271621 WHITE - CITV CLERK COURCII ���s� PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT F1IC NO. I �� BLUE - MAYOR RE`.PURN COPY TO �'ouncil Resolution VALUA ON BUREAU . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WF�REAS, the City of Saint Paul, acting through its Valuation Engineer, has secu.red an agreement for the purchase of that certain property described as follows: Lots 10, 11 and 12, Newell's Addition to the City of St. Pau1. WI-iBREAS, the property herein described is necessary for storm water ponding purposes and was approved for acquisition on Dece.mber 15, 1977 by Final Order, Council File No. 270208. The price at which the property may be ' purchased is in the amount of $9,000.00, it being a fair and reasonable price for the sub�eet property according to the appraisal obtained by the Valuation Engineer, and WHERF�.S, the Valuation Engineer has recommended the purchase of said property at the price stated above; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the purchase of the above described land; and be it FURTHER RF.�OLVED, that the proper City Off�cials are hereby authorized and directed to pay June and Joseph J. Speciale, record fee owners, the sum of , $9,000.00, the cond.itio�s of �said sale conta�ned in the Memorandum for the Sale of Rea1 Estate, dated July 27, 1978; said memorandum is attached hereto and incorporated herein by refErence. Said sum to be charged to P.I.R. Fund No. 6000-711-000 (L-8152) to be reimbursed from 1975 W.P.A.F. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler �_ In Favor Finance d Mana t Services Hozza Hunt Levine � __ Against BY �� Maddox D:irector S�e�sr (�� � Tedesco � Q �g7E� i` Adopted by il: Date — AUG Form Approved by City Attorney Certi d Y• - by Council Secyetar , �1'a�'�-� '–� �'3 �7� $}: .. � A�j� � ' ���� App v by Mayor for Su ss n to ouncil t�pp ved by Ylavor: a — By BY PUBLISHED AU� '� 9 197� " • � Dtpaz�tment of Finance and Maaag�►ent Serv3.ces ' ' ° � ' � Diviaion of Assessments and Valuations � Room 2E6 City FtaL�l �j �� J� � �_� I�R�RANDUM OR SALE OF REAI, ESTATE . � ' � 2'7�62� l. Purpose of sale o� Real Estate to Ci.ty: Storm tidater Ponding Area 2:. Location of Real Estate: East Arlington between WestMinster Street and Arl��rright St. 3. Legal Descr3ption: Lots 10, 11 and 12, Newellts Addition to the City of St. Pau1 . -� 4. Nam�a sad Address o� Seller: Joseph Speciale 2873 N. Pa.scal Street � st. Pa.ul, Minn. 551-7-3 5. Recommended pvrchase price: $9,000.00 � ' � 6. Se11er to ftuaish Abstract o� Title and�or Owaers D�plicate Certificate of' T.itle for sai.d prop�rty, City will update said Abstract and�or obtain Registered pro�erty Certif�.cate. 7. Se]1er to give possession to City e.t closing. 8. Taxes: S elter to pay taxes due and payable in 19'�. City will pay ta�es due a.nd payable in 1979. ' 9. Seller to pay al.l assessments levied. aga3nst sa3d property. 10. Misce]laneons: � hOTE: Conditions listed above are not binding unt31 appraved by Citg Council. Se31er: d� � . ` City: � . _ �, � �� 7 � � Signe�d: � � Sign . . � ; � _. � ,/ � ( _ ;� Valuation Engineer Date: � � � � Date:` � � L-�—Z.� .__.__ � ' ' OM O1: 12/1975 �- ' . � Rsv. : 9/8/76 E�LANATION OF ADMINISTR�.TIVE ORDERS, ' �RESOIrIITIC7NS, AND O�INANCES 2'71s� D�t�: Au�t �., �97$ . . �E C E I V E p � � �1UG 4 1978 . T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMEs'� '�Y�R�s W� r'R: J. Wm. Donovan, Valuation & Assessment En�i.neer, Dept. of Finance & Mgmt.Ser�rl.ces(Extr5317, �� Land acquisitian for Storm Pondin� Area bounded by Westminster, Arlingto�., -Arkwr.ight and Cottage. � ACTZON REQ�3ESTED: � Property acquisition for sub�ect pro3ect. Conditions of sale as shown on a�tached Memorandum on Sale of Rea1 Estate. � � � PIIRPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR TfiIS ACTIQN: � Authorized by Fina1 Order, Council File No. 270208, approved December 15, 1978. Acqu3.sition of said paxcel in the amaunt of $9,000.00 to be fYnaneed from P.I.R. . Fund No. 6000s. =7].1-000 (L-81�2) to be reimbursed fraan �975 �T.P.A.F. ATTACH.M..�'NT5: . . 1. N1�p 2. Mem�orandum on Sale of Real Estate - 3• Council Resolution . , . --- -..... _ _ . . , ._ ,. . . . � • °:�.�..� � � i-•. . . .._._. ...... : ,.. . .:;. r . � .. . _ .. .... e. ..._ :� -. � '�' �s r+�. i'� . . . 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