271024 WHITE - CITV CLERK � (� PINK - FINANCE COIIIICII 7 9p �C CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAiTL �F• "� " ��� � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. �,� � 'l Resolution Presented By � • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RE,SOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby ratifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed � properties and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated April 11, 1978, and marked Exhibit A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPET,T,ANP 4/11%'78 07-78 B 676 Fuller Ave. Leola H. Kennedy . (vacant) BOARD ACTION: Pursuant to Section 26.0'� of the Saint Paul Legisla- tive Code, granted waiver of the vacant. building � registsation fees due under Chapter 26 of the I�gis- lative Code £or the period ending July 31, 1978,� or until the property is sold, whichever should first o�cur. �' PropertY Description: Butterfield Syndicate Addition No. I Lot 15, Block 10 > COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: [n Favor _ __ Against BY — Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C�uncil: Date _ Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY Bv --- Approved by Mayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY WHITE - CITV CLERK � 1 PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C11 . ` � �.��' CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL ����"��^ .,�BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �•�' �" `Sr� � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE N0. PROPSRTY APPELLANT 4/Il/78 11-78-B 599 Payne Ave. Keith N. Mazar (vacant duplex) � BOARD ACTION: Pursuant to Section 26.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, granted waiver of the vacant �... � building registration fees due under Chapter 26 of the Legislative Code through September 30, 1978. Property Description: Brunson' s Addition, Part Block 1 and Al1 of 2 thru �2, N 1/3 of Lot l, Block 2. COU[VCILMEN Yeas Butler Nays Requested by Department of: Hoaa � Hunt [n Favor Lev�ne �`� __�__ Against BY — �. Tedesco ��� � ���$ Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed ouncil S �retary/ / BY By � t�-e--- Appro e y 17ayor. Date ✓ t�AY 1 0 19'8 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B — BY PUBLISHED MAY 2 0 1978 EX�fiQrT�l � � - 3- 4/I1/78 - Meeting No. 139 , �� � �d;.,� ,: , ; ; ;� ,- ;- �� , ; ,. ;� _ _ .- -- _ _�_ _ � __�_ .,—�—�__ ___._- -.__ _ __ -----.- ___ _ __, ___ __ _ __ _ . _ CASE N0. PROPERTY ���---- �- APPELLANT 07-78-B 676 Fuller Ave. Leola Hutchinson Kennedy (vacant house) SUBJECT: Request waiver of fee pay_ment required under Vacant Building Registra- tion Ordinance , because of financial hardship. APPEARANCE: Leola Hutchinson Kennedy PROCEEDINGS: I�is . Kennedy said there had been a fire in the structure some months ago while she was a patient in a hospital. Since she had to remain there for quite a long period of time, she was unable to take any action � until about one month ago, at which time she placed it up for sale with John E. Blomquist Co. The loss was partially covered by insuxance. She said a buyer had been found, but closing was delayed until he could sell his own house . Ms . Kennedy explained that the damaged house wasbeing sold "as is", but the buyer planned to rehabilitate it. Mr. Glassman asked if the amount of the insurance settlement was enough to cover the amount Nis . Kennedy still owed on the property, and she replied that it was not. ' Ms . Kennedy told the Board that she was unable to pay the vacant building fees . BOARD ACTION: i��rs . Peake _ moved that payment of the vacant building ees now due and those due for the quarter ending July 31 , 1978, be waived. If the building was not sold by that date, the city would ' -4- 4/11/78 - Meeting No. 139 begin to bill for the quarterly fees due in subsequent quarters . The w aiver of payment applied only to the period of Mrs . Kenne dy's ownership, and if the building was sold before July 31, 1978, such waiver would be nullified. Mr. Glassman seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 . 