270723 WHI7E - CITV CLERK COUIICIl ��� i f��� PINK � - FINANCE � f � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL� 1 � '� . BLUE � - MAVOR � Flle NO. Council Resolution Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Pau1, an agreement between the City and the County of Ramsey whereby the City and County agree to cooperate in the participation with the Twin City Area Urban Corps Program, and whereby the County will appropriate $17,190.00 (seventeen thousand one hundred ninety dollars) and the City will appropriate $25,786.00 (twenty-five thousand seven hundred eighty-six dollars) to this program all in accordance with the adopted Budget of the City of Saint Paul as approved by the City Council. Activity Number: 09090 � APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: , i I �,E;�:�._-, ' I Bernard J. Car son I Director, Finance and Management Services �� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � " er , Hozza [n Favor � Hunt -' ! — � --� _ - / ��' - - .�.i Levine __ Against BY �" '"' _ - Roedler �— Sylvester • � � � Tedesco / �// ' ��/ Adopted by Council: Date � � 6 �9�8 For A�proved Ci c Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By ' � � � App by Mayoc Dat Ap ved by Mayor for u ission to Council By BY PUBLiSHED MAR � 5 �g�$ .. � . „� (' , ,,�� , ���,��R� V[ 1 AGREEr1E NT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 1978 by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUT., hereinafter referred to as the "City", and the C�UNTY AF RAMSEY, acting by and through 1ta Board of Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the "Caunty", both acting pursuant to the provision o£ Minnesota Statutes, Section 47�.59; • ' WITNES SETEi: . WFiEREAS, the objectives of the pr�gram are: _ 1. �� provide the City and County with the skills, motivation, czeativity, and enthusissm of college students. 2. To provide the college student with a valuable work experience in local government and at the same time expose her/him to some o£ the realistic, pragmatic problems in City and Countp government. ' � � � 3. To create a lisisaa between local government and the academic co�amunity, thereby enab'ling both to utilize more fully the ' resources of the other. . NOW, TF�REFORE, by mutual agreement o£ the parties hereto, the following . agreement is entered into and made effective as follows: 1. An Urbaa Corps Intern Work Program shall be carried on under the supervision of an Urban Corps Coordinatar, whose duties shall be as follows: � s. Introduce and describe the operationsl procedures of the Zntern �Pragram to the various departments. . b. To develop within the departments meaningfu2 internships. c. To be responsible for the training and orientation of � the intern�s direet supervisor, � � d. To recruit and place .worthwhile interns from the various ' colleges under the Urban Corps. 2. The Urban Corps Coordinatvr shall work under the supervision of the Mayor of Saint Paul. Appointment o£ the Coordinatvr is to be by the County Commissioners, the Mayor of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul-Ramsey County Urban Corps Office, each party having - one equal vote. . � , �.- .. . J'. . ,,� _�r . , M . r ' I . P`ai���' /(��s� r - 3. Office space foz the Saint Paul,-Ramaey County Coordinator will be provided by the Gity. 4. The total cost of the tasks and purposes set forth are estimated , _ tb be $42,976.00 (Forty-two thousand, nine hundred sevenCy-six dollars) . Of this amount, the County ehell pay $1Z,190.00 � (Seventeen thousand, one hundred ninety dollars) , and the City shall pay $25,786.00 (Twenty-five thousand, seven hundred � eighty-six doZlars). The County will pay said amount in , quarterly installments to the City beginning� January 1, 1978. . Should the total cost to the City be less than that stated above, the City sha11 retura to the County 407e of the unspent sum at the expiration ot the agreement. 5. This agreement shall terminate December 31, I978. However, , either party may terminate the agreement priar to that time �upon ninety days written notice. Should such right of termination � be exercised, thea only the pro-rata portion of auch installment . coming due herein sha11 be paid or shall the terminating party be liable for. ' IN WITI�SS WFiEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be - executed the day and year first above written. • � THE COUNZy OF RAMSEY - � ry • • . ��J]/ /F��-� .._. i � _ ` Chairman of the Boa� of Gommissioners . ' (/un�r� _ D 90 �p A�sT: . - �� � � �/ . Approved as to F d Execation: � � ' ". � �� . �— Assf'� tant `County At Executive Secretary � THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL A oved to Form: , Mayor c � Assistant Ci y A torney Director, Department of Finance and • Management Services �C