271581 WHITE - CITV CIERK COUIICII ������ PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAUL CANARY - DEPARTMENT B'LUE - MAVOR File NO• � cil Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby ratifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated July 11, 1978, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and ma.de a par� hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE N0. PROPERT� APPELLANT 7/11/78 20-78-H 614 Whitall (duplex) Jerome D. Hughes BOARD ACTION: Pursuant to Section 55.02 (b) of the St. Paul Legis- lative Code, granted 30 days extension of time to tear down garage, remove space heater, repair open soil pipe, remove outside wiring, repair kitchen sink waste drain, and clean up property, and granted 90 days time extension to complete remaining items listed in letter of Ma.y 10, 1978, from St. Paul Code Enforcement Division. Property Description: Chas. Weides Sub. of Block 46 of Arlington Hills Addition, Lot 15 7/11/78 21-78-B 899 Burrt`St. (vacant) Charlene Thoreson BOARD ACTION: Pursuant to Section 55.02 (b) of the St. ��'aul Legis- lative Code, granted deferment of vacant building registration fees due under Chapter 26 of: the Legis- lative Code until such time as a building permit is issued, waiving all past due or fu.tur� late payment enalt fees. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifiez] Passed by Council Secretary '�=�Q��� - ��'Z ��� By �lpproved by Ylavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY WHI7E - CITV CLERK �K - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL F1eci1N0. ^''����� CANARV - DEPARTMENT U E - M A V O R - Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. Property Description: Edmund Rice' s lst Addition, S. 35 Ft. of Lot 17, Block 4 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �.--, Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine ✓ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter ��� � ,�� ' Tedesco�-t Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b.y-�ouncil Date Ce kified Pas� �by Counc� ec tary Taf,�,�`�,t/� �''2T'�� /�1p o by Mavor: D _�� � ���� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By 'r'.l.JLiStiED F�UG 1 ? 1978 \' -2 - 7/Il/78 - Meeting No . 142 � �^ � /� �� r 2115�31 CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 20- 78-H 614 Whitall (duplex) Jerome D. Hughes SUBJE CT : Request extension of time to complete general repairs , as designated in 5/10/78 letter from Code Enforcement Division, because of financial hardship . APPEARANCE : Jerome D. Hughes PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Hughes explained that he had bought the property on contract for deed from his wife ' s grandmother, who was in ill health. At the present time , he was involved in remodeling his own residence un.der an HRA home-improve- ment loan, doing much of the work himself. As soon as his home project was completed, he would have the resources and the time to wark on the property at 614 Whitall. Alice Bijjani said that 614 Whitall had been a source of eoncern to the housing code office since 1974, when it was under the previaus ownership. There were some items that affected the health and safety of tenants and her office felt the property should be vacated. She distributed pictures which sho�ved improper joists, an open sewer, improper support for beams , ill-fitting doors , electrical fixtures hanging down, exposed wiring an d much exterior decay. The garage was also in structurally poor condition. Mr. Hughes said that some slipshod remodeling had been done sometime in the past and destructive tenants had caused problems . After taking over the property, he had evicted the destructive tenants and cleaned up the place_ _ The garage was to be torn down during the next month. His home project was going to be done within a few months , when he would then be able to work on the duplex. Chairman Wozniak stated that if the duplex was ta remain occupied, alI items affecting iife and health safety would have to be taken care of immediately, and Mr. Hughes agreed. Mr. Glassman asked Mr. Hughes how much time he needed. Mr. Hughes replied that he could get everything done in about 90 days , and would take care of those items needing immediate attention within 30 days . He said his father, now retired, was a professional cement mason and would help install new supports and beams where needed. BOARD ACTION : Chairman Wozniak moved to grant 30 days time extension to tear own e garage , remove a space heater and vent pipe , t ake care of the open soil pipe in the basement , clean up the property, remove outside wirin g, repair the kitchen sink waste drain in the upper unit, and 90 days to complete the remaining items on the list of violations . 