271088 �NHITE - CITV CLERK �
Bl_UE - MAVOR File NO.�� •���
o ncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized
and directed to execute a Lease Agreement with R & R Wood Products,
262 East Fourth Street, for the period of one year for the purpose
of renting a small office space at an annual rental of $540.00;
said Lease Agreement being for the purpose of having an administra-
tive office to organize and coordinate the Saturday Go-To-Market
Program utilizing Mears Park.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler C
rtoua [n Favor
Hunt �
�_°�"°" Against
Roedler -- -
Tedesco � ���v
Adopted by C cil: Date MAY 1 For Approved b i r �
Certif Passe Coun ' �iecretary BY
Appr v y iVlayor: Date —� MAY 1 � 1g7$ Approv d b Mayor for Submissi to u
By _ BY .
Pusustt� MAY 2 719
HRA LEGAL uncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Co ittee Bv Date
WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul has adopted a
Redevelopment an for the Downtown Urban Renewal Area, Minn. R-20 ,
by its Resolutio C.F. No. 218124, on May 15, 1964, and a Redevelop-
ment Plan for the entral Core Neighborhood Development Program,
Minn. A-1-5, by its esolution C.F. No. 261921, on August 21, 1973,
hereafter collective referred to as the Redevelopment Plans; and
WHEREAS, said Rede lopanent Plans set forth certain public
actions , objectives and p rposes to be accomplished by expenditure
of public funds through pr erty acquisition, such as Block A, Down-
town Urban Renewal Area, an Block 27, Central Core NDP Area,
clearance of blighted and sub tandard structures, provision of public
improvements , other public pre ration for sale of such acquired
property for public and private edevelopment, imposition of land use
and building controls and requir ents designed to accomplish the
public purposes and objectives of e redevelopment project under-
takings, and sale of land for rede lopment in accordance with said
Plans, controls and requirements; an
WHEREAS, the Council of the City f Saint Paul has adopted a
Development District Program for the Do ntown Development District
No. 1, by its Resolution C.F. No. 263751 on June 27, 1974, which
Program stated Citywide and Development D strict objectives to be
accomplished through provision of public cilities, such as parking,
pedestrian skyway system, people mover syst m and mall and people
place on Seventh Street in aid of obtaining evelopment of lands
acquired in the redevelopment projects and o er public objectives of
said Program; and
Yeas Na}�s Requested by Department of:
Butler Department of Planning & Econ. Dev.
Hozza [n Favor
Levine __ Against BY , �_
Form Approved by City At orne
Adopted by Council: Date — �
Certified Passed by� Council Secretary BY
Approved b} Vlayor: Date Appro d by Mayor for Submission to Council
By. BY ��y2��it'"" '
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREA during the implementation of the aforesaid Redevelop-
ment and Deve pment District Plans, in furtherance of the public
development and edevelopment thereby undertaken, and in response to
provision of the 'ty' s Community Development Block Grant Program,
the Council, by it Resolution C.F. No. 267921, on September 30 , 1976 ,
approved certain pub ' c undertakings and improvement activities as
proposed in the Sevent Place Development Concept Plan approved by
Operation 85 on Septemb 16, 1976 , including acquisition by the
Housing and Redevelopment uthority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
(HRA) with City funds of B ck 27, bounded by Seventh and Eighth Streets
and Cedar and Minnesota Stre ts , and the undertaking by the City of
plans for the establishment o a pedestrian mall on Seventh Place
between St. Peter and Sibley S eets; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the ' ty of Saint Paul, by its
Resolution C.F. No. 268848, on Apr 5 , 1977, approved a Project
Description and Scope of Work for P liminary Engineering and
Related Activities, St. Paul Downtown People Mover Demonstration,
and pursuant thereto the City has unde taken People Mover stud�.esa
and plans and expended public money, an the HRA at direction of
the Council has been placing in its Cont act For Sale Of Land For
Private Redevelopment, requirements that e design of such private
development accommodate p rovision for cons ruction of a Downtown
People Mover System; and
WHEREAS, City Planning Division, Depar nt of Planning and
Economic Development, has updated its Compreh nsive Plan For
Downtown Saint Paul in light of the Seventh P1 ce Project and other
public undertakings for downtown development a prepared a report
entitled, "Tomorrow's Framework From Today 's Fo dation: Planning
For powntown Saint Paul, " adopted by the St. Pau Planning Commission
on April 22 , 1977, and adopted by the Council of he City of
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza [n Favor
Levine _ __ Against BY —
S ylvester
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by :Vlayoc Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By� BY
B�..UE - MAVOR File NO.
