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Le 4 t�'d �t i.� Council Fi1e # � � � '1gs ReSOlution # Green Sheet # l �� e�3� Presented By RESOLUTION a � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To " Committee: Date APPROVING A PROGRAM OF REFUNDING SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS TO PROVIDE FOR THE RECYCLING OF PROGRAM MONIES TO MAKE ADDITIONAL LOANS FOR LOW OR MODERATE INCOME PERSONS AND FAMILIES A.ND APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF VARIOUS DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH io WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota i i (the HRA), either (a) on its own behalf, or (b) acting through the Minneapolis/Saint Paul Housing i2 Finance Board (the MHFB), pursuant to that certain Joint Powers Agreement, as amended, by and is between the III2A, the Minneapolis Community Development Agency (the MCDA) and the City of i4 Minneapolis (Minneapolis) and accepted by the City of Saint Paul (the City), from time to time has is issued individually or jointly with other issuers various series of single family mortgage revenue 16 bonds, including those listed on Schedule A attached hereto (the Prior Bonds ), for the purpose of i� providing below-market interest rate financing to low ar moderate income persons and families is (Qualified Buyers); and 19 2o WHEREAS, the federal tax law permits the issuance of tax-exempt refunding bonds to refund zi certain principal amounts of the Prior Bonds as they mature or become subject to redemption prior to 22 maturity; and 23 24 WHEREAS, it is the policy of the HRA to "recycle" the resource represented by the Prior 2s Bonds by issuing refunding bonds (the Refunding Bonds ) to the greatest eatent possible to provide z6 for the origination of additional single family loans to Qualified Buyers; and z� z8 WHEREAS, because the various series of Refunding Bonds are due and become subject to 29 redemption at various times during the calendar year in relatively small principal amounts which can 3o not efficiently and economically be refunded by the issuance of separate series of refunding bonds, 3i the IIRA, in cooperation with the Ciry, Minneapolis, the MCDA and the IVIHFB, proposes that there sz be deposited in certain escrow accounts moneys sufficient, from time to time, to provide for the s3 refunding of the Prior Bonds, and to periodically issue Refunding Bonds in principal amounts sa sufficient to reimburse such escrow deposits; 35 36 0�-��8`� 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 a� 45 46 47 NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Mimiesota, as follows: 1. The Executive Director of the HRA or his designee, is hereby authorized and directed to take such actions as are necessary or convenient to unplement the City's policy of maximizing the resource represented by the Prior Bonds. Without limiting the generality of the faregoing, the Executive Director is specifically authorized to execute and deliver, from time to time, escrow agreements, including any amendments thereto, and to do all other things necessary or convenient to provide for the deposit of funds made available by the City, the HRA or the MI�'B (Escrow Deposits) to refund Prior Bonds becoming due or subject to prepayment from time to time. as 2. The City hereby approves the issuance by the HRA, individually or in cooperation with 49 the MCDA, the MHFB and Minneapolis of the Refunding Bonds at such times and in such amounts so as are effective and economical, in an aggregate principal amount from time to time identified by the st Executive Director of the HRA, or his designee in writing and filed in the official records of the sz HRA, and estimated to be between $30,000,000 and $40,000,000 in 2002, to reimburse the City, the ss HI2A or the MIIFB for any and all escrow deposits made by them, respectively, all for the purpose of sa providing for the origination of additional single family mortgage loans to be made to Qualified 55 Buyers. 56 s� ss 59 3. All actions of the members, employees and staff of the City or the IIRA heretofore taken in furtherance of the policies of the City and the HI2A stated herein are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed. ,e�. � � E n f � � 1� � F�! ¢4 ��� ��€3��`i 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 �z 73 74 75 76 77 �8 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 5 �` r � S -: } '; {� 1 ( ( ��'v° �9 \� l.�� 3: U i�; 1.� Schedule A Prior Bonds: ����� Sin Ze Famil Morl a e Revenue Bonds or Re undin Bonds: Issue Date Phase IV, Series A, B& C 5/1/1987 Phase V, Series A, B& C 11/1/1987 Phase VI, Series A& B 8/1/1988 Phase IX, Series A 8/29/1991 Phase X, Series A 11/30/1994; 9/1/1996 Phase XI, Series A& B 7l23/1997 Phase XII, Series A& B 12/29/1998 Saint Paul Middle Income, Phase I, Series B, C& D 12/1/1991 (supplemented 6/1/1994) Saint Paul Middle Income, Phase II 3/6/1995 Saint Paul Middle Income, Phase III 4/15/1997 Home Ownershi and Renovation, Phase III 12/1/1993 Home Ownershi Pro am 8/11/1998 CityLiving Home Programs Convertible Option Bonds, Series A& B 12/29/1998 (remazketed 6/22/1999) CityLivin Home Programs, Series 1999A-1, 1999A-2 & 1999A-3 8/19/1999 CityLiving Home Pro rams, Series 1999B-1 & 1999B-2 8/31/1999 CityLivin Home Prograsns, Series 2000A-1 & 2000A-2 4/18/2000 CityLiving Home Programs Convertible Option Bonds Series 2000A-3 10/4/2000 CityLiving Home Programs Series 2000B 10/4/2000; 9/7/2001 CityLiving Home Programs, Series 2001A-1, 2001A-2, 2001A-3 & 5/3/2001 2001A-4 Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic evelo ment By: Approved by Financial Services By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: "�I� 'a' � 1 J Approved by Mayor: Date ��/ By: � Form Approved by City A orney By: Approved by Mayor for Submis ion to Council By: Z �� Adopted by Council: Date n a� ,�� o` V nErnx�NTio��cFrcouivcn,: DATE INIT�nTED GREEN SHEET No.: 110234 61-1� PED/East Team 11/27/01 CONTACC PERSON & PHONE: INITIAi,�� IN1T7A7JUATE Jenny Wolfe, 6-6555 � � DEP,u�rMtNT Dm. a crrYCOUivcu, NNST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) �IGN ,� 12/12/01 Consent Agenda F N O�� �--_ - A��Y —IIUM�N �uc�rs gpi71•ING FINANCIAL SERV DIIL _FINANCIAI, SERV/ACCTG ORDER 3 MAYOR(ORASST.) ` TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[JRE PAGES One (1) {CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT'IJRE) ACCION REQUESTED: Approving a program of refunding single family mortgage revenue bonds to provide for the recycling of program monies to make additional loans for low or moderate income persons and families. RECOMhfENDATtONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TAE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: " PLANNING COMIvIISSION I. Hu this person/fvm ever worked under a contraa for this departrnent? CIB COMbIlTTEE Yes No C1VIL SERVICE COMIvIISSION 2. Hu this person/fitm ever been a city employee? Yes No - 3. Does this person/fum possess a skill not normally possessed by any cnrrem city employee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INTTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTi1NITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Annually, the City of Saint Paul individually and/or jointly through the Minneapolis/Saint Paul Housing Finance Board (MHFB) issues Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds. Each year, Refunding Bonds are issued in order to maximize the funds available for single family loans. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The Recycling Program expands the City's bonding authority and enhances future issuance of additional revenue bonds. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � Less funds will be available for the mortgage revenue bond program. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ O COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIIiCLE ONE): YES NO FONDINGSOURCE: NA ACTIVI'I'YNUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATEON: (EXPLAIN) ,��,� ��.�� " 6 � � 2�Q9 F ,_,. � ,.