270994 WHITE - CiTV CLERK COURCII Iti�:'���4.,1�
'l Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul here-
by ratifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board
of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property
and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and
Review, dated March 28, 1978, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached
hereto and made a part hereof by reference:
3/28/78 01-78-B 995 Cromwell Debra Anne Avoles
BOARD ACTION: Granted waiver of payment of fees under Vacant Building
Registration Ordinance, on condition that a building
permit be obtained before May l, 1978, and reasonable
progress toward rehabilitation be made thereafter.
Property Description: St. Anthony Park
Lot 25, Block 64
3/28/78 02-78-H 1137-39 University Ave. Clarence A. Lindeke
(six units)
BOARD ACTION: Granted time extension to August 10, 1978, for con-
struction of an approved second means of egress for
. third floor apartments.
Property Description: Sanborn' s Midway Addition
Lot 21, Block 8
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
ButleY �
Hozza [n Favor
_� _�/ —__ Against BY --
Adopted by Council: Date
__�AY �� � Form Approved by City Attorney
Certifie s•e by Counc� ecre BY ��-t� �-/ �--�L��!'siY�2/
App v y ;Navor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY - _ gy
�B��sHEO MAY i 31978
. � � l� I 13 � i f-�
r � � - 3- 3/28/78 - Meeting No. ].38
O1- 78-B 995 Crom�;ell (duplex) Debra Anne Avoles ;�."�i���:'�1.
Request waiver of quarterly fees under the Vacant Building Registration
Ordinance because of financial hardship. O�,mer is awaiting approval
of HRA home improvement loan.
APPEARANCE: Debra Avoles
I�is . Avoles stated that ner loan from HRA for .�42 ,000 had already been
approved, but the money had not yet been received from the Chicago HRA
office. She planned to rehabilitate the entire building, rent out the
upper apartment, and live in the lotaer unit herself.
Chairman Wozniak asked her if she had a written commitment from HRA for
the loan, and Ms . Avoles replied that she did nat , but had a verbal
commitment only. Chairman Wozniak explained to fier that it was the
Board' s policy in other cases to grant such fee waivers only in cases
where a building permit was nbtain�d by the owner and work begun.
�is . Avoles asked if the Board would consider a written commitment from
HRA as firmer evidence.
Chairman Wozniak answered that it probably ��ould, and that he should
think at that point she also could take out the building permit.
Ms. Avoles said she was contracting the project herself. HRA had tald
her as soon as they received word from Chicago that the mon�y was about
to be sent they would call her in for closing. The money might not
come for another month or six weeks , however. She asked if a waiver
might be more apt to be granted if she would take out a small loan at
her bank, secure a building permit, and have the work started.
Chairman Wozniak said this would show good faitn. If construction was
begun, no matter where the money came from, the Board would be incline d
to waive the fees .
Steve Roy inquired whether the fees due for the current quarter ending
May 1 would be included in the waiver.
Chairman Wozniak answered that the fees presently due could be waived
if Ms . Avoles obtained a building permit before Ma�r l.
btr. Glassman explained that obtaining a permit was r�ot all that was
expected, that there s�ould have to be evidence of grogress in the
rehabilitation as well.
Chairman Wozniak suggested that it was important for her to make some
exterior improvement as well as interior, so the neighbors would see
that some effort was being made and perhaps there would be no more
complaints from them.
` h�
' -4- 3/28/78 - Meeting No. 138
Chairman Wozniak moved that a waiver of the vacant building fees be
granted, provided a building permit is obtained priar to hiay 1, 1978,
and reasonable progress toward rehabilitation is made thereafter.
Mr. Coleman seconded. MOTIO'� C�RRIED AND SO ORDERED.
THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 vayes - 0 Abstentiar�s - 0
3/28/78 - Meeting No. 13$
Tuesday, ��iarch 28, 19?8
City Council Committee Room 707
� City Hall and Court House
1 : 30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESE\TT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman
Estyr B. Peake
Ron G 1 as s man
LeRoy Coleman
Arthur Tieso
James Voigt
AGENCIES PRESENT: _D�e �ar_tment of Community Services - Division of
o ing an uila'in�ode n orcement :
Glenn Erickson
Sam Blue �
Frank Staf fens on
Alice Bijjani
Steve Roy
Fire Prevention Bureau:
Dan Norrgran
City Attornev' s Office
Robert Straughn
. OTHERS PRESENT: Donald Anderson
Debra Avoles
Clarence A. Lindeke
Virgil Doerfler
Sylvester McDonough
STAFF PRESEVT: Patricia Moxiless
The meeting was called to order at 1 : 45 p.m. by Chairman D.D. �YOZniak.
