01-1286- � ? r } ?, ; 7t ! . r i �_. : z. p r t t .._> I : t'ad � i��Ut Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Sanitary Disposal Vehicle license (License ID No. 34447) held by Bradley Stockman d/b/a Stockman Transfer, located at 10636 Cameo Circle, Glencoe, Minnesota is hereby suspended until the licensee submits a current Certificate of Insurance for auto liability insurance coverage, listing the VIN number and license plate numbers far each vehicle to be licensed, to the City of Saint Paul licensing office. This resolution and the action taken above aze based upon the facts contained in the September 19, 2001 Notice of Violation letter and the follow-up letter of October 17, 2001 to the licensee. The licensee does not dispute the facts of the violation. Requested by Department of: BY. ! r � Cl ��` % " f Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ` � - . . � _ _ � �i - — _ �/O r �. i `�1i,j�� � %/%� Council File # � 1� �'�.Sf(� Green Sheet # � O', j 31 1 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a� Form Approved by City Atto� Sy: Approved by rvtayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted hy Council: Date � �...�> >-ea � oFF=cE oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET ° Roger Curtis, Director November 2�, zooi 266-9013 � N0 .103311 �''��" 1 EPARTM@IT DIRECfOR 3 ITY COiRICIL .' � Z ITY ATTORNEY ITY Q.ER1C xrcwi � ust b2 on CouriCil Agendd- _ '°^�° UDGET DIRHCTOR IN. & MGT. SVG DIR. . � ecember. 12, 2001 —� ,t� roa (ox nssisraxx) OTAL # OF S2GNATURE PAGSS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: That the Sanitary Aisposal Vehicle License (License ID No. 3447) eld by Bradley Stockman d/b/a Stockman Transfer, located at 10636 Cameo Circle, s ., lencoe, Minnesota be suspended until the licensee submits a current Certificate ';. Insurance for auto liabiTity insurance coverage, listing the VIN number and licens late numbers for each vehicle licensed to the Saint Paul Office of LIEP. ECOMMSNDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SSRVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THS POLLOWING: - PLANNING CONPfISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1�. Has the peison/fism ever worked undes a cOnCrdct fos th15 depattment? ' CIB COMMITTEE _ BUSINESS REVIEW COONCIL YES NO ' SxAFP _ Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COURT _ YES NO 3. Does this person/fixm possess a skill no[ normally possessed by any UPPOxxS iuHICH COUNCIL OE7ECTIVE? �rzent City employee? , ' " YES NO � xplain all YES anawers on a eeparate sheet aad attach. :"INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why}: Licensee , failed, after repeated notification, to submit Certificate of Insurance Coverage ,�� listing the.VIN number and license plate number 'of each vehicle to be licensed. t ,,, . VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ` ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ' ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: M1` OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO yq,.: . � , . . , . ''���FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEI2 "�+",x�'FINANCIAL ,INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN)- � � .�:' �i0t�'�. � v�,i1$�.P �1,�,'. -. ���v�_.._._...___ . � ,��. , � ,, �:, _ � � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY C[aylon M Robinson, Jr., Ciry Atmrney DI-1� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Nona Coleman, Mnyor CivifDivision 400 Ciry Hal! I S West Ke7[ogg Blvd. Saimt P¢u(, Minnesota 55/02 Telephone: 651266-8710 Facsimile: 65! 298-5619 November 21, 2001 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Bradley Stoclanan Stockman Transfer, Inc. 10636 Cameo Circle Glencoe, MN 55336 RE: Sanitary Disposal Vehicle License held by Bradley Stockman, d/b/a Stoclanan Transfer, Inc. for the City of Saint Paul License ID #: 34447 Dear Mr. Stockman: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, December 12, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning your failure to submit a current Certificate of Insurance listing the VIN and license plate numbers of the vehicles to be licensed have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate suspension of your license until the required information is submitted. If you have any questions, piease call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ../ ��� � � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER ai_iarre Licensee Name Address: Council Date: License Type: Bradley Stockman d/b/a Stockman Transfer Glencoe, Minnesota December 12, 2001 Sanitary Disposal Vehicle License Violation: Failure to submit Certificate of Insurance for Auto Liability Insurance Coverage listing the VIN Number and license plate number of each vehicle to be licensed Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Suspension of License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. 