271818 WHITE - CITV CLER PINK - FINANC (jI �Y OF SAINT �ALTL Council . ����1p CANARV - DEPA MENT (l BLUC^ - MAY File NO. -�••`J � �- ncil Resolution Presented By Referre o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Diane Fennell, d/b/a Mistress Sauna, is the holder of a sauna license for the premises located at 1612 Randolph Avenue, Saint Paul, and has made application for the renewal of that license �which expired September 12, 1978) ; and 4dHEREAS, the licensee was given notice that the License Inspector would recommend revocation of her licenses for the premises at 1612 Randolph on th� following grounds: "1. 6-7-78 - Allowing and/or permitting a female employee of Mistress Sauna to use the premises at 1612 Randolph, St. Paul, to engage in the solicitation and/or acts of prostitution. 2. 6-8-78 - Allowing and/or permitting a female employee of Mistress Sauna to use the premises at 1612 Randolph, St. Paul, to engage in the solicitation and/or acts of prostitution."; and WHEREAS, this notice was communicated to the licensee by a letter dated July 21, 1978, setting a date of hearing for August 16, 1978; and WHEREAS, the licensee appeared at said hearing, and indicated that she desired to proceed pro se, and said hearing proceeded with all witnesses sworn under oath, and the proceedings taken by a court reporter; and COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY -- Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Appr ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date • Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, �lpproved by Ylavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �'71 R�� BI.U��' - MAVOR � �'ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3. RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby revoke and deny any and all sauna licenses issued or applied for by Diane Fennell, d/b/a Mistress Sauna, for the premises at 1612 Randolph Avenue, Saint Paul; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution and the revocations and denial contained therein shall be effective at 12:01 A.M. of the day following publication of this resolution in the Legal Ledger. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _.�__ A gai n s t BY -- Maddox Showalter TedesC Form Approve y City Att ney Adopted b ouncil- Date --��_�_1A7R ` , Cer � ied Yass by Co cil Secretary BY �1pp by (Vlavor. Dat _ St� 2'S � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ,,�,^ By — � _ BY ��usHEO sEP 3 0 1975 � � _ /�/ � � � � STATE OF MI?�NESOTA SEP 18 5978 COUNTY OF RAMSEY � Council President PETITION �'OR PUBLIC HF,����'' �� September 16 , 1978 TO: COUNCILPERSONS Hozza, Butler , Hunt, Levine , Maddox, Showalter , and. Tedesco. PL�ASE TAKE NOTICE, that the undersigned hereby moves the St. Paul City Council to conduct a public hearing on September 19, 1978, i�- the matter of the proposed revoca- tion of MISTRrSS SAUNA, ZNC. , lic�ns� which is represente3 by �,ev. Dianne Fenn�l]. , Attaxn�y Pro S�. The St. Paul Lic�nse Com,nittee H�aring on Septe�nberl3 , 1978, did not grant a fair h�aring to Licens�e , because of numerous irregularities as fal.l.ows : ' 1 . The St. Paul License Comm. �enie3 License� , the right to pursue tuther & con.tin:ie3 cross-examination of license insnector J.F. Carche3i. � 2. No conviction of form�r em�lo yee D�nis2 Marie Courteau, just allegations by tw� St. Paul Police Offici�rs. 3. Irregularities of the License Committee by requ�sting subpoenas for thz Chairman_ Hozza , claiming he v�zould issue subpoenas inst�ad it appeared h:e simpl.y inten3ed to use the l.ist of names sent ta him to� be subpoeenaed for krrowle3ge before hand of all names , w.i�o T w�as going to subpaena. 