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Saint Paul, by s Resolution C.F. No. 269426 , on July 19, 1977; and
WHEREAS, in ac rdance with the several plans and public imprdve-
ment programs undert n by the City or by the HRA at the direction
and with the approval o the City Council, with City of Saint Paul
urban renewal and develop nt district bond funds , tax levies, and
other public revenues , here ter collectively referred to as the
Seventh Place Project, HRA ertook acquisition of said Block 27 and
programmed and concluded sale Block 27 and of Block A acquired in
the Downtown Urban Renewal Proje t for public and private redevelop-
ment in said Blocks and in to be cated Seventh Street abutting them
in a unified multi-purpose and phys ' cally interconnected development
including a public parking facilit�t, ublic galleria, hotel, retail
commercial and office facilities desi ed with provision for off-
street loading facilities serving these evelopment designed with
provision for construction of the Downto People Mover System within
said development; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Sain Paul, by its Resolution
C.F. No. 270586, on February 21, 1978 , determi ed that the public
parking facility to be constructed in Block A o the Seventh Place
Project constituted a public improvement underta n by the City of
Saint Paul requiring the removal and relocation u ' lities located in
the streets adjacent to Block A and ordered Northe States Power
Company and Northwestern Bell Telephone Company to move and/or
relocate at their expense said utilities as required or the construc-
tion of said public parking facility; and
WHEREAS, under date of April 26, 1978, the Council ' s in receipt
of a communication from the Mayor of the City of Saint P ul requesting
Yeas Nay�s Requested by Department of:
Hozza In Favor
Levine _ __ Against BY —
S ylvester
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified Passed by Councii Secretary BY-
Approved by Vlayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Council con ' deration of necessity to remove and relocate certain
utility facil'ties in part of Eighth Street abutting Block 27 of
the Seventh Pla e Project by reason of the use of said part of
Eighth Street by he City and the public for access to the off-street
loading facilities eing coi�structed in Block 27 to serve the Seventh
Place Project develo ent and by reason of the provision for the
Downtown People Mover stem improvement undertaken by the City of
Saint Paul within the Se nth Place Project, and requesting Council
order directing Northern ates Power Company and Northwestern Bell
Telephone Company to remove nd relocate gas, electric and telephone
facilities in the South 25 fe of Eighth Street at Company expense
pursuant to provision of Sectio s 59.03, 503. 03 and 504.03 of tl;e
Saint Paul Legislative Code, whi request was referred to the Council
Public Works Committee for hearin upon notice to said Companies;
SAINT PAUL, having received the report d recommendation of the
Public Works Committee:
l. That the provision of off-street ading facilities in Block
27 of the Seventh Place Project is required y the Redevelopment Plans
and Contract For Sale Of Land For Private Re velopment (Contract)
dated August 26, 1977, between the City of Sai t Paul, the HRA and
Oxford Properties U.S. Ltd. (Oxford) , that the ublic access to these
off-street loading facilities will be in a ramp the South 25 feet
of Eighth Street between Cedar and Minnesota Stre s; that the
construction of this ramp will require the removal f gas, electric
and telephone facilities located in said South 25 f t of Eighth Street;
that under the Contract, Oxford was required to desi its improvements
Yeas Na}�s Requested by Department of:
Hozza [n Favor
Levine _ __ Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified Passed b}' Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
to acco date the location and provision of public improvements
undertaken the City of Saint Paul, and the Eighth Street access
and ramp con ruction for the off-street loading facilities is the
only feasible thod of adequately meeting the further Plan and
Contract require t for off-street loading facilities; and that
this means of acce and ramp construction is the result of the
routing plan for the owntown People Mover System in Block 27 and
the location of the p ic galleria and public parking facility,
public improvements unde aken by the City of Saint Paul within the
Seventh Place Project and cessary to accomplish the unified multi-
purpose private and public i rovements undertaken in the Project.
2. That the location of th gas, electric and telephone
facilities in the South 25 feet o Eighth Street between Cedar and
Minnesota Streets will interfere wi public access and use by the
City of said part of Eighth Street fo purpose of public access and
that the relocation and removal of the facilities is necessary
because of such use by the City of the s eet and as a result of
the public improvements undertaken by the ity of Saint Paul
constituting the Seventh Place Project.