10/17/01 letter from Virginia Palmer to Bradley Stockman 3. Notice of Violation 4. License Information Report 5. 8/6/01 letter from Christine Rozek to Bradley Stockman 6. License information OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY C/aytort M. Robinson, Jr., CIty AtJOrney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Civi1 Division 400 City Hn17 I S West Kellogg Blvd Saint Prsul, Minrsesotn 55102 ����� Te[epGorte: 651166-87l0 Facsimile: 651198-56/9 October 17, 2001 Bradley Stockman Stockman Transfer, Inc. 10636 Cameo Circle Glencoe, MN 55336 RE: Sanitary Disposal Vehicle License held by Bradley Stockman, d/b/a Stockman Transfer, Inc. for the City of Saint Paul License ID #: 003447 Dear Mr. Stockman: On September 19, 2001 I sent you a Notice of Violation indicating that you needed to submit a certificate of insurance for your automobile liability. Since that time, I have received the Certificate of Insurance, but it is missing the information about what vehicles are being operated in Saint Paul, and it does not list the City as an additional insured. Last week I spoke to Jeri, from Lawrence-Bohmbach, and requested the information about the insured vehicles. Unfortunately, what I received was a handwritten list of numerous vehicles, without any information about which ones are to be licensed in Saint Paul. Please provide me at your earliest convenience with a certificate of insurance which lists the vehicle identification number and license plate number of the vehicles to be operated in Saint Paul, and naming the City as an additional insured. If for some reason the latter is impossible, you can provide a statement from your insurance company/agent with the information as to the vehicles to be operated in Saint Paul and verification that the policy covers these vehicles. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (651) 266-8710. Sincerely, �/ � ��� �� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP OFFICF F THE CITY ATTOIL�IEY Clnylort i �binsort, Jn, Ciry Attomey CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, b/ay�or Civil Division 400 City Ha!! 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Snint Pnerl, hfinrsesam 5510? o�- ►arry TelepGane: 651 266-87/ 0 Fncsimile: 65! 293-5619 September 19, 2001 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Bradley Stockman Stockman Transfer, Inc. 10636 Cameo Circle Glencoe, MN 55336 RE: Sanitary Disposal Vehicle License held by Bradley Stockman, d/b/a Stockman Transfer, Inc. for the City of Saint Paul License ID #: 34447 Dear Mr. Stockman: The Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action a�ainst the above-referenced license held by you in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On August 6, 2001, a letter was sent to you by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection advising you that the certificate of insurance for your auto liability insurance coverage had not been renewed. Said insurance is a requirement of the Sanitary Disposal Vehicle License. You were given until August 13, 2001 to submit the necessary insurance, but have failed to do so, nor have you indicated that you are no longer operating in Saint Paul. IFyou do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter admitting that they are true. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, is appropriate. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. The recommendation from the licensing office is for the immediate suspension of your license until a certificate of insurance for your auto liability insurance covera�e has been submitted and approved. You may also submit the required insurance information to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection immediately to take care of this matter. Pa�e 2 Bradley Stockman September 19, 2001 a1-1�Y If you wish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law jud�e. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a notice of hearing with the date, time and place for the hearin�, the name of the administrative law jud�e, and an explanation of the procedures. Please let me know in writin� no later than Monday, October 1, 2001, how you wish to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Monday, October 1, 2001, I wili assume that you are not contesting that a current certiticate of insurance has not been submitted. I will then schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, �{� �.c.ct�-' �o�.