4. The uninfor;n�d licensee, was l.eft without knowle3ge of who a Terry Garvey was un•�il Sept. 13 , 1978 , when licensee , - had to ask the Chairman an3 Cou-nmittee who was Terry Garve y, and who di� he represnt , Aug. 28 , 1978 , Chairman af the Committee Hozza, served Garve y, with a letter and he appar- entl y was in the room on the �a y of the first hearing. -1 - 5. August � o , � 978 , �r . Carc:h�di , errored in st�ting that the sauna license be revol.ked because of ( 2) , in'S1.�2ritS � he stated that he was not abl.e becaus� the two insid�nts occur- ed on two succ�ssi�re 9a ys he was nDt able , as is his usual practice to cal.l Re�. Fenn�ll , in to a3vise requir�m�nts of the Cit y Ordinan�e. Af ter th` szcon3 incid2nt he said he made co-ntact with Re�. ��rrn�ll, at h�r home . � The r�al situation is with orr� Fo�r_ner Fmploye2 D�nise Courteau , with � the la'te everrins� of Jun�D 7 & 8th;, 1978 , with rQ£erenc� to the fact the b�usin�ss establish:nent allows customers in�o� the business until � :00 a.m. Closing an3 bein_g another day. and twc� St. Paul Police Offici�rs Shultz & Rollins , arr�sting Courteau the late everrin.�g af June 8 , 1978 , after � :OOa.m. �. THE FOLLOWI�iG INSTDENTS Tn�IT:i MR. CARCH�DI , LICENSE I:�iSP_ ECTOR CITY OF ST. PAUL AS FOLLQWS : a. Carchedi would not put irn.�o writing , for som� r�ason not given, or tell on_ th�� telephon� vsh� he w�an��3 to s�� :�� privately in his office , by DEMAND or else (just as though he had so;nething so bacl that i�- couldn' t be disc.us�d by nor- mal communication) . , b. Mr. Carched.i , ren-ewed Denise Courteau' s , massagist license, after June 7 , 19�78 , fo.r an� y�ar . c. Carche3i , gave Rev. E"enmell, a on� da y renewal of. her Sauna Parlor license, (expired Sept. 12 , 19781 he took a check in the amount of $475. 00 , �or ren2wal fo.r j9 ) , da y date3 Sept. 91-12, 99J8 , timA 4 :35p.m. �zceipt Na. q .3338 , See(�xhibit 7 } d. Denise Courteau, n�ver returned to work- at th� Mistress - Sauna, Inc. after June 8 , �9-78 , a:�� was a meer �art-tim� massagist as �iistress Sauna , Trnc. , also worka3 for abo�ut less than 3 MONTHS , at �6� 2 Ran�ol,ph, St. Paul , Minn. e. The procedur� is n�.t the same as Carche3i , stat�3 , used b y other massage parlors , examplzs are as follows : -2- 1 . Council File No. 270055 �s. Betty Jean Williams , w�o' s license was No. 00784 , arrestPd S�pt. 75 , 1977, at Scandia � Health Club,� 57 �W. 7th_. St. , St. Paul , Minn. an� lic�ns� Committee voted to reCOlk: h.2r license orr_ Nov. 2, ]977� , al- though p. 539 Council file No. 269995 , state3 lic�ns� Na. 4585, for transfer o£ BaltenT ��e�tmen_t, Inc. , at 57 , W. 7th. St. , expiring �iarch 78, 1�78 , b� and is the transf�r in#.o Scandia Health Club, in= th2 Corporation name of .Healfh In�. A�opted by the Council of th� license committee o,n Oct. 27 , 1977 .�It was also nn.ted in. the jSt. Paul Disp.atch Fri . June 9 , 1978 , p.- 90f , that Karerc Olmste3 was arr�st�3,(an3 p1�3 guilty accordins� to the pap�r sY�e al�s� =.�rke3 at Scan3ia _Health: Clua, which is still in- operatiori. Also the Minn_. Supreme Cout uph;�13 th� convi.ctian- of Karen Hazel Benn�tt, for prostitutia� ;a�tile employed as a masse�.