271009 WHITE - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council - � CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ���'� • ",�� . , Council Resolution Presented By <-�' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That Registered Land Survey No. (Now known as Lots 3, 4, 5 and part of lot 6, Black 8, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paut) as recommended and approved by the Assistant Director of Public Works be and the same is hereby accepted. t � A T � - lh COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Pub 1 i c Wo rks Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine p __ Against BY �' Richard L. Wheeter, Assistant Director �°C� (TJE/MPM) �� �$ Form Appr ed by 'ty Atto ney �j�o� Adopted by Cs 1: Date --�_Y 4 ..- ,�.' Cert i��Pa's by unci ecre�ry c By _ � Appr v • Mavor. Dat _�� 978 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By ��'"'C� �u�usNEO MAY 131978 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC 6JORKS R�C�;�!��� C ITY OF ST. PAUL, M INNESOT�,,� � ;� '�7� MEMO RQIITING SLIP ^f� �,i '_' v,,,'�f ti �1 � ^ . Jer e J.%S'�gal INITIALS CIRCULATE A� i�ta C;ity Attorney FILE m 6 C i�r.--i�a 11 . INFORMATION NOTE AND RETURN 6eorge Latimer PER CON- Mayor VERSATION Room 347 City Hall SEE ME , FOR SIGNATURE REMARKS: - FROM: DATE D i rector ��°� FHONE 4241 FORM 1009 (1/9/75) • oM oi: z2�l��s Rev: : �/8%76 � EXPLAi�tATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE �R�ERS, �LSOLUT�Gi�t�. AND ORDI�ir'�'VC�S �•�_���7 ;: � R� �, � " �" �; � � Date: Apri1 19, 1978 ! � . . AF�. �6 ��1:� NWYOI�S aFFICE TO: MAYOR GEORG�. LATI�IER � Fg, Richsrd L. Vheeler� Assistant Director of Pubiic Works ,'; g�;: The Proposed Registered Land Surrrey No. (Now keoo�a as Lots 3, 4, . 5 a�d part of 1ot 6, Block 8, Ro6ertsoa's Addttton to V�st St. Ra�l) �ACTION REQUESTED: Approval for sub�issioA to Conncil. ; 7` • �JRPOSE �ND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTIQN: Co�n�il �proval is nece�sary prlor , to the filing of the �roposed. Registared Land Surver. A'�S'k�HNlENTS: 1. Resolnt ion. " � 2, Proposed Registered La�d Sarve�ryr No. (Nar knaw� as Lots 3, 4, 5 and part of lot 6, Block�rtaon�s Additi� to West St. Paul) . TJ�/MPM/lh � REGIS TERE�D L A ND SUR l/E Y NO. SCAL E / INCN= 40 FEET _.. _ _._-- -----��_.-- 50 /00 /50 N``�5��H l4' � � �F V�4CqTE'p BEAR/NGS ARE ON AN ASSUMED G �5U- 60 �v� s rREE r � � lNDICATES /RON AND PLU6 , ,�,., , , , , ��,�{•_ ,'-� % i i i cV /50 6p �' � , � ,.�,� ; '' ,t/,?,',_ - ,' , HY NO. 4840 _' ►I� //'�� � � / I... L, ` � �\ I �� O /� I ���/ , � �, I � N� �°� � � I � ��� ___ _ o� � � � � i �� �; � � , I I � I A I � DETA/L �A v� O N ,vo� rn scacf � N I � � I I "� � °� p NORTN � ° � � � � I '� I '.. � �� I �� •�� •'� I � � � I � �� � . i 'i' •� �- O � � , 3� W , , I � �b i � i I ►. I S T6?9.3� !'06 � 1` N I `'o � i _-l-j/ i L�tJ 2 g 3 o I � I `,,� 1 ,/` ' �- °0l�0/ ►N I � . ( �E��R�P�o � I i�4.3/ S83 0' � o,�;;,� I P�0 �5G o o N o , �e 5 ?,,, 0 ' MC o °� �E� I `, 1�l�t M t,J el 51�/''Y � P5 � � �, � � / � � � / � �� � �iv�s� �� ' ' � rI� -- I �. / ', L_ __ __ —__ � s ev^3�'id f ?F.�.