4/11/78 - Mee ting No. 139 MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIEW Tuesday, April I1, 1978 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall an d Court House 1 : 30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman Es tyr B. Peake Ron Glassman Arthur Tieso LeRoy Coleman MEMBERS ABSENT: James Voigt David Heider AGENCIES PRESENT: De artment of Communit Services - Division of Housing an d Buil ing Co e En orcement : . Alice Bijjani Steve Roy , OTHERS PRESENT: Daniel Butler Keith�Mazar Leola Hutchinson Ksnnedy Charles W. Erickson Clarence A. Lindeke � STAFF pRESENT: Patricia Mo�mess . The meeting was called to order by Chairman D. D. Wozniak at 1: 35 g.m. The chairman asked if there were any corrections or additions to be made on the minutes of the March 28, 1978, meeting, as mailed out to the members . Mr. Coleman stated that there should be a correction made on the vote taken after the motion on Case No. 05- 78-B, Doerfler Square Building at 345 Wabasha, on page 7, to reflect a total vf three ayes , no nayes , with one abstention. Mr. Coleman said he abstained from voting on the matter. The minutes were then approved as corrected. � E x t� iB � r �_ _ - - 4/11/78 - Meeting No. 139 � - - _ ^ ''- - -- _"L._..........�.+ r.�.nr�i-OTC T[lP . ��l�.����� �` -- -- ---------------- ---- CASE N0. PROPERTY �� APPELLANT 11-78-B 599 Payne Ave. Keith N. Mazar : (vacant duplex) SUBJECT: Request waiver of fee payments under Vacant Building Registration Ordinance, because appellant contends reasonable progress is being made and fees would cause financial hardship. APPEARANCE: Keith N. Mazar PROCEEDINGS: Steve Roy distributed pictures taken in 1975 , when the property was under different owners.hip, and some color pictures taken very recently. He said that the present owner had made good progress in cleaning up the yard, which before he bought the house had brought many complaints. � -5- 4/11/78 - Meeting No. 139 ti Nir. Roy said the problem now was the slow progress on the house i�provements . He said he had been unable to gain access to the interior to evaluate progress there, but the exterior appearance had not been improved appreciably. Mr. Mazar stated that he had grossly underestimated the amount of time� it would take to complete the work when he started the project. He had thought he could get the house in rentable shape within six months , but a year had passed and he felt itwould be another six months before on.e apartment would be ready to rent . Because he wvrked tull time and was also taking some college courses, he could not work on the house as much as he would like, and his funds were somewhat limited. He said if he had to pay vacant building fees , it would just take away from the amount he could spend on repairs , as he was on a pay-as-yau-go basis . Mr. Roy explained the present enforcement policy of the Housing Code Office . He said they were not billing the fees if the owner took out a building permit and made reasonable progress during a six-�nonth period after a p roperty was registered as a vacant b uildin g. To get a further extension, an owner had to appeal to the Board, which was empowered to grant an additional six months exemption from quarterly fees . After that period of time, Mr. Roy said the ordinance was vague in regard to what action the city should take. He said his agency had decided to start demolition proceedings in the City Council in those cases where no progress had been made for a year or more, regard- less of whether or not quarterly fees were being paid. By taking this approach, the Housing Code Office hoped to draw the attention of the Council to the ambiguities of the ordinance, and perhaps to get more clear direction on enforcement where properties have stood vacant and unimproved over long periods . BOARD ACTION: Chairman Wozniak moved to grant a waiver of the fees due for the quarter beginning April 1, 1978, and for the quarter following which terminates September 30, 1978. Mr. Coleman seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 Nayes - 0 Absten tions - 0 ------- ------ -- --- ---- ----- -- -- ------- ---- ----- ---------- --------- ---- __ - ., � ,` . � ��� \ 4/II/78 - Meeting No. 139 MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIEW Tuesday, April 11, 1978 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman Estyr B. Peake Ron Glassman Arthur Tieso LeRoy Coleman MEMBERS ABSENT: James Voi gt David Heider AGENCIES PRESENT: De artment of Communit Services - Division of Housing and Building Code En orcement : . _ Alice Bij jani S�eve Roy OTHERS PRESENT: Danisl Butler Keith'Mazar Leola Hutchinson K�nnedy Charles W. Erickson Clarence A. Lindeke STAFF P�SENT: Patricia Moxness - . The meeting was called to order by Chairman D.D. Wozniak at 1: 35 p.m. The chairman asked if there were any corrections or additions to be made on the minutes of the March 28, 1978, meeting, as mailed out to the members . Mr. Coleman stated that there should be a correction made on the vote taken after the motion on Case No. 05- 78-B, Doerfler Square Building at 345 Wabasha, on page 7, to reflect a total of three ayes , no nayes , with one abstention. Mr. Coleman said he abstained from vating on the matter. . The minutes were then approved as corrected.