7/11/78 - h9eeting �'o . „142 . MINUTES OF THE �1EETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIEW Tuesday, July 11 , 1978 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p .m. TIEMBERS PRESENT: D. D. �ti'ozniak, Chairman Arthur Tieso Estyr Peake Ron Glassman David Heider LeRoy Coleman James Voigt AGENCIES PRESENT: Department of Community Services - Division of Housing anc� Building Coc�e Enforcement : Alice Bij j ani Steve Roy Frank Staffenson Je rry Ke rn Bureau of Environmental Health Wm. McCausland Housing Information Office Missy Staples . OTHERS PRESENT: Howard L. Huebener Jerome Hughes T. Rowe C. Rosetter Curtis Lilleboe Charles tiV. Erickson Frank R. Hughes Randy Johnson STAFF PRESENT: Patricia l�7oxness , Appeals Board Secretary Chairman D. D. Wozniak called the meeting to order at 1 :40 p.�a. The minutes of the meeting of June 13, 1978 , were anproved as drafted an d mailed out to the members. Chairman �tiozniak referred to the Mayor' s letter of May 23, 1978, concerning funding programs for non-owner-occupied housing rehabilitation . After a ^ - 3- 7/11/78 - Meeting No . 142 �~��t��� CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 21- 78-B 889 Burr St. (vacant) Charlene Thoreson SllBJECT: Rec�uest waiver of fee payments due under Vacant Building Registration Ordinance , because legal problem is holding up completion of renovation and payment of fees would be a financial hardship. APPEAR.AN CE: Tom Rowe, Attorney, representing Charlene Thoreson PROCEEDIPdGS : Mr. Rowe stated that Charlene Thor �son was buying the property under con- tract for deed from David R. Johnson . There had been a fire in February, 1977, on which $20 ,000 in insurance had been paid out. Of that amount , �5, 000 had been used to purchase new insurance and to make some immediate repairs , and also to do some legal work on bringing the contract up to date . The remaining $15 ,000 was placed in escrow in a joint account in the names of Ms . Tbor eson and Mr. Johnson, and a contract was executed between them regardin g a schedule for completion of the rec{uired repairs . After the sheetrocking had been done, Mr. Johnson claimed that the Job was incomplete and refused to release the $3, 000 to pay for it . A lawsuit tivas instituted by Ms . Thoreson against Mr. Johnson for release of the money. She could not afford to pay the quarterly fees of $45 out of her awn pocket, but Mr. Rowe said there would be no objection to paying the accumulated amount at such time as the escrow money was released. He asked that the fees for delinquent payment be waived, however. Mr. Heider asked what additional work was necessary to make the building habitable . Mr. Rowe said that windows had to be installed, a water meter had to be replaced, floors had to be carpeted, and plumbing fixtures and appliances had to be installed. In addition, the sheetrockin g contractor had filed a me chanic' s lien against the property. He said Ms . Thoreson was anxious � to have the house put in shape so it could be rented again, but could not proceed without the escrow funds . Upon their release, a building permit ` would be taken out and work would be resumed.. Mr. Rowe said Ms . Thoreson still owed $14, 000 on the contract for deed. He had hoped a bank Ioan could be arranged so she might be able to buy out the contract , but no bank would touch it, mainly because the title was a mess . Attempts to sell the building had not been successful . BOARD ACTION: Chairman Wozniak moved that the regular statutory fees due under the vacant building ordinance continue to be levied, without late payment penalty, but that they be allowed to accumulate until such time as a building permit is issued; and, further, that all past delinauent charges be waived. NIr. Coleman seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 7 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 7/11/78 - :�ie�ting N� . i42 . MINUTES OF TI�E AZEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS An?D REVIEW Tuesday, July 11, 1978 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p .m. MEMBERS PRESENT: D. D. Wozniak, Chairman Arthur Tieso Estyr Peake Ron Glassman David Heider LeRoy Coleman James Voigt AGENCIES PRESENT: De artment of Communit Services - Divisian of Housing an Buil ing Co e Enforcement : Alice Bij j ani Steve Roy Frank Staffenson Je rry Ke rn Bureau of Environmental Health Wm. McCausland Housing Information Office Missy Staples OTHERS PRESENT: Howard L. Huebener Jerome Hughes T. Rowe C. Rosetter Curtis Lilleboe Charles W. Erickson Frank R. Hughes Randy Johnson STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness , Appeals Board Secretary Chairman D.D. tiVozniak called the meeting to order at 1 : 40 p .m. The minutes of the meetin g of June 13, 1978 , were apnroved as drafted an d mailed out to the members . Chairman �Jozniak referred to the Mayor' s Ietter af May 23, 1978, concerning funding programs for non-owner-occupied housing rehabilitation. After a