The minutes of the meeting of Januarv 10, 1978, were approved as mailed
out to the members .
The chairman informed the members that two cases on the agenda would not
be heard. In Case 03- 78-H, 852 Ashland, Appellant Daniel Butler had .
�, .
�` -4 - 3/28/78 - Meeting No. 138
02- 78-H 13.j:- 39 University Ave . Clarence Lindeke
(�ix units) dba The Cherokee Co.
Request waiver or St. Paul Legislative Code provision requirin g that
bathroom be locaLed within walls of unit (Apt. #4 only) ; and a1so,
request waiver o� requirement of second means of egress from third
floor apartment� , since alternate means is available, although not
strictly in code compliance, because of fin ancial hardship.
APPEARANCE: Clarence A. Lindeke
Mr. Lindeke tolc� the Board that the building inspector had suggested
replacement of �ne two third floor b athroom windows with either doors
or lower windo:;s , and then constructing a stairway leading from these
exits to the grcus�d. Mr. Lindeke explained that at present there was
a ladder leadin� from a third floor windo� down to the second floar.
A similar laddPr could be built from a third floor bedroom window to
the roof of a �orch which reached to the second floor. He felt this
was a reasonabl� substitute for the more expensive construction the
inspector had described.
Alice Bij j ani stated that a stairway was required leading to the ground
level and it had to be accessible to all third floor units . If replace-
ment windows were installed instead of doors in the 3rd floor b athrooms ,
they should be a type that swings outward for ease of exit in an
Mr. Lindeke saic n.e would like to have a time extension beyond the
May 10, 1978, deadline listed in the letter from the Housing Code
Division. The carpenter who normally ti,�or?ced for him had suffered a
heart attack, a:d �Ir. Lindeke wanted to consult him about the project
and learn wheth�r he would be well enough to do the work or whether
Mr. Lindeke wou?� have to find another workman:
Nis. Bijjani exp�ained that if Mr. Lin deke brought in same plans that
met code rec{uire::.ents , the Housing Code agency could give him a six
month' s extensian to comx�lete the work.
Mr. Glassman moved to grant an extension of time to August 10, 1978,
, ` - ' � -5- 3/28/78 - Meeting` No. 138
BOARD ACTION (continued) :
for construction of an approved second means of egress for apartments
located on the third floor. Mrs . Peake seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND
THE VOTE : Ayes - � Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0
�ir. Lindeke stated that he was also requesting a waiver on the bathroom
location for Apt . #3 on the second floor. The bath was located off the
common hallway outside the walls of the unit, but was used only by the
tenants of Apt . #3, who had a key and kept it locke d. To change the
location of the door to open into the kitchen wauld require two mavements
of plumbing. �
'�is . Bi j j ani asked ho�� far the bathroom door was from the apartment door.
�ir. Lindeke said it was about three feet away, and Ms . Bi}jani indicated
that her agency would not object to a continuation of this arrangemen t.
�ir. Glassman moved to grant a waiver of code reauirements pertaining
to the location of the bathroom for Apt. 3 for the lifetime of the
structure, said waiver to be recorded by the Register of Deeds .
Chairman Wozniak seconded. MOTION CARRIED �'D SO ORDERED.
THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0
.. .
3/28/78 - �ieeting No. 138 � �.
Tues�lay, March 28, I978
City Cou.zcil Committee Room 707
City Hall and Court House
1 : 30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: D.D. {;o�niak, Chairman
Estyr B. Peake
Ron Glassman
LeRoy Coleman
Arthur Tieso
James Voigt
AGE�iCIES PRESENT: Department of Commu�nit Services - Division of
�To`usin� an uilTing�ode n orcement :
Glenn Erickson
Sam Blue
Frank Staffenson
Alice Bijjani
Steve ?toy
Fire Prevention Bureau:
Dan ;tiorzgran
City Attorney' s Office
Robert Straughn
. OTHER.S PRESENT: Donald �nderson
Debra Avoles
Clarence A. Lindeke
Virgil Doerfler
Sylvester I�icDonough
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia :�toxness
The meeting was called to order at 1 : 45 p.m. by Chairman D.D. Wozniak.
The ninutes of the meeting oi January 10, I978, were apnroved as mailed
out to the members .
The czairman informed the me�bers that two cases on the agen da would not
be heard. In Case 03- 78-H, 852 Ashland, Appellant Daniel Butler had