Willow Lake Office To: Shari 1loore @ 651-266-8574 Fro�: FranK Deboni Pg li 3 06/05/14 4:29 p� Facsirnile Transmittal cEiv�� JUN 05 2Q14 CITY CLERK To: Sharl Moore From: Frank Debonl Company: St. Paul City Clerk's Office Date: 06/0512014 Fax Number: 8512668574 Paaes: 3 (including cover) Re: Willow Lake Office Comments: M�r. 11ad�ar�on i �a. �ooro, ' l►ttach�d pl�as� fiud corr�epond�no� r�gardi�g tih� 1Pillow Lak� Offia�. Vpon recaipb aad revieM, please contact the urideraiqaed diraatly at (312) 635-1840. Thaak you. V�sy trulY yous�. Cr�►iq 1�. 7latao To: Shari floore @ 651-266-8514 Fro�: FranK Deboni Pg 2/ 3 06/05/14 4:29 p� R��C'�E D L JUN �5 2a��} C�TY C��R�� NIELSEN, ZEHE & ANTAS, P.C. �n�s�� ,.�.....�._._.�._..._.._ Crafg M.Antas SS West Mo►rroe 3a�ee�Su�te 1800 Dinct Dial: (312)635-18l0 Ckicago,I!lir�ois 60603 Direct Fmr: (312)�6�-6143 Pkone:(3l2)321-9900 E-mail:cantavQnzalaw.con Faac:(311)322-9977 www.nzalaw.com June 5,2014 V�FaCSL�Ie T'raMS►rtlh�l: l651)�6l�2934 Vla Facslndle Transn�sston: (6511266-d 574 &Eltctrontc Tiansaetsslon: preF.and�rsort a�cu.ramsev.mn.r�,s Mr. Crreg Anderson Ms. Shari Moore Director of Risk Management City Clerk Ramsey County St.Paul City Clerk's Office 121 Seventh Place East 310 City Hall Suite 2100 15 W.Kellogg Boulevard St Paul,Minnesota 55101 Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 Re: Our Insured: Willow Lake Office Date of Accident: May 29,2014 Locstion of Accident: 3475 Willow Lake Boulevard Vadaais Heights,Minne�ota Dear Mr, Anderaon and Ms,Moore, We write to inform you that we have been retained for subrogation purposes by Liberty Mutusl Insurance, the insurer of the Willow Leke Office buildings in Vadnais Heights, Minnesota, For yow informetion, on May 29, 2014, at approximately 10:00 p.m., a Ramsey County Deputy Sheriff drove his squad car into our insured's building located at 3475 Willow Lake Boulevard,Vadnais Heights,Minnesota. We write in this regard. For your information, our investigation has revealed that the Ramsey County Deputy Sheriff was operating his vehicle in violation of Ramsey County policies and procedures for the pursuit of a�affic violator when he lost co�trol of the squad car and drove the vehicle into our insured's building. Upon colliding with the building, the gas meter to the building was severed which produced an ensuing fire and catastrophic damage. For your information,the preliminary estimate of damage to our insured could reach$500,000. We are writing to you today to place you and Ramsey County on notice of the claim of Liberiy Mutusl Insurence, as subrogated insurer of our insured, Willow Lake Office, for the damage that wss caused by the Deputy Sheriff. If Ramsey County is insured for any portion of Tor Shari Pbore @ 651-266-8574 Fro�: Frank Oeboni _ P9 3/ 3 06/0b/14 4:Z9 pl� NIELSEN, ZEHE & �TAS, P.C. M� Greg.lndirson �S1�aAMoo,� Ju�1,201* Poge 2 this claim, we v�rould ask that you notify yo��ureace cacri . Time is of the essen�e, we mu�move fo ��ediately. loss, If you or the lisbili �'� �th cle�a u demolition and re �' �urer would like to o P sttd repsirs to mitigste our P�'begin,pleese contact me ' PPortuttity to insPect our building before matter and we look forward to hearin lmmed�ately. We sppreciate our insuner. Thank g from either you or a Y attention to this y°u a8ain. representative of the county's v�'3'�y yours, NIELSEN,ZEHE�qNTAS,P.C. By: /� ���`���ad Crsig M.Antas CMA/ca Cc: David K. Snyder,Johagon/Z'urner(via facsimile tran�n��(� I