3. That Northern States Power Company an Northwestern Bell
Telephone Company, pursuant to the foregoing de ermi.nations and the
provisions of Sections 59. 03, 503. 03 and 504.03 the Saint Paul
Legislative Code, are hereby ordered and directed o remove and
relocate at their expense their respective utility acilities from
the South 25 feet of Eighth Street between Cedar an Minnesota
Streets as required for the construction of the Seve th Place Project.
Yeas Nay�s Requested by Department of:
Hozza In Favor
Levine __ Against BY —
S ylvester
Form Approved b ity Attorn y
Adopted by° Council: Date —
Certified Passed b}' Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayoc Date _ Approved� y Mayor for Submission to Council
. No.IS;J.
^�µ� /� E�ILLtM•DAVl�CO.�l��ancapoli�.M�aa
�v� i �..`..f V�
���tS �I11�FI1t1tI'r, n�,de in du�,licate this..........�.s.t da�� ot _ _.May..... ....._._. _....., 19'7.g....
by and between R & R WOOD PRODUCTS
Pardea '
hereinafter designated and refcrred to as lessor, and CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,
�nereii�after designated and referred to as tenant,
\VITNESSETH: Txer said lessor in consideration of the rcnts and covenants hereinafter mentioned, to be paid and
" performed by said tenant, dces hereby demise, lease and let unto tlie said trnant, and the said tenant dces hereby hire and
take from the said lessor, the follo���ing described premises situatr in the Cit�• of.. ..S.aint,...Paul....................�........ . .......
Countyof_....... _... Rams:ey..... .......... ......................................State of . . MirinesOt.3................................................_.....
to-wit: The first Floor Office at 262 East Fourth Street.
� 175 Square Feet. .
To H�vE exn To Hor.D the above premises just as they are, without any liability or obligation on the part of said
T�. lessor of making any alterations, improvements or npairs of any kind on or about said premises or the building or build-
ings of which they are a part� or the equipment, fixtures, plumbing, applianCes, or machinery in, upon or serving same, or
the streets, alleys, areas, area-ways or passages adjoining or appurtenant thereto, for the tertn of Orie year
from and after the
....Firs.t..............day of........�y.......................... .., 19�$..., to the........30th...:.........day of.....A,k?ril.............
............... ....
197.�....� both dates inclusive, for the following pury�oses and for no other�purposes, to-wit:
t� oo�, And the said tenant agrees to and with said lcssor to r1�� tlic lessor as rcn- for the aUove mentioned premises the
� sum of_._...FiVe..Hulldx'ed...F.U7Cty....r�1Cld No/1Q(� (;54p.00)__ Dollars (� . 540.,.00..........) in monthly
payments of
....k'Q�'.�y-��..V.�......................... Dollars (5_.45.00..........1. ra��aUlr in ad��ance on the hrst day of each and every month
for and during the full term of this lease, at the of�'ice of.......R. & R W.00d_Pr.oduCts..........................................................
— ....262...East...FQnrth..S.tseet .. _ .. . _. ............. ... _.. .........................................
The said teaant also eovenants and s.grees with th� I�ssor S��L l.�c«� shall n,u ercct �u permit to be erected on aaid
as follows: That the tenant wiil ktep at his owa expcn�r ��rrmiscc, an�• si�;ns on thc cxtcri.�r of the premises or build-
T m°� said demised premises and the equipment, plumbing, d�ains, ,:,�s a•;th.•ut th� w•rittcn c�.nscnt oi lessor endorsed hereon
�� fixtures, applianees and maehinery in, npon, sen>ing or n,+r rlacr or �ermit to he laced in an
P y portion of any of the
S�� appurtenant to aaid demised premises, in good repair and in .t�rni<c�1 rrct�ii�rs an�• ��ci�;tit or ��•e�ghts in excess of the
�� good sanitary oondition during aaid term, and that he will ,��asonahl� or safe car��•in�; capacih• of the atrueture.
;n� replace at his own expenae promptly any and all glass bmken
O�der. ia or about said pnmises with glass of the ume Qualih•; Cond<<�� rn� tenant acknuwlcd�;cs the receipt of the demised prem•
that he �rill mal:e no altentions in or additions to said �t �a�a and tlic same to be in ood and saait
premises, vrithout 6rst obtaining the lessor's written con- p'em�.es � ary eonditioa, and
in �.�.Kt r�pair, and the taking possesaion of the demised
� seat, and that he w�iU not use or permit anpthia� upon said prrmi.�s by th� tenant Ahall be conclusive evideaee that the
premises that will increase the nte of insurance therec+n, or d�tt�iscd prcmises, snd th� eQuipmeat, plumbing, draina, 6x-
anythiag that may be daagerous to life or limb, and that h� turex, aprliancca and machinery thereia, were at the time of
will not in any manner dcface or injure uid demiaed prem- �co takin� possession thereof in good, cleaty aanituj aad
ises, or any part thereof, or overlcud the Aoc+rs, or do or �y�,� ��,��„tahle ec►ndition, and in all respeets aatiafaetory aad
permit anything to be done npon uid pn�mises or in the ot a.rortable to the tenant, and ia the eoaditioa in whie6 they
passageways, alleys, arcas, area-waya, s�devralks or �treets �t- „ere rc{+�eaentcd to the tenant to be and
adjacent thereto, that wTill amount to or ereate a nuisance; in h�� tl�e lessor; and the tenanc hereby rel'e aad hebessor.