�se at the Red Carpet Sauna & I�iassage Parlor, Jan. 7977 , as reported by the St. Paul Dis�atch Newspaper. o�n Oct. 7 , 7977., the Re� �' Carpet Massage Parlor` is sti�ll in b�usin�ss to�ay. � Council File vo. 27003 , Ms. Co�starice I�Iarie Schumann-, p. 554, procee3ings of the council , � �77 , License No. Massagist 4877 , • was revol`k`ed , & the lic�en�e camm. r�comende� it to be re- ; volked on_ Oct, 26, 9 977,, adopt°C� NOV. 1 Z, 1977. Th2 o,wn.er of Pams 8auna, Robert Kososki , was hol�3er of saun�a license No. 06809 , was terminated` by the own�r and the license Insp- ector pro rated a refund to him of the license fee paid, Oct. , 18 , 1977 ,. Pam�' s �is now a Health: Club to my knowledgz and also according to the St. Patxl Dispatch Wed. Oct. 5 , � 977 , Pams Sauna had Denis�e L. Catlin-, c.h.arged v�rith violation- af the 10 :OOp.m. closing law, o�- 9ep,t-. 2b , 1977� , also Bob Kososki , - owner c�as cited Sept.� 92 & 26 9177 for allowing lockes on the massage doors. , howev.er it 3oesn�' t state that the sauna was about to lose its businDss license. 2. THE FACT MISTRESS SAUVA, INC, has never had an.y pro- bl.em' s , previously an3 has be�n in_ �usiness for ( 6) ; yrs. closes Sundays & Holi3ays, clos�s at 4 :'�Op.m. on- Sat. , _3_ and is doing general busin.ess hts. �0_ :OOa.m-1 :OOa.m. �2-F. , and 10 :OOa.m. -4 :30p.m. Sat. 3. Futher noting that t.he license committee m�eting o� July 26 , 1978, dealing with the Massage Emporium, Hudson Rd. is- : sue3 to L.D. Dagel , In�. at 0 .5 Hudsorr_ Rd. , havin=g had 2 , arrest on- Oct. 77 ,. by an- unlicense3 massagist, canvicted of 'errga`ging iri pros�tit-utio.n- k'eb. 3, 1978 was Valarie Stone , was given a sentence of 2 yrs. stay,�3 & $250 .00 fin� , On June 7 , 1978 , Raxa.nn,e. Daley ., .�h� �1e3. guility, , in_ this sauna establishmern� th�rs s�ems to b� strarLg� ways o£ paying empl:oyee ' s or ? .they payed to work th�r2 at times as indiaate3 in- the ;nenitues Eay ranting a shift for $60. 00. & additional expenses were list�d as empl,ye�' s pa ying for var- ious other arrangmen-ts to insure th� establishmsnt the y �3idnt cheet as it is stat�3 �rr the minutes on July 20 , 19�78. However this busin�ss is stiil in- existence an: open to the general public. �' 4. During the time of th� hearirrs� v�i th the lic.�ense comm- : � ittee in_ reference to Mistress Saurra , Inc . Ms . Hun-t, con.tirr.- usly poin�e3 out that th.ere was a r��e�d to speed up the hear- : ' ing at both hearing , she insi5ted uporL hurring through the hearing an_ certainly a proce3ure that is not no.ticed to be the .same or allowing .an-yon� to get a adiq�ate hearinr� with- out objecting committ�e member Hurr�. who apparen�tly has more less assumed her result or somethins� denyins3 due proc.ess & equal treatment of Mistress Saunsa , Inc. , license2. 5. The License Committee allo�a�d the police o,fficier Sultz, to read off the report because he couldn' t reme�nber w�at Courteau ha3 exactly said aftpr HL SAID IS Ti�ERE ANYTHING ELSE? . - HE Said Courteau said , wh_at mo.re did hz �aant-he claims sh� put 4 fingers up in- a dimly light�3 room & h� caul3n.' t rem�mb�er until he was han�ed the repo�rt_ *o r�a3 off �hat h� had on the report.He said he 3i3 rnceive a massage & 3i3n' �. get h�srt, DENIS� CO'JRTEAU WAS NOT PRFS�?�TT 1^O B� C'_20SS �XA_'�IIVED & HASN-' T BEEN � SE� TO M Y KNOWLEDG�. . .I have no way ta prove or cross examine �-:- .