01-1270 I Council File # O�- ►'1�p <.i� ': � � i , ,i 6 � Presemed Referred To ��9 Committee Date 2 3 4 5 6 7 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandums ofAgreement betweenthe City of Saint Paul and the International Brotherhood ofElectrical Workers Local # 110, the Lakes and Plains Regional Council of Carpenters and Joiners, the International Union ofPainters and Allied Trades District Councii 82 and the International Association ofMaclunists and Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO for the purpose of providing a uniform allowance to certain employees in their respective bargaining units that work at the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS). Requested by Departrnent oE - Office of Labor Relations � FormApp�by ' Attorney , By: lt�ptD i Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ` � � . . . - � . � � . - S'� �a' r .�. . .s� / r. � i .i' .-r /. RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Approved by 11 ayor for Submission to Council ✓ By: i Green Sheet # 106861_ Adopted by Council: Date ��_�� y�� � � DEPARTMENT/OFk7CE/COUNCTL: DATE INITTATED GREEN SHEET No.: 106861 Ot�I�.� LABOR RELATIONS November 28, 2001 CONTACT PERSON & PAONE: p . Tlpi,�pAr� m JilLIE KRAUS 266-6513 ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMENT DIR 4 CITY COUNCIL NLJMBER 2 CITY ATTORNEY .�+ - C7Ty CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) FOR BiJDGET DIR. � FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIH. ROUTING 3 MAYOR (OR ASSTJ ORDER TOTAL !f OF SIGNATUI2E PAGES 1 (CL7P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acriox �QuES�v: Resolution approving the attached Memorandums of Agreements between the City of Saint Paul and the Internationai Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local #110, the Lakes and Plains Regional Council of Carpenters and Joiners, the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Counci182 and the International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO for the purpose of providing a uniform aliowance to certain employees in their respective bazgaining units that work at the 5aint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS). RECOMMENDAITONS. Approve (A) or Reject (A) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACI'S MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUEST[ONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _CIV[L SERVICE COMMISSION 1 Has this person/fim ever worked under a contract for th�s depanmenfl CIB COMMITTEE Yes No _STAFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciTy empioyee7 DISSRICT CAURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBIECTI VE� 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a ski71 not nonnally possessed by any cursent ciry emp7oyee� Yes No Explaio a{� ye,q answer5 on separaie sheet and at[ach to green sheet INITIATING PRO&LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI'1'Y (Who, Whay When, Where, Why). Saint Paul Regional Water 5ervices (SPRWS) discontinued their laundry service. As a result, the employees now have to purchase uniforms and be reimbursed for those purchases by the Saint Paul Regional Water Services. These Memorandums of Agreements provide that authorization for the Trades employees who did not previously have such documentation in their contract. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� Employees continue to have access to uniforms and the Ciry has written authozizarion to provide reimbursement. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None DISADVe1NTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No authorization to provide uniform reimbursement to employees. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACfION: COST/REVEN[IE BUDGETED: �Y, 7G� r�3��f{h �',6R#�� FU� 1DING SOURCE: ACi'1VtIY NUMBER: k7NANCL4L INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �'j �' 4 Q� Lllfl9 l7am d w... j kx . : .' '.,.,,� r1 .' ... ...