and that he N•ill not use uid p�emisea or permit tMe tamc tr.��n anv and all elaims arising from aay defect ia the rnndi-
o� an�• part thereof to be uscd for lodging or slecpin� {�ur- ti�,n of :aid demited F�emises, or the eqnipmeat, 5:tnra or
poses, or for any pnrpose eontnry to the laws. ordinances applianccs in or �crr�na uid premises, and t6e buiidiag or
or r�gulations of the L aitcd States oE America or the Stste huil.tini;s of which they are a part. and the stceets, alleys,
of.......M1riAeSOtB................... .......... or the Cit� �f �raax, a�ca-ways. pasaa�es or sidewallcs adjoiainQ or
�� � • aI`purtcnant thereto.
........... ai.at Paul.................................o� of anr n�les or
•' reRulat�on� of tn� Cit� of. ... ......................_.........,......,,, 1'hc tcnnnt aQreei that he wril! aot inblet tht demued
� or of an�• board� or v�iccrs of said eit�•: a�d the teaant aatrea k� prcmi�e�, or any �+art thereof, and will not assign thi� kaae
to return said prcmises pcaccablr and ptomptly to tlie Ic�aor .+r am• intecest therein, aor pera►it such Iwe to become `
at the end of the tcrrr. ot this leise. or at any pre�ious t�rmi- t�an�ierrtd h7 operatioa of law or othenviee� and that ao aet
nation ther�of, in as �uc•.i condition as the �ame are naw i� or .�r •ct� will �e done or suftered whereby We tame msy be or
tnay hereafter be put in, Ivss D�• 6re aad ordinary wear e:- hcc��mc �ublet ot asai�tned in w�hole or ia
patt. ualas the
eepted ..��tten consent at ehe lessor endoned thereon shsll be first
And the tenant f�rtFcr co�•crant± and a�recs to �,eep the .�btAinrd in eaeh �nd erery• tue of nnderlettiaQ or assiga-
sidewalk< hontr�:ng r•• xa��; dr�ui+cS prrnusr ���I�c�e th� nunt, �� lhep shal) fn�m time to timt OeCU� oi be deaired,
Iaand leased s{uc� '�.�r.f�rs ur.•., s si.f�wall. „r p�.sa��wa�1 and •nd Ihat nothi
S�, the rooi of sa�� .t�miscd ��r�:n�<cr at all tmus i��e nom rc� � M•l�atever shall be held to be a waiver of
and �noh• and othcr ��':.tcuct���nx, sn1 to n��ther wa<te n,�r rr ru��e��ede th� �ece�ait� of tuch endorsement.
Utiliud. 1171cU3f N'AIf�. C,c�i:�i':�. l:�•� tlfittl. ��f an�• other utl�rtica .
or a��ncrcs H::�c.• a•�� .•r >•�a� bt tiuu�shr,l t•� t.�� l��s.�t, a:id •1�+� •�xy;nmcnt, sale jn bankn�ptty Oc insOlvertCy of the
a,nt��r�.• ���afC �na�, at tl�o .• t,un of the lessor De eonsidered an
to prrm��tl�• ra� a'.� �nc, c.,.tx an1 cha���> ..�r tl�� sanu. (` ,
exc�pt as to su.h vt t::r .�r.�r. u any. �. t'�c Ic..,�� ha• a���snmcnt ��ithin th� �ucani�� pf this lease and as a b�each
sprtd�ealh a�;trc� : ����n t,• tu�ivah i�e� ot e}�u�;r. �•1 the i.���nanls heie.�E.
