the proposed re�airs, it may request and require the State to let a contract for the necessary wurk. In the event of an em�rgency requiring immediate repairs to said br�dge structure in order to EXHI6IT "A" - Page 3 g=22�y� maintain railroad traffic, the Company shall be only required to notify the State as soon as reasonably possible that the emergency has arisen and that the Company is proceeding with the work. The Company hereby acknowledg�s that it may be necessary to file a legisZative clai� for rei�5ursement of any costs incurred before State Funds are encumtiered in an amount sufficient to cover the costs of the work. In all events, reim5ursable maintenance c❑sts shall be limited to necessary re�airs. If any maintenance work is such that it cannot be perforned by the � Company with its own equipment and regularly employed forces, the Co�pany may contract the �ork. However, the Company shall not award the contract or start WOrk until the contract has been approved by the Commissioner of Transportation and the necessary 5tatE funds have bee� encumbered. 12. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding, that the Conmissioner of Transaorta�io� of the State of Minnesota is acting in his ❑fficial capacity only and that hz shall not be oersonally responsiol� or liable to the Company or to any �erscn or persons whomsoever for any claims, dama�es, actions, or causes of action of any kind or character arising out of or by reascn of the exec�tion af this agreement or the performance nr completion af the project provided for herein. � I3. Before this a�reement shall become binding and arfective, i� shall have received the approval of such State officers as th� law may provide in addition to the Commissioner of Transportation. 14. The laws of the State of Minnes�ta shall oovern alZ questions as to the execution, nature, obligation, con5truction, validity and aerf�rnance of this agreement. 15. If it appears to the Campany at any time subsequent to the date of this agreement and prior to final completion of such work, that the actual cost of such work will ex�eed the estimated cost, the Company shall immediately so notify the State in writing, thereof, and, after the additional funds are encumbered, such notice will have the affect of amending this agreement so as to include the supplemental cost of such work. � • EXHIBITY "A" = Page 4 9_22-77 Mn/DOT 25252(12/76I ' APPENDIX A - Non-Discrimination Provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. - Ouring the performance of this contract, the contractor, for itself� its �ignees and successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the "contractor"j, agrees as follows: (1) Compliance with Regulations: The Contractor will comply with I�egulations of the Department of Transportation relative to nondiscrimination in federally-assisted pragrams of the Department of Com- merce (Title 49, Code of Federal Regulation, Part 21, hereinafter referred to asthe Regulations),which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. (2) Nondiscrimination: The contractor. with regard to the v�rork per#ormed by it after award and prior to completion of the contract work, will not discriminate on the grour�d of race, color, or national origin ' in the selection and retention of subcontrac#ors, including procurements of materials and leases of • equipment. The contractor will not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination pro- hibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers a program set forth in Appendix "A", "B" and "C". (3) Solicitations for Subcontracts� Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment: In all solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the contractor for work to be performed under a Subcontract, including procurements of materials or equiprnet►t, eacf� potential subcontractor or sub- plier shall be notified by the contractor of the contractor's obiigations under this contract and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the ground of race, color or nation origin. (4) Information and Reports: The contractor will provide all information and reports required by the Regulations, or orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto, ar�d