271617 WHITE - CITV CLENK ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT • BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1977 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: FROM: T0: Transfer $41,400.00 in 1977 CIB Bond Monies: 92077-013 E. Arlington Lighting (V-0655) 25,000 92077-014 Warner Road Lighting (V-0390) 16,400 92077-005 Oiled Streets - 1977 Repaving Program 41,400 Resulting in the following project financing: Current Financing Change Amended Financing OILED STREETS - 1977 REPAVING PROGRAM 1977 CIB Bonds 1,750,000.00 +41,400 1,791,400.00 1973 CIB Bonds 32,092.22 -0- 32,092.22 1,782,092.22 +41,400 1,823,492.22 Approved as to funding: App�oved: Director, Dpt. of Finance & Mgmt. Services Budg Director Ov"' COUIVC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler 6 Public Works Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine � __ Against By Do d E. Nygaard, Director Maddox �� Tedesco A�� � � 191$ Form pproved y 't rney Adopted b}�..Eouncil: Date . Cgct'iEied Ya•se y CcZunci Secre�tary� BY I B�1 i '� /.1p o ,d by Mavor: Date AUG 1 1 1978 Appr e y Mayor for Sub ' si to Council _ By G��_� BY +�u�usN�E� AUG 19 197� �._..�:e ._..�o.._w :..:..:. _...,.,.,._. ..x::_;,�,.� .. .::__. ....,. . _.:,_... .. ,.�.. . ,. :._. .. _.... .. ,.M:,:_ _..:..:.f.. ._-._. . _,._.. : , . - .. ....,....._. ..,..�... ..,.......,.�.�......�:�... - ' � r' QM Ol: 12/I97$ :�.: Rev. : 9/8/?6 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AN ORDINANCES 'I�f��� Date: August 1, 197s . , � � �a� . . �� � � �: �� �a t ,w T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � �`,u� .=% '.,i'; FRz Gregory N. Blees, Mayor's Office - Budget Section ���� Q�� RE: Oiled Stx'eets - 1977 Repaving Program �" . ACTION RE4UESTED: Amend the 1977 Capital Improvement Budget to appropriate $41,40A to the �977 Residential Street Paving Program by transferring money from Arli.ng�ton Avenue Lighting (V-0655): $25,000� and Warner RQad Lightir�g (V-0390) : $16,400. � `BURPOSE AND RA�IONALE �'OR �THTS ACTION: The:requestcd transfers are necessary to finance change orders and cost overruns. xY�e; request has beer� approved by the Budget Direcist�r, the birector of Finance and Management Services, and ,the City Attorney. : The CIB Comamittee recomunend+ed approval at their Ju1y Z6, 1978, m�eting. : 'ATTACAMENT5: Council Resolution - 1 page Publie Works' July 12, 1978, request - 1 paqe' . , ;y � . . . � '�����U���"t°` CITY OF SAINT PAUL _-����isr o�,��r,',rl �; � a�, DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS �� 1 it�l ii�I Q= %+� �= DONALD E. NYGAARD, DIRECTOR ��''��i��sm�sb������'' 234 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-4241 GEORGE LATIMER ___._._ MAYOR . �U�y �2� ��78 __ . :\ �, ` � � ,,1 �� .:_ ;c.l � • , ; , �= Mr. Richard E. Sch�oeder �"''�`�� � ��� �' �: • '•,; , Budget Director . �'� � "'�Y� ':?;j b \.���� Room 367 City Hall �,�, • Bli i LD 1 N� �� �.'''-��---;;-� '� �e'' �;� Dear Mr. Schroeder: I am requesting your approval for a transfer of 541 ,400 to the account 92077-�QS Oiled Streets - 1977 Repaving program. These funds will be • taken from 92077-013 - V-0655 E. Artington in the amount of $25,000 and 92077-014 - V-0390 Warner Road in the amount of $16,400. These two pro- Jects are under constructton and a contingency reserve has been retained to cover any revisions or additions. The additions were required to cover the moving of fire hydrants, removal and replacement of sidewalks and a overrun of quantities. This change does not affect the total appropriations in any manner. Financing Present Changes Amended _- 1977 CIB 1 ,750,000.00 + 41 ,400.OQ 1 ,791 ,400.00 1973 CIB � 32 �92.22 -o- 32 092.22 � �/v� � � • - if you have any questions, please catl John Eichinger on 5267. Very truly yours, ���t�'/�'� �. nald E. Nygaar. D i rector of PuF�I i Works ��-' DEN/JJE/mkb cc: Robe�t Horrisberger, Sr. �/ G. Kent Schonberger � ,;:_ '`� ?��� : 1 ° ......_._. ..�, James F. Schwartz �`"' ` •' '` " John J. Eichinger ��, ' T�, � -�"� '` CITY OF SAII\T l�AUL �f%���:�� 2'71 s�'� !;<= ��� ti^;<_: OI'FICE OF TH� CITY COIIi\TCIL '�/`�-'_:�[' �:'1 � .� . . :-; 1 �.: • �; ).; ,L�n�.I.iF :.� � • . � �r� t{kd�l':''�i t. �� ~ �,� Da t e . August 7, 1978 �,�,� _ � .:-.�:.._ C 0 (V� i�1 I°�'�E E R E P O R i T O : Sain� Paul City Councii � - F R 0 M � C o m m i t�e e .o n FIJ�ANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL . RUBY HUNT, ."ch'a�an, makes the foitowing report on C. F. [� Ordinance (3) [�] Resolution � [] Ofiher T1�'LE : The Finance Committee, at their meeting of August 7, 1978, took the follow- ing action: 1 . Recorr�nended approval of the resolution substituting title and class � specification for Occupational Safety and Health Analyst in Grade 13 of the Professional-Administrative Group for the title of Industrial Hygienist II in Grade 10 of the Professional-Administrative Group. 2. Resolution �authorizing the appointment of a committee to make recommendations on energy conservation measures_ to be funded from the NSP gross earnings fee withdrawn at the request of the author, Councilman Hozza. 3. Recorr�nended approval of the resolution to transfer $41 ,400 in 1977 Capital Improvement Bond money to the 1977 Residential Street Paving . Program. , CJTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAI?r'T PAUL, r4I\NESOTA 5�202 .._. •'✓ ,