271046 WH17E — CITV CLERK C� i./��a PINK — FINANGE �7 COIIIICII � 9 -� CANARY — DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT �,A ll L ��/�~�� � BLUE — MAYOR File NO. Cou ci es ution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE ' � Referred To Committee: Date - Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That applications for Building �ontractor license by the following organizations at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Pools, Inc. 229 W. 60th St. , Mpls. Appn15791 Renew Mon-Ray Windows, Inc. 6118 W�yzata Blvd., Mpls. 15841 " Minn. Pkg. Prod., Inc. 6922 55th St., North St. Paul 15850 " George Coverdale Co. 1016 N Chatsworth 15851 �� D J Nutzmann Roofing Co. 1281 E. Nebraska Av. 15$52 " John D Dames 1639 Charles 15872 �� Salitros Roofing & Sidin$ 5233 6th St. N. E., Mpls. 15876 " Meidlinger's, Inc. 901 Atlantic St. 15$$� �� Val N Kuntz 1249 6th Av. S., So. St. Paul �5$$$ tr Design & Cont. Serv., Inc. 4027 Sheridan Av. S., Mpls. 15891 n Mike Dahl Const. , Inc. $959 Lake Jane Tr. , Lake Elmo 15892 " Woldstad Construction 2173 Zilac Zane, W. B. L. 15898 " Mounds Park Excav. , Inc. 1040 Euclid St. 159�3 � Fosle Roofing & $iding 2120 Nokomis Av. 1590�+ " Ethridge Remodeling Const. Co. 3209 Nicollet Av. , Mpls. 15912 " Olson's Decorating & Repair 2294 Linwood Av. E. 15914 �� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay,s Requested by Department of: Butler S Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine __ Against BY — ---n��"�;--- �9�8F— Tedesco MAY 9 1 �g� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C . Date — Certi Yas_-e Coun .il Secre!►ary BY - y M� App v d by Mayor: at _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - By NUBtISHED MAY Z (� 197$