2�iMlit� g ���.���
•The tenant further a rees that thc leasor sha11 not be The le.sor agrers that if the premisea hereby leased ehall
� liable for any damage, either to person or persona or prop- . at the tim� hercinbefor� stipulated for the beginning oE the
�ad erty or the loss of property sustamed by the tenant, or by tcrm of tliis icase, be in the possession and occupanc}• of any
T�iA4 any other person or persons due to the demised premisea or peraon not law(ully•entitled to said possession and occupancy,
the buildinga of which the demiaed prem�see are s part, or the lessor ahall use due diligence to obtain possession there-
the eqnipment, fixturea, appliancea or machinery ia or upon of for the lessee, but it is expressly understood aad agned
the same, or the halls, passages, areas, area-waya and aide- • that the lesaor, using due diligence as aforesaid ahall not in
walks or etreets adjoiniag or appurtenant to the aune being any way be liable for any failure to obtaia the possessioa of
or becoming out of repair or defective, or due to the happen- the premisea for the lessee and that this lease shall not be .�
ing of any acadent, or due to any aM or neglect of the af�ccted in any way by any anch failure to obtain possesaion
tenant, or any teaant or occupant of said building, or of any exeept that the rentals hereunder shall be abated nntil pos-
other peraon, peraoas or cor�orationa� or by the buretiag of tesaion thall be aecured by the lessor for the lessee and writ-
pipea, or by the nee or m�anse of aay iaatrnmentality or ten notice to that effect given by the lessor to the leasee.
ageacy in or conneeted with the demised prwwea or the
bpilding of wluch it is s par�, or occa�ioned by say auiaaace w� It iu nodentood and agreed with respect to all alterations
made or auHaed thveon or thereaa. Lieaa snd repairs, improvemeata or altentions to aaid demised
L.biub The tenant aaaumea tll liability aad obligation on aetount Prcmitei, or aaypart thereof, which shall only be with the
I� of all damagea oa acconnt of the matters aad things above ��tt��$�nce save said 1 ssorhandesaid arelmisea forever
� refernd to, and agreea to tave We lesaor harmlesa thereon harmlesa and free from all eosts, damages, loss and liability
Tm�m, and therefrom, aad to iademnify the lasor on accouat there- of every kind aad eharacter which may be claimed. assened
of. This provisioa ahaU apply eapecially� but not exclusively, or charged, including liability to adjacent owners based upon
to damage tansed by water, snow� raia, hail, backiag np of the aets of negligence of said tenants or their agents, eon-
water mains or sewers, fmst, stesm, sewage, �Inminatiag traetors or employees, or upon the negligence of any other
eas, aewer gas, or odors, electricity and electric current, aad
by the bursting, stoppage or leakiag of pipes or radiators, P�non or persons in or about said premisea or upon thc ful-
pinmbing, sinks and 5atures in or about the demised rem_ nre of any or either of them to observe and wmply with the
ises or the bnilding of which the demised p requiremeat of the law or with the regulations of the anthori-
pcemises are a
part. In case of such damage the lessor may at his option tiea ia the said city of.......................................
repa�r :nch damage, and if such damage has oeeuned ia aad will preserve and hold the lessor and said premises for-
the demised premiaes or on accouat of the defeeta ia the ever free aad elear from liens for labor and material fur-
demised premises against which the tenant has agreed to aiahed. Aad the tenant agrees that it will from time to time
malce repaira, the tenant shall therenpon reimburae the lessor before making any such repairs, improvemeats or altentions
for the costs of repairiag such damage, and if the teaant fails furnish the leasor with a bond in an amonnt and with suntia
to perform any of the covenants or agreements hereia pro- utisfactory to the lessor conditioned for the performana -
vided to be kept or performed by the tenaat, the lessor may by the tenant of the matters and thiags ia thu paragnph
perform the same aad charge the teaant with the expense of required to be done by the teaant
auch performance, and the teaant agreea prompUy on demaad
to repay to the leasor the eost of snch performsaee by the It ia further
lesaor. a8reed between the lessor aad teaant thia
lease ia made upon the condition that if the tenant shail
The tenant further coveaaats aad neglect or fail to keep, observe aad perform any of the eovo-
� agrees that the aervice naata and agreementa coatained ia thu lease, which are to