�-�. _4_ any witness 's . Den�ise Caurt�au �s pro�erly suUpean�d how�ever this license cornmi�t�e assume sh� is guility because she hasnt been- try23 b:�foxe a judge or pled guzlty to my knowledge she is going to� h�avs a hearing on- Se�t.. 25 , 1978. Denise Courteau failed to appear at this h_2aring, � and proper proceduresare bei� tak�rr against Courteau. 5. �nclosed (EXHIBIT 2) , is a copy of the g�n�zral agr�e- : men.t that all empl•oyee' s ;nust si.grr orr th-e :Mistr�ss Sauna , Inc. well not employ th_em, it is also NOTgRIZ�.D, BY A . NOTARY PUBLIC, AND IF ANY ONE TS EVER Ei�IPLOYED AiJD IS NOT COMPLYING WITH THIS AGRF'Ei�I�?VT THEY ARE T�R���INAT�,D, from the Mistress Sauna In�. immeafliately w�ith.out. 321ay. This petition is b.ased on; the fact that the allegati,ons by i�r. Carchedi -and St. Paul Po��c:e Dept. , have no• applica- tion on their face to the faGts in the abo�e case, against Mistress Sauna, Inc. , how��zer Niistress Sauna, Irr-c. , b�lieves , this petition- based on_ th_e .graumd that Mistress Sauna , Lnc„ . has allege3 with facts establishing deprivatian- o,f :rights , privil�eges, or immuni�ies sec:ured by th,e Co.nstitution, or , to deprive Mistress Sau�xra, Tn�. � w�ith said rigl�ts , or estab- : lis�hing bad faith or mali;c.ious �nten.t on- th� part of l.iaense committee, but it also. has ma3e anly conclusory allegati.ans ; and that the fact that m� �rosecu�ions have b�2rn undertak�n although they have breer� threatened against this Lic2nsee , this petition is base3 0�►� the £act that there is no genuins issue o� material fac:t . . _, BY: �- �''. /s/ � Rea'. Dianne Fennell�, Pres. REV. DIANNE FLNN�LI,, �P�ES . � Attorn•ey Pro Se . Mistress Sauna , Ir�c. ��•. � G��� 7 6�2 Randol.p_h Av�. �/_ /' � St. Paul , Minn� 55�D:5 Ph.ane No. Res. 459-8�49 Dated Sept. 76 , �978 ` --3- PAYOR'S COPY CITY OF SAINT PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND Q , - MANAGEMENT SERVICES �PPL. NO. Q � � .� V INDICATE APPLICATION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK NEW � RENEW � � � ATE LICENSE NO. TI LE OF LICENSES � � 100 FROM 1� T 1 100 - APPUCAN 100 • 100 BU51 5-NAM - v 100 BUSINE55 ADDRE55 TEL. NO. 1 RES�DENCE TEL. NO. RECEI E THE SU F L � TOTAL u 100 � 0 � ' � y (,� ` /,jw. . l,4�,./�t�// `L LICENSE IN3PECT0 BY �� � SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT � ��.�L� � T A RECEIPT FOR THE DEPOSIT ON YOUR APPLICATION NOTICE TO APPLICANT THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE. Your application for license will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordinance and the completion of the inspection by the License Inspector. Communicate ' with License Inspector with reference to the completion of the required in- spection. Your cooperation in this matter will be appreciated. If your application • is rejected, present this receipt to the License Inspector's Office for refund. ORIGINAL C�'- � . ( nG�L ,, �iLNT � � Tliis a�recmci��l; ma�de tlii�--��day of—l=�-�St�' � �197 by and bet��recn T�le r7i�;;ress Sauna P�rlor, a Minneao a, ;auna, v�ith i�:s p7.acc of business at 1610 R^ndolph, Saint Paul� T�Iinnesota, 551�55,, he�,�e inafter called nZjCensor, and e 1U j ge n.�'.4-r�e �0 7��c� ,whose� address ie 22 ,4Z ekloa � r;i� v • , hereinafter called "masseuse opera or��. �.v�V• •.��mereas I,icensor is engaged in a general sauna business, ar�d masseuse. operator wishea. to enter into the businesa oY �ivin� , massa�es incident to said sauna business: � :�TOt�i,. Tii�;REFOI�, L�c ens or and mas s eus e op erat or, in c ons iderat i on of the following mutual agreements herein contained hereb z -ree as. follows: ' . : ' Y � � . '1 .