(/�rz-� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP oi-��-�� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AE'FIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 20, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATOIN on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Bradley Stockman Stockman Transfer, Inc. 10636 Cameo Circle Glencoe, MN. 55336 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the U� Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th of September, 2001. Notary Public PETER ?. Par?GBORN NUTARYp�g��; MY:AMN EX.P'.RES SF„�l. 31 � 2IXY Ol -�'�rr� � � 0 x � W � '� o � � o N (? N 07 J O A a � 0 � O a � C O i+ R £ L W C d N C d u ..J � m � � m :a � c N � a N > V U _..I Q N U L � N � � N O n �o N N �. 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W 'O f0 Q(Q M�' J 4J N d lV �� - V1 O_O U�� y � U y � p l6 � O� � O�� N tn �= d� J C � C 'O � C ~ � Z•C C Q(6 _ C O�"d � - V N� x 3 Q C � "O (6 � ' � � � N O � m U°ado°��m�`°°u�i- °`� ���s>a� — �NO� �o -"_a� c c C7 c6 � � p�. y � "_ C(n _ N (0 vl � U(p O p �; tn N � � � � U N N '6 C � � �" U N � C a�--oa�oc >da�' 2'0 J N N"6 Z� �� N p1(n O_ N�(6 C U " O d�� O � O O m O O O � O � T N > fl '� N �NN�N NN � � C 9 ��� � a j O O�� O� `p ° `� �=oo c�ioo c°�000°o�¢ OFZCS CF iiC�ISE, INSPEC7TONS AND r'.NV:RONME.�NI'AL PROTECTiON �2oger C:u1is, D'vettor �, _ � �� P CiTY OF SAIN'I' PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor LOLVRYPROFESSZONALBUbDlNG Trlephoxe: 657-?669090 350 SC Petrs Street, Srnte 300 Faaimile: 657-?669124 Sain[Paul,Mixnesota55702-1510 Web: www.ci.rtpauLmn.vs/liep August 6, 2001 0034447 _ Bradley Stocl�an Stockman Txansfer Inc 212 3`� Ave NW Plato MN 55370-5419 RE: Expired Certificate of Insurance Deaz Licensee: After reviewing your business license for Sanitary Disposal Vehicles in the City of Saint Paul, our office has determined that your certificate of insurance has not been renewed. In order to remove the hold that has been placed on your license, the following requirements must be met: Submit proof of auto liability insurance coverage. The VIN and license plate number of each vehicle to be licensed must be listed on the insurance certificate. The insurance certificate must have no lapse in coverage. The City of Saint Paul must also be named as an additional insured. (Note: The insurance policy expiration date must coincide with the license expiration date or be filed as continuous.) You have until Monday, August 13, 2001 to respond by submitting the required paperwork and/or payment. If there is no response received before Monday, August 13, this office will begin the administrative hearing process to suspend yow license until all requirements aze met, You have the opportunity to appeal the City's decision through this proceeding. If you have any questions, please contact Corinne at 651-266-9106. Regards, ���' �. �� Christine A. Rozek LIEP Deputy Director CAR/caa License Group Comments TeM Licensee: gRpDLEY S70CKMAN �BA� STOCICMAN TRANSFER INC License #: 0034M147 09/04/200't ai -►a�t-6 09/04/2007 Stili no insurance. To CAO for adverse action.CAR �� .. �� 08/10/2001 per post office retum maii, maii to address should be 10636 Cameo Cir, Glencoe MN 5533553�2. caa !FK 08/062001 letter sent re: exp ins. Response due 8l13. pa `+` -' 7/1/98 Sanitary Disposal Business Lieense repealed per CityAttomey opinion. �Y�tA-�^-� � 7w�r e��� w�.A.:.� � � Ol-t�-�4 LiCe DBA Sale; 9 _:� `' ; : - "- �;= = u�ns� rsuo�v sroa<raw �'�" "�'�'' - D&4 TOCHMPN TRANSFF.R WC License I �re�� ��j� T� � H�ar�e I gmtl 1 Requ>emen(s l ; r Praperty r licensee �` Urroffwel PrqeclFepLtffior. ASUNGON,CORWNE _ Street#: 0636 ( ��.4clionCOrcanrnts Street Nane: o � - SIreH Type �2f1 DirecM1Ore � Und Ird r UM # � � .. �Y: COE ��^�e �P �o�Ms , Siffie: r M1p�[ Lµ 55�, +n4f2001 Stll no rtiwrence. To CAO fw aUVerse ; ao�,.cax i arzoat per post orrzre retim, mau,,,reu m eaaress i aWtl be 10q6 Cameo Cy� Glencae MN 5$3365372. Licensee: DBA: Sales Tax Dispasal8usiness �R Disppsal Vehicle R Disposal Vehicle �R Lkensee Comrt�erdx tOR1311995 osnonsss N � $168AQ 70iA3f1995 06l1071999 ' '- N . .._ _ $317_00. 07ft9J1998 -_ _�6110R002 , N _ $634.00 _____� . �?.c� � 9991 � � 9991063^0 ... . ,. . ... � t o�-��F� Atldre sC"1+ ' DB�P. � TOCKMAN� INC lce �:,rF�st� :�v A. � . _ � DBA t Sale. License Liceruee 7 Lic. TYPes ' Iruuronce � Brntl l Re4tmemer6s ` t Licensee Neme. RADLEY SfOCFPMN �"'�'-��`� . . w�' ' DBP: OC7QiAANTRANSFH2INC ; Sates Tsc Id: 737223 NprvPro2 � Worku's CamRe ONOA000 ��.. . �{� " AA CorNect Rec'd N000 pq Traiiing Rec'd OAOrtID00 ' AA Fee CaAeGed 00� ' Discourt Rec'd r i Beck9rountl Check Requiretl r ' � "?�?a . . _. �a �Aleil Invoice Ta: �— C• Mal To CordaCt f Licutse Adtlress License # �- r ^»;,�� - �-Mail Ixense To — &unessR�4081fOfm0000A0/00U� . . ' {' �e'1ToCOMed .. " " _' " "" _ V_ " ""..' ' � " _.- (. ) [.._ ._ _.i r' LicensaAdtlress Other 06f77A99&WA8200'STOCKlMN BRADIEY � '(3p)23g.�g7 L_____ n �-�a�-�. �d�� �,� ��o�ea � �� � ��� � Licensee Neme DBA: OCKMAN Sales Tax IC r a � AB Sandary Disposal Btq70N311995 O6M07199570636 99 Carctinetl ficrose tyF10A]3f1995 O6tl OA99910636