�� of notice by any o8icer of the City of...._�.�s��A�..Paul,,,,, be kept, observed or performed by the tenant, or if the lease-
. . upoa either party to thu lease to clean hold iaterest of the tenant shalt be taken on execution or
���W����������������������"�� other rocess of law or if the tenant ahatl
said premiaes, or to do aay other act in eonaeetion thuewith, p • petitioa to be or
ehall be condusive evidwce aa betweea the putiea hueto of be declared bankrnpt or insolvent according to law, or if the
the breach by t6e teasnt of the covenaat with respeet to the tensnt shall vacate said premises or abandon the same during
aon-performance of which by the tenaat �nch aotite bat been y�ht �e term•of thia leate, then aad in aay of said cases the
served. o� 1es�or may immediately or at say time thereafter, and with-
��• out turther notice or demand, enter iato and upon said
Any notice from the lessor to the tenant, relating to the premises, or any part thereof, in the name of the whole, and
demised premises or the oeeupancy thereof, shall be deemed take absolute possession of the same fully and absolutel3-,
duly served if left at the dem�sed premisea addreased to the without such re-entry• working a forfeiture of the rents to
�' tenant. be paid and the covenants to be performed by the lessee for
the full term of this lease, and may at the lessor'a electi��±;
Tht tenant further eovenanb and agrees at its own e�cpense lease or aublet said premises, or any part thereof, on �uch
��t� to observe and keep all regulations and requiremente of the terms and conditions and for such rents and for auch tin�r a�
R"°�'°°a'. citv of.......Sd1.Il�....�.r31�............................„.........or other pub- � the lessor may elect, and after crediting the rent actuall�,
lic authorities ia force at the time of the taking possesaion bp Snb�aaifi�• C011etttd by the lessor from auch reletting on the rentais
the tenant of the demised premisq or wh�h may thereafter stipulat�d to be paid under this lease by the tenant fror,:
be made regardiag the coaditioa snd toadaet of said de- time to time, tollect from the tenant any balance remainin�
mised premises, aay part therepf, and the sidewalks adjacent due from time to time on the rent reserved under this lease,
thereto, inclnding all buildiag, 5re, aaaitsry. poliee or other charging to the tenant such reasonable expenses as the lessor
regulations. may eapend in putting the premiaes in tenantable conditior..
Or the lesaor may at his election and upon written notice to
TatiaQ The tenant futther agrees that if the demised premises, or T�°'°0O the tenant declue this lease forfeited and void, and ma•.
��v� any part thereof, or any part of the improvemeats of which � thereupon re-enter and take full aad absolute possession o�
thc3• form a part, shall be taken for any street or other pub- Uadcr taid premises aa the owner thereof, aad free from any ri�;h:
lic use, or shall dnring the continuance of thia lease be de- B'°�°°�`�' °f �� of the tenant, or any person or persons daiminF
_ stroyed bp the aetion of the public authorities, then this thron�h or under the tenant; and such dection and re-entr�
lease and the term demised shall thereupon terminate. last mentioned shall be aad constitute an absolute bar to anc
right to enter by the tenant upon the payment of all arcear-
�� It is further agreed betweea the lessor and the tenant that ages of rent and costs after a dispossession uader any suit
g� if during the tetm of this leaae the demised pre:nises or the or protess for breach of any of the covenaata of this lease.
improvemeats thereon shall be iajared or destmyed by 5re and the rnmmeacemeat bq the lesaor of any utioa to recovcr
or the elements, or through any other uuse, so u to render posseasion of said premisea aforeaaid rhaU be deemed a suS;-
the demiscd premises aafit for occupancy. or makes it impos- eieat aotiee of eleetion of said lessor to treat thia ]ease as
sible to coaduct the busiaas of the teaant thereon, or to anch vo�d and terminated, without the writtm netia =booe �-
an extent that they cannot be repaired with nasonabie dili- fie�, nnlesi the lessor shall in writiag, befor� begianing 6uch
gwce within thirty (30) daya from the h}ppening of such proceediag, notify the tenaat thst aher obtaiaiag such poa_
injnrq, then the lessor may terminate this lease and the term se:sioa the lessor will coatinne to look to the tenaat for the
herein demised from the date of tuch dunage or deatruetion, perfornuace of this lease and wn71 submit the premises on
and the tenaat shall immediately anneader the demised the tenant't accouat�in the manner as sbove provided.
