271622 WHITE - CITV CLERK COURCII � /��'C� PINK - FINANCE �T CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA V L f .� BLUE - MAYOR File NO. _ Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 27, 1966, approved a resolution vacating a public street, Council File No. 231321; and WHEREAS, a printed copy of said resolution was published in the Legal Ledger on the 31st day of December, 1966, in which a typographical error improperly described the property to be vacated; and WHEREAS, a resolution with the corrected legal description was published of record in the Legal Ledger on January 21, 1967. BE IT RE50LVED by the Council of the City of Sain�t Paul that it was the intent of the Council to vacate the following described public street: Those parts of Lots 4 �nd 9, Block 2, Hersey-Woolsey Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota, lying northerly of a line 60 fee� northerly of and parallel with the center line of the existing paved roadway of the Pierce Butler Route, said center line b�ing described as follows: Beginning at a point on the center line of North Syndicate Street 40 feet north of the point of intersection of said center line of No�th Syndicate Street and the south line of Block 2, Hersey-Woolsey Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota, produced easterly; thence westerly along a straight line 40 feet north of and parallel to the south line of said Block 2, Hersey-Woolsey Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota, a distance of 244.54 feet, thence on a curve to the right having a radius of 1,000 feet, delta angle 17°42' , to the point of intersection with the center line of Short Line Street and there termi.na�:ing. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay�s Requested by Department of: Butler b Fina e and Ma. rvices Hozza In Favor f- Hunt ,�.,/ Le�� � K �l� __ Against ' ectord Q e r Ted�c�o��'°� � Q �97a � A(��7 Form Approved by City Atto ne Adopted,bt�`�ounc : Date � � Carfified P� - d by Cou I Sec�retary � BYC �.._ _—* App by Mavor: Da e _ AUG � i ���$ Appr by Mayor for Sub is ien to Council By - BY �I��USHED AU� � 9 19�� , ,_ ` ; , � � , , , , . � , . , . . . . , , , � . . :; , , ` " , . . X.���� , . ��- _ .. . - � - . � ,. - � ..A: �. ".�4 - i, � �, � , � � . . . . . �..:� � . . . � � ' �. ' � ..� � . . . _ . ... . . . . . . . .. , . ..} . . . .. �' . August 2, 1978 Tos Mayor C�sorgs Latimerf ATT$NTiON� Pat�r ?�amss " � � Fram: Tarr�nam J. Garvsy, Assi�t*arit Ci�y Attorne�;,. 6�7 City 8a11 Res 1lttached Resolution � Attached ia a proposed R�aoiution alarifyi�nq .tb� l�rgal�. deacrip�ion in a street vaaatioa whiah was appro�8 by tf� Ca��ti.l in ].ate 1966. Th� baaic problem is th,at th� Resolutic� Mhioh Mas publishsd .in th� Lsg�l bs8ger: improperly describod th� s'tr�a1� �hich was to be vacated �nd thur appaars on tha abstr�ct cf a p+�ra�l ot ;:land wh�re 'fiha CouACil did not iatend to vaaats the etNrs�t. Thp o�sr� cf t��►t proporty srs atttmptinq to r�fiaaave and would apprfciata 1�� propoasd clarification c# the 1966 �ttrest naoation. Plo�ss approve tho attached Rasolutior� aund los�rard to th� appropriats counail pesaoa. . . � , , .�— . _ -- __ _ -- - WHITE - CITV CLE�K ���62� . =��K - F:,ANCE Council ��.'��.�� - �EF�RT^^�NT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L File NO. BLUE - r.!A\'OR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 27 , 1966, approved a resolution vacating a public street, Council File No. 231321; and WHEREAS, a printed copy of said resolution was published in the Legal Ledger on the 31st day of December, 1966 , in which a typographical error improperly described the property to be vacated; and WHEREAS, a resolution with the corrected legal description was published of record in the Legal Ledger on January 21, 1967 . BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it was the intent of the Cauncil to vacate the following described public street: Those parts of Lots 4 and 9 , Block 2 , Hersey-Woolsey Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota, lying northerly of a line 60 feet northerly of and parallel with the center line of the existing � paved roadway of the Pierce Butler Route, said center line being described as follows: Beginning at a point on the center line of North Syndicate Street 40 feet north of the point of intersection of said center line of No�th Syndicate Street and the south line of Block 2 , Hersey-Woolsey Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota, produced easterly; thence westerly along a straight line 40 feet north of and parallel to the south line of said Block 2 , Hersey-Woolsey Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota, a distance of 244. 54 feet, thence on a curve � to the right having a radius of 1,000 feet, delta angle 17°42' , to the point of intersection with the center line of Short Line Street and there termi.nating. COUNCILIIEN Requested by Department of: �'eas Na��s Butler Fina e and Ma rvices Hozza � In Favor �'1 Hunt ' ector Levine _ Against ' � � Tedesco AU6 1978 i � Form Approved by City Atto ne :�dopted b� Council: Date � By� , = Certifi��d }'��s�ed bt Council Secretar�• B�; - I � � � Approved by 4layor for Submission to Council --- ._.. ,,. . , _ < . � � 2'7�.622 CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER-DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM p � � � � �� � !� AU� � 1g�'8 August 2, 1978 ���3 � To: Mayor Geoxge Latimer; ATTENTION: Peter Hames From: � e J. Garvey, Assistant City Attorney, 647 City Hall �, Re: ttached Resolution Attached is a proposed Resolution clarifying the legal description in a street vacation which was approved by the Council in late 1966. The basic problem is that the Resolution which was published in the Legal Ledger improperly described the street which was to be vacated and thus appears on the abstract of a parcel of land where the Council did not intend to vacate the street. The owners of that property are attempting to refinance and would appreciate the proposed clarification of the 1966 street vacation. Please approve the attached Resolution and forward to the appropriate council person. �� �. � f C�.� � �. ' 0. c�,,�,..,�, 7 � � . i', c��' ,:�,(,�' � � � � � �S66