271007 ��.�.�� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL F�LE N0. Resolution Approving Assessment By �d Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon File No.___17915 and F'ix�g Time af Hearing on the Award of Damages In the matter of openiag, wi�tening and extending E. 7th SC. by condemning and taking the following: _ _ . _--- , __�_ __ _ _ _ __ - � A pex�nent bridge an3 higtnray easement on, over, and acrosa ttist psrt of I,flt 8, Bl,ock 21, Kittsons Addition, lyiag withia the Yollo�iag described liaes: - Beginai.ng at the �outhwester],y corner of said Lot 8; theace nortl�*esterl,y alon� the soutlr�esterly Zot line for a ctista.nce of 5 feet to a point; thenc� northeasterly along a line ' p�ra.lZe1 to the southeasterly lot line oP said Lat 8 Por a dista.nce oY 50 �eet to a paint; trence sautheasterly along the �torth�a.sterly lat li.rie of 'said Lot 8(t or a distance of 5 Peet to t�ae sou�reas�erly corner of s2.i.d Lot 8;) thence south- westexly e.lor� sou�heast lot line of said Lot 8 to the point o� beginaing. . A permanent L�ridge and highway easeme�t oa, over, an3 across that part af under Prelimi i'°t l, Block 36, Brunson's Ad3ition, lying north�oesterly of a line 19 :eet southeaaterlJ of and psxallel to the northrresterly lot Line oY said lot. Ildnninistrat ��y A pezzaanent bridge ar_d highway easeaent on, over, and across aLl. that part � of Lot 2, Block 14, Brunson's A33ition ;yir.a ncr�:raes�erly o� a line 19 Final Order� ��et sou+.neasteriy of and pera7.lel to the nor�r:resterly lot line of said � lot, The (;Ori7 Also a tenporary_construction easer,�ent to the extent sh�an on Departaent � the amount oP Public Works Dra.r=,.n�, Ho. 2380, Draxer No. 4, dated Septenber 23. 1977, of damages a' said te:.^-3orary construci;ion easement to tez�cinate upon completioa of the Ihe above iri1- construction or on t4arch l, 1980, whichever occurs first. provement an � s to property • _ _ _. - _ from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the award of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said as- sessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 23rd of Mav� 1978 __ , at ten o'clock A.M, and that the Commis- sioner of Finance be and he is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Butle�i Adopted by the Council ��� �� �g� N ozza �+u�,t M 3 19�� Lev i ne Approved —�� �In Favor _ Toc�� .� Mayor Against �� R_3 °�o puBUSHEO MAY 13 1978