271588 WHITE - CiTV GLERK � � I'� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O�F A I NT PAIT L Council � 1�,�t, �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT lle NO. BLU�E - MAVOR � , Coun so Presented By ISCENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Date RFSOLVED:' That license� applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Maureen Flores 36 S. Dale St. Rest C-»Z App. P20956 Renew Cyreen Mill, Inc. 57 �liae Ane. Rest C-•2 Q1914 " On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt National Garages, Inc. 36�*372 JackBOn St. Parking Lot f/2143 r' International 1694 Gomo Ave. Rest G-Z "2185 " Institute, Inc. Canteen Corp. Centennial Bldg Rest C-2 "2223 " Sears Roebuck & Co. 425 Rice St. Pet Shop "2259 " Mildred �rert 1263 St. Clair Av. Beauty Shop "2267 " Sherman Wong 1191 Earl St. Rest C-2 "2282 " The New Viaduct 1056 E. �th St. Tavern �'2358 n Inn, Inc. Caramel Crisp, Inc. 5 E. �th St. Conf. B "2363 '� Rest C-•l A.R. Sundberg 225 E. 6th St. Fds. MDPW "2378 �' Edward H. Warner 694 Payne Ave. C�en Rep Gar "2446 'r Earl D. Young 1�2$ Selby Ave. (�en Rep G�r "2419 " Warren D. Patter�son 1338 (�rand Ave. Orig. Cont. "2461 " Kentuc�y F}�ied Chicken 1624 Rice St. Re�t. C-•2 "2471 " Corp. Lloyd Peterson 1785 E. Minnehaha Bakery B "248? " Best Food Service, Ine. 65 E. Kellogg Blvd. Catering �t2489 " Joseph R. Sarichez 1567 Grand Ave. Beauty Shop '"2505 �' Applebaums Food 342 �lton Groc A�-2 & Butcher "2522 " Markets, Iuc. Off Sale Malt Superamerica, Inc. 379 White Bear Ave. Froz. Foods "2530 " Superamerica Station 1440 Ma.rshall F`r�oz. Foods �'2531 r' Bart Hammer 1775 E. 7th St. Cig. Loc. "2536 " S.S. Kresge Co. 2167 Hudson Rd. Rest C-2 "2542 " Confec. B Flor/Nurs COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza - Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Co�nc.il Secretary BY By t#pproved by 1�lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - BY WHITE - CITY CLERK / ��� ��� PINK - FINANCE COUACIl BLU�.RV -�MAVORTMEN7 GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. � - , Council Resolution Presented By LICE[�TSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the (Page 2) $�e are hereby granted. John H. Remackel 228 W. 7th St. 2nd Hd Dlr Gen - App. q,2567 Renew Johneon High School 1349 Arcade St. Swiming Pool "2570 �` James L. & 360 Wabasha St. Reat. C-2 "2584 '� Gerarda Miller Midway Mea1s 1515 Charle� Ave. Fd Estb. M ►F259$ �r Samaritan Hospital Leonard Falconer 1104 Ri.�e St. Ldy/DC Plt "2599 rt Nutrition World, Inc. Northwestern Bk. Groc A•.1 "2601 " Skyway lan 320 Q Petroleum 568 W. Maryland Gae Sta (3 P) 't2612 " 3 Add'1 P Orig Cont. �ield Schlick, Inc. 14 W. 5th St. Orig Cont. "2620 " Marie I�aess 1�83 St. Clair aroc A-2 & Butcher "2625 " Off Sale Malt Southland Corp. 236 w. Larpenteur (�roc A-2 & Fr. Fd. "2626 " Off Sale Ma1t Andrew Wilson 854 Rice St. Orig Cont. "2640 " Southland Corp. 925 C+raxid Aqe. C�troc A-2 & �. Fd. t�2657 r� Off Sale Nialt Attuaka-Brooks 976 Concordia Private Club '"2674 " Am. Legion Post #606 St. Paul Church Home 484 Ashland Av. Rest-Nurs "2679 " Fd. Estbl M I,�o Huppert 911 Rice St. Elec. Appl. Rep. "2711 " Amy Ann Vaccaro 752 Cheyenne Ln. Masseuse "2748 " Mendota Hts. Wendy Kay Lsmpert 416 Charles Masseuse "2776 " COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler �_ [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine � __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco ��1� � �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council� Date C rtiEied Pass�d by Coun .� Secretary BY s 1�1p ro by Ylavor: a e _ AVG ] �978 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY RuBUSHE� AUG 121978