271100 WH17E - CI TV CLERK COUIICIl ����_ .�+ ��i � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAUL � 1 - CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR ' Flle NO. Council Resolution Presented By I+IC�Ee18� GK�lITT�6 . � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � 8$SOLVE�: That applieatioa fsr Suad�r Oa Bale Liqxor liaeaae made b� the l�llowf� applisaat• ar� hold�re oi an t� �ale Liq�or lisenae at the addrsme�a ah�, be �ad th� eaa� are herel� �r�nted and i� eoap�.i�se Mith C.F. lra. 235531, Ordia�uto� Xo. 13755, �� as�de C�pter I�o. 308 oi the Bt. I'e��l. Le63.slati�e �ode asd t�rdiaaasee. Yal•»l+&�t, 7ats. �jl Pbrd Park�a�y Appn. �0392 B�ex�ti► Crit�ri�a Rt+�ta�r+iat, Z�ae. 739 IIai��rait� A��. 2�45a n R�b�rt Ja�k, Ina. 1964 IIxi�erait� A�e. 2�622 " do«.Art, 7a�e. 249 v. 7th st. 20753 " D�e1, Ine• 5?' �• Dal.e St. 21493 a � Do�rbos B�r tc t�ale �rp. 691 �. D�sl• Bt. 21185 �, COU[VCILMEN Yeas �Z� Nays � Requested by Department of: � [n Favor Hust ��d _ � Against BY -- �edler . S�l�eater ��Y ��� � �ea�0 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certifie as-ed y Cou .il Secr�etar BY Appr v by ;1�tavor: Dat r � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY . — BY BLiSHED MAY• 2 ? 197$