will permit access to its books, �ecords, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the Depart- ment of Transportation or the Federal Highway Administration to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulations, orders and instructions. Where any information required of a contractor is in the exctusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, the contractor shall so certify to the Department of Transportation, or the Federal Highway Administration as appropriate. and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the informatioa�. (5} Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of the contractor's noncornpfiance with the nondiscrimi- nation provisions of this contract, the Department of Transpc�rtation shaU impose such contract sanctions as it or the Federal Highway Administration may determine to be appropriate. including but not limited to, (a) witholding of payments to the Contractor under the contractuntil the contractor complies, and/or Eb) cancellation, termination or suspension of the contract. in whole or tn part. , (6) I�corpo�ation of Provisionse The contractor will include the provisions of paragraph (1) through (6j in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. unless exempt by the Regulations, order, or instructions issued pursuant thereto. The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the Department of Transportation or the Federal Highway Administration may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that, in the event a contractor becomes involved in, or is threaten- ed with, litigation with a subcontractor or suppiier as a result of such direction, the contractor may tequest the State to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the State, and in addition. the contractor may request the United States to enter into such ietigation to protect the interests of the United States. i ��� � t � �� � - . Nc�t1 N �_._ Iw . -{ I° N ' � . � . _ � � _ . � ; � � � - � - � o � � � r � M � � 1 . o . . � i ' o � � � : � � � p 1 • �ti �J +' n � I � `� . r v p : tn 1^ . �� �- �W � -------•--------- ------ i ' 0 1 � 1 � . !f "� �'!, , (.!� • `��0� � i~ = O 1 � . T DPAK� ST � �- � � �— l.s -i , • �_�._.. �q .„- ^'._'!y._-.. � / \ � � Q \ . ' t,l ' • WV �� \ I tr i Ft-- �'pp ��\ ��I �' � y y ��`1 �is`r0� � ' / � V ( � � �j t . _._t fi , \ � _ ,� v" ' � � � ry, ` t � �, � ; ; , + in i I ; !T V1 i ; x�-' y � � 7�D � �Z � S C I�_ � � Z � ti.i Ci7 Q�i I G�� T. � , �� ; /r� ( � _.. . I' Z � \�iV!�'; I . L � l __�:-=-:�:�; � ;� '�� i r;: � � ?l' �,'. 1 �1 �� `�"� i i 1•� . � ' �� � . ! ! � /� � � ' � � � t r� i � � Z �_ �,� o ' p ( . ._..._ -- --- r o O I � . "+ �! ; ; _ ! . _ `� i . . ____. __ , � � s P 6�- oo � � g � ! . • A ' r e G�n e��" Nd, S9/3a, e . p-� 980 �IBIT «g„- , �,, . , • . „ , . . , , � . � ���_.�,�.��� � Pco j ec t: � Location: St. Paut, Minnesat<1 � Tnnt:+ll �'►E�tomlCic hirhwly cro5sinr w�rninr clevices c�nsistins►. of ci�y�r tylL..�nd one flashin� lirht sirnnl contr�lled by trnck circuit equirment, all conforminR to . the recommended �ractices �f Aulletin 7 of the Association of American Railroads at the crossin� of Randolph Ave. and the C r1 St P & P. [tailroud Comp�ny trnck, replacinR crosshuck si�►ns • FORCE ACCOUNT ESTIMATF. Item uantit Amount Prelimin�zry F.ngineerinR 1.ot S 1,05� Conetruction Engineering I.at 1,35Q Material Automatic siqnals Y�iY�X��� 3 ea. 6,80� • (2 cantilever type) (Any other ma�or item) 1 case 4,339 Other Material I.ot 5,�75 � Total Material 1F,214 Transporta[ion of Material �t 25 Store expense � SX 805 Equipment �Rental of trucks & trailers) 1,fi0� � Labor Direct Labor �Crew $7,040) . 7,R00 Holidays, vacation and pension 1+��'h " Payroll taxes 2,61� � , Inaurance �Risk Ins. $8,250) � R6R Heals and lodging . 2+2�� Total Lnbor $15,244 � � � Contingencies 3,�i14 Total cost $39.9n2 Lesa credit for ealvaRe CR 2 , . . Net Totttl � S39,9�� Office of Asst. Chief. F.n�r. , Sirs. & Comms. � 5 P 6a- o ° / / � c.M.st.�.& r. RR. co. - c.t,i�1�o, Tilinois . �� yc:e rn e r�t No. �s�3� February 6, 1978 - (PS6R 723R7-95) JAE:dln NOTIs: This estimate valid for only one Q oZ�80 �l1�p�T "n,� year from date of estimate. r� �� � ti ,