01-1248�(� � 5��� (� l`�"ll�--�D � conn�a F�� # o! - la�g Green Sheet # I l b( 3 � RESOLUTION Presented by � Referred To F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, pursuant to Council File #86-1124, residential permit parking was previously instituted on 2 behalf of the residents residing in the University of Saint Thomas area in accordance with Chapter 168 of the 3 Saint Paul Legislative Code; and 4 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul found that the Highland Village residential area did not 5 have sufficient off-street parking to accommodate the residential parking needs of the residents as well as the 6 parking needs of non-residents who use non-residential facilities in the area which lack su�cient off-street 7 parking; and 8 WHEREAS, affected residents have subsequently submitted petitions requesting that certain permit 9 parking restrictions be installed on these blocks; 10 WHEREAS, Public Works staff has investigated the basis for the petition and concluded and 11 recommended adoption of the changes requested in the petition; 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following parking regulations shall be established in the 13 residentiai area of Highland Village: 14 Establish Two 4iour Parking 8AM-8PM Except by Permit, Area 27 parking regulation on the following 15 blocks: 16 North side of Pinehurst Ave. from 130 feet west of Cleveland Ave. to Finn St. 17 South side of Pinehurst Ave. from 300 feet west of Cleveland Ave. to Finn St. 18 Both sides of Finn St. from Highland Pkwy. to Pinehurst Ave. 19 Both sides of Pinehurst Ave. from Finn St. to Cretin Ave. 20 North side of Pinehurst Ave. from Kenneth St. to 180 feet east 21 South side of Pinehurst Ave. from Kenneth St. to 150 feet east 22 Both sides of Kenneth St. from Highland Pkwy. to Pinehurst Ave. 23 East side of Kenneth St. from Pinehurst Ave. to the alley 130 feet south 24 Both sides of Pinehurst Ave. from Kenneth St. to 140 feet east of Cleveland Ave. 1 S _ De�.�a�e.��t �5 2 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that these parking regulations will be in effect and be enforced thirty (30) 3 days after City Council approval. Requested by Deparhnent of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � i /`/ ' .. . ' � • �. - �� ./ / i %%/�� , i ,�., ,� �, Adopted by Council: Date �, i� a a a a DATE INITIATED 72/3/2001 266-6205 ON COUNqLAGENDA BV (OAT� .� �,e . C� TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 b1 SHEET_ � DEPARTMEMDIRECTOR a��N 4 NUGBER f-0R � �m ATTOFNEY ����' �FlNANCIALSEFiVICESDIR ORDFA � MAYOfl (OR ASSISTANi) a DIVI$IpN XEpD (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Ho 110138�''��' �CfiYCOUt�IL - � CITY CLERK _ ❑ FlN. SEFiVICESACCT. � - dCK RUPEFiT/ACCT. ACTION FiEQl1E5iED Request City Council approval to establish a new permit area: Two Hour 8AM-8PM Except by Permit, Area 27, on portions of Pinehurst Ave., Finn St. and Kenneth St. in the Highland Village area. (See attached map). RECOMMENDATIOISS: Apprwe (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY(WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH�� Overflow parking from local business and express bus commuters create conditions whereby residents cannot park nor access their homes. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Residents desire safer, more livable streets by decreasing the current excessive parking issues. DISADVMIrAGES IF APPROVED: Parkers may migrate to neighboring streets. Permit parking expansion exhausts police enforcement. DISAD�ANTAGES IF NpT APPROVED: Residents and Community Council will challenge. TOTAL AMOUM OF TRANSACTION FUNDING SOUHCE COST/REVENUEBUOGE7ED(CIHCLEONE) YE NO ACINIfY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLqIN) Council File # C � � \1�� RESOLUTIO{d WHEREAS, pursuant to Council File #86-1124, residential permit par instituted on behalf of the residents residing in the University of St. Thomas accordance with Chapter 168 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and , PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To previously area in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul found that the Hi land Village residential area did not have sufficient off street parking to accommodate the resi ential parking needs of the residents as weli as the parking needs of non-residents who use no -residential facilities in the area which lack sufficient off-street parking; and WHEREAS, affected residents have subsequently