�_ � . _ _ . o�_�a�1a • MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS LOCAL 110 This Agreement is entered into by and between the Citq of Saint Paul (City) and the Intemational Brotherhood ofElectrical Workers Local ll 0(LTnion) who represents certain employees at the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), for the purpose ofproviding a uniform allowance for those employees. The City and Union agree that SPRWS will provide each full-time employee working at SPRWS who is required to wear a specified uniform, in a title represented by the Union, with an initial uniform payment of up to $289.00. Effective January 2002, SPRW S will provide an annual uniform reimbursement of up to $100. An employee who receives an initial uniform payment shall not be eligible far the annual reimbursement during the same yeaz. SPRWS shall speci£y what uniform is required and employees mustpresent xeceipts or other proof ofuniform purchase to SPRWS in order to be reimbursed. • Employees will be required to wear the uniform while on duty and will be responsible for the care and upkeep of their uniforms. Any reusable items must be returned to SPRWS upon separation of employment. This MOU shall serve as an attachment to the current collective bazgaining agreement and becomes effective on the date of signing. FOR THE CITY: FOR THE UNION: Date � �Cc�az� D�.�- Date l-/ Z7-DI Jason Schmidt Richard ' elli Labor Relations Specialist Asst. Business Manager ^/ � i '�`I�l�, k , 1 � �. �. � , as,- � -• � ...•- . �-. • G:\SharedU.RCOMMONUASON�Unions\Trades\Waterunifo+mMOUs.wpd , P� s[lOYVuuo;�urualeM\sapeiy�suo!V(1V�LOSdMCOW W .� , t ::r; ?0' ,. :. , . iQ suotl�iag .�oqe7 �fue�ay� auua,�E� � ���� zams�azs/,ise�az�as ancin�axg uzjo�jzy� �oos I B 9I J! a `�/il� =/ �tOIAiR �H.L 2I03 �siretoadg suot��jag zoy�Z 1Piuzuos uose X� e ll a1�Q �aii� �xi xo3 ��uiu�is �o a��p aui uo anT�oa��a sauzooaq puE �uauzaa.�� �uiut��zeq ani��aYtoo �uazm� au� o� �uauzuo�u� cre s� anzas Ii�us IlOJ�i S?uL . •�uauz�ioiduza �o uoc�e.redas uodn 5�112IdS o� pauscUaz aq �snuz suza�i aiqzsnax �fuy �suuo3tun ztau��o daa�dn pue • a.reo ac� .�03 aiqisuodsaz aq Ij� puz �np uo ain�m uuo3nzn aq� .zeam o� pazmbaa aq iiim saa�foiduzg •pasmquxiaz aq o� zapzo ut StY12IdS o� aseq�md uuo3iun3o�ooid zau�o ao s�dta�aa �uasazd;snuz saaloiduia pue pazmbaz st uuo�tun ��un� �toads Il�us SA�2IdS '�a auzes a� �uiznp }uautasmquziaz jenuue a� �03 aYqt�tia aq �ou ireus �uauz�i�d uuo3nm rei�nzi ue santa�az oqm aa�ioiduza u�, 'OOT$ �; dn�o �uauzasznquziaz uuo�iun Iznuue u� api�oid iiTn'� StY12IdS `ZOOZ �TSef ant�oa�g '00'68Z$ o� dn3o �uauz�isd uuo�nm i�Y�nzi u� ul[m `uonzn ac� ,Sq pa�uasa.zdaz al�i; z uT `uuo3iun pai�t�ads � zeam o; paambaz sT oqm StY12idS au� �� �utxzom aa,iolduza auzt�-jtn� uoea apinozd Ti?� SiY12IdS ��� aaz�e uoicxR P� �1?� au,L �saa�oiduza asou; zo3 aouen�oiie uuo�iun e�uiptno.�d�o asodmd aqi io3 `�StY12IdS) sao[n.�as sa�em reuoiSag Insd �ures a� �E saa6oiduza ut�uao s�uasa.�dai oun� (uoiun) szautor � sia�uadre� �o iiouno� �uot3ag sureida� saxe7 aui pue (�i�) jn�d �ures 30 ,i�t� aq� uaan�aq pu� �iq o�ui paza�ua si �uauzaaz�� stuZ S2I�AIIOf'8 S2I�.L�i�d2l�'� 30 'II��iIlO� 'IVAi0I��2I S�iIV'Id �8 S�}I�'I �H1. QAiF� 'IIIF�d .LAtI�S 30 �I.LI� �H.L ri��AA.L�$ .L�i�L�1��2i�F� 30 I�iRQAiV2IOJ�I�I�i • OVt�`ip al-1��1,0 • MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PAINTERS AND ALLIED TRADES DISTRICT COUNCIL 82 This Agreement is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul (City) and the International Union of Painters & Allied Trades District Council 82 (Union) who represents certain employees at the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), far the purpose of providing a uniform allowance for those employees. The City and Union agree that SPRWS will provide each full-time employee working at SPRWS who is required to wear a specified uniform, in a title represented by the Union, with an initial uniform payment of up to $289.00. Effective January 2002, SPRWS will provide an annual uniform reimbursement of up to $100. An employee who receives an initial uniform payment shall not be eligible for the annual reimbursement during the same year. SPRWS shall specify what uniform is required and employees must present receipts or other proof of uniform purchase to SPRWS in order to be reimbursed. • Employees will be required to wear the uniform while on duty and will be responsible far the care and upkeep of their uniforms. Any reusable items must be returned to SPRWS upon separation of employment. This MOU shall serve as an attachment to the current collective bazgaining agreement and becomes effective on the date of signing. �'� �i ��?ate 1 � � O, Je� Jewett � Business Representative �� ��� FOR THE CITY: Date d a8 �1' 1 ason Sc 'dt Labor Relations Specialist FOR THE UNION: - � _; =5 �. Labor Relations Director � G\SharedU�RCOMMONUASO1V�UnionslTrades\WatemnifortnMOUs.wpd iov u ut Uo:�;p rvU�� ?