�.so , , — _ __---ii � �-- ---_.. ,_ __ � __- �G�VAN/T£ MON. I' � .� ._ �-�- ��� 0 SOUTH //I COH. �� I K1 � �2 O S£C�/ON 6 lB-?2 � L� ``Q. h %CRJ19 i� __ � !� �� h � ..'JIl?ti.17 �T• � I` � / I` I _ , � �_ •_ `'�, ♦ • � �� �� .� � � _.�� . �' �: �� i_� ,_ �.' t . � i�i •� OG i � ! l ��i r. � . i � � �� NOIf". , � / � �.� �� ._ I � ! ��. / i V .� O .L...� a.•. i ' • 1 •_.� . .� .. / �14_ (S/o/i P/on• ford. oi cir , � o �Q , � � st Pou/city Su.vro.l c_, � � �^,�3 � � _�'► I �t `'i ,., C1 � . -- — �s � � -cv o � �,F, Q�b 5� �5 _ _ �� ! � -`� ,�P�'�� D�G� 5� 15 38"F I �;e ' ° ", ° a � N �J°32 � s.E. coANER I �.,H� F�. -_ , ' �� , I w��� �n � ,0 4-e g a � � SE� 6-ze zz v t'v v� '� I p�. :` ,a.. .! S E'E D E T A�C A C:) '. �v�. , A I W I � , ��� � ( 1 � m ��,�, -� , '31 , � � �. , �� , , �� 72�� I ,�� � � I � ,,;W I N - � ���,W . ,_ - �n v��n it � „f . � I � 1 i' i` r � I ' �;-� �-�� I , W��ri�en I . Forsherci, Rec:iisterecl L��iid SurveYor, herehvi certify tl��t in ��ccord��nce witf� tf I i�'� � �., ," ' ' ��rovi5iuii�, c�( Cli.���ler 5Q£.3, Miiinesc�t�� St��tutes of 1949, ��s an�ended, I h<�ve s�irveYecl tli � , � tc�llowin�; �lcscril�cd tr,�r,t_ o( I�iii�l in thc co�inty of R�`tmsey, St��te of Minnesot�� , to wit: i I_��f� �� , 4 ,ii��1 5, l�l��r,k �;, R��I�erls��i�'s 1��1�filioi� to Wesl Sl . F'��ul, ��tid ,�Is�7 �� ��,�rcei of I��iid �lesci•il�ed ��s follows: C�,�n�nciiciu�i .it ,i ��oiiil iii tlic lii�e I�etweci� Lots 5 ��n�l f�, ,�n�1 �i3 .?_5 feet Soiitli o( tl�e Nortlic��st coriier of s��i�1 Lol 6; tlience ruiini �uiitliwc�slcrly 2'I .�O (c,�et; llieiicc Soiillic,�istc►�Iy 40 (cet lo �i t�oiiil 19 ,46 (eet West of tlie E,�stcrly line of s,�id Lot 6; thence �uiitlic,��tcrlv t�� Ilic Soiitl�c.isl cnriicr �,( Lol (�; tlience Nortlierly witl� tlic C,�st line of Lot 6 , to ll�e ��oiiil of be�iiiiiiii�q; to9etl��er wit Ui,i1 ��,ii�t �,I Uic S��iitli li;il( ��( ,��f���iniii�i Cl�,��iiii�_�I Strect, (��rnicrly Niiitli Slrecl, v,�c<itc�l , lyin�� I�etween tl�e cxtensioi�s �cross it of tl�� !_,i��l� liiu� �il ti��i�l Lul 3 ,iii�l Uic Wcst liii�� ��( s,�i�l Lol `� . I�li,il llic �,in�v��y Sli��wii liercii� is ,� cur•��r�ct rlclitic.ili��ii of s,�i�l S�irvcy tliis /Z� �1��y o( /�� �� 197� A ,� , ____ _ _ .__-------- !_� _ �----- —_ _ �._ __� -- W:� . Forsl�erg, Rcgistered Lan� urveyor IVliiinesut,� Cci'tific��le No . 4840 R��ifsli�,u� c�( �I�it Ics , C���iiily ��( IZ,i�nSeY, St,���c o( Miiiiiesol�� I I�er��l,y �:��rli(y lli,it tliis Re��iislere�cl l_�iiicl S�irvey Nu , w,is file�f iti tl�is of(ice tlie d�y of ,19 at --- --__ ----- — -- u'clocl< .M, ,iiici lli<ri lli�� copics were co�n����red witl� the oric�iii��l Reyislered L��nci Survey ��nc1 fotincl to he true �nd corre� _ - - _ _ co��ies tlici�cof , 6y Euqene H . Gibbons Deputy Rec�istr�ir of Titles No �leliiir�uciit t��xcs ��nd tr��nsFcr enlerc�l this d��y of 1978 . �Y Deputy Dcu�rtn�ent of Prot�erty T��xation Approved and ��ccepteci by the City Coui�cil of St . P��il, Minnesot��, this d�y of 1978 . C lerk Pursu�nt to Chapter 7, Mini�esot�-� Law of 1976, this Reyistered Land Survey h��s been ap►�roved this day of 19 F , R Kvidera Actinc Rams C unt Su v