271835 WHITE - CiTY CLERK " � R��U�ry PINK - FINANCE COUI�CIl ��� �� ��j CANAR�V - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF A I NT �A L File NO. BLUE - MAVOR _. Counci e ol Presented By LICENSE CONIl�IITTEE Referred To Committee. Dat Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Dale Anderson & 1089 Portland Ave. Rooming & App. P21358 New C. Mc�itosh Boarding Pearl Joseph 879'� Payne Ave. Rest C-.1 Q2108 " 7�an-0-Sheen 1 W. Water St. Fdstf VM Mach "2$$9 t► Ted N. Cardozo 82 E. �th St. 2nd Hd Dlr Gen "3007 �' General Office Products 371 Sibley St. 2nd Hd Dlr `R3061 " Dell Chisholm 499 W. ?th St. Cig Loc '�3237 " Cig Oper 1 M Mar3orie Brooks 859 Front St. Groc A..2 & 'f3266 'F FY�o z Fds Gasoline Alley, Inc. 874 White Bear Ave. 1 VM Loc 't3�94 Ef Phyllis Langfield 3900 Beard Av S. 1 VM M F'3315 `r Mpls. Philip J. Olson 8433 E. River Rd. Pest Control "3317 " Coon Rapids, Minn. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � (n Favor •�ee� Hunt Lwfit�e � __ Against BY Maddox 3he,rn�ter Tedesc Form A roved b Cit Attorne Adopted by ouncil: Date �� Z 6 �78 PP Y Y Y Certif Passed Counci Secretay BY E1p rov d by .Vlavor: Dat � �p 2,7 1978 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By ' _ — BY - � pu6�tsHEO SEP 3 0 1978