270726 i WNI7E - CIT�V CLERK � . � � 1 � PIN#(� FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ������ � CANARV�EPARTMENT 1 - BLyUE AVOR . �FI1@ NO. � � r � I uncil Resolution � Presented By ' � Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date � WHEREAS the Commissioner of Transportation for the State of Mi�nesota has caused to be prepared: plans, special provisions, and specifications fo� the i�rovement of Tcnhk , Highway No. 126, renumbered as Trunk Nighway No. 49, within the oo�porate limits of the City of St. Paul , from Arlington Ave. to Larpenteur Ave. ; and, WHEREAS sald plans are on file in the office of the Depart�pent of�ar�portation, St. Paul , Minnesota; be1�g marked, labeled, and identifisd as: S.P. 6213-3Z (4�126) ; and, WHEREAS said special provisions are on file in the office of the Department of : Transportation, St, Paul , Minnesota; being marked, labeled, and identified as: S.P. 6213-32 E4g•12b) ; and which, together with the "Minnesota Department of Highways ; Standard Specifications for Highway Construction," d�ted January i , 1972, as amended � by Minnesota Department of Highways Supplemental Speciftcahtions for Highway Construction� � dated April l , 1976, will govern, and which ara on file in the offfce of the Conanissioner ' of Transportation, constitute the specifications fo� said improvement of Trunk Htghway No. 126, renumbered as Trunk Highway No. .49; and, WHEREAS copies of sa[d plans and special provisions as so marked, lab�led and identified are also on file in the Office of the Dtrector of Public Wo�ks; and, IJHEREAS the te�m, "said plans �nd special provisions,"''as he rainafter used in the body ' of this Resolution wili be deemed and lntended to mean, refer to, and inco�porate the plans and speciai provi�ions t� the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described; and, WHEREAS the Cortqnissioner of T�ansportation desires in the interest of pubiic safety that any and ali parking of vehicles, if such parktng is pe rmitted within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paui � o� said Trunk Highway No. 126, renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 49', will be parallel with the curb adjacent to the highway and will be at least 20 feet from any crosswalk. - NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said plana and special provisions for the improvement of Trunk Highway No. 126, renumbored as Trunk Highway No. 49, within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul , be and hereby are approved. COUNCILMEN Requested by Departmen f: Yeas Nays Butler Pub 1 i c Works Hozza [n Favor . Hunt Levine __ Against By Ri chard L Wheeler Roedler S ylvester . Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date , Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By .� Approved by Mayor. Date App o d by Mayor for S i ion to Eouncil By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK COUi1C1I PINK` - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L 1 ������� � CANARV OEPARTMENT � �i� � B�E. �A V O R F l l@ N O. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ci ty of St. Paul does hereby agree to requi re the parking of all vehictes, if such parking is permitted within thq� corporate limits of said City, on said Trunk Hi�way No. 126, renumbered Trunk Highway No. 49, will be parailei with the curb adjacent to the highway, and at least 20 feet f�om any crosswalks on all public streets intersecting said trunk highway. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the e�evations and grades as shown in said pians and special provisio�s are hereby approvad and consent is hereby given to any a�d ail changes in grade occastoned by the const�uction af Trunk Highway No. 126, renumbered Trunk Highway No. 49, in acco�dance with said pians and speciat provisions. COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � � Pub 1 t c Works Ho�a In Favor �` , „ Hunt � � Levine __ Against By Ri Ch�rd . heelel' " Roedler , Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date MqR � 6 1978 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Yasse by.•I�uncil Secretary BY B � 4 �� y�-�`~ ��----�.- Ap r v d by iVlavor. D e ' � � 2. 0 19 Approv d Mayor for Sub ' sio o C ' cil gy By PUBLISHED MAR Z ���— , . � OM U1: 12/197� Rev. : 9J8/75 EXPLP.NAfiION C�F �'iDMI11IS'�Rt�TI'VE C7RDERS, * "►�' . RESOLUI'ION.`'i, Ai�fD ORDI�iAit!C�S �����r..•' _ � �ate: Ma�ch 2, t978 �E �; . � �'r� � , � . — . �ti��' � ��7g Tp; MAYOR GEORGE i�ATIMER �� � ' FR: RICHARD l. MHEELER, Assistant OtR�ctor S Chief Engineer gE; P-0751 Pavtng of Rice St. fr.om Ariington to Larpenteur, work betng dona - ; . by Mtnn. Dept. of Ttanspo�tatton fNnDOT) . � � C: � �; A�TIOt3 REQUiSTED: ' � � �� Cou�cii approval of Resolution approving the attached MnDOT plans. �° .. _ J Councii Action is requested by Ma�ch 21 , 1978 so that the adipted resolutio� is � r�ceived by MnDOT prior to March 24, 197$. I � Trnfftc wtll be detoured up to SZ consecutive working days. f A pubiic i�formational meeting wili be held on Ma�ch 7, 7:00 PM at Washington High School. PU.RPOSE F,ND R.ATIG�IALF F�R THIS ACTI�N: State Statutes require City consent prior to opening of bids. Estimatad coat $220,000 • Financing � T.H. Funds from MnDOT 176,000 . MSA-City contcibution 44 000 - inciuded in 1978 Capital Improvemen.t Budget 6 Progr 220, 00 ATTACFiME�1TS: Resolution trans�ai tt,j�l letter from MnDOT �,,,. � �����`�� � ��NNESp�,q yo � � � � Q Minnesota Department of Transportation � � � ��yTOF TRP���O District 9 3485 Hadley Avenue North,Box 2050 February 23, 197� North St. Paul, Minnesota 55109 (612)770�2311 �1r. Daniel Dunford Public Works Director 234 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 in reply refer to: 319 S.P. 6213-32 and 6214-45 (49=126) Construction Plans, Special Provisions Within the City of St. Paul from Arlington Avenue to Demont Avenue Grading, Curb and Gutter, and Reconstruction of Bituminous Surfacing City`of St. Paul Dear Mr. Dunford: Transmitted herewith are Construction Plans, S�ecial Provisions, and Resolution relating to the proposed location and construction nn the above referenced project within the corporate limits of your City. If agreeable with you, will you please place this matter for consideration on the agenda of an early council meeting for its approval . After execution of the resolution, return one certified copy to this office. Wilt you kindty advise this office when this matter will be considered by your council . This project is scheduled for ietting on Pfarch 31 , 197$• Since State Statutes reguire City c onsent prior to opening of bids, it is imperative that we have this resolution in our possession prior to March 24, 1978. Sincere]y, r:��..�� �r rles E. Burrill , P.E. strict Director E�closure: An Equa] Opportunity Employer ��