270729 WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I OF SA I NT PAIT L COUIICII �j> CANARV - DEPARTMENT •/j'��.� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �����F� ��• ,�cil Resolution Presented B Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the proper City officials to execute a Lease Agreement with Independent School District No. 625 for portions of the second floor of the Oxford Recreation Center for the purpose of �ssisting in the District' s 5chool—Within A—School Program, said lease cov�- ering the period from March 6, 1978 through January l, 1980, and in consideration of the District' s installing, maintaining and monitoring security and fire alarm systems at the Oxford Recrea— tion Center and the further consideration of a repainting of the entire interior of the Center at the expiration of the lease. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas � Nays COMMUNIT SERVICES Hozza [n Favor Hunt O Levine _ _ Against BY — Roedler Sylvester ,,Ae Tedesco �R � s �978 Form prov y City At or y Adopted by Council: Date — C Certified�i'ass��y Council Secc�tary BY- � ; _. l J By r Ap ro by Mayoc Dat � � ye�p App o ed by Mayor for s ' n to Council , , „ �Y'�-� By PUBLISNED MAR � 5 �y l� � ' � Rev01 . 9/8/765 . � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, �����.� OLUTI�N , ND ORDI N ES � �� �� � � ! Date : � � }� 1�J�`� March 7, 197$ µ . �,IU►�c�'� � - T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER .�:��+,� �� '`�� Thomas J. Kel l ey RE: i Council Resolution authorizing agreement with Ind. School District #625 ACTI01�1 REQUESTED: Approva� of Council Resolution . ! PURPOSE AND RATiONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Lease portions of Oxford Recreation Center in considlration of District's installing, n�intaining and monitoring security and �ire alarm systems and repain�ir�g interior of th� Center ATTACI�NTS: Council Resolution � Copy of Agreement � . ' , � ���`��� LEASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 1978, by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, hereinafter referred to as "City," and INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 625, hereinafter referred to. as "District," for the lease of portions of the City's Oxford Recreation Center, 1063 Iglehart Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "Facility"; WITNESSETH: IT IS P�fUTUALLY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY AND DISTRICT AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the City hereby leases to the District the following areas for - the Districtts "School-Within-A-School" program: a) Team lounge, second floor; b) Adult lounge, second floor; c) Open area lounge, second floor; d) Two offices in the northeast portion of the second floor of the Facility; and e) Gymnasium, first floor. Daily use for one hour between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon. 2. That the City also hereby leases to the District the use of the kitchen located in the Facility upon twenty-four (24) hours prior notice directed by the District to the City's Superintendent of Parks and Recreation. _ 3. That the City will provide for all custodial, heat, water, and electrical � . services to the Facility, including the area subject to this lease during the -team t�er�of. � 4. That the District will reimburse the City for any and all repairs necessitated because of the District's use of the Facility hereunder, reasonable wear and tear excepted. � � ,�'� '�;� 5. That the District will at all times retain direct possession of and control of the keys to the Facility, and said keys shall not be loaned or given to any person other than a bona fide District employee or agent. 6. That any alterations of the leased portions of the Facility shall only be performed with the prior approval of the City's Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, and said alterations shall then be performed under his direction and control. 7. That the District will save and hold harmless the City from any and all claims of whatever kind or nature that may arise out of its, its staff, or students` participation in the District�s programs and events at the Facility and as such claims may be occasioned by the negligent acts or omissions of the District or its staff or agents. - � 8. That the term of this lease shall be from March 6, 1978, through January 1, 1980, from 7:00 a.m, to 1:00 p.m. , Monday through Friday, during the regularly established school year. The District shall have the right to extend the term of lease for an additional year if Central High School construction is not completed for occupancy by January 1, 1980. 9. That the lease is contingent upon and subject to receipt of approval State from the�Department of Education and the City of St. Paul, Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement. 10. That in consideration of the lease herein granted to the District, the - District agrees to install a security system, repair the existing fire alarm system, .and maintain the security and fire alarm system throughout . the entire Facility. The District further agrees to pay all the costs - , of such installation, maintenance, and monitoring of the security and , � fire -alarm -systems, and at the expiration of this lease, ail equipment installed in the Facility as part of either system shall become the property of the City. Further, at the expiration of this lease, the District agrees to provide and pay for repainting of all of the interior of the Facility. - 2 - � • r � � � . 2'����� . ,. � IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties have set their hands the date first above written and to be inserted by the City's Director of Finance and Pianagement Services. Approved as to Form: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Assistant City Attorney BY: Piayor Director, Department of Community Services _ � Director, Department of Finance and Management Services Approved as to Form: IiJDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 625 . � � �,.�^'� ��� �[.Gd�z:.�� ��, ���`°'�'�''c'°' �- B • ,.� ,� School District Attorney y. . / Its k� " Chairperson ; � . , ,���' It� Treasurer - 3 -