01-1292coun��i F�e # o t- I aqa, Green Sheet # � (� � RESOLUTION AIR EMISSIONS AT ITS RIVERSIDE AND HIGH BRIDGE PLANTS AND FOR THE MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY TO USE ITS AUTHORITY TO FOSTER EMISSIONS REDUCTION WHEREAS, Xcel Energy (formerly Northern States Power Company) announced plans last year to convert two boilers at its Black Dog power plant from coal to natural gas, greatly reducing the amount of hannful emissions and increasing generafion capacity; and are undertaking feasibility studies to do the same at the Riverside plant in Minneapolis and the High Bridge plant in Saint Paul; and 8 WHEREAS, the Council of the City Saint Paul passed a resolution on April 11, 2001, calling on Xcel Energy and 9 its regulators to complete the feasibility study of converting the High Bridge plant from coai to natural gas and 10 aggressively undertake a repowering project at High Bridge to reduce the environmental and public health impacts 11 that coal bunung presents to the community; and 12 WHEREAS, in the same resolution, the City of Saint Paul called upon Governor Ventura, the Minnesota 13 Legislature, Senator Wellstone, Senator Dayton, and Representative McCollum to: 14 1. Work together to forge federal and/or state legislation that will ensure that pollution from coal-fired 15 plants, including nitrogen oxide, suifur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and mercuty, is dramatically 16 reduced; 17 2. Work together to forge federal and/or state legislarion requiring all power plants, old and new, to 18 meet the modern emission standards for nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxides met by new plants 19 today; 20 3. Take a lead role in developing incentives for all sectors of the economy to utilize cleaner fuels for 21 energy; and 22 4. Provide disincenrives for continued reliance on coal technologies; and 23 WIIEREAS, in the same resolution, the City of Saint Paul took forxnal notice of recent studies, including Death, 24 Disease and Dirty Power: Mortality and Health Damage Due to Air Pollution fi�om Power Plants (October, 2000), 25 wluch demonstrate the serious public health impacts of fine particulate matter pollution from coal-fired power 26 plants; and RESOLUTION CALLING ON XCEL ENERGY TO REDUCE G 1 - l,t92� 1 WF�REAS, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is taking comments on the renewal of the air quality permit 2 for the Xcel Energy Riverside plant in Minneapolis, until Dec. 14, 2001, and WHEREAS, Saint Paul residents aze affected by wind-borne emissions from the Riverside coal plant as well as emissions from Xcel's High Bridge plant, and 5 VJHEREAS, four members of the Minneapolis City Council have sent a letter to the Minnesota Pollution Control 6 Agency, dated Oct. 5, 2001, calling upon the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to work with Xcel Energy to 7 reduce emissions at the Riverside plant; therefore be it 8 RESOLVED that on behalf of residents of all affected communities and in support of the letter of Minneapolis City 9 Councilmembers to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, the City of Saint Paul renews its request to Xcel 10 Energy to conduct a fair and comprehensive analysis of the conversion of all coal-fired boilers in the metropolitan 11 area to natural gas; and be it 12 RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul ca11s on Xcel Energy to provide a plan to reduce emissions at all of the 13 boilers at its Riverside and High Bridge fired coal plants to at least the levels required by New Source Performance 14 Standards; and be it 15 RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul formally requests the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, through its 16 permitting and other authority, to work with Xcel Energy to reduce emissions at the Riverside and High Bridge coal 17 plants; and be it 18 FURTHERRESOLVEDthatthisResolutionbesubmittedtotheMinnesotaPollutionControlAgencybyDecember 19 14, 2001 at 430 p.m. as a comment on the renewal of the air emissions permit for Xcel Energy's Riverside coal 20 plant. Requested by Department of. � Form Approved by City Attomey � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �� �� r1 �� - - - BY� Approved by Mayor: Date By: � ����_.�s�� �'� + � � Adopted by Council: Date o o.c_ \� a-n O\ --f� 6 t - 12-9 2--- w�rE u+mnrEO . . 2-/� ��d/ GREEN SHEET No 110317 • i, / • I NUMBER FOR ROlRING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES /7�f4D�L�'6�''L � ^ �2 xLr� ��y�liL�l�. �c�L�z�� � ��hL2i��� � V �/ -- l a IUAI1VfV APPfOV2 �N� W K2JEC[ � PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION InMaUDffie ' InitlaWffie OFYI1Rf1@ROYIKTOR tlIYC.OUYi ❑ tl1YAiiOR1EY ❑ tlIYCIFRK ❑ FHG�ICA4L8F1lY10Et0Y! ❑ AlR11GLYERV/AttTC ❑ WYORlORA4SOTAM) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) RSONAL SE2VICE CONiRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: Has this persoNfirtn ever worked untler a contract fw this departmeM? YES NO Has this persoNfi�m ever heen a cily empbyee? YES NO Does ihis persoMfirm possess a skill rat nortnallypossessed by arry curteM ciry empbyee? YES NO 15 this per�rm a targetetl ventloYl YES NO �lain all ves answers on seoarate sheet antl attach to green sheet IF APPROVED IFAPPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDCETED (CIRCLE ONE� VE3 IGSOURCE - ACTNITYNUMBER NO �