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271655 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COIIIICII ������ PINK - FINANCE rT CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA ll L BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESO�LVED, That the following securities $235,000 Chisago Lakes, MN ISD #141, GO Ref. Bond of 1978 due February 1, 1986, 4.7070 $ 65,000 Chisago Lakes, MN ISD #141, GO Ref. Bond of 1978 due February 1, 1985, 4.70P/o pledged as collateral to protect deposits of public funds of the City of Saint Paul with American National Bank of Saint Paul, hereby is authorized, ratified and approved, such having been done in conformance with the applicable statutes of the Sta�e of Minnesota. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay�s Requested by Department of: utl Fina nd M t. Services- reasu i oZ �� In Favor � n �° L e H�"t _�___ Against — �� Ro dler �^° Sy ster T glwwatteC -r�p�p ��� � � 19�� Form A rov d by C' y Attorney Adop }� Counc� : Date — M� ertified _ed by C cil SQCreta BY - ' sy �� Ap r �e by Mayor. Dat �1�1f���� 19�� Ap by Mayor for Sub sio o�uncil By _ BY .-gusustwp AUG�61978 � ai: �2ti��s + . . � 11��� �ev.: 9/$/�6 EXP'LANATION OF AD�iI�IISTRATIVE ORDERS, . x�sai.�uzzoNS, ArTn� o�ntx�cES RECEIV�D AUG 4197$ Date: August 2, 1978 Ci�TY Iqr�(�Ki��,� T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATII�tER � . �: ^ ,� F�; Gsry B, Norstrem, Dept, of Finance & Mgat. Services /J� Y ItB: COUNCIt RESq.UTION APPRaVIII�FGG CO�LLATERAL . R ��;_��.v�� , AU� � 1g� . MAY�� � . _ _ _ , ��L'TI�T REQI3ESTED• The paasage of the attached resolntion approaes the securities pl�dged b� tt�e-deoigpated bank to protect funda of the City of Saint Paal whi�e held in said bank. �'URP�SB AHD RATIBNAI.E FOx THIS ACTIUN: . I�€SA 118 requires� collateral Go protect pt�blic funds ind `sats out a procedare to b� foliqwed in the handling o:f aaid collsteral ittcludi�g the requii�ement of approval by the governing bady. �;,... ' �11TACffi+lEPTS: . Proposed Couacil Resolution. ; . _ i_ "_ . � f-='.�_..��.� �l�!'�' Oi' S�LI:1'� ���UL �' ������ `".%- (��i .'-:'• \ OC�i•'i�L'' C�:' 'T`ril: CLTJC CO�7�C_TL � �� ,, ,.. --,-.`..-\l� 't '� '``' ,_ _. �� �__� . �� �� y ��'� Da t e ; August 14, 1978 � =� ` / CO �� ��� lf l � � � LPO � I T O : �oin7 Paul CiTy Councit � . F F� O � = C 0 t�l ii'i 1�r7 2� O i 1 F NANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL RUBY HUNT ,�, airman, makes the folloyving repo�t on C. F. [] Ordinance �>>� X[�] Resolution "� � � Oth er �- �' tiLE : � The Finance Committee at its meeting of August 14, 1978 took the following action: 1 .. Recomnended approval of the resolution on funds eligible at this time for the diseased tree program. � - � 2. Recommended approval Df the resolution providing an additional appropriation of $300,000 for Workmen's Compensation. It was further recommended the City Attorney appear dt the next meeting to provide background information on the processing of claims. 3. Recommended approval of resolution providing supplemental appropriation of $219,000 for computer services furnished by Ramsey County. . 4. Recorrenended approval of six personnel resolutions. (Items 5 through 10). 5. Recommended approval of two resoiutions approving collateral to protect _ public funds. . . � . . • ' . fTY �-U1LL SEYENTH �I_OOR SAItiT Pe1CiL. �II����rA 5�i02 WHITE - CiTV CLERK COUI1C11 / /��� ■� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L CANARY -�DEPARTMENT 74f v�i BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council �Zesolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date - Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1978 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: FROM: TO: Transfer 1978 Community Development Block Grant Year IV monies: 39417-XXX-999 CD4 Contingency $250,000 39402-XXX-116 Diseased Shade Tree Removal $250,000 Transfer a total of $916,048 in 1978 Capital Improvement Bond monies: • � 96078-001 Downtown People Mover System $486,048 93078-001 Citywide Tree Planting Program � 430,000 93078-012 Diseased Shade Tree Removal $916,048 Current Amended Appropriation �hange Appropriation CDBG Year 4: Unspecified Contingency $ 811,500.00 $-250,000 $ 561,500.00 CDBG Year 4: Diseased Shade Tree Removal 1,000,000.00 +250,000 1,250,000.00 1978 CIB Bonds: Downtown People Mover System 486,048.00 -486,048 -0- 1978 CIB Bonds: Citywide Tree Plant3ng 2,000,000.00 -430,000 1,570,000.00 1978 CIB Bonds: Diseased 5hade Tree Removal - 1,900,000.00 +916,000 2,816,000.00 Approved as to funding: Approved: . ` ���'�_ . Dir. ,-�Dpt. of Fina ce & Mgmt. ServiCes _. B get Dire or COUNG[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: tlr � Community Services H z a �tief [n Favor Hu Hozza Lev e Hunt v Against By Thomas J. Kelley Ro er ��^e Syl e ter `�Ox"' Te es Showalter Tedesco d�G � � 19�g Form Ap�ed by Ci Attorney Adopted o nci : Date C ified Y� ; by C uncil Secre ary BY ' • B� � oved by :Vlavor: Dat ti `-���G 2 � 197� Appro y Mayor for Submiss' to ouncil By BY $tJBLISNED AUG Z 6 197a . � . . - � �_t�,�- o�� ��LZ.