� I,ic�nsor hereby grants ta masseuse operator, a non—trzns— � .�eraUle a�id personal i:ic�nce ta �i4e massage� at I,icensorts : place of business upon tne terms and conditions hereinaf�er set forth. . 2. During tne term of this agreement, masseuse operator, shall � use premises of Licensor exclusively for saunas and r�assabes, • . . and massEUSe operator will not allow the prenises or any pa�^�t tnereof to be used for any illegal or immoral purposes and snall . not alloti�, suffer or permit the premises �o be used �or any . purpose to which Licensor objects. 3. Lither party shall have tine right to terminate this a�ree— � �e:�t at tvill and, in the event of termination, �asseuse operator, a�rees that slie ti��i1� not directly or i:3iree'tly . consuct any similar busi;�ess within one block (1j bl�c_ti, away of 161�Randolph, S�int Paul, Ninnesota. , �� '..12 S�A � y..> „ � • kse or�_�.to_ r s]zall forever protec�t, save and kee� �icensor harmless and shall inaer��i�y LiaPnsor fr�� a.�y and all liabilities of any kind o� nature whatsoever <<ris�� directly or indirectly out �of or in connection �vi�th her � ac�ivities at I,icensor's premises. 5. I�iasseuse operator shall conduct her business in 5 br1Cy{r co.::— . �liance �rith all applicable law,., ordinances, re�ulatior,s and o�her requirements� of any federal, state, county, municipal, , ar ozner government and snall obtain all necessary pernits, licer�ses or other consents for her operations. 6. It is understood and agreed that masseuse operator is an � independant contractor� and is not the a�ent, servaat or employee � of I,iceneor. � . ?. Zicensor shall pay to the masseuse operator the sum oi" two �ollars and fifty cents ior every massage conducted at lic�n— sors place of buainess, also a2. 50, for every :-�:�s�a�e and . � • _._-_ _._ _ � . . _.__._._.__ ;��t„�. pa�nen tio e ma e a eas on a wee y asis; �ODY SIi;',Ti�'DO �5.00 � '- - .. . •�. ti,� ! / i���.-�••V�S ��QO� . . �._� �. --rr I_ 1 � �. {�� ' • •1 .�t ;� . ... . '� I.` f. .)��.;�•J �-�� J�.00 . �� � � ��� � � � � Y.l�. i:'.j' ( ' ';i'��� �','it � I . � �. .1�._ , �].� , � , .Y a , , i �'�'',,�� �' �;' . �� . � ' ry-. r��"v� , . . ' � .i�i �.�� �i� .���i � l�����" ji il��� � ` • - � . i'luss 41�o if emplo;�ed at ?'he�� 'I�:�3tre����� ����ri�' �,,�.�'�'n��;'�,ror 1 , one, year, a one wee�. p�id �tir<�cation!;�;�ai��,ec��;l,o ' ;'�"*�2�� ���-ver�.ne weel;l e�.rnin � in .a .year o2-�trarl��n ;�'� m��.';o� '���: �'�� '� '� "..� � • - ��lorlcin� tir;e as st�rtte'd. �abpv.�' '�n4��'v,'�p'�c�Rd;,����'�� ,��.,�e:^p]:oyed � for two consecuti4;e �1yeelr ��� '� ��° �" �'�5 �� � '''� '� , / , y�.�����r' �. �'���,� ,�f. .. ! �111,�/��111 � 4'���Ijt j I i��l�'�5,•!� ' � . �' . . , �� �� ��� � � ,� ,�.. ,�I . ,�i�'� � � ���y;'���j'i,y�l1' , '�,� f���. � �' I,� �'�1 . ! . � � . 4Y� � . ��:��:I• �..�`;' � �;'1A'I I;(.1'�'�i�li�����1���;1� I���, 1ji���'�j ������ 1'���.t�t�•��j��l!�t,il l;��'� . 1r �:1 � �;�� ��: ���1;1�,1��1'��ill��! ���� ��1�;4,���� �.��'l���f 2! `,��1'���;���� .'ll ; 1.r � � � I� ��.Ji �i ,y �il�l�� 1 ���. �il�� l � � � , ' . � . ��'� �,. i1�,i�r 1'� '1a �'�'� � '�'•'�ti�.�.�����`r�������1 'I,' ;�!li,��,l�'`,����•����1 . ' �( ' . �i� f ;��r�a�.'`� •I i� .'�1(�,jll. ,� �( /,,,���1 �`�{� f, 1i;i. �,,, n ,�,, ; ;� , ,y�� I �� i,������ ri1/��,'r•�,4'I ,, , r1 1 �'' ' �'1 :�,'� � 1 ,i�f� 4��, ,��� �. ( �1,�f���,' 1i , ' 'rf � . . � ��i����I� i ;��1.