�:�2 �� T�� � i P i{R � LC �-i_'-. _.. a i - ��.�o • �1Eibt0l2r1NDli �7 pf A(:REC�I1EVT BET\! EEN THE CITY OF SAI,�'T PAL'L AnD DISTRICT LODGE \O. 77 I\'TLR:V.ATIOnAL ASSOCl,aTIO� nF , �IACHI!�iSTS & AF.ROSPACE ��'OIZKERS AfL-CIO Tlus A�reement zs entered iuto oy and behveen ihe Ciiy ot Sa�nt Paul (C'ity) and the ritinict Lodge vo 77 Intcrnational Assoaanon o: Machmists & Aerotpace 1�'o�ic.rs nI�L-CIO ((,`��nn) «; representl cerlam empioyee� nt the Saint Paul Regtonal uratcr Seri�iccs (SPR���S)-Produc[ion Diciston. for the puroose uf providing a unilom� ai;��w3,cc ;�oi ;hose e�n�,lo�-ee, The Cicy and U�ion agrcc rhl� SYRti4'S �v,ll pro��ide e3c� ruli-;iine emplo}�ee won:ine a� SPR`�VS- Productipn Divisinn wiso is reqiured to �,tear a spec:lied �u>>lorm, in a,ide rei retente� hy �he Un�oq. wirh an initial uniforn� payment oi up to 52�9.00. �ffecp��e .la,,uarti ?DO�. SYR�uS wlil nro��,de ar, annualumfotmrambursementoYupto5100 Anemplo}ccw hOreceives,unmlt2lunii0 rmpa�men! shall noi bz clig�ble lor the annual refmb;esement dunn�; :iie �,:m�;✓�3�, `Yh'��'S shail spec�iv :ah�c miifnnn is n quired and e,nployccs mus± present recetpts os od�er pruo� oQ t�ntform pu*cha�e ip SYR��,'"S in order to bc relmbursed, • Lmplo}ees w�ll oe required to w�car the un�for.n «hile ni� duty and ti�ll hc r.sn����ti�hie ibr �I,c tare and Upkeep of thetr unilOfRts. Any reusable it?mc must "c rcturned ro SPR�'�S upon se�araunn of empl�ymer,t This AQOli shall serve ac an �ttachmenl �u thc curren� coll�cU� e bar�mmug aEr^.ement and beeomes effective on thc date of s�gn;nS F'OR 7 HF, C1�'f`. �atc // agcy iasun S idt I.abni ;Zeiztions Specuh;t Labor Relauuns D+rer.�or For. rxr t 1►0,�: ��� '„re � �//'( !�'� j Uan SChmidt ( �� � 3ns:r.es. 3e'v,cscnt�r.i� e � �� G'•.�n.;r:v� L RCOr.s �tt �Y.Jncp��� Umc�: TnA¢Slll�n:cr�.^.C:m:A?Ui �i u pu • rnr�.� �.�_ o�-�a'10 L� MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS LOCAL 110 This Agreement is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul (City) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Loca1110 (LJnion) who represents certain employees at the Saint Paul Reg3onal Water Services (5PRWS), for the purpose ofproviding a uniform allowance for those employees. The City and Union agree that SPRWS will provide each full-time employee working at SPRWS who is required to weaz a specified uniform, in a title represented by the Union, with an initial uniform payment of up to $289.00. Effective January 2002, SPRW5 will provide an annual uniform reimbursement of up to $100. An employee who receives an initial uniform payment shall not be eligible for the annual reimbursement during the same year. SPRWS shall specify what uniform is required and employees must present receipts or other proof ofuniform purchase to SPRWS in arder to be reimbursed. Employees will be required to weaz the uniforxn while on duty and wiil be responsible for the care • and upkeep of their uniforms. Any reusable items must be returned to SPRWS upon separation of employxnent. This MOU shall serve as an attachment to the current collective bazgaining agreement and becomes effective on the date of signing. FOR THE CITY: Date / / ason Schmidt Labor Relafions Specialist Date ` ( z �d FOR THE UNION: . L��l� Date %�-Z7- t� J Richazd V / ili Asst. Business Manager • G:\SharedlLRCOMMONUASOMUnions\Trades\WaterunifortnMOUs.wpd � � -��-�fl � MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE LAKES & PLAINS REGIONAL COUNCIL OF CARPENTERS & JOINERS This Agreement is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul (City) and the Lakes &Plains Regional Council of Carpenters & Joiners (Union) who represents certain employees at the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), for the purpose ofproviding a uniform allowance for those employees. The City and Union agree that SPRWS will provide each full-time employee working at the SPRWS who is required to wear a specified unifornt, in a title represented by the Union, with an iniflal uniform payment ofup to $289.00. Effective January 2002, SPRWS will provide an annual uniform reimbursement of up to $100. An employee who receives