� premiaea and all intereat therein to the letso�, and the ten-
ant shal! pay rent oaly to the time of such aunender; aad in � 7'he tenant further agrees that all goods, chattel:, fixtura
case of aay sneh destrnetion or injnry the lesso� ma� re-enter � and personal pwpert� belonQimg to aaid tenant, which ue
and repossesa the demised premisu disehar�ed of this lease, pr�eee�, or may be put into u�d demised premises, ahall at all times be
and may disposseas all partia thea in pc+ssession thereof. But bound with a lien in favor of said lessor, to be ehugeable for
if the demised premiaea can be restored vrithia sixty daya (60) all reat: hereunder and the fnlfillment of the other eovenants
daya from the happening of the iajury� thento, and the lessor and agreements hereia contained, and that in ease of defanit
Lafr within fifteen (15) dayt from the oecurrence of sueh iajury by the tenant the lesso� may withont notice remove the same
� eleets ia writing to �o npair o� sestore said premises within or an
� ei:ty (60) days from the happeain� of the iajury thereto, Y A�n of the same, in sneh manaer aa the lessor may
�, thm this lease shall aot end or terminate on ueonAt of sueh �ha'se, aed the le�sor shall 6ave the right to sell aU or any
injnry by 5n or otherwise, bnt the «nt thall not rna or W� of th� ume at public or private sale, without giving
ucrne afta the injnrp and dnriag the process of repairs, �d any notice to the tenant oE auch aale, and to apply the pro-
�� np to the time when the npairs shall be eompleted, exeept �eed� of such �ale 5nt to the paymwt of the oosts aad e:-
only tlut the teaaat shall dnric� such time pay a pro rata peaset oI conducting ta;d sale and eariaQ for and storing
�;portion of aucb reat ap{+ortioaed to the ponioa of the do- �ueh propeny, and to.apply the balance,if any� to the amonat
mised premises which ue ia ooadition for oeeupaney or then due Imm the tenant to the leasor.
which auy be actuall� oeenpied dnrin� sue6 repairin� period.
If, hmvever, the demued premisa ahall be w tli�htl� in- I►A�.eoe It is alto aQreed between lesaor aad teaant that in case
jnred by aap anse afocesaid. as aot to De readercd uafit for r'� the taxe: �+aid t+y the lessor npoa the pr�erty of which the
oecupaney, then the lessoc shap repair the aame w*ith reuon- �aithin leaxed p�etniaes are a part, ahall ia aa
able promptnesi, and in that ease the nat thall not eease durie� the term oi thia lease be inueaaed over aadr above
or be abated during �neh re�+airin� period. AU improvemeats
or betterwenu placed by the teaaot on the demised premisea the sum c+f........................................... .._„_,_„��
ahall, howeva, m anr even� be eepaiced aad seplaced by the .....-...�.»»...........
tensat at his own e�cpense and�t at the eapense of t6e kssor.
The lessor agrees and torenaats thst the teaan� on paying
� the reat and performiag the eovenants afo�eaaid, shall aad «•••••�•••••••••••��•••••••••••••••••••••...) annually, then the tenant ahall pap
may peaceably and puietly hare, hold and enjoy the uid de- as Wrt ot tl�e annual rental of said premises, for such year or
mised premiscs for the term afor�said, eac�pt aa in this lcase ycart, in oddition t� the amount hereiabefore named, an
otherveise provided. a�n�unt cQuAl to such increase.
The amount to �c added to thc rrnt thu< <,r„��idcd on ac-
eount of increase of taxes in an� �cat <�r ��•ar� ,hall be added �
at the time of rent payment on or uc�t aft�r the date when ,�•�� ���
penalty or loss of the custoniary discount be�ins to accrue for '
non-payment of such taxes. lt the year's taxes are payable
in two or more installments, then the amounts to be so added
shall be apportioned and paid in tl�e same way. �
It is further agreed between the parties to this lease: .
Lesaee, upon leaving the premises hereby leased, shall at ��o� The lessor shall at all times have the right to enter upon
lua owa expense remove all ashes, dirt, rubbish and refuse, EII�• said premises to inspect their condition, and at his election
and upon lessee's failure so to do, lessor ma} immediately to make reaconable and necessary repairs thereon for the
without further notice to lessee do the same at lessee's ex- protectio�r add preservation thereof, but aothing herein shall
pense, which the lessee shall immediately pay upon receipt of oe construed to require the lesaor to make snch repairs, and
a bill for same from lesaor. the lessor shall aot be liable to the tenaat, or any other per-
N� The tenant further agrees to gi��e tli� lessor �•ritten notice son or persons, for failure or delay in making said repairs.
V thirt or fo[ damage or.•injury to person or property caused in or
uanc�. y (30) days betore the expiration of this lease of his bv the making of auch repairs, or the doing of such work.
