271530 `NH17E - CITV CLERK �-t��_��� PINK - FINANCE �T COUIICIl % CANAR.Y. - DEPARTMENT G I T�Y OF SA I NT PA V L File NO. � � BLUE - MAVOR , � Council Resolution Presented By ✓� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution changing a title and class specification in the Civil Service Rules. WHER.EAS, it is appropriate and desirable to change the title and class specification for Permit and License Clerk to Permit and License � Clerk II i.n the Civil Service Rules; now, therefore, be it . RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 6 thereof, under the heading "Cle�c�l." ��x.oup in Grade 28, by striki.ng °, � , , out the title of Permit and -Li,cense Clerk, and inserting in lieu thereof, the title of Permit and License Clerk II; and be it FUR.THER. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 49 thereof, by striking out the cla�,s..�pecification for Permit and '`� � License Clerk, and substituting in lieu thex�of, in proper alphabeti"cal order, ; .. the attached class specification for P�rmit and License Clerk II. , Approved: airman Civil Service Commissi COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas��� Nays � Houa PERSONNEL OFFICE Hunt [n Favor � Levine Maddox a __ Against BY Showalter �i�666�.. Adopted by Council: Date —���'.�' �7� Form A prove by Ci ttorney Certified d by Counci creta BY . By Ap r ved by 17ayor: te � � �U� 2 g � �� Approved by Mayor for Sub ' to Council BY - – — BY �� rv�� PUBLISWED A(�G � 1�7 . �'"1���� Title of class: PERMIT AND LICENSE CLERK II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory work involving the planning, organizing and directing of clerical work entailed in issuing licenses; performs skilled clerical work in issuing Iicenses; and per- forms related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a division head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit close technical and admin- istrative supervision directly over lower level clerical workers as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFOR'�IED The listed examples may not include alI duties performed by all positians in this class. Plans, assigns and reviews the work of clerks engaged in accepting appli- cations, issuing licenses, and performing related clerical duties. Prepares and issues various City required permits, licenses, certificates and approvals including dog and business licenses, certificates of com- petency and trade licenses. - Reviews applications, advises applicants and provides information in re- sponse to inquiries regarding requirements for compliance with existing laws, rules, regulations and ordinances. Assembles required information and prepares and types Iicense application letters and assembles applications for resolutions. Computes, assesses and collects fees and surcharges using predetermined formulas and rates; prepares and issues receipts. Compiles, maintains and searches records and files pertaining to licenses. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of City ordinances and regulati�ns concerning licenses, permits, certificates and approvals. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the general public. Thorough knowledge of modern office practices and procedures. . Thorough knowledge of departmental policies, rules, regulations, functions, procedure and organization. Considerable ability to determine priorities, plan and coordinate clerical work. MINIMIJM QUALSFICATIONS Eight years' clerical experience, at least two years of which must have been as a Permit and License Clerk I, Clerical Supervisor, or equivalent. : [�o not� detach this memorandum fram tf�e. : '� - � . � r.esolution so that this :information will be. � ��_ �;�{��7�, availab�e to the City Counc'tf. R�,s 9/.�,17� $XP' :QR 8 t� /.r�/�tic�3�+1 �st1�t May 25�, 19?$ �� �ro� �� �►�r� � E C � � 9/E D �ti :�+�aes�►� mtl�lc+� JU N 2 2 �978 : �IA�OR'� � �s ���a��e��. �e�ac ,�u�a�.�� �� Gi�g Cawaa�.� ������� , W� sry►av+araMaQ� y�c �pp�a� amd� �v�bm�i�tv�a �� �ii,s-1�1b� �cr � C��y-Cotisnc�. . � . �. , � This Resoll�tion changes the;t�ttle of Permit` and License C1erk ta Perxxiit .and License ; Glerk IL It also chan.�es �Ehl� cla.ss specifications to reflect this title. �hange and to : elitninate the edu:cational r�qtai�rexnent. `This.xni.nimurn'quali£icatioa change hae beea aPp�t�d by the Minirri�m Qualificatio�.s Cornmittee, , : ; � AT��1T8�; Resolution and copy for City Clerkc. � T ��.