an initial uniform payment shall not be eligible for the annual reimbursement during the same year. SPRWS sha11 specify what uniform is required and employees must present receipts or other proof ofuniform purchase to SPRWS in order to be reimbursed. • Employees will be required to wear the uniform while on duty and will be responsible for the care and upkeep of their uniforms. Any reusable items must be returned to SPRWS upon separation of employment. This MOU shall serve as an attachment to the current collective bargaining agreement and becomes effective on the date of signing. / � � Katherine Megarry Labor Relations Director FOR THE CITY: Date �L ' � ason Sc idt Labor Relations Specialist FOR THE UNION: � j ate { p Scott Mal olm Executive Secretary/Treasurer l l �� � G' • G:\Shared\LRCOMMOMIASON\Unions\Trades\WaterunifocmMOUs.wpd p,_���v i MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE INTERNATIONAL iJNION OF PAINTERS AND ALLIED TRADES DISTRICT COUNCIL 82 This Agreement is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul (City) and the International Union of Painters & Allied Trades District Counci182 (Union) who represents certain employees at the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), for the purpose of providing a uniform allowance for those employees. The City and Union agree that SPRWS will provide each full-time employee working at SPRWS who is required to weaz a specified uniform, in a title represented by the Union, with an initial uniform payment of up to $289.00. Effective January 2002, SPRWS will provide an annual uniform reimbursement of up to $100. An employee who receives an initial uniform payment shall not be eligible for the annual reimbursement during the same yeaz. SPRWS shall specify what uniform is required and employees must present receipts or other proof of uniform purchase to SPRWS in order to be reimbursed. � Employees will be required to wear the uniform while on dury and will be responsible for the care and upkeep of their unifo�ns. Any reusable items must be returned to SPRWS upon separation of empioyment. This MOU sha11 serve as an attachment to the current collective bargaining agreement and becomes effective on the date of signing. FOR THE CITY: FOR THE UNION: � Date // aBo ason Schmidt Labor Relations Specialist • ��� � _ � � � Date / � eff Jewett Business Representative o L l' �� a rine Megarry � / Labor Relations Director G:\ShazedlI.RCOMMONUASOMUnions\TradeslW ateruniformMOUs.wpd rov u: ui v�:c:p .. � ��Uii i��:�� C I T1' ST P4�L �{R � �� � S � ��'�� � yiEm�o�.vno1� or n�:REC�»�vT sET�� eEn THE CITY OF SAI,�`T PAUL An D DISTRICT LODGF NO, i7 IVTL• RNATIO�AL ASSOCIATIp� OF , UG�CHINISTS & AF.ROSPACE WOt2I�ExS ArL-CIO Tlus .S�reement ts entered mto 01° and bet�veen the C�ry ut Saint Paul (C'ity) and the T: isn ict Ludg� �Io 77 Intcrna[iona! Associat�on ot i�2achlnists & Aeros��ace 1��o�i�;,*5 AFL-C14 (Unimi) ���lio represents cerlain empioyeec ac the Smnt Paul Regional u'atcr Servu:cs (SFF��S)•Procuctina; D�visio�, for the purpo;e uf prov�ding a umlomi aliuu-ance foi rl7ose en The Ciry� and Unien aercc he; S?RR'� ��•�ll pro��ide e3cn r"uli-��me employee workine ac �PR«%S- P;oducuun D�v�sinn �xho u req�nred to wear a spenlied �milorm, in a,�de representeci hy �he I�'mop. �ith an initial unifarni paymzat oi up to SiS9.00. E£fech�•c ,I�nua:ti �)0� , SPRtA�S u��lf nrovtde an amivaliunlorn�rcimbursemzntofupto5100 Anemplu}�ecwhorecei.eti,m�mtia,tmiiurtnpa}•rne;;� shall noc bz elig;�le for the annual reimbecscment durin�; the ��imc ycar SYh'��'S shall specih� wh�t unifr,Rn is nqttired and e�np{oyccs mus? present reccipts or odler pruol' o[ umform pu:dtase ie SPR\4''S in order tu bc reimbwsed. � Lmplo} ees will oc required [o u�car th� umform ��hi1e nu dut� and w;il hc res�roi�sihle for Il,c car: �td upkeep of their uni:orR25. Any reu�a6le items mu;t �c raurned co SPR�x1S upor. szpa�at�on oi empinyn�rr.; This' \40[i shall serve ac an attachmenl �u [}ic cu�rent collccti�'e bai�mmng aErcerr�ent and beCprnes etfectn-e on thc date of sign;nS FOR THE CITt': � �a[c �� a�l ason Sc �dt I.ab�r Reiauons S� eo�hst FORTHr GNIO�\: i�� / i 7 ( G� '.�Ilcur{ ',re /l�lj ''� / Gan CChmidc / � i 3ns,,,ei� :�eprc�ent,itt� � �� � Z �a� ! � La'oor Relauun5 D�rector (, A�h.ucd`L2C4�J�1qV JASU�`L�men.-TngeSlUa�r�ndcr.rhtOi'�S w� u Tf)T(.L • ^_