Ri�htaot intention to vacate at the end of tliis lease otherwise the Tlu lessor Shall have'the right during the last 30 days of the
�* lessor will have the option of continning tliic lease for one
Terminata Year from and after the expirati�n of this Icase �•ithont notice term of this lease to place and maintain on the demised
premises and in the windows thereof the usual notice of
to the tenant. If, however, tlu Iccsor does not elect to , ••1'o Let" or "To Rent;' and to show said premises to pro-
so continue this lease and the tenant rcmainc in said prem- s�,ccti��e tenants.
ises after the expiration of the term of t}ii� Icase, such re-
maiaing in possession shal! not, excc�� at tl,c option of the Aeirsaad I:ac1i of the covenants, provisions, terms and agreements
�' lessor, extend the tcrm of this leacc, and the tenant shall Ocb�r:. ri il:i� lease shall iaure to the benefit of and shall be obliga-
promptly �•acate said rremises: and ii i��r am reasnn the ten- T�"� t�;���n the respective heirs, executors, administrators, suc-
ant does not pror.�:�;i� �acate the premi•c: at the end of the ��,^��!� ����d assigns of the lessor and tenant respectively.
term, the tenant . _„ � to pa�• thr lcs;.�r, t,�r such tiine as •
elapsesbettveen t., ..:�i of tlie trrr.� r� :h:. Ira<c and thc _ _._............................................................ ...........................
.. .............
time when the t.�:.: ; actualh• vacat�•s thr �:cmi,es, a ' �°�t"'� •�� agent only, assumes no obligation whatsoever in
rata rental equa'. ;, , .� and onc-l:alt �l :� ti:ucs thc rer� r��''���' t�' anp representation, warranty or covenant herein
provided to be pai�i �i.::ir.� the tcrm .�i t::� Irisc. <<'����i����'�. and shall not in any event be held liable to lessor
cr �,� lr.see for the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of any of the
The tenant agrecs :i.zt no ascent, csPze•c or imp]ied, b�• t�'���•� ��r c�nditions of this lease or for any action or proceed-
the lessor to any lur:;�'� of an�- o� cLc ten�r:t'. co��enants or i��4� �'•�:lt may be taken by either against the other.
agreements shall t�c �lrcaied or takcn ;, br a "•ai�er of any �';,,:� arc no understandings or agreements outside of this
succeeding breach of s,�ch cm•cnant. ��,�,.
Ix TESTI\tC`�'. ���HEF1':�> ti.; 1,:<<.r and tenant have hercunt,� �rc thcir hands and seals the day and year first written.
_ We, the tenant, IlC`c'�'� 3CI:I701\'I�',��� t'.,�; ,t il�e ci,ne ot makin; ar;,? �ieli��crv of this lease and mortgage lien, the I,essor
delivered to ns a fu!`:, t::�e ar.d c��•�,;�;;i� ;�•;�� oi ;;,me. �
Si�ned. �c. '� . ..'. �;c�:i�r;r_. , . t ����;.:c' � :
o d s � F �m: Ma or
c � �� By �
_ Assistant City At ney Director,�omm nity Services
Direotoi, D a n f Finance
BY � �/ � '
� ` %' l�ssoR
STATE OF.......... _ COVNTl' OF
L. Ox tkit.._....._.. do� o! O� thi.t _ .
be/on rne, a Noton� PuFl�c n;tl,�n and (�. ,toi.i C'ownh•_. r9o�w11� _ . .....d°y of.................. _...t
,_ P Y .................... y......,
' b�/o.� +at. a
oppta�ed ......................... .. ...... ...............................................................................
_ . _ ..........................................
to +ns psrsoeally knoa*.a�n, 6ney hti• w�� dMlp sir��r», did soy tliat �;t���d�or toid Coxnty,¢�so„ally oppeared............................. . .
tbsy wt tAie Vics-Prerid�t oed S�cs�tary o(th<<:or�orotion nomtd ia
tkt Joregoi„g�nslrarnrnt, oed thut ttir a�oJ o�ir�d to said instruw�eKt
it tbt torporatt s�al of soid i�+►�,�rsti,�h.onA that s,�id is.rtrvmrnt u+at ... - . ...................................
tigned a„d stalyd in brRut/r/soid cc►p,vatioM M�orthorit��o/its Board
.. _..................................................................................................
oMd said .... ............ �o «�� k��•ttr fn be tl�t person ducrib�d in aad wbo esecuttd t�t
of ........ .......... ���r��,�i�� uu�•rM�nt and ock�owled ed tl+at he esecKt�d tLt
ocknow/edged soid i„.rtrwr�rot to F�th�j.«a:t ond�i«d o/said co�0a ' g
s°'^�oJ -. -._...}rer act and dsed.
.........._. .
_ .............
..... . ..................................__.........................