�.�� � Title of class: PERMIT AND LICEN5E CLERK DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory work involving the planning, organizing and directing of clerical work entailed in issuiz�g licenses; performs skilled clerical work in issuing licenses; and per- forms related duties as required. 5upervision Received: Works under the general technical and admxnistra- tive supervision of a division head, Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit close technical and admin- istrative supervision directly over lower level clerical workers as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans, assigns and reviews the work of clerks engaged in accepting appli- � cations, issuing licenses, and performing related clerical duties, Prepares and issues various City required permits, licenses, certificates and approvals including dog and business licenses, certificates of com- petency and trade licenses. Reviews applications, advi.ses applicants and provides information in re- sponse to inquiries regarding requirements for compliance with existing laws, rules, regulations and ordinances. Assembles required information and prepares and types license application letters and assembles applications for resolutions. Computes, assesses and collects fees and surcharges using predetermined formulas and rates9 prepares and issues receipts, Compiles, maintains and searches records and files pertaining to licenses. KNOW LEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of Ci.ty ordinances and regulations concerning licenses, permits, certificates and approvals. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and efficiently with the general public. Thorough knowledge of modern office practices and procedures. Thorough knowledge of departmental policies, rules, regulations, functions, procedure and organization. Considerable ability to determine priorities, plan and coordinate clerical work. MINiMUM QUALIFICATIONS � High school graduation and eight years' clerical experience, at least two years of which must have been as a li�i.cense Clerk, Clerk IV or equivalent. Effective February l4, 19'�7 PERMIT AND LICENSE CLERK ; ���_ . ± CITY OF ,�7�lliti T PAUL � ;���, r -. . �,,, �����`� �=% �tj �^ ' - OFFZCE OF T3E CITX COIIICIL �� �� s\�_-�, �:;; ; �;�; �";,.' i"' �; ,,. ':�:.;:•.•:'.�_ .�� - ,- - �-� � ^ �-�`• . Da t e : July 17, 1978 .�� _:.�� CO (� (� i i TEE F� t POR i 1" O : Sainfi Pau( Ci�y Councit . ��: � FROM = Commifi7e� OCl FI1NANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL j�z RUBY HUNT � c oirman, makes the fotlav�iing repo�t on C.F. ❑ Ordinance Q Resolution ' • [� Ofiher � The Finance Committee, at their meeting Ju.ly ]7, 1978, took the following action: Tt?'LE : , - 1 . Recommended approval of the council resolution providing supplemental appropriation of $219,000 to the 1978 budget. 2. Recommended approval of the council resolution approving the securities pledged by the designated bank to protect funds of the City of Saint Paul � while held in said bank. 3. Recommended approval� of the resolution approving an addition to the 1978 budget of �17,903 to the Financing Summary-transfer from Special Fund (City Ha11 and Cour.� House Unmatched Funds) and appropriating $17,903 to _ General Government Accounts-City Hall and Court House Building Improvements. 4. Recommended approval of resolution amending Civil Service Rules by adding the title Permit and License Clerk I to Section 6, Grade 24 under. the heading Clerical Group and amending Section 49 of the Rules by inserting the specifi- cations for the above title. 5. Recommended approval of resolution amending Civil Service Rules by striking the title Permit and� license' Clerk from Section�6, Grade 28 under the heading � Clerical Group and inserting in lieu thereof the title Permit Clerk II and amendang Section 49 of the Rules by striking the specifications for Permit ' and License Clerk and substituting in lieu thereof the specifications for Permit and License Clerk II. � 6. Recomnended approval of the resolution amending the Civil Service Rules by � adding the title Research Coordinator II to Section 6, Grade 10 under the heading Professional-Administrative Group and amending Section 49 of tt►e rules by inserting the specifications for the above title. '. :ITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAI[YT PAUL, b�IINNESOTA 55IO2