271025 �(��,i ahJ� WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII '-T•'�t�-`�� PINK - FINANCE I,TY OF SAI PA V L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR � File NO. Co` 'l ti n . Presented By Referred To C itt e: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 15.51, commonly referred to as the Interchange of Government Employees Act, the Council hereby authorizes the transfer of the services of William Gunther, Chemist II. to assignment and supervision in the office of the Ramsey County Engineerf said agreement providing for the reimbursement to the City by the County of salary and related expensesj and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are authorized to execute an agreement with the County of Ramsey to effect the detailing of William Gunther to the County Engineer' s office. COUNCILMEN Yeas B��r Nays �,. Requested by Department of: �o� Communit S ices Hum � jn Favor � Levirze � •��� _ __ Against BY -��F Thoma . K lle , irector Tedesco ��° � ���'� Form A roved City A m Adopted by Council: Date — � Certified I'�ssecl��y'�Counci -Secretary / BY � . gy, ��Ti"l� 1 Appr v d by 17ayor: Dat � %_��Y 10 �97a App v by Mayor for b ission to Council By _ BY PUBLISHED MAY 2 � ►`>���% From tl�offrce of April 28, 1978 PAUL F.MeCLOSi�EY 64'f City Hall ��;� ���� �� ; . � PETER HAMES: The attached agreement as originally sub- mitted did not specify a length of time restricting the length of service of Mr. Gunther in the Ramsey County Engineer' s office. The law referred to in the attached resolution places a maximum of 24 months for any such detail and so the attached agree- ment was amended to reflect a unit of time consistent with this statutory constraint. As a side note, it is the second time to my knowledge that we have used the authority , granted by the Act, the first occasion being a few weeks ago with the transfer of Sgt. Mark Shields to the State Peace Officers Standards and Training Board. Please process the resolution and agreement if you find them acceptable. PFM:er Atts. � . or� oi : �.2/�.975 � ' y � Rev. : 9/$/76 � ° .'� ' EXPLANATION OF AT3MINTSTRATIVE ORDERS, � RESOL IONS, A 0 I N ' ut ,_ . �,� �,���f;wi YW _ Date :APRIL 27, 1978 s��� � � � M�4p .� E� �y� f9� TQ�: NIAYOR GEORGE LAT R a��`� � Fl�: TH�JMAS J� KEI.LEY � RE; Sery1'ces o� Chemist for RQStorati�on Pro�ects on Phdl en Lake A�TION REQUESTED: qss�gnment o� ��ll��m Guntfier, City Employee, to Ratmse,Y Cvunty Engfineer . P,�'RPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Count�r does not have cfiemi'st fin its employ for a6o�e pro��ct; City ci�emist�s duties are dt�nfinisfiing. � ATTACHMENTS : Council Resolution 3 Cop�es o� A�ree�nt