�;� �����. _ �•.�_r_��;'�, � �% �li�I \ O1�i''.[:v� n L'"r�l': CL'P t' CO�1 CTY, , �� � ..<� 1: � ������ :�- ,.� ;� _ ��� �::� `� �� y ��% Da#e ; August 14, 1978 . .� ..� . .� , CO ��� ��� !�T � � � � P � � °�I TO : �ain�r �'c►u! Ciiy Councit - . F F� O �fJ = C O iT1+rl i"�7'G'� O t� F NANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL RUBY HUNT �, airman, makes the fol lo�riing repo�f on C. F_ [� Ordinance (11) Q RQSOtution - �� � [� Ofiher - �" t`i'L� : - The Finance Corr�nittee at its meeting of August 14, 1978 took the following action: 1 ., Recommended approval of the resolution on funds eligible at this time for the diseased tree program. . � 2. Recommended approval of the resolution providing an additional appropriation of $300,000 for Workmen's Compensation. It was further recorrunended the City Attorney appear �t the next meeting to provide background information on the processing of claims. 3. Recommended approval of resolution providing supplemental appropriation of � $219,000 for computer services furnished by Ramsey County. 4. Recommended approval of six personnel resolutions. (Items 5 through 10). 5. Recommended approval of two resolutions approving collateral to protect _ public funds. . . � Cf"fY Hl�i_L SEYENTH FI.00R SAItiT PAi�L, �II\'�;£SO�fA S�t02 ' l3...,. �T r. „ ',.a-'r"-� �;_.��1�7., G.� .. .. CITY OF S�I\T P�I"7. '�l � OFFICE OF THE �L-1�OR ��,��65� , ii', ��j�;�j�i � y; °'r, 347 CITY fI�LL GEORCH: L�1'IJIER S�\T PALZ,JSIN_\'ESOT.1 :�510= bi�YOR �61_� 208-�13`.:3 August 1 , 1978 T0: COUNCIL PRESIDENT DAVID HOZZA MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL FR: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER RE: BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR THE 1978 DISEASED TREE REMOVAL PROGRAM I am transmitting for your approval , two resolutions amending the budget for the 1978 Diseased Tree Removal Program. The resolutions would transfer a total of $1 ,515,517.79 in local dollars and would assure the receipt of $623,000 of state grant monies for this year's removal prograr�. The justification for this request is explained in Community Services' June 1 , 1978 letter attached. 6Jhile we all recognize the need to fund this request, the difficult decision rests with the method of financing. I am recommending the follo�ving funding sources be transferred: Advance Sewer Payments: PIR Account $349,469.79 Downtown People Mover: 1978 CIB Bonds 486,048.00 1978 Fall Tree Planting: 1978 CIB 8onds 430,000.00 CDBG Year IV Contingency 250,000.00 $1 ,515,517.79 The resolution transferring Advance Sewer Payment monies cannot be formally processed until after an ordinance is passed which releases the money for general fund use. The CIB Committee revie�,red this request at their July 13, 1978 meeting (minutes attached). Their recommendation supported the need to fund the request and secure state aid, but the Committee continued to maintain their traditional policy of not recommending the use of CIB bond monies for tree removal . Tree planting has always been a use of CIB bond monies recommended by the Committee. While I understand the CIB Committee's position, as long as no other monies are readily available to address the Dutch elm disease crisis, I feel that the use of bond monies for contracted tree removal is essential . No bond monies are being used to finance City tree removal employees in lieu of annual budget appropriations. The suggestion of not using "Advance Sewer Payment" monies for diseased tree removal in lieu of expediting the Thomas-Dale Sewer project does not seem appropriate at this time. The design of the Thomas-Dale sewer project has been funded and is proceeding on an orderly schedule. Construction will be ready to start early this coming spring. _ ' �,r1��"" 1978 Tree Removal Program - 2 - August 1 , 1978 It would seem unreasonable to use money to hire additional engineers to expedit� the design of one project when 1978 budget action just reduced the Public Works' engineering staff by 35 employees. And when future capital improvement funding is decreased because of declining Community Development Block Grant monies , it daes �not seem appropriate to hire additional engineers for a few months, then lay them off because there will not be enough capital monies to finance other needed projects. Our ability to advance the implementation of the Thomas-Dale sewer project is directly related to our ability to finance the construction costs. It will take about $7,000,000 to construct the first two phases over a two year period before any back-up relief can be realized. I feel that I must strongly recommend action on this transfer. If this request is not funded, the City will still have to finance the removal of the trees in next year's budget, only removal prices will be higher and we will have lost �623,Q00 in state monies. An additional factor not to be ignored, is that we would be in violation of state law if we do not remove diseased trees identified during 1978. CC: Richard E. Schroeder Thomas J. Kelley Robert P. Piram Judy Barr Attachments GL:ejt