sub ' ed petitions requesting that certain permit parking restrictions be installed on these blocks; WHEREAS, Public Works staff has investigated th}� basis for the petition and concluded and recommended adoption of the changes requested in tlye petition; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that established in the residential area of liighland Vilt Estabiish No Parking 8AM-8PM Except by blocks: / Green Sheet # 1 � n13p Committee: Date following parking regulations shall be Area 27 parking regulation on the following North side of Pinehurst Ave. fro 130 feet west of Cleveland Ave. to Finn St. South side of Pinehurst Ave. fr m 300 feet west of Cleveland Ave. to Finn St. Both sides of Finn St. from H� hland Pkwy. to the Pinehurst Ave. Both sides of Finn St. from inehurst Ave. to the alley 130 feet south. Both sides of Pinehurst A. from Finn St. to Cretin Ave. Establish No Parking Except North side of South side of Both sides of Both sides of Both sides oX Area 27 parking regulation on the folfowing biocks: : Ave. from Kenneth St. to 180 feet east t Ave. from Kenneth St. to 150 feet east St. from Highland Pkwy. to Pinehurst Ave. St. from Pinehurst Ave. to the alley 130 feet south. t Ave. from Kenneth St. to i40 feet east of Cleveland Ave. Page 2 O 1 - ta�LE� 34 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that these parking regulations will be in effect and be enforced 35 thirty (30) days after City Council approval. Yeas �� Nays �� �bsent �� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified byfiouncil Secretary By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayo : Date By: B Y� ✓� By : � /SGI, ;9(� � �Jp� � � s � � L N � z W Z a m � o � Y � � a m d W 1 L 6� N a i z � � � ^, W i E L b a T 9 a u w a � 1 L e a 0 z � a s a N O s L d n N Y �£ N a 0 N > N \ m u m > Q , --� r � y� S85i — _ — Easi --- ._ = shs� ' aooz " c�e: 2008 _ S�Oc' �� _ - L002 �i = 1102 p� -- __ - StOc p - 6'02 , -:- - -£202 i L202 � - - I£Oc � ' -- � _� S£Od � �-_ ^ 6G0@ �� __ - e�oa � 0661 -- ' --- . r6s[ - --- 866t - V�/�Y �H13NN3�1 � eOOB �- ---_-_ u002 —_ OI03 -- - rioz _ &S02 - --- 220? .__ 9202 _ OS02 - 4f-02 � t 8E0� - --- 2407 o ti _ 13,V►i i 3 ____._ _ Y __ — a - - _ = 6102 p -. _ " a - --� - £80Z $ - �B�G u -- - - _ - i602 -���" - __S6OC _- - E602 _ EOI2 - - LOl2 :1t2 4[[2 � __ SIIZ '3hV QNVl3h3lJ "' — -_ � _ _" '_ _ ¢_ � — 1 _ r 3 Y -- a -J O _� _o _� t�60? '- --_-_ BGOc� - GOTC ' ��tL� ^ _—' __'"'�' _ UI[e - ,°otiti2._ ---- � �f$,� NNIj azia s�tz rziz " caia -- tetz o:iz _ _. SfEi6 b£IZ -_ -- EEic 4£[2 -E"v2c' 'eVIZ - _ --- - .- L?le 94I3 -- ', - -- :SI2 OS!? -- . . - '_ ,-SSii NSI2 - - - 6SIZ = - - � __ - £�Ic 29IZ - - L9Ic 99Ie '-_ - ILI2. OLS? _.___, i -- '-- -SLR 4LI? . � � -_— _t� - ' P N - - _ �r p. __. � _ _. . _ _ __ _. _ r' . _-� _� `/ ---- _-----" ' NI132i� Public Works - Traffic ON COUNCiL AGENDA BY (DATE) Public Hearing Date TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES 1 DATE INITIATED 10/16/2001 �OE��j�R ASGGN � NUMBERPoR �CfiYATTOFNEY p �� w �' �FlNANCIALSERVICESDIR OflDFA � MAYOR (pR ASSISTANT) p���,o = (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR No 110138 � iHmnwn� — �CfiYCOUNCIL C � CITYCLEFiK _ � FIN. $ERVICES/ACCT. ❑ - _�, ACTION RE�UESIED Request City Council approval to establish a new permit area: No Parking 8AM-8PM Except by Permit, Area 27, on portions of Pinehurst Ave. and Finn St. and No Parking Except by Permit, Area 27 on portions of Pinehurst Ave. and Kenneth St. in the Highland Village area ofi St. Paul (See attached map). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PIANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO F�cplain alt yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHEflE, WHV) Overfiow parking from local business and express bus commuters create conditi��i�l�r��� cannot park nor access their homes. �° OCT 31 2641 CIT� A`�T����� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Residents desire safer, more livable streets by decreasing the current excessive r�[�.8t�es. � • paas�a�� ,� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED� �' Parkers may migrate to neighboring streets. Permit parking expansion exhausts police enforcement. DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPFOVED: Residents and Community Council will challenge. 70TAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ FUNDING SOURCE COS7IFlEVENUEBUDGE7ED(C1RClEONE) YE No ACITVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (IXPWN) �(� � 5��� (� l`�"ll�--�D � conn�a F�� # o! - la�g Green Sheet # I l b( 3 � RESOLUTION Presented by � Referred To F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, pursuant to Council File #86-1124, residential permit parking was previously instituted on 2 behalf of the residents residing in the University of Saint Thomas area in accordance with Chapter 168 of the 3 Saint Paul Legislative Code; and 4 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul found that the Highland Village residential area did not 5 have sufficient off-street parking to accommodate the residential parking needs of the residents as well as the 6 parking needs of non-residents who use non-residential facilities in the area which lack su�cient off-street 7 parking; and 8 WHEREAS, affected residents have subsequently submitted petitions requesting that certain permit 9 parking restrictions be installed on these blocks; 10 WHEREAS, Public Works staff has investigated the basis for the petition and concluded and 11 recommended adoption of the changes requested in the petition; 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following parking regulations shall be established in the 13 residentiai area of Highland Village: 14 Establish Two 4iour Parking 8AM-8PM Except by Permit, Area 27 parking regulation on the following 15 blocks: 16 North side of Pinehurst Ave. from 130 feet west of Cleveland Ave. to Finn St. 17 South side of Pinehurst Ave. from 300 feet west of Cleveland Ave. to Finn St. 18 Both sides of Finn St. from Highland Pkwy. to Pinehurst Ave. 19 Both sides of Pinehurst Ave. from Finn St. to Cretin Ave. 20 North side of Pinehurst Ave. from Kenneth St. to 180 feet east 21 South side of Pinehurst Ave. from Kenneth St. to 150 feet east 22 Both sides of Kenneth St. from Highland Pkwy. to Pinehurst Ave. 23 East side of Kenneth St. from Pinehurst Ave. to the alley 130 feet south 24 Both sides of Pinehurst Ave. from Kenneth St. to 140 feet east of Cleveland Ave. 1 S _ De�.�a�e.��t �5 2 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that these parking regulations will be in effect and be enforced thirty (30) 3 days after City Council approval. Requested by Deparhnent of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � i /`/ ' .. . ' � • �. - �� ./ / i %%/�� , i ,�., ,� �, Adopted by Council: Date �, i� a a a a DATE INITIATED 72/3/2001 266-6205 ON COUNqLAGENDA BV (OAT� .� �,e . C� TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 b1 SHEET_ � DEPARTMEMDIRECTOR a��N 4 NUGBER f-0R � �m ATTOFNEY ����' �FlNANCIALSEFiVICESDIR ORDFA � MAYOfl (OR ASSISTANi) a DIVI$IpN XEpD (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Ho 110138�''��' �CfiYCOUt�IL - � CITY CLERK _ ❑ FlN. SEFiVICESACCT. � - dCK RUPEFiT/ACCT. ACTION FiEQl1E5iED Request City Council approval to establish a new permit area: Two Hour 8AM-8PM Except by Permit, Area 27, on portions of Pinehurst Ave., Finn St. and Kenneth St. in the Highland Village area. (See attached map). RECOMMENDATIOISS: Apprwe (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY(WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH�� Overflow parking from local business and express bus commuters create conditions whereby residents cannot park nor access their homes. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Residents desire safer, more livable streets by decreasing the current excessive parking issues. DISADVMIrAGES IF APPROVED: Parkers may migrate to neighboring streets. Permit parking expansion exhausts police enforcement. DISAD�ANTAGES IF NpT APPROVED: Residents and Community Council will challenge. TOTAL AMOUM OF TRANSACTION FUNDING SOUHCE COST/REVENUEBUOGE7ED(CIHCLEONE) YE NO ACINIfY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLqIN) Council File # C � � \1�� RESOLUTIO{d WHEREAS, pursuant to Council File #86-1124, residential permit par instituted on behalf of the residents residing in the University of St. Thomas accordance with Chapter 168 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and , PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To previously area in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul found that the Hi land Village residential area did not have sufficient off street parking to accommodate the resi ential parking needs of the residents as weli as the parking needs of non-residents who use no -residential facilities in the area which lack sufficient off-street parking; and WHEREAS, affected residents have subsequently