���� 'y}� 1 �.�'), fl ��1!`'���4�r�{i�I'y�11�1'tl�♦�}����f�\�''�' i,1 ' ' :��'�}"',;`.� ,,.,�� ? ��)'�,' �'�1����;11�1�1 d� �.�'?����ii� ���1;���il��i,� ���1 . �'t 1� . , . , . li�, i,,� ,i�� , ' � �,, ,�:;1� (.� � ,i� �.'i1.5����1'I ��I�I'' � �.� ' '�� , . . � - . , � , ,� �1 , ,i � , �i I �, . �'. � A, � . , • con�in.ucd �.�reement I•Za3seu�e o��erator shall maintain adequai;� records v�hich may be exa»iized bY I,icensor or its authorized rePrc�e»tative,>. 3. P1�.sseu:e operator shall conduct her busine�s upon 3uch day3 �'.11C� C1U1121z, such hours a� Licenyor shall have the busines� open and wl�icll are abidin� to the city orda.nces. � 9. 1}1@ fore�oin� con�tit;utes tlie entire a�reement between the par�i:ies, a11d the provisions hereof s}�lall be binding �.tpon the par�:ie�, their e::ecutors, adminis�rators and successors. This a�reer�ent nay. not be modified or amended except in vrriting. Ii1 t�JITTd�SS ti��IIEREOI', the parties hereto have executed this agree— ment the day aiid year first above written. The Mistreas Sauna Parlor _, �—�� asseuse operato S� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss . COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) • Subscribed and sworn to this 13 day f ebruary, 1978 . �s� NOTARY PUBZIC lD���.�,.,.c � / � NO Iqr� �i��.�� � a� �,'7NE E-EN: �-_._ _ � / ' ,:^."„°' �•J.L1C, Y`:.3►;�NGT01��:J.:MN. � :.� C!'4`:i �►� E.���7[B JUNe.7�iFO�i . . G, '!' a � . .lMl" - - . - .ON. � . ':i:..:iU._ ..a..i.ON . '�^!. ��3_' �NNV10 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WASHINGTON) I , Dianne Fennell , a notary Public in an3 ,� for Washington County Certify that the foregoing is a cop y � of the original from ;ny fi es. c� ; /s/ Dianne Fennell ., /� DIANNE F�NN�LL e•G'-.h ... _�_... _. CK — � NOTARY PUBLIC N°Tr- � . r.,,� _ _� , . � 7�� _ �� �� �� � STATE OF i�II?�TNESOTA SEP 18197� COUNTY OF RAMSEY � Council President PETITION �OR PUBLIC HF���G'" �� September 16 , 1978 TO: COUNCILPERSOiVS Hozza, Butler , Hunt, Levine , Maddox, Showalter , and Tedesco. PL�ASE TAKE NOTICF, that the undersigned hereby moves the St. Paul City Council to conduct a public hearing on September 19, 1978, i?� the matter of the proposed. revo�a- tion of MISTRESS SAUNA, INC. , lic�ns� which is represente3 by �,ev. Dianne Fenn�ll.., Attoxn:y Pro SQ. The St. Paul Lic�nse Com�nittee Hsaring on Septem ber13 , 1978, did not grant a fair hparing to Licens�e , because of numerous irregu].arities as fall.ows : �' 1 . The St. Paul. License Comm. �enie� License� , the right to pursue tuther & con.tin:ie3 cross-examination of license inspector J.F. Carche3i. � 2. No conviction of f��met em�lo yee D�nisz Marie Courteau, just allegations by two St. Paul Police Offici�rs. 3. Irregularities of the License Committee by requ�sting subpoenas for the Chairman_ Hozza, claiming he would issue subpoenas instead it appeared h:e sim�l.y inten3ed to use the l.ist of na�nes sent ta him to. be subpoeenaed for krmwl�3ge before han3 of all names , w.i�o I w�as going to subpaena. 4. The uninfor;n�d licensee, was l.eft without knowle�ge of who a Terry Garvey was until Sept. 13 , 1978 , when licensee, - had to ask the Chairman an3 Co�-nmittee who was Terry Garve y, and who did he represnt , Aug. 28 , 1978 , Chairman af the Committee Hozza, served Garvey� �rith a letter and 'ne ap�ar- ently was in the room on the 3ay of the first hearing. -1 -