271557 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANGE GITY OF AINT PAUL uncil `� � � CANARV �DEPARTMENT Ile NO• � '���� BL`UE - MAYOR F Counci es � Presented By Referred To Committee: a Out of Committee By te � RESOLVED'! That liaenses applied for by the following persons at the addre�ses stated be and the same are hereby granted. McTeague's Bar, Ina. 1415 Univer,�ity Ave. Rest F•2 App. P20725 Renew Off Sale Malt Cig. Kernel Griff's 531 Stryker Ave. Fds. MDPW P21125 " 1 Vehicle Eisenberg Fruit Co. 170 E. lOth St. (�roc A..1 Q1735 " Flor/Nurs Red Owl Stores, Inc. 451 N. Lexington (3roc A-2 "1952 �� Butcher & Fr Fds. Flor/Nurs Of f Sale Ma.lt Hardware John & Mary Milton 2228'�z Carter Ave. 7,dy & D.C. Plant Q2000 " John & Mary Milton 2228yz Carter Ave. Ldy & �.C. Plant �t2001 " Plitt North Central 22 W. �th St. Cig "2082 " Theatres, Inc. Commonwealth Nursing Home 2237-9 Commonwealth Av. Rest-Nurs "2102 " Fd Estab M Superamerica 1625 Rice St. Gas Sta (8P) Q�188 " Divn of Ashland Oil Co. aroc A-1 Hardwaxe F`irearms Superamerica, 1625 Rice St. 4 Add'1 Gas P 'r21g9 " Dim of Ashland Oil, Inc. Northern Restaurante 1648 Grand Ave. Rest C-2 "2256 n International, Inc. Sears Rqebu�ck & Co. 425 Rice St. Gas Sta. ie2314 " Gas Sta 5 Add'1 P 4en Rep C�ar Gulck's Appliance & 1558 Selby Ane. T.V. Ma.ster "2335 " Records, Inc. 2 Servicemen COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By. �lpproved by IVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – BY (�r WH17E - GTV CLERK �y���� PINK - FINANCE l CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICIl rv/ � BCUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By j,TG'Ti'NSF C.[�1MTTTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont. (Page 2) John E. Young 1053 Hudson Rd. T.V. Master App. Q2336 Renew 1 Serviaemaa Clark's Submarine 1564 white Bear Ave. Rest C-1 "239� �� Sandwich, Inc. Clark's Submarine 1567 �ite Bear Ave. Cig. "2391 r' Sandwich, Inc. H. Salt E+sq. Fish & GYiipa 860 E. Maryland Rest C-►2 "2429 '� William Dob�inski 792 Rice St. Gen Rep Ga�' �'2�+�+5 r' Roger R. Brausen 1785 Suburban Cias Sta 3 P "2486 9 Add'1 Pumps Gen Rep Gar Irving & Samuel 928 Arcade St. 2nd Hd Mtr Parts Dlr "25()1 rr Bernstein Howard B. Widing 542 Stryker (ias Sta 3 P "2510 " 1 Add'1 P (3en Rep Gar Kuights of Columbus 408 Main St. Re+st C-1 "2513 r+ Arlyne Lanceu�an 25 W. 9th St. Orig. Cont. �"2516 " Superamerica Stations 5?? S. Smith F`rozen Fds. "2526 'r Superamerica Stations 1146 Payne Ave. �ozen Fds. '�2527 '� Superamerica Stations, Inc. 1'734 W. 7th St. �ozen Fds. "2529 " Vincent H. Baltes 734 N. Snelling Ave. CYroc A«.2 & Butcher "2532 �' Off Sale Malt Family Hair Care Center 1339 �ndolp� Baxber '�2541 " Leo Muellner & 681 E. 3rd St. I�dq DC Plt "2545 " Donald Folsk� Louise Bauer 2046 St. Clair Beauty Shop "2546 " Bradley, Ine. 1360 Ri.ce St. Auto Boc�y Rep "2562 " Randall Wiclanan 825 Grand Ave. 2nd Hd Mtr Veh Dlr "2592 Arthur F. Williams 366 st. Peter St. Optician '�2596 " Kunz Oil Co. 584 PJ. Fairview 2 Pri Ctag P "2600 r' COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, llpproved by ;Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – BY WHITE — GITV CLERK � `�� V ��' ,/ PINK — FINANCE COURCIl F 4 � e CANARV =EPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. BR1E- - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COI�Il�IIT1'EE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont. (Page 3) Mike Wolk 1059 N. Western Rad. & T.V. App. Q2604 Renew Test Z'ube Dev Central Ma.nor 26 E. Exchange Cig I,oa. "2605 " Naiman Eaterprisea, Inc. 150'j White Bear Ave. 2nd Hd Mtr Veh "2613 " Hoffman Corner Oil Co. 950 Pi. Lexington C�as Sta 3 P "2619 0' 1 Add'1 P Roy H�elmgren 539 N• Grotto Elec. Appl. Rep. "2631 " Sheryl St. Germaine 2317 Bryant Av. S. Mpls Ma�seuse "2643 " Hora�e R. Cioodhue 1549 Ashland Ave. Masseur "2669 �' Darla M�y Finley 1501 Portland, Mpls. Masseuse "2686 " Cy�thia Ann Peterson 3140 (�aven, Mpls. Nlasaseu8e '�2688 " Celeatine Morris 976 Selby Ave. Masseuse n2716 " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � � Hozza [n Favor Hunt '0 Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Adopted by�CoCUn il: Date `�� �'7 t97� Form Approved by City Attorney Certifie -_s d by Coun Sec ry BY gy. t#ppr v d :Navor: Da _ ��`, Z $ ���$ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — By ������� AUG 5 1978