sub ' ed petitions requesting that certain permit parking restrictions be installed on these blocks; WHEREAS, Public Works staff has investigated th}� basis for the petition and concluded and recommended adoption of the changes requested in tlye petition; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that established in the residential area of liighland Vilt Estabiish No Parking 8AM-8PM Except by blocks: / Green Sheet # 1 � n13p Committee: Date following parking regulations shall be Area 27 parking regulation on the following North side of Pinehurst Ave. fro 130 feet west of Cleveland Ave. to Finn St. South side of Pinehurst Ave. fr m 300 feet west of Cleveland Ave. to Finn St. Both sides of Finn St. from H� hland Pkwy. to the Pinehurst Ave. Both sides of Finn St. from inehurst Ave. to the alley 130 feet south. Both sides of Pinehurst A. from Finn St. to Cretin Ave. Establish No Parking Except North side of South side of Both sides of Both sides of Both sides oX Area 27 parking regulation on the folfowing biocks: : Ave. from Kenneth St. to 180 feet east t Ave. from Kenneth St. to 150 feet east St. from Highland Pkwy. to Pinehurst Ave. St. from Pinehurst Ave. to the alley 130 feet south. t Ave. from Kenneth St. to i40 feet east of Cleveland Ave. Page 2 O 1 - ta�LE� 34 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that these parking regulations will be in effect and be enforced 35 thirty (30) days after City Council approval. Yeas �� Nays �� �bsent �� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified byfiouncil Secretary By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayo : Date By: B Y� ✓� By : � /SGI, ;9(� � �Jp� � � s � � L N � z W Z a m � o � Y � � a m d W 1 L 6� N a i z � � � ^, W i E L b a T 9 a u w a � 1 L e a 0 z � a s a N O s L d n N Y �£ N a 0 N > N \ m u m > Q , --� r � y� S85i — _ — Easi --- ._ = shs� ' aooz " c�e: 2008 _ S�Oc' �� _ - L002 �i = 1102 p� -- __ - StOc p - 6'02 , -:- - -£202 i L202 � - - I£Oc � ' -- � _� S£Od � �-_ ^ 6G0@ �� __ - e�oa � 0661 -- ' --- . r6s[ - --- 866t - V�/�Y �H13NN3�1 � eOOB �- ---_-_ u002 —_ OI03 -- - rioz _ &S02 - --- 220? .__ 9202 _ OS02 - 4f-02 � t 8E0� - --- 2407 o ti _ 13,V►i i 3 ____._ _ Y __ — a - - _ = 6102 p -. _ " a - --� - £80Z $ - �B�G u -- - - _ - i602 -���" - __S6OC _- - E602 _ EOI2 - - LOl2 :1t2 4[[2 � __ SIIZ '3hV QNVl3h3lJ "' — -_ � _ _" '_ _ ¢_ � — 1 _ r 3 Y -- a -J O _� _o _� t�60? '- --_-_ BGOc� - GOTC ' ��tL� ^ _—' __'"'�' _ UI[e - ,°otiti2._ ---- � �f$,� NNIj azia s�tz rziz " caia -- tetz o:iz _ _. SfEi6 b£IZ -_ -- EEic 4£[2 -E"v2c' 'eVIZ - _ --- - .- L?le 94I3 -- ', - -- :SI2 OS!? -- . . - '_ ,-SSii NSI2 - - - 6SIZ = - - � __ - £�Ic 29IZ - - L9Ic 99Ie '-_ - ILI2. OLS? _.___, i -- '-- -SLR 4LI? . � � -_— _t� - ' P N - - _ �r p. __. � _ _. . _ _ __ _. _ r' . _-� _� `/ ---- _-----" ' NI132i� Public Works - Traffic ON COUNCiL AGENDA BY (DATE) Public Hearing Date TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES 1 DATE INITIATED 10/16/2001 �OE��j�R ASGGN � NUMBERPoR �CfiYATTOFNEY p �� w �' �FlNANCIALSERVICESDIR OflDFA � MAYOR (pR ASSISTANT) p���,o = (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR No 110138 � iHmnwn� — �CfiYCOUNCIL C � CITYCLEFiK _ � FIN. $ERVICES/ACCT. ❑ - _�, ACTION RE�UESIED Request City Council approval to establish a new permit area: No Parking 8AM-8PM Except by Permit, Area 27, on portions of Pinehurst Ave. and Finn St. and No Parking Except by Permit, Area 27 on portions of Pinehurst Ave. and Kenneth St. in the Highland Village area ofi St. Paul (See attached map). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PIANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO F�cplain alt yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHEflE, WHV) Overfiow parking from local business and express bus commuters create conditi��i�l�r��� cannot park nor access their homes. �° OCT 31 2641 CIT� A`�T����� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Residents desire safer, more livable streets by decreasing the current excessive r�[�.8t�es. � • paas�a�� ,� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED� �' Parkers may migrate to neighboring streets. Permit parking expansion exhausts police enforcement. DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPFOVED: Residents and Community Council will challenge. 70TAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ FUNDING SOURCE COS7IFlEVENUEBUDGE7ED(C1RClEONE) YE No ACITVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (IXPWN)