271561 �r'�1��
F I N A L O R D E R BY �� }; �. �,,.�;r, � ,�,_,�,,�..a.
File No. ��,��
In the Matter of ilult�alll,oj i p�►blia 1I�t��ix' fliltl �11 t� !'1#11o�Mi� itYNt11
tR1►i�R oR�rs t�rd. 6�rrt a�t11 to ��! :..E ..utb .� ace�A est�
i��d�ra�iv��rder ��� approved � �'9y 197�
under Preliminary Order ��� approved �u�' 1 1
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
��6 � t9T8
COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the C ncil: Date
Yeas Nays
Certi Passed Council Secretary 2 �9�a
Butler � 0 G
HOZZB In Favor
Lev i ne �_Against
"���r pUBLISHED AUG 5 19�$
`Nh;te — CitY Cteik �
rink — Finane�wvs. . �I TY OF S2�I iV'T ' PAIS� . No: r' ,yt�3 �T
Cana�r— L�Pt- _ -�
Date: /
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Mr. Bernard J. Carlson
Director of Finance & Management Services -
Roma 113
Citp Ha1I
AttentiQn� Mr. Pau1 Desch
Ret Proposed Aater Mai.n Ynstallation in Heather Drive from Grand Hill
to 250 feet Sauth of Grand HilY
De.a.r Mr,. Carlsons
The Board of Aater Cazimmisa�.oners has rec.oamaended the instalLation of a public
water maia in the above referenced street. Attached ple.ase find a c,opy of Baard
R�solutioa 2782 and cop�es of �he p�.an and peLition for this iznprovement.
Zt is requested that the Department af Financa bxing this tnatter befare the
Couacil for public hearfng.
If there are aziy questians concerning this project� please contact Mr. Bernie
Bullert or �. Allen Coultar of our Engineering Staff.
Yery tru].q yours�
�,��'L"�l� �' > --
Elmer A. Huset
General Manager
attac.hments ' '' ''_.,�.r ����I Y �'i.../
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� �'� �4' • JUN - 6 1978
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'% ��� ROOM N0. 216, CITY HALI - ST. PAUL, MiNNESOTA 55i02
- CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ 2�$1
COMMISS ONER B���h - DATE r�.� �1.____r___.._l9�ls
WH� F , The Board of Water Co�amissionars has received a petition for the installatiau
of a public water main in Heather Drive fram Grand HiZI to 250 feet South of Grand Hill;
W� � � The Saint Paul Water Utility staff has reviewed the proposed improveaent and
recocmeuds the installation of a water raain and its appurtenances; such installation to
extead from Che existing water main in Gran@ Hill thence southerly in Heather Drive to
250 fset South of Graad Aill; and
��.R»-��� The total esti.mated costs for the water main imgrovement, including construction,
engiaeering� inspection and administration costs are $7�040.00 and the estimated rate
per assessable foot determined by the Valuatian and Assessment Engineer is ,$10.25 per
foot for residential property, and tha estimated financing is $1�230.00 frara assessmer�ts
and $5,810.00 fr�om Water Utiiity Aid;
NOW, THEREFORE, Bn ZT RESOLVED, That the Board oi Water Co�nissioners reca�ends ta the
Honorable Citq Couacil of Saint Paul that a public water maia be installed in Heather
Drive from Graad Sill to 250 £eet South of Grand Hill, the grade of sa�d streat being
within Iimits pesmitted bq Section 252.17 of the Saint Pau1 Legislative CQdes aud that
the•installation aad payment for the water main� in whole or in part by means of a special
assessment., be deemed a local improvement and be ordered and made in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter 13 of the City Charter._
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Water Commissioners
Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners
Yeas Nays
Th�psan ��a �� 19,�g
�'r�sident :,eviae
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In favor�..__ Opposed_�_ �'^_� � l
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' St. Paul� Minn. December 21st 19 ��
To The Board of Water Commissioners
of the City of St. Paul� Minn.
We� the undersigned property owners� hereby petition your Honorable Body
to cause a public water main to be instalTed in the following street
Heather Place (Formerly Floral Avenue) St. Ave.
from Grand Hill � St. Ave. to #One Heather Place
St. Ave.
Church of St. John the 10 & 11 7 J.W. Heatherts Subdivision .
Evan�elist of Terrace Park Addition
60 Kent Street
,,�-',\, 1__`_' i '
St. Paul, i�t 55102 � ,� '
� •> `. . ^�
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By: Charles E. Smith� ( � \~ `
Treasurer `;_- ��F��'`'��' �.
._\ _._
bccept the vorth 1 foot, Lots 1Q and 1 , East o the following line:
beginning at a point on the S uth line of Lot 1 and 6 feet from the South- �-;
east e�rner; thence parallel ith the ast line of �Lot 10 to intersect with-.,�:
;;.•- `'t,�
� line running frvm a point on he South line of nd 5 feet from the South- t��
westerly corner of Lot ll to oi�t on he Nor•th Iine of and 10 feet from �. ;
,�: ";,
the Northeast corner of Lot 1 ; thence Northerl on the last described � `;
iine to the aforesaid point o the Nor h line o Lot i0, James W. Heather's
Subdivision of Block 7, Terra e Park A dition.
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